The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 09, 1897, Image 4

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    _ SRE 5
The Whole Popilation of the Town Is
Descended From Renegades.
Agura isa small town surrcundea
with walls ‘of from 40 to 50 feetin
height and built of tabia, or con-
i golidated rubble. It owes its existence
to Mulai Ismail, who held the throne
of Marooco from 1732-1757. Ons gate
alone gives entrance to the place, and
in this respect, as well as in its archi-
tecture within and without, it much
resembles the ‘‘ksor’’ of the Sahara de-
scribed in the writer's ““Tafilet.’’ But
The “Prisoner of Zenda,” “Corsican Broth-
ers” and the “Lyons Mail” Are Plays iu
Which It Is Necessary For the iar to
Make These Quick Changes.
| To be able to play two parts in the
game piece—to portray, pe haps two
characters of totally different - caliber—
SL |
Suppose, my dear, that you were 1,
and connections ¢
NY. 0 &H RR KC Lnsesne
ES ———————————T
is not an undertaking which many ac-
tors care to attempt. It is only the ex-
perienced artist who may attcmpt the
feat with impunity, and even then,
though he may appear to tle audience
to achieve his end wi‘hort an effort,
there are many mcre dificulties in his
path than meet the (ye of the habitual
theater goer.
Not only must the actor be possessed
of no small amount of histrionic talent,
but he must ciien call in the aid of an
understudy, Ww hose duty it is to gull the
onlooker into the belief that their favor-
ite is perforining the impossible feat of
it owns one feature of curiosity which
was lacking in the desert, for almost
without exception the entire population
are descendants of the renegades and
Christian slaves of the time of Mulai
Ismail, with the addition of stray rene-
gades who have been sent there since.
Probably no such cosmopolitan place
exists in the world, for its 800 or 400
inhabitants are representative of no less
than 18 nationalities. Each family re-
members and is proud of its origin, the
Arab equivalent being applied as sur-
names. :
The family in whose home the writer
spent the few days of his visit were
being in two places at one and the same
time. For in nearly every play of such a
cl. svacter it is well nigh impossible for
author so to arrange his piece that
the cotor may never be called upon to
be cn the stage with his double.
Any cne who has been to- see ‘The
Prisoner f Zenda’’ performed at
James ti: ater, must have marveled at
the lightning celerity with which Mr.
George Ale: under, a moment before the
drunken kirs of Ruritania, suddenly, |
as by some act ¢f witchcraft, reappeared
as Radolf Rasscudyll, clad in the ordi-
rary costume of the English tourist.
* ‘hen, to every one's surprise, the supine
Lcdy of the king was carried in so that
70 all appearances Mr. Alexander was
syazing upon his own person. In reality,
of course, it was merely a lightning
change, aud the understudy had to be
requisitiveed to supply the person of the
A more {aruous case of double imper-
sonation, however, is. that of ‘The Cor-
sican Brothers,” the first play perhaps
in which Sir Henry Irving gave us a
taste of his wouderful talent.
In the first uct—to give a slight re-
sume of the play—the ghost of Louis,
killed in a duel by a certain Chateau
Renaud in the forest of Fontainebleau,
appears to Fabien, his brother. The sec-
ond act takes us to Paris, and through
varied incident to the death of Louis.
Here Irving was Louis.
In the third act, however, it is Fabien
who is once more before us, who has
constituted himself the avenger of his
brother's death. He meets Chateau
Renaud and demands satisfaction. Re-
naud is worsted and falls to the ground.
Then suddenly the ghost of Louis ap-
pears, and, to personate the spirit of
the dead man, Irving had had to fly to
the wings, make his way below the
stare and take his stand upon the trap,
which conveyed him upward to the
.gaze of the thrilled spectators.
ow was it done? The audience was
amuzed. Yet the explanation is com-
paratively simple: Irving stepped be-
hind a ‘property’ tree. His ‘‘double’’
instantly fii.od his place, taking good
eave nct to ture the audience when it
was neces: yt him to confront the
ghost. Hence © lightning change from
mortal to spirit and the resultant be-
wilderment of tLe beholders.
Neither is tle ‘Corsican Brothers’ |
the only play in which Irving has con-
trived to take a double part and yet
nonplus the audience by the adroitness
of his metamorphosis.
Those who are familiar with the
‘Lyons Mail’ will doubtless remem-
ber the most telling scene in the play.
