The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 09, 1897, Image 8
Bits of Wisdom. ‘A wise woman will have her Lusband #0 well trained that when she tells him a thing ance it will be enough. Men hate to bave a thing ‘‘dingdonged into them,’’ as some of them clegantly ex- press it. 1 am a very even tempered man, but I think my self praise would suffer a severe shock if my wi me to order a barrel of flour wx 8 first got up in the morning and the. 1 peat- ed the command six times ut the Lreak- fast table, tWice while I was putting on my overcoat aud gloves and then tol- lowed me to the gate to scream it out after me as I turned the corner. Men hate that sort of nagging. A wise man will not tell his wife any lies, not even little white ones. If he must lie, he will be safer and wiser if he lies to some one less likely to uncov- er his duplicity. A wife is a regular ferret in a matter of this kind. I never told mine a harmless little fib in my life that she didn’t expose me before the sun went down. It is wonderful what clever intuition women have in this di- rection. It is dumfounding to men who are not always absolutely truthful. The best of husbands often feel that there are things they won't ‘‘bother wife with’’ — little complications in their business affairs or little extravagant ex- penditures in the way of a hotel dinner or some other little harmless affair of which “they would just a little rather not speak or in regard to which they may equivocate. But they'd better tell the truth and hold to it. It is always best in the end, as men find out the older they grow. I have found it out with, I trust, most of the years of my life still before me. —Zenas Dane. } Making Parchment Paper. The operation of manufacturing parch- ment papers such as are used for wrap- ping butter and other similar objects is a very interesting one. Parchment is produced directly from the raw paper web in practically one operation. The sheet to be parchmentized is passed through sulphuric acid and then through rollers having a uniform action, which discharge the surplus acid, the expressed ‘liquid being returned to the tank or vessel. The paper is then carried and passed through a washing apparatus as a tank, and also through sprays of water, being led and guided by rolls over which it passes, so that the free acid is washed off or removed as far as possible by mechanical washing. The sheet next passes through a bath of soda solution or alkali and then through nippers to express surplus alkali, which is returned to the bath. Then the paper is carried through an apparatus to be further washed with water. Next it is passed through a bath of bleaching ma- terial, as ‘‘bleach’’ or the like, then through further washing apparatus, again passed between presses and squeezed, and then finally it is passed through a bath of glycerin, after the passage through which the paper is wound upon a roller or coiled up in a completed state of parchmentization.— Paper Mill. Story of Landseer. Landseer, whose fine stag hunts in the highlands have been popularized by engravings, represents one of the most extraordinary examples of the irresisti- bleness of the artistic vocation. I have seen a most magnificent dog of his, chained to his kennel and carried away by floods. The day when, an absolutely unknown artist, he exhibited this pic- ture at the Royal academy it attracted considerable attention, and a gentleman hurried off to the painter’s to make an offer to purchase it. He rang at the door of the small garden, and, on the wicket being opened, he saw a boy play- ing with a hoop with some other little fellows. He inquired of the children: ““Does Mr. Landseer live here?’ ‘Yes,’ replied one of the youngsters. ‘‘When can I speak to him?"’ “Now, if you like. I'm Mr. Land- seer.” *“But,”’ exclaimed the amateur, ‘‘it is your father I want to see. I have called abqut a pieture of his at the academy. ”’ Well,” said the child, *‘it is I who am exhibiting the picture, *’ He was then 1:14 years old.—Henri Rochefort’s Memoir. Gilded Yieauties. The eastern women, especially those in Turkey, paint ‘heir eyebrows with gilt paint, and at night the effect is very brilliant and oriental. When, by _ chance, a Chinese girl has eyes that are not quite so slanting as usual, she can safely lay claim to special beauty. Many Japanese women gild their teeth, while the beauties of the Indies stain theirs a brilliant red. Some of the Afri- cans stain their teeth a jet black. Per- sian women pencil the outer corners of their eyes to make them look almond shaped, which is considered an especial mark of beauty. The women in many oriental countries die their finger nails with henna, others let them grow to an enormous length, Temper, Temper itself is not a bad quality. It is not to be destroyed, as we sometimes say. Without temper a bar of steel be- comes like lead. A man without temper is weak and worthless. We are to learn gelf control. A strong person is one who has a strong temper under perfect mas- tery. There is a deep truth here—that our mistakes and our sins, if we repent of them, will help in the growth and upbuilding of our character.