ch’ he d- ed 1d ¥ i n- te ob ht er e. d. nd is T- he vo ne ot: r- | : 1- 1 ct OQ ds an Ld o> 3 WR NOT THE WAY IT WAS, Things Had Not Changed at All Since Heo g Was Young. Three young men were sitting to- gether ig.the rotunda of one of the big hotels. They were discussing the prog- reas of invention, “It's strange,’ said one, ‘‘how com- pletely old ways of doing thing have been superseded. You may talk about its being hard to introduce inventions, bat if a scheme is any good it'll be uni- versally adopted nowadays in no time. Why, you'll find even middle aged men who remember when everything in use was different. There’s hardly a thing now that’s done the same way or by , the same appliances as it was when they were young. Why, my uncle can remember the time when every kind of goods was made by hand, and be isn't very old either. It’s laughable to hear him tell how they used to get along. Everything, it seems, was done about the slowest and hardest way on earth. People used to think that they were in the world to work, and it didn’t make | much difference what they were at. 1 tell. you, boys, you don’t appreciate what it is to live in these days.’’ At this juncture a man with entirely gray hair foided his paper preparatory to departing and looked at the crowd near him. One of them, observing him, ventured to ask what he thought about it. “Pretty nearly right, I guess,’ he said. “Now, J suppose,’ began another, “you can remember when the horse car was the only known method of metro- politan conveyance, when bicycles were a thing to come, when telephones were an experiment, when they didn’t make any ice in July, when most of the steel in buildings was in the door locks, when newspapers printed two sheets and thought them heavy, when fountain pens were an undisturbed dream, when aluminium was a theory and when harvesters were beginning to be talked about. ’’ ‘No,’ returned the person addressed. ‘I'd like to agree with you, but I can’t do it. The facts are otherwise. When I was a young man, business men used typewriters. A good many were think- ing about putting in a phonograph. People who didn’t own any bicycles or feel like paying for a cab usually trav- eled around town in a cable or electric car. Telephones cost 10 cents a try just as they do now, unless you knew some- body you could sponge on. Airships would gc up and come down pretty much as they do now. The Sunday pa- pers were so full of ads. that it tock till Monday to find anything to read. Smoke consumers were making Chicago a beautiful place to live in.’ The gathering was now looking in- credulofis. Things seemed to need an explanation. So he concluded: ‘‘You see, I got this gray hair trying to make a soda water manufactory pay in Kan- sas. Then a beard will add afew years. I was 27 last March. ’’—Chicago Times- Herald. Getting Married. In “His Quest of the Golden Girl” Richard Le Galliene, in one of his open- ing chapters says: ‘Undoubtedly the nicest way to get married is on the sly, and indeed it is at present becoming quite fashionable. Many young couples of my acquaint- ance, who have had no other reason for concealing ‘the fact beyond their own whim, have thus slipped off without saying a word to anybody and returned full blown housekeepers, with at home days of ‘their own and’ everything else like real married people—for, as the old lady d tome, ‘You can never be sure of married people nowadays unless you have been at the wedding.’ ”’ The author then further philosophizes as follows: “I don’t krow myself what getting married feels like, but it cannot be much more than watching other ye » getting married. Indeed, I alway t something like palpivation of the heart just before the priest utters the final fateful words, ‘1 declare yon man gud wife.” Half a second before you were still free. Half a second after you were bound for the term of your natural life. Half a second before you had only to dash the book from the priest’s hands and put your hands over his mouth, and though thus giddily swinging on to the brink of the preci- pice you are saved. Half a second after ‘All the king's horses and all the king’s men Cannot make you a bachelor again. ‘It is the knife edge moment betwixt time and eternity.” eiting exciting Scott’s Narrow Escape. The world had a narrow escape of never having known a Sir Walter Scott. When a tiny babe, he was left in-charge of a maid, but the girl’s heart was in Edinburgh, whither she wanted to go to rejoin her lover. She was, however, compelled to stay and look after the infant at Sandy Knowe. The girl re- garded her charge as an obstacle to be removed, and afterward confessed that she carried young Scott up to the Craigs (under a strong t mptation of the devil, as she expressed it), fully intending to