Here Dubcse, the murderer, is in an
attic, gazirg down upon the prepara-
tions being made for the execution of |
the innocent Liesurques— whose likeness
to the real murderer has brought him
to such a terrible pass—an expression
the St. | question. The other neighbors were the
Flemish, while the next door neighbor
on one side was un elderly female,
whose father, an Englishman, had be-
come a renegade some 80 years since,
and who quickly tired of it, leaving a
wife and daughter, the neighbor in
descendants of Spanish gypsies, the
head of the family being ““ Absalam ben
Mohammed el Gitano el Espanoli.”
| They were particularly proud of the
“Gitano” (gypsy) part of the surname
and begged me not to confound them
with the ordinary Spaniards, of whom
there were many descendants in Agurai.
The ancestor of this gypsy family was
two generations back. He had left his
| country, they naively told the wriier,
because he was not on good terms with
his sultan, who wanted to imprison
him, being afraid of hisinfluence. Prob-
ably it was more of an affair of the po-
lice courts than political intrigue.
The “Ulad el Aluj’” (‘‘sons of the
converts’), as the inhabitants of Agurai
are called, have entirely, except in one
or two cases, lost the type of their Eu-
ropean ancestry, and through marriage,
no doubt, are as largely Berber in ap-
pearance as the wild tribes that sur-
round them. They speak among them-
selves both Arabic and Berber, and
both, curiously enough, with a strong
foreign accent, easily distinguishable.
They are exempt from all taxation, but
have to serve in the sultan’s army, where
they perform the duties of cooks and
butchers. —Geographical Journal.
No Longer Any Need to Go Through Eu-
rope With Them.
Up to times within the memory of
living men almost no one of means
traveled through Europe without a
courier. Before railroads were built
and before good guidebooks were print-
ed he was almost indispensable. His
tribe survives, but in greatly dimin-
ished numbers. To the self reliant trav-
eler he is of no use whatever. Indeed
he is frequently a positive incumbrance,
and worse. To my mind one of the
great pleasures of travel is in learning
to travel by myself. There are satisfac-
tion, pleasure and education in plan-
ning routes, deciphering time tables,
making bargains, learning by observa-
tion the lay of the land.
The time may have been when a
courier could save a traveler more than
his cost. Most certainly that is not the
case now. On the contrary, as he gets a
percentage on every purchase his party
the purchaser in increased price, and
as it is often for his interest to advise
the more costly route, the more costly
of the fair owners of these pets tho
prices of dog combs and brushes are
kept aristocratically high.—New York
The Blackguardsyof Malaga.
Besides my man Mohammed there
derisive laughter, curses and stone
throwing on the part of the crowc
fed and ill conditioned boys who throng-
ed the quay.
: D iftwood
Times. Mix Run...
D nts Run.
Ben uezette
were several other Arab passengers Tyler ....
aboard, and the appearance of these, as Penfield
they leaned over the bulwarks of the ' sabula
steamer, was the signal for a shout of | 1,;Bots.....cocomeren:
i of ill Falls Creek...
For downright black- | Fuller...
guardism nothing can beat the type of | Brookville.
the youth of Malaga, whose expression, | Red Bank... 955 350
like their morals, is of asdebased a type | Pittsburg...
Week days only, 132a. m.
Gen’ Managel.
I. 3. WI0N,
Gan’ Pass. A fl.
chiladeiphia and rie Railroad Livision
as could well be imagined. Howls of |
filthy lapguage greeted the appearance
barked, would have run a great risk of
appealed to the police, but the two rep-
resentatives of this noble body were |
| hotel or the mora costly excursion, he
busily employed in stealing figs from |
eats up much more than his wages, | the cargo and paid little or no attention
| while saving positively nothing. Bean
declares that in a two weeks’ trip in
southern Spain, which he made side by
side with a couple having a courier, he
invariably reached the hotel first, got
| better rooms and saw all the sights to as
| : ;
suddenly catches sight of the villainous i good advantage, yet the courier was, of
face of the real car at the attic | bis kind, an expert, The fact js that
window. The door of the room is bat- | travel has become so general, tourist
tered in. Behind it stands Dubosc. The joomepanes, Jala aud landims hye
wretch is dragged from his refuge, and | 5 ya Siege 13 needy boo » are
as they do'so Irving-Lesurques coolly | Dlentiigl, £ at, you sonien bi Yo!
