The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 09, 1897, Image 7

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Patton Courier. |
P. "TON PUBLISHING co, ‘Proprietors.
E. WiLL GREENE, Editor.
CATHOLIC—Father Marcellius, paglor. Mass
every other Sunday at 8and 10a, m, Sun
day school at 2 p. m, and vespers at 3 p. m
LUTHERAN—IN Good’s Hall, Rev. B. 8, Dise, !
tor. Sunday school at 6:30 a. m. Preach- |
ng at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Song Serv- |
at 7:00 p. m
BarprisT—Rev. N, O, Patterson, Se
unday school |
ices at 1030 5. mn nag. m.
B. U, at 6 p. m, Prayer
James Mitchell, of Pittsburg, is vis-
{iting Ed. Little this week.
Go and see the fine line of fall and
| winter capes at Mirkin & Kusner’s.-1t
Miss Sadie Hattwick, of Jersey Shore,
|is visiting friends in Patton this week.
| A perfect fit guaranteed at the new
| tailoring establishment of Dinsmore
| Bros’, -40tf
Foot ball games are next in order,
and the Patton team promises to be
‘just the stuff.”
&% 2
bu ing every Youn eveningat7:80. | Geta good cool refreshing drink of
aii EriscorAr—Rev, C. W, Yagson,
stor, Services at 10:30 a. m, and 7:30 p. m
unday school at2 p.m. Epworth League |
at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednes- |
day evening. at 7:45.
| soda water or root beer at Hodgkins,
| Patton Pharmacy.
Patronize your home bakery and
~ | buy your bread from Kessler, oppo-
Kpighis! of the Golden EKagle—Patton Castle, | gite Palmer house.
meets every Tuesday evening in |
Bell's Stall at 7:30 o'clock.
N. O. Patterson, N. C.
W. H. H. Bell, M. R.
ton Lodge No. 108), meets every Thursday
evening at 7:30 in Good's Hall.
D. P. Jones, N. G.
John Hunter, Sec.
ington Camp No. 439 meets every Monday
evening at 7:30 in Bell's Hall.
I. 8. Bell, Pres. |
W. H. H. Bell, Ree. Sec'y. |
Young Men’s Institute—Marcellus Council No.
446, meets every Monday eyening at 8:00 p.
m.'in Yeager hall, Patton, E
M. Pn, President.
F. X. Bauman, Rec, iy
First SLOVAK CArHorLic UN1oN—of Patton,
No. 105, meets every first Sunday afternoon
of each month at 2'o’clock p. m.
George Shika, Pres.
John Fornadley, Sec'y.
1ICA—Division No. 2, of Patton, Cambria
county, meets every thrst Sunday afternoon
The next regular meeting of Borough
Council will be on Wednesday even-
ing, September 15th.
Hunter & Baughman are shipping a
considerable amount of lumber from
their yards in Patton.
G. C. Divers, of Barnesboro, and
John McCormick, of Spangler, drove
over to Patton on Labor Day.
If you want a nobby suit of clothes
call on Dinsmore Bros., merchant
tailors, next to postoffice.-40tf
John Edmiston, who has been vis-
iting relatives in Clearfield and Centre
counties, returned home on Saturday.
Miss Anna Jones, of Altoona, who
of each month.
Philip Callahan, Sec’y.
Grand Army of the Republic — Lientenant |
Kaylor Post, No. (33, meets every second and
fourth Saturday afternoon at 2:30 p m in
Bell’s hall. Valentine Dumm, Com.
‘W. H. H. Bell, Adjutant.
Conclave, No. 308 meets every second and |
fourth Fridays of each month at 8 p. m. in
Goods Hall Geo, Prindible, Archon.
John Boyce, Sec’y.
Loc al Time Table.
The hours of arrival and departure
of trains at the Patton Station are as
Train No.
Mail Closes.
. 630 AM
.1030 A M
3100p M
400 PM
630 PM
Postoffice hours from 7 A. M. to 8
Train numbers marked “N” are |
northbound and Gi southbound. |
6 M...
P. M.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
|used all right.
cellent and rates moderate.—69-tf.
| New York State,
| Saturday to attend the public schools.
lin Bell’s
| has been visiting friends at the Patton
| hotel, returned home on last Wed-
J. Watt Miller, who spent Sunday
and Monday at his old homestead at
Stormstown, Pa., returned home on
Hon. Jas. Rerr, of Clearfield; Rem-
brandt Peale, of New York, and Alex.
