40 70 FIND OUT, Fill a bottle or common glass with wgrine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is positive evidence of kidney trouble. Too fre- quent desire to urinate or pain in the ’ back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge 80 often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-root, the great kidney remedy fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, or bad ef- fects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cares of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have she best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention THE PaTroN Courier and send your ad- dress to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham- ton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. wy Rayo Cathartic, the most wane gre of the age, pv to tae taste, act geuuly liver nnd bdswels, system, qispel colds, § y r, habitual constipation N: inusness. Please buy and uy a hox af CG. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DRS W. Worrell x Office in Good Building, Room No. 3. A General Surgury and the Eye a Specialty. All ealls will receive prompt attention. La [GE sling j. VAN WILSON, Surgeon Dentist. raduate Philadelphia Dental College. Special attention given to the preservation _ of the natural teeth. Artificial teeth a specialty. Good Building, Patton, Pa. Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office in Arlington block, next to Postoflice, Patton, Pa. All night calls responded to promptly. Disease of the ear, nose and throat | given special attention. OFFICE HOURS: —7to9a mand 12to2pm "MILLINERY, And up-to-date novelties for women. Anything special will be ordered upon short motice. Prices moderate. ALICE A. ASHCROFT, Opposite Commercial Hotel, Patton. TOBACCO and CIGARS The finest line in Patton at G. J. FITZPATRICK’S Restaurant on Magee avenue, near P. R. R. depot. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. ‘CENTRAL - HOTEL, JOHN R. CORDELL, Prop'r. * Accommodations the best. First-class Bar in connection. RATES $1.25 PER DAY. gr PATTON HOTEL, WM. A. MELLON, PROP’R, ~ First-class accommodations. Table supplied with the best the market affords. Choice WINES and LIQUORS at the Bar. * CHAS. F. LEHMAN, Hair Cutting and Shaving Parlors, Good Building, at Main Entrance. AIRY AND ELEGANT ROOM. Give him a call. . Your Watch may need Regulating. Let uslook at it. No charge for examination. If it needs attention we'll tell you, and if you would have us put itin stape we'll do it well at a regular charge that you won't object to. TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, PATTON, PA. Office in the Good Building. AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. Accommodations first-class. Best of Liquors and Wines at the bar. Stabling attached. . GEORGE FERGUSON, WH DAVIS,— Attorney and Counselor at Law, EBENSBURG, PA. All legal business promptly attended to. Office in Barker Building. Get Your FIRE INSORANCE ——From-—— James Mellon, J. P. Good and reliable com- panies. Office corner of Fifth and Magee Aves. USEFUL INFORMATION. Picked up Here and 1 There-To be Con- tinued Arizona ranks fifth in silver, ninth in gold, eighth in sheep, forty-first in miles of railway, forty-eighth in popu- lation. First explored by the Spaniards in 1526 ; organized as a territory 1863. “Liberty,” Bartholdi’s statue, pre- sented to the Uuited States by the French people in 1885, is the largest statue ever built. Bight years of time were consumed in its constrnction. Its weight is 440,000 pounds, of which 146,000 pounds arecopper, the remaind- er iron and steel. The mammoth elec- tric light held in the hand of the gaintess is 805 feet above tide water. The height of the figure is 152} feet, the pedestal 91 feet, and