walks in upon the scene of turmoil. get ou he DE have a a 3
The ocr cf the attic is made to open | i 3 ig -==tlorber pce 1 0158
jnward, thus shutting Irving-Dubose 1000.
from viet cf the auditorium. [na mo- What He Played.
ment he slips throngh a tap. His A member of a military band ata
«‘double’’ takes his placa. to te hustled certain barrack came to the surgeon re-
unceremoniously by the crowd of *‘su- cently with a long face and a plaintive
pers,” whose duty it is also to conceal story about a sore throat.
the man’s face in cose the fraud sheuld «Sore throat, eh,” said the surgeon
be discovered. Irving-Lesurques can pleasantly. ‘‘Let me see. Oh, that’s
hn coma on in his new role. ' not so bad. A slight irritation; nothing
But an actor has been known to play | more. You'll be all right in a day or
two parts without the assistance of a!two. I think you had better take no
dummy. risk in renewing the trouble by using
In a certain play it was the duty of your throat, though, so I will recom-
the hero to leap out of the window of | mend you for a fortnight’s sick leave.’’
.3is room and to enter from a door on the Armed with the surgeon’s certificate,
opposite side of the stage clad in differ- | the bandman obtained his two weeks’
ent clothes, though otherwise the same. sick leave. The two weeks had just
This, however, was juggling pure come to an end when he met the sur-
and simple. The actor dropped into his geon on the parade ground. The band-
«econd dress in much the same way as ' man saluted. The surgeon reeognized
an American fireman is reputed to | the face and stopped.
jump into bis uniform. The costume | *“How’s thé throat?’ he asked pleas-
consisted of but one piece with a patent antly.
fastening down tke back, and as he “It’s quite well, sir,”’ was the reply
leaped through the window frame he “That's good,”
leaped into Lis clothes, which, so to *‘'You can get back to your duty with-
gpeak, shut behind him and left him re-
Neither is the part of the understudy
one to be given to any ordinary ‘“super’’
from the muss of warriors, countrymen
and the like that go to make up a stage
crowd. He must be possessed of no
slight amount of adaptability and smart-
ness to enable his principal to go through
his arduous task without a hitch.—
Pearson’s Weekly.
of horrible glee upon his face, clapping
his hands as he sees the apparently
doomed man step forward to his death.
But his « zultation is premature. Le-
surques is reprieved, and the crowd
¢o you handle in the band?”
*‘The sm
sician. —C
ago News.
the absence cf chimneys.
a chimney in all
Da Vinci's Wheelbarrow, * ovens,
Leonardo da Vinei, the painter who
Supper,” is said to have invented tha some dead letter statutes.
wheelbarrow. —Boston Budget.
said the surgeon. |
out fear. By the way, what instrument ter give up trying to shave yourself and
all drum, sir,’’ said the mu-
From the top of the cathedral spire in
Mexico you can see the entire city, and
ihe most striking feature of the view is
There is not
Mexico, not a grate
por a stove nor a turnace. All the cook-
ing is done with charcoal in Dutch | galt with his victuals is the same as
Bowling, billiards and card playing
painted the famous picture of the ‘‘Last | are unlawful in Michigan, according to
| to the fact that an infuriated crowd of |
| the worst characters of Malaga—that is !
| to say, the worst in the world—were |
! pelting the steamer with stones and
mud. Affairs, however, reached a cli-
max when ene of the Moors, who spoke
Spanish, asked after the health of € n-
eral Margallo, the general who had Leen
killed before Melilla, and then the cap- |
| tain was obliged to order them below, |
though the ill conditioned crowd hooted
and jeered until at sunset the steamer
left.— Harris’ ‘‘From Batum to Bag-
Millions of Frogs Rain Down.
One of the most curions phenomena
of nature is the precipitation of frogs,
fish, crabs, angleworms, etc., with
rain from the clouds. The story is told
in the annals of the French academy |
and may be fcund in the August num- |
ber, 1804. The narrative is by one Pro-
fessor Pontus. In it he gives an account
of an instance of millions of frogs which
fell in a shower near Toulouse. He
states that he himself saw numerous
young frogs on the coats of two gentle-
| men who were out in the shower. Pro-
| fessor Pontus says that he ‘forthwith
! repaired to the spot where the storm
| had burst and found the roads and
fields literally alive with young frogs
| and tadpoles.’’ ‘‘In some places,’’ says
i the professor, ‘‘they were three or four
| deep all over the ground, and the hoofs
| of the horses and the carriage wheels
killed thousands of them.”’