—House- wife. Bessarabia. One of the most productive sections of the world is the Russian province of Bessarabia, taken from Turkey ‘in 1878. Its vineyards often yield 800 gaNons of wine per acre. The average yield of wheat is 85 bushels, and of ‘maize 60 bushels. A Fashion Note. Doctor (to female patient)—You’ve got a glight touch of fever. Your tongue has a thick coat— Patient (excitedly )—OQh, doctor, do 'Thp Oyster's Beard, Old fashioned cookbooks invariably order us to ‘‘beard the oyster.” ‘I was quite an experienced housekeeper,'’ said a well known cooking authority, “before I knew what the beard of an oyster was. It is, I believe, the little frill. ‘‘The question then occurred, Why should this portion be removed? With our American oyster there is no occa- | sion to remove it, and we never do it.'’ No doubt many a new housekeeper has felt guilty of omitting to do some- i thing that should be done when she served her husband oysters with their ‘‘beards’’ on. She felt doubly guilty when he praised them and declared they were the best oysters he had ever eaten. Probably she kept the secret until she consulted some old housekeeper, who promptly told her she didn’t know what the beard of an oyster was, and that cer- tainly no one nowadays ever removes it. This expression is generally found in old English works of the order of the Complete British Housewife. It is prab- able that this portion of the oysters of Great Britain is especially tinctured with their coppery flavor and was tor- merly removed. Certainly no one toduy who eats his oysters at Delmonico’s cr at agy famous restaurant finds the frill or any portion of the mollusk, except the shell, missing. Adam Knew the Flood Was Coming. An apocryphal book called the *‘Less- er Genesis’ and well known to the early Christian fathers tells a wonder- ful incident in the life of Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve. When the goodly Seth was about 40 years of age; he was ‘“‘rapt™ up into heaven by a trio of an- gels and there told and shown what was in store for mankind. Among other things, the coming of the great deluge was ‘made known to him, as was also the coming of the Saviour. When he re- turned to earth, Seth told his parents what had happened and of what he had seen and heard concerning the future of the human race. ‘‘And Adam was much grieved when it was made known to him that the world would be de- stroyed by water on account of the wickedness of his own children, but a great peace and calmness came over him when Seth told how the face of the earth would again be repeopled. * * # His joy was exceedingly great when Seth related what was in store in the coming ages, and he was particularly glad to know that redemption should finally come through Jesus, the Christ.’ . The Pompous Colonel. The following incident occurred at a ball in Berlin. A colonel advanced to- ward a young lieutenant, who bore on his breast assole decoration a large badge richly set with diamonds. ‘Tell me, young man,’’ he said, ‘‘what is that thing you have got there?’ “‘It is an order, my colonel, ’’ replied the lieu- tenant. ‘‘Anorder!’’ exclaimed the colo- nel. ‘‘Itisnot Prussian, then, for I don’t know it.”” Itis an English order, my colonel,” responded the juvenile officer. ‘“Ah, indeed,”’ said his superior, ‘‘who, for goodness’ sake, could have given you such an order?’’ ‘‘My grandmother, my colonel,” was the reply. ‘‘Your grandmother!’’ ejaculated the colonel, bursting out laughing. ‘‘What is her name?’ ‘Her majesty Queen Victoria, queen of England, ’’ answered the young lieutenant, who was none other than Prince Albert of Sleswick-Holstein. The colonel suddenly disappeared. Where Hotel Men Draw a Line. Among annoyances to which hotels are subjected is one which means ma- terial loss at busy times. This is when a person telegraphs or writes for rooms to be reserved and upon arriving in town decides to. go to another hotel, Very frequently rooms which could have been given to guests are vacant on account of this, and the careless ho- tel patrons appear to be unaware that they have inflicted any injury on the house. Sometimes, however, when a clerk calls upon them with a bill for the rooms that they didn’t occupy they are open to conviction of wrongdoing and settle the bill. The matter has rare- ly been one of litigation, but the hotel man has the best end of it, and the pro- prietors’ national association intends to make it so understood whenever it is necessary.