cut his throat vith her scissors and bury him under the moss. The Discovery of Iron. According to the traditions of the Greeks, the first discovery of iron by the human race was made on Mount Ida, by a tribe called Dactyles. It is said that the friest was set on fire by lightning, and -o intense was the heat of the great 1:0 ses of fallen trees that the bed of iron . oneath was melted and trickled in sm:..l streams down into the valley. Iren :a Architecture. The use of 1: on in architecture is not 80 new as pple are accustomed to think. At D2l. isa forged iron colamn 60 feet high. 151816 inches in diameter at the base wud 13 inches at. the top. Its weight is estimated at about 17 tons. From ri cords extant it is reason- ably certain that it was already in ex- istence 900 yeurs B., C. A MYSTERIOUS RACE. A SETTLEMENT OF WHITES WHO HAVE LIVED 300 YEARS UNKNOWN. Cut Off From the World In Their Moun- tain Home — Beautiful, Fair Haired, White Skinned Girls Clad Im Snowy Linen Garments. That white races of mysterious origin and of an advanced grade of civilization exist in certain of the as yet unexplored plateaus of Africa has long been a mat- ter of tradition among all those who have devoted their attention to the eth- nographical and geographical science of the dark continent, and Rider Haggard and other English novelists have found in reports bearing upon the subject the theme of many of their mest popular stories. But no attention has been drawn as yet to the fact that in the interior of San Jago, the largest of the Cape Verde islands, which pestle in' the Atlantic off the most westerly pcint of northern Africa, there exists a strange people known by the name of the Cantadas, who for 800 years past have been abso- lutely cut off from all intercourse with the outer world, and who are fair haired, light complexioned and blue eyed, whereas the remaining population of the Cape Verde islands consists of negroes and of Portuguese, who are almost as swarthy and somber in colar as full blooded Africans. Clear and’ sharp against the sky line of San Jago the mountain of San An- tonio towers aloft in a pinnacle to the height of some 8,000 feet. In form it conveys the impression of an ancient volcano, with its sharp slope on the side toward the sea, but on the inland side the declivity is broken by a sort of cup shaped interval, at the farther end of which there is the stump of what seems in times gone by to have consti- tuted a second peak, of equal height to San Antonio, but which, through some great cataclysm of nature, has been broken off some 4,000 or 5,000 feet above the common base. Strangely enough, the peak of San Antonio is accessible to clever “e:0un- taineers, whereas the sister mountain— that is to say, the broken off peak—is quite the reverse. From the point where it rises from the surrounding desert table land there is nothing but a steep wall of volcanic rock, not merely hun- dreds but probably a couple of thou- sand feet high. Indeed the only point whence access could ever be obtained to the summit of the sister mountain of San Antonio would be from the cuplike interval which divides the two, and mention of which has been made above. This cup, however, is filled with water and is known by the name of the Cantadas lake. It is a great sheet of water of marvelous depth and clearness. On this farther end of the lake, and in the interior of this sister mountain of San Antonio, dwells the mysterious white race known as the Cantadas. Dis- trustful, apparently, of the gaze of stran- gers, these people of #he mountain sel- dom leave their habitations during day- time, and on the slightest alarm of visitors they seek the shelter of the rock. But by hiding on the opposite cliffs un- til evening and with the aid of glasses it is possible to get a good view of them when they begin at sunset to gather on the grassy meadow which fronts the opening of the caves and extends down to the water’s edge. Beautiful, fair haired, white skinned girls, clad in flowing white linen gar- ments, which scarcely conceal the sinu- ous beauty of perfect grace and form, come out to wash linen in the Jake and to sport on the cool green grass. The men, too, are simply dressed in much the same way, their white linen gar- ments being admirably suited to the tropic climate. Many other signs of a high degree of civilization appear, and from certain points near the summit of San Antonio it is possible, with the aid of strong glasses, to catch glimpses through fissures here and there in the wall of rock of the twin mountain, of sheep and cattle grazing, of green fields and trees and of white, flat roofed houses running parallel with one another, all brilliantly lighted by the sun, and there- fore leading to the belief that the