Economy and Morals.
Wifo—John, don’t you think you bet-
go back to the barber?
Husband—Why, of course not. See
hew much I save every month. y
Wife—Yes, I know that, but then
Willie is always around when you
shave, and he is learning so many bad
| words.—Ohio State Journal.
The greatest of all luxuries in centxal
Africa is salt. To say that a man eats
gaying that he is a rich man. Mungo
Park says, *‘The long continued use of
vegetable food creates so painful a long-
ing for salt that no words can sufficient-
643 1126 709 Trai ft:
| Winterburn 6 49 1132 715 Time Table. Prafuslnave Dur wood
6.59 na ue isn 91) A. M.-— Truin 8, week days, for
5353 7p 1245 640 Sunbury, Wilkesbarre, Scranton, Hazleton,
793 % Pottsville, darrisburg and intermeaia.e su -
“> 110 7501255 650 uons, arriving at Philadelphia, 6:23 p. m,
oan 120. New York, 9::0 p. m.; Baltimore, 6:00 p. m,,
Reynoldsville 740 135 805 Weshington, 7:15 p, m. Pullman Parlorcas
Hopkins. 74H 809 trom Willmmspor. to Philadelphia, and
757 151 822 nagEenger conc § ‘rom Kape vo Poila.
3 $16 211 841 4:03 P. M.—Train 6. week days, wi Har-
New Bethlehem. 10 305 935 1isburg and intermediate stations, arm-
ing at Philadelphia at 4:30 a. m., New York
7:33 u. mu. Pullinan Sleeping cars from Hai:
cisbure to Philadelphia and New Yorb,
Puailadel pila passengerscan remain insleey er
Trains counneet at Red Bank with River Div disturbed until 7-30 a. m.
of the Moors, who, had they disem- | for Pittst.
Penn Div
% x . or Ridgway 5
being torn to pieces, so great 1s the an- | Buffalo, Rochester ond Ps for pong
1 hi i Inani q 23 sutawney anu «earfield, £ rittwood with
makes, W hich, of course, comes out of | tipathy of the Spaniards to their former — ind Phiwaelphia and Erie Div. P. R.
The captain of the steamer | R. for Williamsport, Elmira and all points
swede Spent Two Years In Vindicating
Colo.,’’ said cue of the passengers in
the smoking room of the Pullman, “and
| exhibition
4:32 P. M.—Train 4, daily for Sunbury & Har-
18Durg aud (ater mediatestauous, arriving at
Philadelphia, 6:52 a. .; New York, 9:33a, Mm.
week days and 10°33 a. m.on Sundays; Bal-
dmore, 8:20 a, wa,; Washinzo® 7:40 a. m,
Puilman cars and passeng°r coactes from
=i and Williamsport to ‘hilsueipu » and
Wlliamscort to Washington. Pas engers in
sleeper Or Baiumore auu wash ngtcn will
vo trgpserred into Washington jeeper at
Williamsport. Paes nger co~ches rom Erie
to Philadelphia ana surf Ww Balti-
west Penn Junction, on Wes!
©, R at Falls Creek with trains
ua Clearfield Div. P. R. R. and
DAVID MCCARGO, Gen, Supt. Pitts.
JAS. P. ANDERSON, Gen, Pas. Agt.
4:41 A. M.—Train 9, week d ys, for Wri‘,
Ridgway, DuBois, Clermont aud princigal
intermediate stations.
9:43 A. Md —lieiu 3, wauy wi frie aun LOE)
mediate stations.
545 P. M. -tran 15, week days, 1 Kaneana
intermediate stations.
TRAIN 9 leaves New York 5:55 p. m.; Phila-
delphia 8:50 p. m., Washington 7:10 p. m,,
Baltimore p. m., arriving at Driftwood
4:41 a. m. week days, with Pullman sleepers
and passenger coaches from Philadelphia to
Erie and Baltimore to Williamsport.
TRAIN 3 leaves New YOrk ai 7:55 p.m. Phil-
adelphia, 11:20 p. m.; Washington,, 10:40 p.1m.,
Baltimore, 11:50 p. m.; daily arriving at Drift.
wood at 9:43 a. m, Pullman sleeping cars
from Philadelphia to Williamsport and
through passenger coaches from Philadel-
wh a 10 Frie, Baltimore to Williamsport.