the foundation 52 feet and 10 inches. Forty persons can find standing room within the mighty head, which is 14} feet in diameter. A six foot man standing on the lower lip could hardly reach the eyes. The in- dex finger is eight feet in length and the nose 3} feet. The largest stone bridge is at Lagang, China. It crosses an arm of the China Sea, is nearly six miles in length, is composed entirely of stone, and has three hundred arches, each seventy feet high. The largest truss iron bridge in the world crossess the Firth of Tay, in Scotland. It is 18,612 feet in length and composed of eighty-five spans. The largest wooden bridge in the world is that crossing Lake Ponchartrain, near New Orleans, La. It is’trestle-work twenty-one miles in length, built of cy- pres, piles of which have been saturated with creosote oil to preserve them. The highest bridge in the United States is over Kinzua Creek, near Bradford, Pa. It was built in 1883, has a total span of 2,051 feet and is 301 feet above the creek bed. : : Jesse L. Test, Esq., an old resident | and highly respected citizen of our | town, called this morning and after purchasing a bottle of chamberlain’s colic, cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, said: “If anyone asks you if this rem- edy will do what is claimed for it, tell them yes and refer them to me.” H. Alexander Stoke, Reynoldsville, Pa. No one can doubt the value of this medicine after giving it a fair trial. Then it is pleasant and safe to take, making it especially valuable for children. For sale by Patton Pharm- acy, C. W. Hodgkins. A Great Medicine Given Away. CA STORIA. To Advertisers, he fa wes Hereafter all patrons who wish a slgeatare display advertisement in the PATTON o . COURIER, or who wish to change their | Industrial Exposition at Pittsburg. For the Industrial’ Exposition at Pittsburg the Pennsylvania Railroad company will sell, on September 21 and 30, excursion tickets from sta- tions on the Pittsburg Division and branches, and from stations on the Indiana Branch of the West Pennsyl- vauia Division to Pittsburg and return at half-fare, with price of admission to the exposition added. (No ticket to be sold for less than seventy-five cents, including admission coupon). These tickets will be good going only on regular trains leaving stations at or before noon on the day of issue, and will be good for return passage until the following day inclusive. Excursion tickets for this occasion will also be sold under similar condi- tions from stations on the Monongahela Division on September 16, 22 and 30, quickly cured by Dr. Otto’s Great and from stations on the West Penn- | German Remedy. Sample bottles of sylvania Division, except Blairsville Otto's Cure are being given away by and the Indiana Branch (tickets read | Our agent, C. W. Hodgkins. Large to Allegheny City) on September 8, 16, | sizes 25 and 50 cents. i 22 and 28. bh Moments are useless if trifled away; It is not unusual for druggists to and they are dangerously wasted if recommend chamberlain’s cough Rem- | consumed by delay in case where One edy to their customers. Many of them | Minute cough cure would bring im- have used it themselves, or in their | mediate relief. C. W. Hodgkins, Pat- families and know from personal ex- | ton Pharmacy. perience its great value in ‘the treat- | $ ( “ad” now running, must hand their | copy 1n not later than Monday evening | of each week. If handed in later than | Monday evening it will have to be held over ’till the next week. Try to get copy in early. ParroxN Pus. co. Shiloh’s where others fail. cough cure and no home should be consumption cure cures it is the leading right to the spot. Store. Consumption is now known to be curable if taken in time—the German remedy known as