Patton, of Curwensville, were in Pat-
ton on Mouaday looking after business
Robt. Johnston, representing John-
ston & Co., wholesale paper dealers of
Harrisburg, stopped in town on Mon-
day night.
All members of the Methodist Episco-
pal choir are requested to meet at the
church on Saturday evening at 8
o’clock sharp.
S. M. Wilson is converting the stable
| on the rear of his lot on Beech avenue
{into a dwelling to be used for tene-
ment purposes.
Now is the time for the Patton Board
of Trade to commence to look around.
A meeting should be called and a little
| spirit manifested.
When you take a trip to Ebensburg
stop at the Blair house and you will he
Accommodations ex-
Murray Lewis, who has been spend-
several weeks among friends in
returned home on
A meeting has been called to be held
hall on Friday night for the
purpose of organizing a Temple of the
Ladies of the Knights of the Golden
le te tion icks ft / i
guature every |
ol oF LZ wrapper. | government cannons to be placed in |
| appropriate positions i
From L. A. W, Julletin.
Oh, here’s a toast to the funnyman
Who at us chestnuts poke:
“Long life, Ly we; “may he live to be
As old as are his jokes.”
When the other fellow gets rich it’s luek,
Just blundering luck “that brings him gains,
But when we win it’s a case of pluck
With intelligent effort and lots of brain,
He was riding on a load of straw
When good old Farmer Wayback saw
A cyclone coming down the roa
And said to himself, “We IL, I'l be blotwed.’
Water at
Patton Pharmacy.
Welcome, old oyster.
Nine months of school.
Hot days and cool nights.
Visit Miller’s White Shoe Store.
The buckwheat itch comes next.
Green corn is holding sway now.
The leaves will soon begin to turn,
The house fly is beginning to take
a sneak.
nights ago.
The happy, happy school days have
came again.
Go to Kessler’s bakery for your fresh
bread and cakes.
had a prize fight a few
Suits and pantaloons at all prices at
Dinsmore Bros’.
The base bz ul fev
improved of late.
ver in Patton is much
Prosperous merchants advertise in
Labor Day should have been termed
fie y?’ in Patton.
The Patton public
menced on Tuesday morning.
R. L. Paup and Chas. Baker drove to
Flynton on Monday morning.
Wang da
schools com-
in & Kusner and see their
and winter coats.-1t
Go to Mirk
fine line of fall
Coon hunting parties are now the go,
and roasting ears are quite plentiful. |
“I take pains to spare you pain” is
the way a Chicago dentist advertises.
Children’s fall and winter coats a
Mirkin & Kusner’s. Go and see them, |
For that “tired feeling’ go to Hodg- |
kins and get a cool glass of soda water |
or root beer.
CO. W. Hodgkins made a business trip
to New York and Philadelphia the | Harry H.
pery, both of Clearfield, Pa.
first of the week.
| was filled to its utmost capac
Opera House Co.
I nual meeting for the election of offic i
The new officials
President, A. |
Ajt. W. H. H. Bell has made applica-
tion to Hon. J. D. Hicks for two old |
n the town of
convention at Reading, Pa., stopped in |
H. J. Patton, of Curwensville, was a
visitor to Patton Monday.
E. B. Fox, of Louisville, Ky., had
business in Patton on Monday.
W. G. Dawson spent Labor Day in
Patton visiting among friends.
W. G. Lockard, M. D., of Cumber-
land, Md., spent Monday and Tuesday
in Patton.
J. E. Johnson and wife, of Phila-
delphia, were visitors to our town
on Tuesday.
John Gibbins, of Chest Springs, was
a pleasant caller at the COURIER office
on Tuesday.
The genial traveling salesman, Chas.
B. Roper, of DuBois, was seen on our
streets Wednesday morning.
Geo. A. Becker, a traveling salesman
of York, Pa., was looking after busi-
ness interests in Patton on Tuesday.
The newly appointed postmaster at
Barnesboro, Frank McAnulty, was a
welcome visitor to Patton on Monday.
Miss Nell Sweeney is spending a
couple of weeks visiting friends at
Patton, Hastings and Altoona.—Houtz-
dale Journal.
Cap. Notley’s horse won first money
in the ‘free for all” race at Ebensburg
Thursday. His colt won second prize
in the colt race.—Spangler Sentinel.
Mrs. Edith Allport is still farther im-
proving her residence by setting a
curb and laying a fire brick walk on
the Third street side, and grading and
sodding the grounds. — Philipsburg
No man or woman can enjoy life or
accomplish much in this world while
suffering from a torpid liver. DeWitt’s
Little Early Risers,
cleanse that organ, quickly.
Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
Ap exchange says that Clearfield
county has a curiosity in the shape of
a township, within whose borders there
C. W.
the pills that|
is mot a church, school, saloon, store,
minister, justice, school teacher, doctor, |
lawyer, carpenter, blacksmith shop, |
postoffice, or a two-story house. None |
of the inhabitants of the township |
have ever held office, sat on a jury, or
been in a criminal action. |
Moments are useless if trifled away; |
and they are dangerously wasted if!
consumed by delay in case where One |
Minute cough cure would bring im- |
mediate relief. C. W. Hodgkins, Pat- |
ton Pharmacy.
Free, Free, Free! >
With every §25 worth of goods pur-
chased at our store you will be pre-
sented with a beautiful piece of silver-
ware, which can be secon displayed in
our shew window.
33tf MmniN & KUSNER.
Rev. Mark Minser, 2 Dunkard min- |
ister of Deckers Point, Pa., says he|
can reco I ¢hamberiain’s Pain)
Balm to anyone in need of a good lini-
ment, and that he considers it tae best
he has ever Balm is es-
pecially teumatism, lame
G. W. Murray, of Punxsutawney, |
. who attended the Democratic State |
Patton for a few days’ visit on his|
return home.
The Spangler Sentinel, one of the|
COURIE best exchanges, entered |
upon its fifth year last Friday. Here's |
saec Bro. Spencer, and may the]
Sentinel always prosper. |
J. W. Hubbard and son Morris, of |
ch Creek, Pa., who were the guests |
off Mr. Hubbard’s William, |
Joseph and Hod, during the past week, |
returned to their homes on Tuesday.
We ¢
re sory to announce the serious |
indisposition of our fellow townsman, |
Geo. M. Ferguson. He has been in|
poor health for some time, but is now |
confined to his room,—Mahaffey Ga-|
Members of
the Mealove family, of
Richmond, Indiana county, one of the |
oidest families in the county, heid a
reunion av Manlove park urday.
This was the 3:
ant evening
39th anniversary of the |
The entertainment 1 in the Fire- |
men’s hali on Friday night by the |
members of the Knights of the Golden
y was a grand succes The hall
everyone enjoyed the excellent
| gram rendered.
The stockholders of the
one day last week.
elected were as follows:
| T, Strittmatter; vice-president, C. Otto;
t | secretary, R. J. Kaylor; treasurer, A.
Lantzy; directors, A. C. Strittmatter, |
| R. J. Yothers, Jas. McNelis, P. A.
| Strittmatter, Francis Hoover.
na |
pro- |
Hastings |
held the regular an- |
MARRIED—ADb Patton, Pa., Septem-
ber 4, 1897, by the Rev. N. O. Patterson,
McLaughlin and Etta Tip-
back, sprain i cubs, bruiser, |
burns and : : it is one of Be
most acemarkoble medicines in ex-
1 ty effect {i both sur- |
a VOU 1 sale 25
ple and hooklet free.
1G. 0,
INT ap i to eure any case of constipation. Cascarets are the Ideal Laxa-
‘ tive. never grip or gripe.but cause easy natural results, Sam.
Ad. sre RLING REMEDY CO., Chicago, Montreal, Can., or New York.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
The famous little le pills,
Small precautions often | prevent great
mischiefs. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers
are very small pills in size, but are
most effective in preventing the most
serious forms of liver and stomach
troubles. they cure constipation and
headache and regulate the bowels. C.
Ww. Hodgkins, P Patton Pharmacy.
One Minute ( Cough Cure, cures.
That is what it was made for.
signs for Bloyele Riders.
To lend your wheel is a sign you will
quarrel with a friend.
To read the advertisements of newly
invented painless saddles is a sign you
will die poor and despised.
To be chased by a yellow dog with a
head like a cook stove and a mouth
like a cellar presages a bad fall.
To puncture your tire ten miles from
home is the sign that you will have a
spavin on your off hind hoof.
To see a red headed woman wearing
green bloomers is a sign your rim will
split unless you say ‘Kokalo” and
throw a bale of hay over your left
To Care Loustipation Forever.
Take Cascurets Candy Cathartic. 10¢ or Ze.
If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money.
To heal the broken and deceased tis-
sues, to soothe the irritated surfaces, to
instantly relieve and to permanently
cure is the mission of DeWitt’s Witch
Hazel Salve. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton
No-Te-Bac for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, mukes weak
men strong, blood pure. 50¢, 81. Ai. druggists.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That is what it was made for.
These prices:
| 56-piece Tea set (nice goods).......