TRAIN 15 eaves Philadelphia 8:30 a. un.
washingtc 17:50 a. m,; Baltimore 8:50 a. m
Wilkesbarte, 10:15 a. m.: week days,
arriving at Driftwood at 5:45 p. m. w
Pullman parlor ear from Philadelphis for
(Week days.)
TRAIN 19 leaves Ridgway at 9:55 a. m, Jonn-
s nburg at 10 08 a. m, arriving at Clermont at
10:55 &. NM.
rRAIN 20 leaves Clermont at 11:00 a. m,, ar-
riving at Johnsonburg at 11:45 a. 1, and
Ridgway at 12:04 p.m.
On and atter Nov* 16th, 1896,
willarriveand depart from
cept Sunday, as follows:
His Brotuer's Honesty.
«I practiced law ouce in Silverton,
had a case that struck me as a model
of faithfulness. A Swede
was mail carrier over the pass to the
other side of the range. It waggnot a
long trip, but it was a severe one, made
on foot and with the danger in winter
from heavy snows added to its diffi-
culty. Andrew carried the mail for a
year, then one day he failed to reach
home. There were valuable letters in
his sack, and the inference that he had
decamped was strong. On the night he
should have come into Silverton his
brother, fresh from Scandinavia and
unable to speak English, got off the
stage. As county attorney I had to
break the news to the boy and stood by
while he wept.
“Rewards were offered for Andrew,
and I sent out parties to search the pass,
but to no effect. A miner claimed to
have seen him a week later in Leadville,
but we got no more trace of him. The
brother refused to believe that Andrew
had done wrong and spent his days
tramping the canyons searching for his
brother's body. We tried to get him to
ssenger traine
uBois daily ex
irk i ria i 6 50a. m, Falls Creek,
go to work, but he did not yield until | § 20% I (irwensvilieand Clearfield
by his shortness of funds he was starved {10 15 a Reynoldsville,
i a y rhe 5 9 56 Bradford and Rochester.
to it. In the spmumer, when most 0 the Eh nT
snow was off, he searched again, but in | 12 50 p. m. Falls Creek..
rai i , winte ror 145 ** Curwensvilleand Clearfield
vain. During the winter he aw orked, 18 es tal
but when the second spring sae ne Sif 1 5 4 Hig un and Sun¥sutswney,
newed his lonely trampings up the trail. 32 * Helvetia and Punxsutawney.
y Ta 05 “ Curwensvill J) .
We thought him demented, but he cared 3 18 “ Curwensville snd Cieazaield
not for our opinions. One day in August | 745 BigRun and Punxsautawney.
ralk g c 2131) a TRAINS ARYIVE,
he walked along : at the base of a cliff 6.10 Nn, Pra WoEys
and saw a boot sticking out from some | 730 ‘ Falls Creek.
debris. He uncovered it, and his search | 2 40 “ Curwensvilleand Clearfleld.
jae : : 955 ‘ Punxsutawney.
was ended. That evening he came into | 1033 * Bradford.
town with the mail sack, much stained |12 60 p, m, Curwensvillemnd Clearfield.
: ji : her’ 8 'h 105 * Punxsutawiry.
but intact, and his brother’s coat. The | 143 @ Falls Creek and Reynoldsville
grave he dug, with the rough stone he 1 > 4 Pulls OF ok 4 id Bradford.
5 3 ‘ 3 . ochester,
afterward put at its head, is upthe| s5 « Paaxeatawney and Clearfleld.
canyon yet. It took two years to vindi- | 718 * Curwensville
745 + Falls Creek.
cate his brother's name, but he did not
begrudge it. When it was done, he went
back to his native land.’’—Chicago
all stations at 2 cents per mi
call on or address,
M. Dundergan, Agent, DuBois.
E. C. Lapey. Gen'l Pass, Agent.
Thousand mile ticket good for passage between
And by your side your sweetheart sate. OONDENBED TIM. TAcub WUTHWARD 1 NORTHWA) D
Suppose Yo noticed by and w g i y . ‘A.M, A.M STATIONS, Pr. M.P Low! Hime Table in Efeat-Nov, 15, 1606.