—Hotel Gazette. Making Love Up a Tree. Billing and cooing among the Fijians is a curious feature in their social cus- toms. It is decidedly against the rule to do any courting within doors. The gardens or plantations are the spots held sacred to Cupid, and the generally ap- proved trysting place of lovers is high up among the branches of a breadfruit tree. You may often walk around a planta- tion on a moonlight night and see couples perched 40 feet from the ground in the breadfruit trees, one on each side of the trunk, a position which comes fairly within the limits of a Fijian maiden’s ideas of modesty. To Take a Man's Measure. Tailors can take a customer’s measure very quickly by a device which has three graduated brackets sliding on each other to fit on a man’s back and arm, with tape measures attached to them at the proper positions for taking all the measures. ' Remedial Trips. New Family Physician—And now, my dear madam, will you briefly tell me what you have already done for your illness? Madam—Europe and North Africa. — Detroit Journal, The cost of a well bred pack of fox- hounds is about §5,000, and the annual bill for keep about as much. The speed of the fastest Atlant steamer is now greater than that of ti express trains on Italian railways. The first patent was issued to Samuel tell me how it fits!—Facts and Fiction. Hopkins in 1790 for making ‘‘pot or arl ashes.” . ceeded there have been as many as 40 Diseases of Miners, As to whether there are any diseales peculiar to the miners’ calling there is evidence that, with one, or perhaps two, exceptions, there are none such. These exceptions are an affection of the eye, termed ‘‘nystagmus,’’ and, in a lesser degree, that disease of the respiratory | organs which usually goes by the name of miners’ asthma, Nystagmus, al-! though not a prevalent affect&n, is one with well marked symptoms directly traceable to the posture of the collier while at work. The symptoms are oscillation with more or less of a rolling motion of the syeballs, giddiness, with headache, and the appearance of objects moving in a circle, or lights dancing before the eyes. In severe cases the person affected may stumble and be so much incon- venienced as to be obliged to stop work. Dr. Simeon Snell of Sheffield has given this disease special attention ‘for about 20 years and has published the results of his investigations, which show be- yond all reasonable doubt that nystag- mus is confined almost entirely to those underground workmen who are engaged in holing or undercutting the coal, and is due to the miners’ habit of looking upward above the horizontal line of vision, and more or less obliquely while at work lying on his side. It has been observed also in firemen and others who ' have occasion frequently to examine ! the roof, turning the eyes obliquely while doing so. Any other occupation in which the person may habitually turn the eyes upward and sideways will | induce nystagmus,—Coal Trade Jour- nal, Artists’ Failures. ‘Do not, let me beg of you, be afraid of so called failures, ’’ said a well known artist addressing his class. ‘‘They are only stepping stones to success, the premiums we all must pay for experi- ence. I may say, without vanity, that I have been fairly successful in my pro- fession, and yet to one canvas that suc- which I have scraped down with my palette knife in disgust. Even if a stu- dent never succeeds, his very failures may be noble.’ It is not only to art that this exhorta- tion might apply. In every career, in every walk in life, the same point of view should be taken. Failures are not failures really—they are lessons; they are stepping stones. They should not be associated for a moment with despond- ency or hopelessness. Just as a child tumbles and picks himself up as a mat- ter of course and runs gayly on, so should we children of a larger growth regard the ups and downs of life, never losing courage, however often we tum- ble. Young people especially should be taught that it is not always success to succeed and that disappointments should be taken philosophically. The idea of a booby prize in gamesis a good one. There are many prizes in life for those who apparently fail, and even in worldly matters the last shall be first and the first shall be last in nine cases out of ten.