inte- rior of this sister mountain of San An- tonio must be hollowed out into some valley, possibly the crater of an extinct voleano, which, through some freak of nature, has been converted from barren basalt and lava into grassy and fertile | slopes. An intrepid explorer would not have great difficulty inreaching the Cantadas | people. All that would be necessary would be to ascend the San Antonio | peak, to descend on the other side until | one reached the cliffs that overhang the Cantadas lake, to have oneself lowered by means of a rope to the surface of the latter and then to swim across the lake, which may be anywhere from four to six miles in length. Certain scientists who have investi- gated the tradition and rumors that ex- ist about the Cantadas among the in- habitants, African and Portuguese, of the Cape Verde islands, are inclined to the belief that they are of Cornish origin, This theory is due to the fact that what is stated to be their tongue resembles the dialect of the natives o: Cornwall more than any other known language.—New York Journal. Humane. Hanson—I saw Winton on horseback yesterday. You could see daylight be- tween him and the saddle half the time. Nanson—Yes; that’s because he is such a humane man. As he is off tke horse half the time, it gives the animal a good deal of rest.—Boston Transcript. At the French Crystal palace was shown a lock that admitted 3,674,885 combinafions. Fichet was four months in unlocking it, According to the computation of Vil- lalpandus, the cost of Solomon's temple was $77,521,965,636. i THE i ——— BUCK JUMPER. THER PECULIAR TRAIT IS NATURAL AND NOT ACQUIRED. The Movements by Which They Dislocate ® Would Be Rider--Tricks of the Raiser Who Has a Colt to Sell—Rough Riders of Different Countries. “How does it feel to ridea buck jumper?" Muny years ago we asked this ques- tion of a well known rough rider on first meeting him, ‘You'll be surprised when you try,’ was the reply. ‘‘The smash of his hoofs on the ground is what you'll notice principally. It comes like apistol shot, and-it’s enough to make you? jaws crack. Another thing is that his head goes out of sight altogether, between his fore legs. But the real job is when he goes in for side work and tries to catch his tail like a young dog. Even if you stick to him then, you're lucky if he doesn’t work the saddle over his head.” * You don’t mean without breaking the girths?’’ we exclaimed. ‘“Certainly,’” he replied. ‘‘Ask any man who has broken wild horses whether a bad one can’t ‘jump out of the saddle.’ If you can sit him till the third ‘buck,’ you are supposed to be able to sit him, but let me say that you don’t always get to the third.” As we have sat (and also been thrown) by buck jumpers since then we can 1n- dorse unreservedly every word of this authority on the subject. To say one is surprised is a mild term to employ. On our first attempt our chief astonishment was at the infinitesimal time it took to reach the ground after the horse began to ‘‘go to work.”’ Many who know anything of riding in this (so called) horse loving nation of ours will think they have ridden a ‘““buck’” often and require no informa- tion on the subject. Be assured, how- ever, reader, that it is an exceedingly rare thing. We bave known men who have broken horses on colonial cattle stations for 20 yeara and have never seen a real buck jumper. A reason for this is the fact, which all do not know, that only horses of certain strains can ‘‘buck.’’ A vicious horse may rear and fall back on his rider, or he may roll on the ground and proceed to devour him—and these hab- its are no doubt unpleasant and not to be recommended (in a child’s pony, for instance), but if he hasn’s got the right breed he will never ‘buck. ”’ One of the innumerable popular de- lusions about horses is that buck jump- ers which are exhibited in public, like Buffalo Bill's, for instance, have re- ceived careful training in the art. Any one who has broken horses will know that in their wild state they require no instruction whatever in this direction. The whole art of breaking consists in teaching them not to “buck.’’ This is why our colonies supply the buck jump- ers of the world. Time there is money, and hands cannot long be spared for breaking. The 2-year-old is driven into the yard (having possibly never seen a man before), roped up, cast, and while he is on the ground a saddle and bridle are worked on to him. A rough rider is put up, he drives the spurs well home, and there you have an inveterate buck jumper for life. Put yourself in the horse’s place, and you will hardly wonder at it. He is by nature morbidly nerveus, and man is a thing almost unknown till now. The horrid black object on his back is to the final dissolution of the universe. In Australia it used to be no uncom- mon thing that a man who had a colt to sell got him broken in two hours be- fore the sale. The whole process cost just 10 shillings. The rough rider was hoisted up, and the colt went through his repertoire of contortions, being occasionally lashed from behind with a stock whip to in- sure all traces of vice being thoroughly eradicated. By the time of the sale he was naturally so exhausted that all at- tempts at *‘playing up’’ were (for the time being, of course) out of the ques- tion. The mark of the saddle was point- ed out as proof positive that he could be ridden, and he changed hands, guar- anteed theroughly quiet and broken to saddle. Unless he was a first class rider the experience of the buyer on mounting him next-day would Le both unexpect- ed and exhilarating. Who are the best riders in the world? The Australians say they are, and they are supported by most competent judges. South Americans claim to be as good, and they are certainly good riders, but not so scientific. They are satisfied if they can stick on and even resort to putting the spurs between the girths for a foothold. Australians would scorn such means, If good riders, they will sit correctly even under the most diffi- Jult circumstances, Can buck jumping be cured? It can- not, or rather we should modify this statement by saying that it can. It can- not because buck jumping isan ingrained vice, the result of fear, and, once learned, is never forgotten. It can, like all other vices, be subdued by steady work and careful handling, but recollect that, once these are left off, it may return. At all events such a “‘reformed’’ ani- mal can never be ridden by a lady.— Chambers’ Journal, He Knew Her Name, The following funny dialogue recent- ly occurred in an HKnglish country church when the rector was catechising the children. ‘“What is your name?”’ he asked a strapping girl of 13, the only daughter of the village boniface. He received no relpy. ‘‘What is your name?’’ said the minister, in a mors peremptory way. ‘‘Nin o’ yer fun, par- son. Ye kna ma neame verra weel. Duon’t ye say, whon ye’re at our houss on a neet, ‘Bet, bring me a pint o’ yell?” The congregation, in spite of the sacredness of the place, was on a broad grin. THE NOSE AND THE A Physical Culturist Suys Pigeontoed Peo- ple Have Crooked Noses. A professor of phyrical culture an- nounces thut he hag discovered an in- timate connection between deformities of the nose and the perition of the feet, His name is H. L. Piper, and he com- municates his observations to the New York Journal: ‘You can tell a pigcontord person without looking at his feet or seeing him walk. The discovery was made by me in 1891 while teaching physical culture. I found a stubborn awkward ness in the movements of my pupils’ feet. Looking for the cause, I found that many of them were pigeontced. In others one foot was correct and the other turned in. ‘In teaching correct breathing I had to investigate the condition of the nasal passages. Then I found that wherever the person was pigeontoed in the right foot the right nostril was stopped up or otherwise deformed. It was the same with the left foot or nostril. If both nostrils were defective, both feet were pigeontoed. At one time I examined 26 persons, and every one of them was pigeontoed in the left foot, with a corresponding defect in the left nostril. At another time I examined over 40 with a view to testing my discovery. Some of them had well developed nostrils and were not at all pigeontoed. Some had overwide nostrils, with overwide angles at the feet to correspond. ‘Girls I found more generally and worse pigeontoed than boys. The per- son who has a whining or snuffling voice is usually pigeontoed. “Another discovery is that with the defective nostrils were found invariably stooped shoulders and hollow chests, the stoop and hollow always bearing a direct ratio with the defect. In extreme cases there was an ugly protrusion of the abdomen, a tendency to draw back and upward the upper lip, exposing the tébth, that have also an unsightly pro- truding tendency. ‘‘Tell your friend to walk from you. Watch his feet. If the left turns-in, tell him that his left nostril is smaller than the right. That is, that he can take more air atany given inspiration through the right than through the left nostril alone. If the right foot turns in, tell him his right nostril is the smaller. ‘‘Conversely, tell him to place the end of the thumb under and against the nostrils alternately, breathing through the open one each time, and ask him which nostril admits the greater amount of air. If it is the left, tell him be is pigeontoed in the right foot and vice versa. Demonstrate by having him walk naturally. ‘‘Remember that the proper