e distance 'twixt you was oo great. (| ead U) . W a Lov se
Now tell me, dear, w! + would you do? i waup ooo oo BeeGlovD | Ses Ty 0) Renovo 500 1025 EAST BOUND,
eT tL ein! Oxp Mall May 16, 1867, Ex: 943 441 Driftwood 9 32 AM, P.M, P.M
s you! ; vo 47 NO. ad NOIR CL 86(1020 5 10 kimporiam 120 900] Reynoldsville............ . 12 50
And then, so comforia placed, oy nH s= 5 Marys Ald side yalley, 9 is
Supposu yon only grew aware x 1110 630 Knne A230 905] saBom in 1% 505
That that dear, dainty little waist et Cota m——RE— 180 64 Wilcox 12.06. 842} .aB 738 153 513
Of hers looked very lonely there. v4 #80 LIGA... MuhATOY em lV 6 00 4 49 [11 44 7 00 Johnsouburg 1008 826] salem....ccneeren 74 189 !
Pray tell me, sooth, what would you do? | "051235 Lv 1000 KOTINOOT erences 25 F 06 = | «JiDersOErg.. 745 204 521
I know, and so do you! R00 Ld uueen 31° 70 Ridgway 5M 755 750 213 6
449 12 IAT, 52 } ¥ Jiang Run 943 748 756 218
Phen, having done what I just did, dB 4512 1aesseere 5 26 : 1 Haven 940 745 807 28 5
With not a frown to check or chill, "1 8.89 13 05 oes eee 5 82 z 3 ay and } > i 9 7! 3
Suppose her red lips seemed to bid 8 38 11 B9rurssurrencee 68 5:8 y pro Pee Rech 0 2% ; 3 826 252 8
Deflance to your lordly will? 816 11 40 Lv....Clearfleld Junc....Ar615 6&5 7 51 Vineyard Run 919 lear ied, 835 800 616
Oh, tell me, sweet, what would you do? o i 753 OAT 17 7 24 | -learneid B. C. Depot Ar. . 845 3810 62
I know, and so do you! 8 06 11 50.0 uves CIORTAEL.rrrrrienn esesens {3 | 1 8 U8 Brockwav lle 908 716 A.M. P.M, P.X
—Pearson’s Weekly. TE 75 3 % anes Miils 904 711 WEST BOUND.
748 Woodland 64 8 20 Pala Crook % 00 70 A, M, P, MLE. M
A TOOTHBRUSH FOR KOKO. | } j2 .e ng 85 140 8380 Dn Role 8 40 640 10 50
b . . 1:10 —- Falls Creek 700 6065 1040
a 2 W 707 5 .
Costly Toilet Articles Purchased by Rich 20 bid 7 u 1% - Re; grioldssille 645 640 1028 1285
BEET TOI Tere rT — ville 609 604 940 125)
Girls For Their Pet Dogs. = Ir 740] 305 — New Bethlehem 52) 510 932 1242 7
A score or more of dainty toilet arti- | lal 3 I Hed Bank — 4 2 1935 Tm
oles, gold mounted and jeweled, were 32, 722 72|P. M. AW. A.W. P.M. | Bocktoa.. 918 1228 633
scattered over the glass counter, and i. 3 2 743 ‘RAINS LEAVE RIDGWAY. : Anderson Viaduct. 3 4 124 a5
the obliging clerk in the fashionable 9 43 8 3a Kastward Westwara | Bridgeport. 853 1203 634
y 04 808 twa ost Curwensville 848 11 :
shop was vainly endeavoring to satisfy 3 4 8 48 8 07 | Train 8, 7:17 a, m, Train 9. 6:10 a. 0 «| Wrights........... 841 11 a on
the whims of a daughter of wealth, 82 901 910] Train 6, 1210 p,m. Train 3 11:33a n . | Clearfield, Market st.. 835 1145 616
: 81 Train 4, 7:55 p. m, Train 15, 8 05 p. m. | Clearfield B, C "wot Ar. 825 1135 68
who had every appearance of having Si 4 34 Susiynel '» and Clearfield R. R. " 2 ETE
been spoiled by overindulgence. She had 7 55. 7863 SHOT@.r. creo 9 30 9 45 | Trains are run on Tuesday’s, Thursday’sand
a costly toothbrush in her hand and | 14 02 +7 25Lve... Williamsport... Arr 10 05 10 20 | Saturday’s. Train 71 connects at DuBois for Ridgway,
was poking the other articles with item AN AM PM| Southward—Train 27 leaves Keatingat 9554 Jopusoabuip Bradford and Rochester.