100-piece dinner set, fine ware
100-piece best de corated ware.
Good large dinner pails, 3stylesat. .
Men’s heay. y work shocs (double tapped). 1 00
Men's fancy dress SNOES...........ccevreruerereereres 1 00
And many other bargains which we
have not space to quote.
Below we nathe a few of
the articles found on our
10 cent counter.
10-pin folding hat rack
3-quart coffee pot
15-gal oil can
{on art water pail
rt sauce pan
vered bucket
ng pan
tove brush
ranite pudding pan
granite wash basin
G0-foot clothes line
50-foot white cotton line
{0-foot wire line
Jest bridle bits
Good bits or brace
Set silver plated spoons
Good hairbrush
Nice clothes brush
Good thermometor
Pencil box with lock and key
Serated bread knife
T 3 thi
Also a variety of other goods which |
are sold at twice the price we ask. |
Call and see at
Patton, Pa.
Try LEY)
The Quickest
Mail Order House
in the State.
BY MAIL absolutely safe
We prepay Postage and
Send for our new Booklet —
Service in
Dry Goods House in
~ makes
satisfactory for the ladies of Central Pennsylvania.
goods ordered by Mail, but for Cash only.
of any goods you may wish to see.
Best Goods at Lowest Prices — and
your Money Back if you want it.
The combination of the best Mail
the world with the best or
Express on all
also for Samples
The Keystone
Clothing Co.
A New Firm
With lots of experience and plenty of
money to back it up. We are here to
trade with you and want your custom.
To get it we promise you fair square
dealing and very close prices. Our
profits are going to be meagre. 1
penny and 5 pennies, and where others
will charge you Dollars on Clothing we
are going to make it halves on any-
thing we sell you, and we want you to
get others’ prices and then come to us
and we will go them one to five better
be it dollars or cents. Come and try
us and be convinced that we are right.
Spank New Stock.
Our buyer has just returned from
New York and Philadelphia and has
picked up just what you may want in
Suits, Men’s or Boys’ Overcoats, Un-
derwear, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ete., Ete.
A nobby line of Fall Suits in the
latest novelties and colors.
The Hats! Oh My!
What an assortment in Greene,
Olive, Blue, Black or Brown, and the
prices will be one-half less than they
are worth.
The Shirts, For Fall.
We picked up some 12 dozens of the
latest things that sold for §1.00—the
price now 50 cents.
Our Overcosts
A spank new stock. Anything and
everything. Finest Dress or Cheapest
Stormer. $3.50 to $15.00. That means
a big assortment to select from. Men’s,
Boys’, Children’s.
are buying. Suits 12 to $28.
| guarantee.
No deposit required.
and best workmanship to be had.
Ye=And now we invite you to call. Cur
Men’s Pants.
65 cents to the finest that money can
Well we will show nobby ties—the
25 and 35c. ones only 20c., and the 50c
ones 38c. Big line here.
Gloves, 2c; 35c, 33, and up-
ward. These are regular, 25, 40 and
50¢ Gloves.
Collars and Cuffs.
Nobby Styles. 5¢, 10c, 15¢, worth
just double,
Overalls and Jackets
Regular 50c ones with bibs 38c and
80 on.
Has advanced about 20 per cent., but
cash bought old prices and we will sell
it that way. $1.00 buys an all-wool
Suit that can’t be matched less than
$1.50. That’s so. - We have all grades.
Well we are in it on Shoes also. Ex-
clusive shoe houses can’t show you the
assortment we will have here in a day
or 80.
Tans (heavy), Green, Olive, Blacks.
The Ladies’ won’t be in ’til the factory
gets them made for us—say 10 days yet.
Everyone in Patton or surroundings
know what Bell sold. Well ours will
be better and more up-to-date. FACT!
Can talk all day, or take up your valuable time, but we
want you to see these Bargains and we mean bargaius every
Oh! yes, we nearly forgot to say a word about our
Merchant Tailoring Department.
'a big stock of the piece goods and you can see just what you
We will carry
Pants 4 to #8 and now our
A perfect fit or no sale
motto is:— .
“Penny Profits and Big Sales.”
We want to make it so pleasant .
in our store and so economical for you
to trade here that
to go anywhere else.
own experiece to teach
you will not want
We want your
you that you
may have confidence in us.
and not try to
| to buy what we want to se
We want ,to
| The best possible
nave w
s for everthing
a first-class Grocery
vay to
1 +L 1 “i
aac ne wams,
persuade him
sell everything,
one as much as
that 1s kept in
ana General
Patton Supply Co.
Next to Corner Drug Store.