Otto’s Cure, having been found to be an almost certain cure for the disease. chitis, croup, coughs, colds, pneumonia and all throat and lung diseases are ment of coughs, colds and croup. | .00 Pet Month Tuition They know that their customers are | their best friends and naturally wish) Moitiods MAKES A LAWYER. to give them the most reliable medicine | p.riculars address WASEINGTON CORRESPONDENCE they have for those ailments. Messrs. | LAW SCHOOL, 1420 N. Y. Ave., Washington, D, C. Daugherty Bros., prominent druggists | - of Indiana, Pa., say, “We sell more of | ™ Te chamberlain’s cough Remedy than of | i AGENTS any other cough syrup, and always take pleasure in recommending it to | Ete our customers.”” Mr. H. M. Urey, the | BOTH MEN AN: WOMEN. If you are i i | willing to work, we can give you em)loyment popular druggist at Fredonia, Pa., | with GOOD PAY, and you can work all or part who has sold chamberlain’s cough | fine, and gh fms ur aveling. The work is Remedy for several years, says: Out i. —If You.— ‘Want money. C. W. Hodgkins is now giving free | to all a trial package of the great herbal remedy, Bacon’s Celery King. ! If ladies suffering from nervous dis- | orders and constipation will use this remedy they will soon be free from the headaches and backaches that have | caused them so much suffering. Itis| a perfect regulator. It quickly cures billiousness, indigestion, eruptions of the skin and all blood diseases. Large sizes 25 and 50 cents. The ‘Bicyclist’s Best Friend” is a familiar name for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, always ready for emerg- | encies. While a specific for piles, it also instantly relieves and cares cuts, bruises, salt rheum, eczema, and all affections of the skin. It never fails. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmcy. What Dr. A. E. Salter Says. Buffalo, N. Y.—GENTS:—From my personal knowledge, gained in observ- ing the effect of your Shiloh’s cure in cases of advanced consumption, I am prepared to say it is the most remark- able remedy that has ever been brought to my attention. It has certainly saved many from consumption. Sold at Corner Drug Store. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or 81. Cure guaran- teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York For constipation take Karl's Clover "| Root Tea, the great blood purifier. cures headache, nervousness, eruptions on the face, and makes the head as clear as a bell. Sold at Corner Drug Store. Clinton St., Johnstown. BARGAINS as long as they WILL LAST All Spring and Summer goods must go at any price. We want to clean counters for our Fall Goods. you to go to It will pay Patton, Pa. Quinn's, Johnstown. Want a cook. Want boarders. | Want a partner. i Want a servant girl. | Want to sell a farm. Want to sell a house. Want to rent a house. Want to exchange anything. Want to sell plants or grain. Want to sell groceries of drugs. Want to sell or trade anything. Want to find customers for anything. Want to sell or buy horses, mules, cattle, Ete., Advertise : In THE PATTON COURIER. ! It’s a sure winner. ! AT ONCE for terms,ete,to y 3 YHE HAWKS NURSERY COMPANY, of the sixty dozen chamberlain’s cough | Remedy I have bought in the last two | de el, winters I have only one and a half| ng dozen left. It gives me pleasure to say | have not had a single customer say it | did not give all the relief claimed for | it.”” For sale at 256 and 50 cents per | s | @ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. Hodgkins. | SOUR OFFICES OPPOSITE U, S. PATENT OFFICE! and we cansecure patent in less time than those Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge, Our fee not due till patent is secured, cost of same in the U, S. and foreign countries sent