poking | ligies XN an Phila and Reading R.R. am m, and arrives at Karthaus 11 30 a. m. Train No. 78 connects at DuBois for Bradtord
in a dissatisfied way. ‘This is not |B) 55 5Ar.....Williamspo Rib 20 of1 30 | ,p Northward-Traln 28 leaves Rartans and has Paliman sleeping ear trom Philadel-
small enough,” she said, *‘and the hair. | 18 85 #11 30Lv.....Pliludelphia...Ar 505 710 1230 p. I AH tives at Keating at 205 p. m | Phia to Hilismesor, . vidld with the
is not fine enough. ’’ oH Lv.N. Y. via Tamaqua.Ar_ 6 00 a - Beech Creek railroad for Philipsburg, Lock
roar vet grade of mood," |. 2 Uonv.New York via Pilla. Anh 03, 3 TRAINS LEAVE EBATING, Haven, Jers y Shiors, Willismsport, Phiuadel
3, omam a and New York.
suggested the clerk half apolcge tically. Tra. Tra as i P Passengers are requested to purchase tickets
gested the olerk halt apolc i oi | ears [TIA G dE BN | ECR Shehd Sy bondution
better. Yes, really, you ought,’’ ex-| = 110.55 A M. Sundays. 140 Pu Sundays [fvainis 0B, STISIB15 5316p, 1. | when fares ave paid oi trains from ull siations
laimed the willful cust +] can’t sengers traveling via Philadelphia on Pox : > where a ticket office is maintained,
claimed the willful customer. ean ee train from Williamsport, willchange | * Dal'y. fi Week days © Tues ‘ays E. C. LAPEY,
take such a clumsy toothbrush as that cars at Columbia Ave., Philadelphia. hursdays and Saturdays. Gen’'l Pass. Agt.,
home to my Koko.” Connections—A: W ililamport with £hilacel | J. B. Hutchinson. J. R. Wood, Rochester, N. Yo
“Ah!” murmured the clerk, with a pin und Reading ssasiway, Sljemey Snow Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt
goarcely perceptible air of impatience. Central Railroae « ‘ennsylvania, At Phil | —— — — UFFALO, ST. MARYS AND SOUTH:
fpsburg with Pen: “«. R. R, and Altoona and " STI
“Then you want a toothbrush for your | Enilipsbarg Connecting R. R. Al Cleartield | BALD EAGLE VALLEY R, R. WESTERN RAILROAD TINE ZABLE
dog.” : i| with the Buftalo 'tochesterarnd Pittsburg rail Week Days Oily. Dally, except Sunday. =
- way AtMahaficy and Patton with Cambris Trains leave Tyrone for Bellefonte and Lock : .
Yes, of course I do, and I want | ,n (learfleld d vision of the Pennsylvanis Haven at 810 a. m., 12 30 and 7 15 p. m. southward Northward
something very soft and very dainty,’ | milined, At Mabafley with the Pennsylvanis jrrins arrive at Ty. a es Havenat|"" “grrr “TTA
replied the young woman. And, after a snd Novthweslernrallway yan Te p.m Dem — | sraTions. | {Sam
pause, she added, with an affectionnto| 4 © PALMER, =~ Geo’l! sasengor Bu, ea SIRI Lom bn ss
parr, “There isn’t anything too mice ‘mn verintendent. Fallade 'phia. Pa B= EF ONES SNO W SHOE BRANCH. | 2920 | 1 +
” eek Days Only 9 24 140
for my Koko. 5 25 11
“ i ” rain leaves Bellefonte 7 a. m. arr ving Snow | 3 {
Certainly not, i responded the clerk, ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILWAY, Shoe 9a. m.. Leave Snow Shoe intersection 5 ol IH =
with a cordial smile. ‘Here are some In effect May 16, 1697. 1:30 p. m., arriving Snow Shoe 2:52 p. m. $14 | | 12 50
brushes of rare quality. 1 had over: | — fr ane 1h TR 1a
looked them. Here is one with hair as: |; ow GRADE DIVISION. A. V.R.Y. Snow Shoe 3:15. m. arr ving ut Bellefonte 3 2 : 2 i = 2