angle is 80 degrees on either side of the median line, or 60 degrees with both feet. Do not close the nostril from she side, but gently from underneath,’ English Divorce Laws. The children of the marriage are the husband’s if he chooses to have them, but if he does not care to perform a fa- ther’s duty the wife must support them. If he is unfaithful to her, she cannot di- vorce him (in England) unless he has also committed the ungentlemanly sin of personal cruelty, and in all cases of divorce and separation it is a man’s tirely decides not only the case, but the him the foul fiend incarnate, and the’ first step in breaking he supposes to be, dog thoughtfully. consequences, as to the custody of the children and the amount of alimony. And if, despairing of justice, the faith- ful wife endures patiently through life for the sake of her children’s future, ; the English law permits an unfaithful husband and father at death to will away every penny of his property from his wife and children to a charity, a stranger or a mistress, possibly leaving those whom the law made his depend- ents dependent on the ratepayers of his parish. This is not possible in Scotland, nor was it formerly possible in England. The law of dower protected the widow until this century, when men tinkered the laws so as to gain a larger latitude for themselves. The operation of this masculine privilege often gives oppor- tunity for cruel oppression not dreamed of by right minded men. In fact, it is only because the large majority of men are better than the laws allow them to be that society is possible. —Humanita- rian. Constitution and Guerriere. The Constitution’s guns were double shotted with round and grape. The broadside was as one single explosion, and the destruction was terrific. The memy’s decks were flooded, and the blood ran out of the scuppers—her cock- pit filled with the wounded. minutes, shrouded in smoke, they fought at the distance of half pistol shot. In that short time the Englishman was lit- erally torn to pieces in hull, spa, sails and rigging. As her mizzenmast gave way the Englishman brought up to the wind, and the Constitution slowly forged ahead, fired again, luffed short round the other's bows and, owing to a heavy sea, fell foul of her antagonist, with her bowsprit across her larboard quarter. While in this position Hull’s cabin was set on fire by the enemy’s forward bat- tery, and part of the crew were called away from the guns to extinguish the threatening blaze. — Barnes’ ‘‘Naval Actions of the War of 1812.” Gone Over to Bacon. ‘I believe,” said the funny boarder, ‘‘that the landlady has been won over to the anti-Shakespeare crowd.’’ Will you please elucidate?’ asked the long armed. ‘Well, she gives us bacon for break- fast every morning now, you will note.’ —Philadelphia North American. Wise Animal, ‘Dear little Dumpsy!”’ said Mrs. Torker. ‘‘I believe he has almost sense enough to talk.”’ Mus, Torker’s husband looked at the ‘‘At any rate,’”’ he said, ‘‘the brute has sense enough not to. '’-=Chicago Post, reading of the man made laws that en-- TOES. | ; additional corrections. For a few | DISHOXNING CATTLE. Che Operation and Jts After Effects Pro. ductive of Extreme Torture. Professor McCall, 1or muLy gears principal of the Glasgow Veterinary college, sneaking of the practice of dis. horning cattle, suid: ‘1 have heard the evidence «f Professor Walley, and I agree with him that the operation is one of extrerue torture at the tine and afterward. There must be mage or less pain until the wound isentirefly Lealed. Under the most favorable circumstances it must be painful for ten davs. The operation does not benefit the animal in the least nor the flesh as food. But if the animal is vicious I consider it suff- cient to remove the tips of the horns, 1 have known of an animal from which the tips of the horns had been removed to take to butting again, but very rare- ly. Even then he did not do much damage,’ George Andrew Leper, fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, said: ‘‘l consider the practice of dis- horning cruel because it causes fearful pain and is absolutely unnecessary, I have heard the previous evidence and agree with it,’’ Professor William Pritchard of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, London, and for 20 years préfessor at the Royal Veterinary college, Camden Town, bad heard the previous evidence and agreed that the operuticn tortures the animal and is cnnecessary. Professor Cox, Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and for some time its president, said, ‘‘In my opinion dishorning is extremely cruel and quite unnecessary,’ Professor J. Macqueen, for ten years professor at the Glasgow College of Veterinary Surgeons and afterward at the Royal Veterinary college, Camden Town, said: ‘‘The operation is not necessary, and, if performed at all, should be done on the animal before it is 6 or 8 months old. That prevents the horns growing, and the operation is comparatively painless.’’