free, Address, C.A.SNOW& CO. ROCHESTER, N. Y. that out of the whole amount sold I| bottle by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. | 3Caveats,and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat- remote from Washington, A PAMPHLET, ** How to Obtain Patents,” with _OPP, PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. ¢ ; SUBSCRIBE —For the Hatton 11 . Courier ,——Only —— | $1.00 Per Year Certainly you don’t want to suffer with | dyspeysia, constipation, sick headache, ! sallow skin and loss of appetite. You! have never tried DeWitt’s Little Early Risers for these complaints or you! They are C. W. > would have been cured. small pills but great regulators. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, UTI] ANegetable Preparation for As- & Tap-imile | AeacitiePepuaionirds: || Bears the Facsimile ting the Stomachs and Bowels of p qi ne Fp, a { fry ros A Ch i . —(F— Promotes Digestion Cheerful- | ness and Rest Contains neither a? Opium, Morphine nor Mineral. LE 2m Nor NARCOTIC. Fi Plies d | é . | tli Jem or O12 Dr SAMUEL PITCHER im Focal Salts - uw i : Anise Seed + v Eas \ V RAPPER | i Vier Seed - i OF EVERY fect Remedy for Constipa- nan, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Wore Convulsions, Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. trey BOTTLE. TC I— THE KIND YOU HAVE JALWAYS BOUGHT. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. XAT NORPY OF WRAPFER. NA cusere nw RR IS A Famous German Doctor's Work, | | Pittsburg & Eastern Time | Mahaffe w——g—— “Haile sigoature OASTORIA. h " arnell & Cowher FIRE LIFE AND ACCIDENT sm mS without it. Pleasant to take and goes ym i - Sold at Corner Drug | © Loans and Real Estate. | OFFICE IN GOOD BUILD’G. Telephone Connected. | ann, on BipstNation'| Bank OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. CAPITAL PATD UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, $30,000.00. Accounts of Corporations, Firms, Individu- als and Banks received upon the most favora- ble terms consistent with safe and conservative banking. Steamship tickets for sale for all the leadin, lines, Foreign Drafts payable in the principa cities of the Old World, All correspondence will have our promptand personal attention. Interest paid on time deposits. A. E. PATTON, WM. H. SANDFORD, President. Cashier. DRUNKENNESS Gs Without the Rnowledge of the patient, can be given strictly in tea, coffee or soup, and the pa- tient will lc 11 taste for drink without know- ing why; it is fo, sure and reliable; one box will cure any ordinary case. Price $1.00 post- paid; free particulars in plain envelope for 2c, stamp. THE CARTER CHEMICAL CO., 120 South Second St., Philadelphia. YOUR FORTUNE Is your health. Yourhnappiness is your strength. Keep the Head and Throat clear and healthy and your mind and brain is always at rest and ease. CUSHMAN’S MENTIOQL INHALER {s the greatest relief to mankind dn all hend troubles. SURES COLDS, SORE "THROAT, CA- RRM. hat awful edey of Catarrh dis. appears by ue use. Wonderful in Hay Feverand Asthma. "BUY ONLY CUSHMAN’S, If you can’t get it ut Deuygists send for it. By mull, 50 eents. Send for Book on Menthol, free. CUSHMAN DRUG C0., VINCENNES, IND., U. 8, A, Salary and expenses Permanent osition: 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, ‘DESICNS, COPYRICHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of any scientific journal, weekly, terms $3.00 a year; ih six months. Specimen copies and ID 00K ON PATENTS sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway, New York. &* A NEW + o£ Champion 4 Washer. Will wash Cleaner, Quicker, with more ease and less injury to the clothes than any machine now in use, Over 75,000 sold, all giving satisfaction, Don’t confuse this with the Washing Machines you have seen. This is something entirely new, Can not get out of order, PRICE WITHIN the REACH of EVERYONE. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Champion Washing Machine Co., 310 West Fear! St., CINCINNATI, OHIO. Table. TO TAKE EFFECT APRIL 19, 1897. Westward Leave Nol No3 Nob a.m. p.m. p. m, Union Station (Mahaffey 630 200 530 Beech Creek Junction 632 202 532 Mahaffey 635 204 535 Whiskey 643 210 542 McGees 646 212 545 Wetzel f. 650 215 548 Burnside. 706 227 600 Branch Junction f. 708 229 603 Glen Campbell 715 235 610 Horton Run f.. 718 236 613 Fuller Run..... . T20 238 615 Eastward Leave N02 No4 Noé a.m, p.m. p,m, Fuller Run 20 238 Horton Run t.. 2 239 Glen Campbell.. 25 240 Branch Junetior Beech Ore Union Station (Mahaf f. Flag station. Connections—At Union station, \Mahaffey, with Beech Creek railroad, C. & C. division Pennsylvania railroad, and P. & N. W. rail- road; at Whiskey Run with McGees & New- tonbun railroad; at McGees with P. & N. W. railroad. Notes—Until further notice trains will run only between Union Station (Mahaftey) and Glen Campbell. All trains daily except Sun- day. S. H. Hicks, General Manager, Wor pT ~T~Tmy~Ttmg=a A Ww 8 “Toaaoooooooed SERRE HEERESE! [ESRLLER & Beech Creek Railroad. N.Y. 0. &H. R. R. Co. Lessee. Condensed Time Table. Read wp . Read down Exp Mail Nov, 16, 1896 Exp Mail No37 Nos No 30 No 386 pm pm am pm 55 ar Patton Iv Rh 00 134 Westover 930 110ar Mahatley 905 1235 Iv Kerrmoor 855 122) Gazzam 1 849 1215 ar Kerrmoor 8451211 New Millport 839 1205 Olanta 833 1159 Mitchells S806 1140 1v Clearfield June 805 1130 Clearfield “ 757 1121 ar Clearfield June Iv635 639 748 1112 Woodland G45 6 47 7421105 Bigler 652 653 737 1058 Wallaceton 657 6459 728 1030 Morrisdale Mines 706 707 7201041 1v Munson ar715 715 655 1016 1v) Philipsburg far740 740 740 11 0larj ¥e Iviess 655 718 1036 ar Munson Iv717 717 7121032 Winburne 722 12 6 46 10 12 Peale 740 742 625 9 50 Gillintown 757 801 G16 943 Snow Shoe 804 BOS 518 848 Beech Creek 848 BAT 505 833 Mill Hall 901 910 458 825 _ Lock Haven 907 917 4 0 8 15 Youngsdale (Wayne) 916 927 437 800 Jersey Shore Junction 920 940 432 755 Jersey Shore 930 945 7402 17 251v Williamsport ar 1005 10 20 pm am am pm m am. Phil'a & Reading RR am pm 2 30 *6 55 ar Williamsport, ly +10 20 *11 30 18 35%11 30 lv Philadelphia ar 505 710 +4 30 Iv NY via Tamaqua ar 600 ¢900lv NYvia Phila ar b725 1930 *Daily Weekdays #5 00 p m Sundays Air _ 11055 an Sundays b,” New York passengers traveling via Phil- ! adelphia on 10:20 a m train from Williamsport | will change cars at Columbia Ave, Phila. Connections—At Williamsport with Phila- delphia and Reading railroad; at Jersey Shore with the Fall Brook Ry.; at Miil all with (lentral Railroad of Pennsylvania; at Philipsburg with Pennsylvania railroad and Altoona & Philipsburg Connecting railroad; at | Clearfield with the Buffalo, Rochester and | Pittsburg railway; at Mahaffey and Patton with Cambria and Clearfield division of the Pennsyvania railroad; at Mahaffey with the Pennsylvania and Northwestern railway. A. G. Palmer, F. E. Herriman Superintendent. Gen, Pass, Agent, Philadelphia, Pa. Pennsylvania Railroad Time Table May 17, 1897. Main Line. | Leave Cresson—Eastward. Sea Shore Express, week da y Atoona Accommodation, wei | Main Line Express, daily 630 a m 923 am 1059 a m Altoona Accommodation 100 | Mail Express, daily 517 ? nm | Philadelphia Express, d S1lpm Leave Cresson—Westward. Johnstow am am pm 0 pm pm 834 pm 2 Exp | Fastline, daily | Johnstown Accom., week days cambria and clearfield. Southward. Morning train for Patton and Glen Campbell 4:45; { Jose Jes 5:5 son leaves a m; La 3; Gar- son) 6:28; Patton 6:48; Bradley tion 7 Kaylor (for Ebensburg) 7:21; arriving at Cresson at 8:10 a m. Afternoon train for Patton and Cresson | Ce 11 at 2:15 p m; Mahaffey at : ar 3:22; F ngs 3:43; Garway (for ; Bradley Junction it Cresson at 5:05. Northward. Morning train leaves Cresson for Mahaffey {at 9:30; Ebensburg 10:00: Kaylor 10:21; Bradley Junction 10:33; Patton 10:47; Garway (for Hast- | ings) 11:07; Hastings (for Mahaffey) 11;23; Gar- | way (for Mahaffey) 11:38; Westover 11:41; La- Jose 12:02; Mahaffey 12:15; arriving at Glen Campbell at 12:45. Afternoon train for Pat- ton and Glen Campbell leaves Cresson at 5:25; ylor 5:41; Ebensburg ; Bradley Junction 3; Patton 6:4 Garway (for Hastings) 7:02; Hastings (for Glean Campbell) 7 Garway (for Glen Campbell) Westover 7:39; LaJosc 7: Mahaffey 8:10; arriving at Glen Campbell | at 8:40 p m, | For rates; maps, ete, apply to ticket agent | or address Thos, E. Watt, P. At Fifth avenue, Pitttsburg, Pa. ? | J.B. Hutchinsen, { Gen. Mgr. J. R. Wood, Gen, Pass. Agt. BR & P Time Table. The Short Line between DuBois, Ridgway Bradford, Saamanca, Buffao, Rochester SN agara Falls, and points in the upper Oil Region. On and after Nov. 10, 1895, passenger trains will arrive and depart from Falls Creek Station, daily, except Sunday, as follows: 10:00 a. m.—Buffalo and Rochester mail—For Brockwayyville, Ridgway, Johnsonburg, Mt. Jewett, Bradford, Salamanca, Buffalo, and Rochester; connecting at Johnsonburg with P. & E. train 3 for Wilcox, Kane, Warren Corry, and Erie. ! 10:27 a. m,—Express from Bradford, Johnson- burg, Ridgway, Brockwayville, and inter- mediate stations, for DuBois and Punxsu- tawney. 1:35 p. m.—Accommodation—For DuBois, Syk- es, Big Run, and Punxsutawney. : 2:20 p. m.—Bradford Accommodation—For Beechtree, Brockwayville, Ellmont, Carmon, Ridgway, Johnsonburg, Mt. Jewett, and 4 Bradford, :30 p. m.—mai—For DuBois, Sykes, Big R Punxsutawney, and Walston. » Big Bun, Trains arrive—10:00 a m mail from Walston and Punxsutawney; 10:27 Express from Bradford ‘and intermediate stations; 1:10 p m, accommodation from Punxsutawney; 2:20 Express from Punxsutawney; 4:30 Pp m, mail from Buffao and Rochester. C & M Division. i = FALLS CREEK 175 B17 AND 170 174 PD CLEARFIELD ) m m am ar vampm 725 110 Fasll Creek 725 p 720 1250 940 DuBois 730 450 714 1245 925 DuBois Junction 738 458 0 Salem ¥7 41 707 1235 900 Luthersburg 745 505 701 1227 846 Rockton 751 512 *6 57 *840 Anderson Viaduct *7 56 *6 49 *12006 *8 19 Booms *8 07 *5 27 *6 40 *1157 *8 00 Bridgeport *8 15 6 36 3 52 745 Curwensville 820 542 * 30 *1146 *713 Wrights *8 26 623 1140 700 Cearfl’d Market St. 835 555 615 1130 ‘“ Beech Creek 845 605 Depot Pm am am lv ar am pm *Flag. spel, except Sunday. Train No. 71 connects at DuBois for Ridg- way, Johnsonburg, Bradford, Buffalo and Rochosten : rain No 73 connects at DuBois fo rad fe an ii r Bradford, Train No.74 connects at Clearfield with Pooch Cees rajiroad 2 Philipsburg, Lock aven, Jersey Shore, Willamsport, Philadel- and New York. ? port, Phinda) Thousand mile tickets at two cents per mile, good for passage between all stations. Edward C. Lapey, Gen. Pas, Agt. ; Rochester, N. Y. &Za-Passengers are requested to purchase tick- ets before entering the cars. An excess charge of ten cents will be collected by conductors when fares are paid on trains, from all stations where a ticket office is maintained. R. F. Notley, Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. D. Lutz & Son’s Beer a Specialty. Our Bottled Beer and Porter for family use cannot be excelled. Prices are reasonable. FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. 2111 HASTINGS, PA. Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. Mahaffey, Pa. with a Nov hustle ceive t Bes ticula: Man wo! Woman’ An Ame boor She finis J. ‘H PRI Wring Tubs... Boiler: Wash et » Tin C: Fruit _ Jelly ( Preser Kettle Ice Cr Freeze Churn Miner: Suppli