—New York Tribune. First Person Photographed. It was in 1842 that John Draper, then a professor in the University of New York, made the first portrait photo- graph. The subject was Elizabeth Dra- per, his sister. Professor Draper had the idea that in order to produce distinct facial outlines in photography it would be necessary to cover the countenance of the person photographed with flour. This seems a strange notion now, and it proved not to be a good one then, for all of Professor Draper’s early attempts were failures. Finally he left off the flour and then was quite successful. This so delighted him that be sent the picture to Sir William Herschel, the em- inent English astronomer. Sir William was in turn delighted and made known Professor Draper’s success to the scien- tific men of Europe. He also sent Pro- fessor Draper a letter of acknowledg- ment and congratulation, which has been carefully preserved in the archives of the Draper family, Cruel, but Necessary. The Eskimos dread the winter and take early precautions to provide against famine. As the season approaches the great herds of reindeer migrate south- ward, and the walrus or the seal are all that remain for food. When an in wind is blowing, the wal- rus is easily found on the outer edge of the ice packs. When it is blowing off the shore, however, the ice packs sail out to sea with the walruses on them. The natives then class their numbers in a list from the strongest to the weakest. The food that is in store is divided up, the weakest having the smallest quan- tity, the strongest the largest. Thus the mightiest hunters have strength to pro- vide for the others. It is a cruel system, but, nevertheless, a necessary one. If all were weak, all would die; if some are strong, they will save many of the weak. Anticipating the Obsequy. A poor man lay dying, and his good wife was tending him with homely but affectionate carve. ‘‘Don’t you think you could eat a bit of something, John? Now what can I get for you?’ With a wan smile he answered fee- bly: ‘““Well, I seem to smell a ham a-cooking somewheres. I think I could do with a little bit of that.’ “Oh, no, John, dear,’’ she answered promptly, ‘‘you can’t have that. That’s for the funeral.’’—London Telegraph. German Forts, The two principal German fortresses on the Baltic sea are at Konigsburg and Dantzic. Central Germany has three first class fortresses, Spandau, Magde- burg and Kustrin; on the French fron- tier, Metz and Strasburg, and on the Belgian frontier, Cologne and Coblenz. The Serpent's Sight. There is a tradition in many parts of | Europe that when a serpent’s sight grows dim with age he eats fennel and thus regains his vision, \ Retrayed by a Flower. To the menastery of the Grand Char- treuse women, as a rule, are inexorably refused admittance, only a very few having had the privilege of seeing the Carthusians (monks ef the order) at home. A story is told of a French daughter of Eve, blessed with even a greater share of curiosity than that pos- sessed by the generality of her rex, who, having heard from her husband and brother of their 2ate interesting visit to the monastery, tried by every means in her power to effect an entrance there, but all to no avail. Determined, however, by hook or crook, to succeed, she at last hit upon the happy idea of presenting herself there dressed as a man, managing to persuade her husband to allow her so0,-and to take her with him on his next visit. On arriving at the gates of the mon- astery she entered unchallenged with the remainder of - the party, but while in the garden the conducting monk, leaving her side, gathered an exquiwite rose, which he brought and presented to her with a courtly bow, proving that he at least was not deceived by her dis- guise. She, too, foolishly betrayed her- self by her ready grace and charm of manner in accepting the rose, which she did most willingly. Needless to say that after this incident she never pene- trated into the interior of the building nor saw what she was dying to see, but returned unsatisfied, a sadder and a wiser woman, with a high appreciation, however, of the keen discernment of the cloistered ones. Wrong Conclusion. The Canadian Gazette tells an amus- ing story of one who was too quick at drawing an inference. It happened that a Glasgow professor who was visiting Canada with the British association in 1884 was desirous of seeing something of northwestern life, and for this pur- pose repaired to an Alberta ranch. I fixed him up as well as I could, the rancher says, but he complained that | ! he did not like sleeping with his clothes ‘on. So after the first night I stretched a cowskin across the shack and told him he might undress if he liked. He took off most of his garments and put on a lomg white nightdress. In the morning my foreman came in while the gentleman was still sleeping. Observ- ing the white nightdress, he said in a whisper: ‘‘Rather sudden, eh?” “What ?’ I asked. “The death of the old man.’’ ‘‘He’s not dead; h2's asleep,’’ I ex- plained. “Then what’s he wearin them b’iled clothes for?’ was the reply. ‘‘Never saw a chap laid out in b’iled clothes afore cept he were dead.” The Search For Truth. In the search for truth no aid is so effective as the ever ready spirit of ac- tivity. He who postpones putting what he knows into practice until he knows more will find his journey a long and discouraging one. Carlyle well says: “Conviction, were it never so excellent, is worthless till it converts itself into conduct. Nuy, properly conviction is not pessible till then, inasmuch as all speculaticn is by nature endless and formless. Most true is it, as a wise man teach s, that, * Doubt of any sort can- not be removed except by action.” On whieh ground, too, let him who gropes painfully in darkness or uncertain light and prays vehemently that the dawn may ripen into day, lay this other pre- cept well to heart, which to me was of invaluable service, ‘Do the duty which lies nearest to thee,’ which thou know- est to be a duty. The second duty will already have become clearer.’ Enormous Lifting Power. The shelless limpet pulls 1,984 times its own weight when in the air and about double when measured in the wa- ter. Fleas pull 1,493 times their own dead weight. The Mediterranean cockle, Venus verrucosa, can exert a pulling power equal to 2,071 times the weight of its own body. So great is the power possessed by the oyster that to open it a force equal to 1,319.5 times the weight of its shelless body is required. If the human being possessed strength as great in proportion as that of these shellfish, the average man would be able to lift the enormous weight of 2,976,000 pounds, pulling in the same degree as the limpet. And if the man pulled in the same proportionate ‘degree as the cockle he would sustain a weight of no less than 8,106,500 pounds.—Worthing- ton’s Magazine. Seeing: Rome. ‘‘How long have you been in Rome?’’ said Pope Pius IX. “Three weeks,”” was the ready an- swer. ‘“Ah, then,” said his holiness, ‘‘you have seen Rome. And how long have you been here?’ asked he, turning to the second visitor. ‘“Three months,’’ was the answer. ‘“You, then,” continued the pope, ‘‘have begun to see Rome. And you, sir,’’ turning finally to the third of his visitors, ‘‘how long have you been here?”’ “Three years,’’ was the reply. “Then you,” said the pope, ‘have not begun to see Rome.’ - Tobacco Smoke and Flowers. A remarkable effect of tobacco smoke on the color of flowers may be seen in the case of the field scabia named botanically Knavtia arvensis, so fre- quently on the hills and commons from August till October. If its purplish blue blossoms, which form nearly globose heads, are held in the smoke of tobacco, their color will soon turn to a bright green, about the same color as the leaves. A balloon was sent up from Berlin in 1895 equipped with self registering thermometers and barometers. It came down in Bcsnia with the instruments in good condition. The barometer regis- tered an elevation of 53,872 feet, and the ther:iometer a temperature of 52 de- grees below zero KF. Walked After His Head Was Off, . Dr. Loge, the French physician, who has greatly interested himself in the question, ‘‘Whut passes in the head of a decapitated human being?’ relates the following remarkable story, which he suys was taken from the archives of the Vienna courts: It was in the year ——— that Schoenenburg, a well known bandit, and four of his associates were caught and condemned to death. They were wlready on their kuces ready to pay the penalty of their bloody devds by sub- mitting to the awful fate of decapita- tion when Schoenenbumyg addressed the judge, asking that his four companions might be purdoned on certain -condi- tions, ‘‘If,’’ asked the bandit, “after I am beheaded, I get up and walk to the first of my comrades, will you pardon him?’’ The judge thought that he was pretty safe in complying with the re- quest. ‘‘Then,’’ continued Schoenen- burg, “if I walk to the second, the third and the fourth, will you pardon them also?’ The judge replied that if such a miraculous feat could be per- formed he w' uld obtain pardon for the other three also. The bandit was now satisfied, and, bending his head, he re- ceived the fatal blow. Instantly the head rolled down in the sand, but to the surprise and horror of all present the headless trunk arose and walked alone. Aimlessly, it appeared, the body walked around until it passed the first, the second, the third and the fourth condemned bandit, when it fell down and became motionless. Query, How could a headless body think?’ The Short Stops of the Train. Bustained journey speed, from end to end of a rum, -is not merely a matter of high speed between stations. It involves also making the station stops .short. The more stops there are the more im- portant is promptness at stations. The observant man who travels much can- not fail to notice the effect on trainmen, on station men and even on passengers of habitual fast ranning. All hands get trained to alertness and precision of movement. It is a fine thing to watch the handling of a very fast train at a station. It is invigorating to see the speed without haste of the inspectors and the baggagemen, the quick and smooth change of engines and the cut- ting off of the dining car. I have seen the other extreme on a Southern rail- road, where the easy going conductor ran past a flag station and then backed down a mile to let off one passenger. His serene indifference to time did mot make me feel any safer on his train. — Engineering Magazine. The Human Electric Battery. The superstition that human beings should sleep with their heads to the north is believed by the French to have for its foundation a scientific fact. They affirm that each human system is in it- self an electric battery, the head being one of the electrodes, the feet the other. Their proof was discovered from experi- ments which the Academy of Sciences was allowed to make on the body of a man who was guillotined. This was taken the instant it fell and placed upon a pivot free to move as it might. The head part, after a little vacillation, turned to the north, and the body then remained stationary. It was turned half way round by one of the professors, and again the head end of the trunk moved slowly to the cardinal point due north, the same results being repeated until the final arrestation of organic movement. Peasant and King. Henry IV, the idol of the French people, was also a king of phrase mak- ers. During one of his tours through France he arrived at a small village and ordered that the most intelligent villager be sent to converse with him while he dined. When the rustic ap- peared, the king ordered him to take a seat opposite to him at the table. ‘‘What is your name?’ asked the monarch. ‘‘Sire, I am called Gaillard,’’ replied the peasant. ‘‘What is the difference,” said the king, ‘between gaillard’’ (i.e., a jolly fellow) ‘‘and paillard’’ (i. e., a rake)? ‘‘Sire,”’ was the reply, ‘‘there is but a table between the two.”’ White Slaves of Old England. Eight hundred years ago all of the large cities of England had regular slave markets for the sale of white slaves from all parts of the kingdom. In the ‘‘Life of Bishop Wulfstand’’ the writer says: ‘‘It was a moving sight to see in the public markets rows of young peo- ple of both sexes tied together and sold like cattle—men, unmindful of their obligations, delivering into slavery their relatives and even their own chil- dren.” In another part of this work it is noted that these slaves were ‘‘ partic- ularly young woman of fine proportions and of great beauty.’’ Rule the “Roost” or “Roast?” Steuen Gardener, an under cooke in the Cardinal Wolfe Wolsey hys house, aid afterwardes allowed of kynge Hen- ry the eyght to be a master cooke, and hys principall cooke for a longe tyme, ruled the roste in ye kynges house, as boldly and as saucely, as hys maister dyd before hym, as ye blowe upon his cheke that my Lorde of Warwyke gave him, may bare wytnes.—Spirituall Physic, 1555. The Sensitive Cheek. Nine out of tem persons, if asked what is the most sensitive part of the body, will reply the tip of the tongue. This is a mistake, Those engaged in polishing billiard balls or any other substances that require a very high de- gree of smoothness invariably use the cheek bone as their touchstone for de- tecting any roughnes The largest farm in the world is in the southwestern part of Louisiana. It extends 100 miles north and south and 256 miles east and west. It was bought in 1883 by a syndicate of northern capi- talists, by whom it is still operated. The fencing is said to have cost $50,000. Rice, sugar, corn and cotton are raised. Hamerton’s Marriage. Philip Gilbert Hamerton heartily dis- approved marriage made in the French manner. ‘'‘And yet one morning,’ he says in his autobiography, ‘‘when I'was writing on my desk (a tall oak desk that I used to stand up to) the idea sud- denly came, as if somebody had uttered these words in my ear: ‘Why should you remain lonely all your days? Eun- genie Gindriez would be an affectionate aud faith{ul wife to you. She is not rich, but you would work and fight your way.’ *‘I pushed aside the sheet of manu- script and took a sheet of notepaper in- stead. I then wrote in French a letter to a lady in Paris who knew the Gin- driez family and asked her if Mlle. Eugenie was engaged to be married. The answer came that she was well and that there had been no engagement. Soon afterward I was in Paris. “I called on M. Gindriez, but his daughter was not at home. 1asked per- mission to call in the evening, and she was out again. This was repeated two or three times, and my wife told me afterward that these absences were not: accidental. At last we met, and there was nothing in her manner but a cer- tain gravity, as if serious resolutions: were impending. Her sister showed no such reserve, but greeted me gayly and frankly. After a few days I was accept- ed on the condition of an annual visit to France. ‘‘From a worldly point of view this engagement was what is called in French une folie, on my part, and hard- ly less so on the part of the young lady. We had, however, a kind of inward as- surance that in spite of the difference of Qationality and other differences we were, in truth, nearer to each other than most people who contract matrimonial engagements. The electric affinities act in spite of all appearances and of many realities. ”’ Food Peculiarities.. Dr. Sophie Lepper, the English food specialist, says in speaking of the pecul- iarities of various foods that blanched almonds give the higher nerve or brain and muscle food, no heat or waste. Walnuts give nerve or brain food; mus- cle, heat and waste. Pine kernels give heat and stay. They serve as a substi- tute for bread. Green water grapes are blood purifying, but of little food value. Blue grapes are feeding and blood puri- fying, too rich for those who suffer from the liver; tomatoes, higher nerve or brain food and waste; no heat. They are thinning and stimulating. Juicy fruits give more or less the higher nerve or brain, and some few, muscle food and waste; no heat. Apples supply the higher nerve and muscle food, but de not give stay. Prunes afford the highest nerve or brain food, supply heat and waste, but are not muscle feeding. Wages of European Policemen. London police sergeants, or rounds- men, are paid from §8.50 to $12 a week and constables, or patrolmen, from $6 to $8. In Dublin the wages ars half a dol- lar less. In Glasgow the highest pay for a constable is $6.75, for a sergeant $8. An inspector gets $700 a year and a superintendent from $1,200 to $1,500. The St. Petersburg chief of police draws $2,500 a year, a sergeant from $300 to $400 and a patrolman from $150 to $220 a year. Paris pays $5.25 to $6.50 to patrolmen (agents) and $7 to rounds- men. Patrolmen get from $225 to $260 a year in Vienna, from $230 to $300 in Amsterdam, and $200 to $320 at Brus- sels, where detectives may rise to $480. The Turkish policemen get $3 a week and the native policemen of Calcutta from $4 to $4.50 a month. Where He Drew the Line. Among the first stories recorded by Mr. T. E. Pritt in his ‘“ Anglers’ Bas- ket’’ is one about a Scottish laird who was relating the story of a fine fish he had caught one day to his friends at the dinner table, ‘‘Donald,’’ said he to the servant behind his chair—an old man, but a new servant—*‘ how heavy was the fish I took yesterday?’ Donald neither spoke nor moved. The laird re- peated the question. ‘‘Weel,' replied Donald, ‘‘it was twal’ pund at break- fast, it had gotten to achteen at dinner time and it was sax and twenty when ye sat down to supper wi’ the captain. ”’ Then, after a pause, he added, *“I’ve been tellin lees a’ my life to please the shoat- ers, but I'll be blowed if I’m geing to tell lees noo, through my old age, to please the fushers.’’ : —eeee—————— t Jumping a Straw. { Some years ago the late Major Roddy Owen was at Aldershot and offered to back himself to make a horse he was riding jump a straw. Every one laughed, ¢ and although his fondness for horses was | well known none believed he could ac- | complish the feat. A long straw was procured and laid on the ground. Owen , proceeded to blindfold the horse and | rode him at the mark, which the animal cleared with a bound that would have rettled a five bar gate. When he returned to collect his bets, all the sportsmen had vanished. —Army and Navy Journal. He Cheapened Pens. Sir Josiah Mason was, according to his biography, walking in Bull street, Birmingham, in the year 1828, when he saw some steel pens, price three and sixpence each. Josiah was a hard up maker of split rings. No sooner had he seen the pens than he went home, made some better than those in the shop, sent them up to London and got a large or- der by return. At 30 years of age Ma- son’s capital was 80 shillings. At 60 he had given away £400,000. ’ Niagara Ran a Sawmill, The first of Niagara's power was made in 1725, a primitive sawmill be- ing operated. Nothing more was done in this line until 1842, when Augustus Porter conceived the plan of hydraulic canals, and in 1861 one was completed. The Cataract Construction company, from whose plant power has just been delivered in Buffalo, was incorporated in 1889, ay de mb a a a A a aE a Sa he 2 me hh A AN Za AR Oh PP mb ad al ian hh Tn a dak a ALLA LAS Pt el TU an BD AON