—OQOur Animal Friends. DIAGNOSIS BY GESTURE. Different Diseases Produce Characteristic Movements of the Limbs. A medical paper in a recent issue has described the characteristic movements of the limbs made by persons suffering from different diseases. The gestures of the patient when asked to locate his pain not only indicate its seat, but de- scribe its character. Thus, if the pain be in the chest and distributed over a large area the sufferer sweeps the palm of his hand over his chest with a cir- cular motion, but should the pain be local he first draws his hand away from the body and then, with the index 'fin- ger outstretched and the others curved cautiously, approaches the spot where the trouble is. In appendicitis he holds the palm of the hand over the diseased area without touching the sltin. When suffering from violent noninflammatory pains, the patient slaps the abdomen. A child who complains of continuous pain in the stomach, when there is no tenderness on pressure is probably afflicted with disease of the spine. In hip joint disease the pain will be re- ferred to at a point inside the knee. With violent diffused noninflammatory pain in the leg the patient grasps the limb affected. If it be a shooting pain, be will point at the place with one finger. The pain of hepatic neuralgia or shingles is indicated with the thumb or forefinger. In joint pains the patient approaches the seat of trouble cautiously with the hand flat. A curious case is quoted of a patient complaining of a severe headache. Be- ing asking in what part of the head it was, he answered, ‘‘The top,’’ and when further questioned as to the exact spot pressed his finger on the side above the cheek bone. This hedid three times, though declaring that the seat of the pain was exactly on the top of the head. The cause of the trouble was found to be a bad tooth. Richelieu as an Editor. The first reporter of France was Louis XIII. The National library possesses the manuscripts of 86 articles written by that king. Almost all are accourtts of his military operations. These arti- cles were published in the Gazette de France. The ‘‘copy,’’ however, did not go directly to the printer. Louis XIII wrote abominable French, and he had vague notions of orthography. His ar- ticles were corrected and often entirely rearranged by a secretary named Lucas, who copied them, sending to Richelien the new manuscript. Richelieu exam- ined it in his turn and often introduced At the siege of Corbie the king wrote a fow lines eulo- gistic of the cardinal, but afterward crossed them out of his article. Riche- lieu wrote them in again, and so they appeared in the Gazette de France.— Revue de Paris. “he Man Fish, Matthew Buchinger, mentioned in old English wonder books as the ‘ ‘man fish,’’ was the most remarkable mon- strosity of his time. He had neither hands, arms, feet nor legs. From his shoulders grew two finlike excrescences, and along liis back there were several rows of scales. He had the lidless eyes characteristic of the fish species and a queer puckered mouth and ng ears. Picking Oakum. Picking oakum looks very simple, but it is dreadful work. It scon wears the skin off your finger tips, and the monotony of it is perfectly maddening, The usual amount a prisoner in an Eng- lish jail has to pick ina day is 8% pounds. It is calculated from Revelation xxi, 16, that there is ample room in heaven for 297,000,000,000,000 people, or as many as the world would produce in 100,000 centuries, The population of the earth at the time of the Emperor Augustus is esti- mated av 54,000,000 15 is estimated uow to be uhout 1,400,000, 000. ’ RIN BIBLES COI What They Are and Why They Are So | Cslled—890,000 For One Copy. At the sale of the Ashburnham library in London a copy of the Mazarin Bible brought the good sized sum of $20,000. The Mazarin Bible is so called because a copy of it was first discovered by De- Bure in the library of Cardinal Mazarin, ih Paris, about 1760. Its value for book collectors lies in the fact that it is the first book of any magnitude printed from movable types. It was issued by Gutenberg at Mainz, in 1450-5, and for that reason Henry Stevens salls it the Gutenberg Bible. It is divided into two volumes, the first containing 824 and the second 317 pages, each page consist- ing of two columns. The characters, which are Gothic, are large and hand- some and very much resemble manu- script. Before the discovery of this Bi- be the so called Bamberg Bible of Pfis- ter was generally regarded as the first