soft as silk and a handle of solid gold.” | 5:20 p. m. 348 | 756 [10 41] 6 44
The girl fondled the expensive trinket | EAST BOUOD. Phillipsburg and Moshannon Branch, x $ oe | 10 29) 6 33
for a moment, and, without asking the A.M.P.M. A. M.A. M.P,X | Trains leave Osceola for Houtzdaleand Bel- | 408 | 8 15 i 1 2| sa
® ment, pnd. Y : Pittsburg .. 840° 140 sena at 611 and 1024 a. m. and 508 p. m. i }0 25 2
“ 4 0 P. 414 820 | |
price, said, ‘ ‘That will do. Have it sent ed Bank.. 1050 425 Trains arrive at Osceola from Belsena and | 524 | 8 30 | "Sh 10-161 6.18
with the other things, please.’ When | New Bethlehem. ix Sis 33 Houtzdsle at 919, a. m.355 and 657 p. m. 120 | 836 e vey Summ! | 1» oe) so
this spoiled maiden’s father gets a bill ulcer... 1B 6m om snr fens: Sorisdais foe Beldons aud eT) sin 923 554
from the fashionable jeweler, he will | Jtopkins, 634 639 Train arnves at Morrisdale from Belsena at | 4 2 { : o D48l 500
tise Bb bw the | Ji voldsvilie....... 1255 64) 645 4350. m Iaiss LE
oubtless be moved to emotion by the | =, ‘reo 110 655 7001025 130 int 9 40| 5 40
entry, ‘One toothbrush for dog, $22.50. n» : 120 700 = Y Main Line Pennsylvania Railroad. 510 910 : 3a g 35
Iti th £ h "ne 710 7081035 140 Trains leave Tyrone daily for Philadelphia a | I
is no uncommon thing for shop- |g. 3 72 725 and the eastat 712, 7 48, 1130a. m., 1203, 243, ™m la to om
keepers in Now York to be called upon » ie nr. 1% 7 a oR » Bat d Washingt 12, 748 rs Lagliong at St. Mal onli > -
: : enticld. 5¢ 2 7 for Baltimore an ashington 7 12 y ) . 8 WwW epr. &
to supply toilet articles for dogs, mon- 208 751 750 and 1130 a, m.; 1205 and 9 33 p. m. daily. E. R. R. forall points east and west. At Cler-
keys, birds and other domestic pets. . 2 2 3 5 2 ® For Baltimore only 243 p.m. dally. Font for al SOS on w. Ney 3 3 Ry. A
od x : : . 3 8 sor Harrisburg only 6 37 p. m. daily. > ’ at Hyde for all n
Some stores maintain special lines of 237 820 817 For Huntingdon, Trail 17 y mi on Toby Branch ot Erie. R. Po
combs and brushes for pet dogs, and as 38 in 33 Trains leave Tyrone daily for Altoona, Pils. B. E. WELLENDORF, Gen. Supt
: . . 48 845 ourg an 1e West 655 a, m., and 1220, 2: avid i aot X .
a special concession to the enthusiasm | 7% Cood 313 858 8 55 hoes Siand 902 p. m. B. E. CAPTWRIGHT Gen. Pas. Ag* 20
ser $0) we
North Bend aad Kettle Creek
Taking effect Monday, March 29, .97.
Read Down. Read Up.
Dist. a. | 2 TATIONS, 1 3. | 5.
0 (a ma, m North ®ad..a. Ip m(p m
1 (11005 001... Glessonton.. | 3 40 3 00)
1.2 [11 02 5 02... Howardviiie...| 8 38 2 55 7 15
2.1 [11 10} 5 10.........Italee.... 8 39| 2 500.7 10
4.2 [11 20, 5 20Shingle Branch.| gz 25| 2 40/47 00
8 30| 5 30|....Green Lick....| gx 15| 2 25 650
i0 s 05 2 15{ 6 40
12 = 2 05 6 30
13.5 {12 15) 6 10 Lebo Junction.| 7 45 1 50 6 1a
15 {12 30] 6 25.....Big Spring.....| 7 ¢ | 1 35| 6 00
17 [12 40] 6 40...Grand View...| 7 20| 1 25| 5 45
19 [1250 705 115 5
6 50......Lebo Run...
| &
| &
All other trains daily except Sunday,
F. A. BLACKWELT.. Gen’l Mg'r.
RF. BLACKWELL, Gen’l. Pass. Agt
PATENTS "erocuPpeD.
Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes,
172) Naw York Ave, Washington, D. C.
Moderate, Correspondence Reguested
Neatly - "one
For tickets, time tables and full information
ly describe it.” Be
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