printed book, but that honor is now universally accorded to the former work. According to Dr. Austin Allibone, there are six known copies of the Maza-- rin Bible on vellum, one of which is the volume found in the Mazarin library. The copies on vellum, however, are later than the copies on paper, 21 of which are known to be in existence. Thera is a vellum copy of the Bible in the BYit- ish museum and a paper copy in the Lenox library of this city. The present value of a perfect copy of the Mazarin Bible on paper is about $15,000, and those on vellum are valued at about $20,000. Practically, however, their value is a variable guantity, depending on what the book collectors are willing to give for them. It has long been a matter of dispute whether the typesem- ployed in printing this Bible were me- tallic or wooden, but the question is still undecided. As a specimen of early printing the work is magnificent, con- taining richly embellished capitals im blue, red and purple.—New York Ttib- une. A SMUGGLER’S TRICK. He Carried His Wares Openly, Yet Fooled the Customs Officials, ‘“All this talk about smuggling re- calls some of the things I learned when I was in the service,’’ announced a re- tired crcok catcher the other day. ‘‘New ways of beating the government are bes ing devised right along, and many of / the tricks I discovered are old now. , . There used to be more trouble with the diamond smugglers than there appears to be at present. I have found the sparklers in women’s back hair, hat ornaments, hollowed shoe heels and sewed up in various articles of wear; in dog collars, in horses’ hoofs, in fruits and vegetables, in trunks with false bottoms, in pipes and cigars, in canes, on the necks of carrier pigeons and even buried in men’s flesh after the manner of the Kafiir didmond thieves. ‘‘But the man who did the slickest business without ever being suspected told me about it afterward. He was a. retired detective who had served with great credit. Shortly before resigning he claimed to have received a beautiful diamond ring with three very large stones from a New Yorker for whom he had been able to save a good deal of money. It was certainly a magnificent ring, and the matter was duly exploited in the paners. “He professed to be doing a private business that took him ‘aeross the river frequently, and he would of-/ ten use the ferry three or four times a day. He always wore the dazzling ring, and I looked at it every day for months. Yet that fellow was making big money smuggling diamonds. : “How? Why, be bad a paste ring made exactly like the genuine one. He would wear the paste one over, leave it to be set with dismends, wear them back, have them replaced with paste and thus carry on the game right befora our admiring eyes. \We never suspected the rascal. ”’—Detroit I'ree Press, A Great Shot. The Duke of Malakhoff was at a bat tue at Strathfieldsaye and shot nothing, much to his disgust, and when" the day was over it appeared that he would be extremely put out unless he was allowed or enabled to kill something. "So im spite of all the gamekeeper could think, feel or say a pheasant was procured, tied by its leg to the top of a post, and Malakhoff was put some 30 yards off with a double barreled gun. It was supposed that he would thereupon and thence take two shots at the bird. : Not a bit of it. He loaded both barrels, walked close up to the pheasant, put the muzzle close to him and discharged both barrels into him, with ‘“Hel eo- quin.’’ The next day the Duke of Wel- lington told the keeper that MalakBoff was a great man who had smoked to death 500 Arab men, women and chil- dren in a cave, to which the gamekeep- er replied: “Like enough, your grace. He’d be capable of supibing. = ttf ters of Lord Blackford.” The Vary Larliest Coins. No one knows exactly when or whers the original coin was ‘“struck’’ or what metal was used. Certain passages in. Homer woald lead to the inference that brass was coined as early as the year 1184 B. C. Tradition affirms that the Chinese had bronze coins as early as the year 1120 B. C. But Herodotus, the acknowledged ‘ ‘Father of History,” is of the opinion that the Lydians ‘‘in- vented’ coins some time during the tinth century B. C. One of the oldest coins now known isa gold darie, coined by ihe Persians during the reign of Darius. On one side of this coin is a bust of Darius and on the other side a figure of a kneeling archer. Sir Robert Cary rode nearly 300 miles in less than three days when he went from London to Edinburgh to inform King James of the death of Queen Eliz- abet. The heaviest bell in the world is that at Moscow, which weighs 432,000 pounds. That in city hall, New Yorks weighs 22,300 pounds, { § - 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers