The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 09, 1897, Image 2
Est eer LAYING TWO PARTS. SURAT IN MARGGCO. seen SUPPOSE. eb i The Whole Popilation of ti Town Is Su] my dear, that you were 1, {eoch Creek Railroad ERI a -. a ——— NYO &H RK KC Lew RIVOVAT AND CLEARFIELD — BUFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTSBURG KY C. & M. DIVISION, Ee —————————— RP, and connections : ’ WEEK DAYS, ticaed to supply the person of the | him, being afraid of his influence. Prob- purr, “There isn’t anything too mice | “nuerintendent. Falladel vhia. Pa pei ruronS SNOW SHOE BRANCH. PPOs, Descended From Renegades. | And by your side your sweetheart sate. CONDENSED TIM. T WUTAWARD _ |___ NORTHWA). i STAcab WARD | NORTHWA)D| Local Time Tuble in Effect , 15, 1896, INSTANCES IN WHICH AN ACTOR HAS | Agura inn small town surroundeu suppose yon steed by ana by | . DTEVARD ATONE Far: o Tuble in Nov. 16, 3 ‘ 1 4 e distance 'twixt yon was too great. dena Up ‘ : a wy i BEEN TWO MEN AT ONCE. With walls. 9 yiom 4040750 Tesh fn Now toll me, dear, Ww! would you do? = ! pis are 2 May 1070; il 8 w 1 0 i Renovo : 50 0 » i BOUND. hy on- cot} xp y_10, 10v/. oM, P.M, P, 8 hai 1 know, and so do you! <0 37 No. od No.80 No 86/10 20 5 10 kanvporium 120 900 1250 The “Prisoner of Zenda,” “Corsican Broth- solidated rnbble. It owes its existence 111 torte ines: i 5 52 St Marys 1232 816 1258 ers” and the “Lyons Mail” Are Plays in to Mulai Ismail, who held the throne A yo AR ew De 6 30 Knne A230 9056 In 1s b 4 1 Which It Is Necessary For the iar to of Meroose i 1738 1757. ne i i i dear, duinty Hitle waist gd 4 Wilcox 12.06. 8 42 18 18 §% alone gives entrance to the ace, an ers looked very lonely there. CO § ohnsonburg 1008 826 74 159 % Make These Quick Changes. in thi 3 11 i Pp 3 hi- Pray tell me, sooth, what would you do? p- 745 204 521 n this respect, as well as in its archi ol yall } Zo Ridewey "oh 755 "Hn IN 3 | To be able to play two parts in the estos willy 2 widest 3 much ow, and so do you Pa salar be i 158 3 iis . game piece—to portray, perhaps two resembles the ‘‘ksor’’ 0 the Sahara de- Phen, having done what I just did, . 13 11! Haven 10 746 30 21 Sharaoters of totally different caliber— | soribed in the writer's “Taflet.” But ta ut frown v2 shook or iil ER oa Tal i 4 8 is mot an undertaking which many ac- | it owns one feature of curiosity which “Boftance o your lordly will? ye 030 7% tlear:ieud, Market st Si #00 ew tors care to attempt. It is only the ex- | Was lacking in the desert, for almost Oh, tell me, sweet, what would you do? woe [i283 78 rrier 917 724 Jleaaneids. C. Depot Ar . 845 310 625 rienced artist who may attcmpt the without exception the entire population 1 know, and so do you! 8 05 11 80....cenCleRTACI cnr iierisusnens srsibns { 1273 808 Rrockwav ile 908 716 AM. P.M. PX pe y p Pearson's Week]; yd lizal S07 Lanes Mills 904 711 WES feat with impunity, and even then, fe Sescendiny a Ye Ipmegatel and J: Iw ITA A¥...Clenrflela June. Lv§ ES 3 ; 7 '8 1s Harveys Run 856 704 ESTHOUN De though he may appear to tle audience ristian slaves of the time of Mulai 42 11 05.1rrvvam bi gli Fallacies $0 4% saa to eve hi ond withort an effort, | Ismail, with the addition of stray rene. A TOOTHBRUSH FOR KOKO. | 35 807 830] Ho Deon Fa | ay Vail. Re ve dif ios 3 ’ ince 7 23 10 80... 708 707] 1:0 — alls Creek 00 6 558 ndy Valley. 10 40 thero are many mere diticalties in bhis| gades who have been sent there since. | 4 iiet Articles Purchased by Rich | 720 10 41LV.......... Munson Avris 718] 452 _- Reynoldstllle 643 840 Halls Breck 10% 125 0 ; grins ies _ Tene. #08 604]DuBois... 250° path than meet the (ye of the habitual Probably no such cosmopolitan place Girls For Their Pet Dogs. SH I0LYL or a. { Arr 740 740] 3 iE — Tookyitle 600 691 DuBois Junction. ‘ba 14 7 Phiiipsbu New Bethlehem 52) 610 theater goer. exists in the world, for its 800 or 400 A ¢ dainty toilet arti 7 40 11 OlAr PEOUTE {live 655 655| 350 —= Red Bank 4 95|Salem ....... . 9% : inhabit : f 1 score or more of dainty toilet arti- | ——5-,3 debson. LvilTT 630 ——- Pittsbu — Luthersburg . 924 1235 708 Not only must the actor be possessed | 1nhabl ants ate representative of no less | yoo 001g mounted and jeweled, were | 712 vz TL i 1 40} ook toa. .... C918 1228 63% of no small amcunt of histrionic talent, than 13 nationalities. Each family re- | oo itored over the glass counter, and 861 | 1238 P.M AM, HB LEAVE RIDGW A.M. P.M. | Anderson Viaduct. "914 1224 85 but he must ofien call in the aid of an | members and is proud of its origin, the ind : ’ 645 751 801 Ral AY: Blooms 204 1213 64 ot it i Arab equivalent being applied as sur- the obliging clerk in the fashionable | g 16 804 808 Eastward Wesmiwara | Bridgeport. 853 1203 634 understudy, whose duty it is to gull the es q 8 app shop was vainly endeavoring to satisfy 3 848 857 | Train 8, 7:17 &. m, Train 9. 6:10 8. 0 CE aaville mn ha bE onlooker into the belief that their favor- . : the whims of a daughter of wealth, } 458 yo 2 Train 6, 1210 p, m. Train §_11:33a nv. | Clearfield, Market st. 835 1145 616 ite is perforiuing the impossible feat of| The family in whose home the Writer | =} 1a every appearance of having | 4% Founganle (Wayne)... 918 § 27 Train 4, 7:55 p. m, Train 15, 805 p. m, | Clearfield B,C wot Ar... 825 1135 68 being in two places at one and the same spent the few days of his visit were |, Mod by avertadul She had/| 437 8%.Jersey Shore Junction... § 30 § 40 Susquehanna and Clearfield R. R. AM, Fo le Pith ‘me. For i 1 lay of such a| Flemish, while the next door neighbor en spoiled by overindulgence. She hai 482 75... rnd €r8eY SHOTCus...rens 9 30 9 45 | Trainsare run on Tuesday’s, Thursday’sand time. For in nearly every play of such a| » a costly toothbrush in her hand and | 1402 47 25Lve... Williamsport... Axx 10 05 10 20 | Saturday's. Train 71 connects at DuBois for Ridgway, cl. -racter it is well nigh impossible for oR one side was un elderly female, | oo viking the other articles with it | == AN Iu southward—Train 2 lesves Keating ai. 55a TO a ots for dion i i i - : : 4 m, . mM. . at DuBois for 0 t..« author so to arrange his piece that, Whose fatier, an Foglizhmas, bad be in a dissatisfied way. ‘“This is not |B, SEED nd re in 20. Jeaves Karthaus | and has Pullman sleeping car from Philadel- the cetor may never be called upon to He a yenequl s pel i S ys 8 | gmall enough,” she said, ‘‘and the hair. | {8 35 it E505 710) 12300. mand arrives at Keating at 205 p.m | Phi {0 Woe at Clearfield with the be cn the stage with his double. and who quickly » leaving a | jg not fine enough. ’’ | 4180 Lv.N. Y. via Tamagua.Ar_600 a Beech Creek railroad for Philipsburg, Lock Any cne who has been to- see ‘“The wife and daughter, the neighbor in |™ Tg jg our very best grade of foods,” | gp &: New York ee Ar ps TRAINS LEAVEREATING. Hatem do To Wiliamspor, Fadel i oe ol ! sti i i omam a and New York. Prisonc: « f Zenda’’ performed at the St. queition. The ise He) Fapats are the suggested the clerk half apolczc tically. 5 pe. m Tra esward. mn. Pla stengers are requested to purchase tickets James ti: ater, must have marveled at Bn Bail DR Pr & ton|. “Then you ought tosget something | Tom" yweangave. _ #540 F MSundave |Lprn 415 P- 1. Ro | Jere ctlsni thecars, Anguoces chars of the lightning celerity with which Mr. ead of the family being am ben | poster Yes, reall ou ought,” ex- : nt rain .8, 2 20 p. m. {Train 15,5 16 p. m. AN ie y condue George Ale ind one the Mohammed el Gitano el Espanoli.” re DS A as in Philadciphin on 10 X Train 23 for Renovo only Ba ations oh “a . 3 3 ““ ’ ers traveling via i . '‘e 4 LICKe! pd. NOTES ed 3 oT, & MOI] eve ip They were particularly proud of the claimed the willful customer. “I can’t a, mm. train Tons Williams; or ’ ak * Dally. : Week days © Tmes ays ” I C. LAPEY, ig » y | : b Cc u u cars at Columbia Ave., Philadelphia. hursdays an urdays. Gen’] Pass. Agt. drunken kirg of Ruritania suddenly | Gano” Cn take such a clumsy toothbrush as that P D hursd; d Saturd gt. as by some act <f witchcraft, reappeared itano vie ) part of the surname | ya to my Koko.” Gounections—-A. iLismport wit Philacel | J. B. Hutchinson. J. R. Wood, Rochester, N. Y» as Radolf Rasscndyll, clad in the ordi- ah Degas Haw Bo to gontouns joe « Ah!” murmured the clerk, with a he Beading } Rl Sige Shop Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Akt rary costume of the English tourist. y ee wi 0 he i 8, o Phi om scarcely perceptible air of impatience. Venvral Railtons of} ‘spusyivanin. At PA! —em——- ee — BUA: ST. MARYS AND SOUTH. * hen, to every one's surprise, the supine Ye pire iD / i rai. | «Phen you want a toothbrush for your | Philipsburg Conncciing KR. BR. ~ At oona and | ALD EAGLE VALLEY R. R. WhSTSRN RAL hay lus BLA: Ledy of the king was carried in so that ancestor of this gypsy family was | gqg 1 ‘ i| with the Buftalo ‘<ochester and Pittsburg rail Week Days Oly. Dally, except Sunday. = 20 all appearances Mr. Al di two generations back. He had left his| « way AtMahafiy and Patton with Cambrig | Trains leave Tyrone for Bellefonte and Lock : e £0 ull: wppestances Mr. Aleyancer was) try. th ively told the writ Yes, of course I do, and I want |, ciearfleld d vision of the Pennsylvania Haven at 810 a. m., 1230 and 7 15 p. mm. southward Northward sgazing upon his own person. In reality, | country, they nalvely to e Writer, | gymething very soft and very dainty,”’ | rallied: At Mabafley with the Pennsylvanis pans rivet 3 Tone from Lock Haven at eo —— of course, it was merely a lightning Besansy he Waeno oh Sood teins wits replied the young woman, Ald, after a | Bd NEWSER pp py AN 5. aad 9155, 19,800 800 p. 10. STATIONS. «cha and the understudy had to be y pause, she added, with an affectionnto 4 G PALMER, Gep’l} rssen or Agi CT eek Days Only x ‘Then suddenly the ghost of Louis ap- rope With Them. of the fair owners of these pets the pears, and, to personate the spirit of the dead man, Irving had had to fly to Up to times within the memory of living men almost no one of means prices of dog combs and brushes are kept aristocratically high.—New York WEST BOUND. A.M.,A.M P.M. P.M P.M req s : ving ably it waa moro of an affair of the 10 ox muy Koko.” ; Se : g al intrigue. “ i ” 1 Train leaves Bellefonte 7a. m. ing § A move forous case of double imper- Fo Certainly not,” responded the clerk, | ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILWAY, ; Riittieaves B ene FI Ay i \ The ‘Glad el Aluj” (‘‘sons of the “ sopation, however, is that of ‘The Cor- rts’ the Inbabitantuct A 8 | with a cordial smile. ‘Here are Some | In effect May 16, 1597. | 1:3) p. m., arriving Snow Shoe 2:52 p, m. sican Brothers,” the first play perhaps ein oe oly 2 GH so \gurai | pryshes of rare quality. I had over-, a ? [Train denves Snow Shoe 11220 a. m. arriving jn which Sir Henry Irving gave us a a 2 , have entirely, except 1n one | 155d them. Here is one with hair 8s | ow GRADE DIVISION. A.V.R.Y. Snow Shoe 3:15 p. m. arr ving P. Bellefonte | 7 0 taste of his wonderful talent. or two cases, lost she pe of their Eu- | grt ag silk and a handle of solid gold.” | 5:20 p. m. 36 En In the first uct—to give a slight re- Sopa A ’ ah t SOREL mage: The girl fondled the expensive trinket | EAST BOUOD. Philipsburg and Moshannon Branch. o NS sume of the play—the ghost of Louis, no doubt, are ps arge y : erber in ap- | for a moment, and, without asking the | Sh A Xo Be A.M. A. MPM Tras Tsuve Qisoetiafor Houtzdajeand Bel- 15 L623 el ius duel bya tortain Chutes) [oarance as me wild tribes that sar- | price, said, ‘That will do. Have it sent cd Bank... 1030 42 spn SL BH and al EY ta Renaud in the forest of Fontainebleau, round them. They speak among them- | with the other things, please.” When | Ncw Bethlehem... 1180 510 520 Houtzdale at 9 19, a. m.355 and 6 57 p.m. 36 su appears to Fabien, his brother. The sec- selves both Arabic and Berber, and |ghig spoiled maiden’s father gets a bill | firnysyilie, 1220 oo oe Train leaves Momaiale for Belsena and way 0 | 354 f J y 2 . 3 : 3 : . Cr a 7 ste S a p.m. ‘ ond act takes us to Paris, and through both, curionsly enough, with a strong |¢rom the fashionable jeweler, he will | JlopKins., 639 Train arnves at Morrisdale from Belsena at 5 24 varied incident to the death of Lonis. foreign accent, easily distinguishable. doubtless be moved to emotion by the et ustisvilie. oh in 15 4350. m 51 | a 8 Here Irving was Louis. They are exempt from all taxation, but | entry “One toothbrush for dog, $22.50." he os 5 : _ MainLine Pennsylvania Railroad. £ | ore HIN 32s Tn the third act, however, it 1s Fabien | PAV 10 SEv8 10 Sean yarn, Wert). J¢ 1s na poopunion. ehiog ov shop- 723 Os Le ET 511 0 a a 1308, 2 Who is ouce more before us, Who has b Br ue eh HE § sod | tespers iu Yow York 10 te called upon 0 0 B Bal d : PE ato at St. Mi ja mn. = ™ s . I, g : : D 2 i 4 . Ma i constituted himself the avenger of his it Sogtahicy Ponm. b sapply Joilet Sriisles oe dogs, non. 750 Atal PREY Ona 3 p. a Gail” hs E. iB forall oints gt nd wes, pi Cier brother's death. He meets Chatean eys, birds and other domestic pets. 802 For Baltimore only 243 p. m. daily. mont for all points on W. N. Y. & P. Ry., or 3 : : : : 3 Y arris G ¢ their connections, and at H 1 Renaud and Sersands satisfaction. Re- COURIERS BACK NUMBERS. Some gorse malniat Spagiel Yass of Sn For Ho i Em. en sae Hi¥detor sl! points naud is worsted and falls to the ground. combs and brushes for pet dogs, and as 835 Trains leave Tyrone daily for Altoona, Pitts. B. E. WELLENDORF, Gi No Longer Any Need to Go Through Eu- | 4 gnecia] concession to the enthusiasm 5s Sug ane The West iam, a 12 %, 220. | 5. £. CARTWRIGHT Gen. Pas. Ag+ 20 apt Week days only, 132a, m. J. B.HUTCHINS®N, 1. a. WOON, Gen’t Mauage!. Gan’l Pass, A fl. SUMMER TIME TABLE. —O— the wings, make his way below the \ oloq through Europe without a |p; D IftW0Od cevrrreevrrees 5801010 “550 stave and take his stand upon the trap, =..." Before railroads were built mes. Mix Run... 539 1019° 600 3 Which conveyed him upward to the 4 phefore good guidebooks were print- The Blackguardsyof Malaga. Dan dor 101 62 pEVASTIVARIA RAILROAD. North Bend aad Kettle Creek . i o Be uann was 3 De was almost indispensable. His| Besides my man Mohammed there Mul oo 1103 63s IN EXPECT AGGUST 1, /W, eo ROAD CO, a Xe the explanation is or. ibe survives, hut in greatly dimin- |were several other Arab passengers iyler 63t1117 659 chiladeiphia and tire Railroad Livision Soren Monday, March 29. 7. nun 9 ay lo Ep tenbed be ished numbers. To the self reliant tray- | aboard, and the appearance of these, as EERE Ly iz 10 Time Table. Trainsleave Driftwood Citi ey [so1ve SOUTH, atively 2 - : : 3 911382 7 1 ane Pe iid ap tree Sis cable eler he is of no use whatever. Indeed | they leaned over the bulwarks of the sabula. 659 1142 726 91) A. M ESIWARD days, for Read Down. | | Beall Ub i ists ie ? d his lace takin & od be is frequently a positive incumbrance, steamer, was the signal for a shout of | pois... : 3 19 1245 640 Sunbury, Wilkesbarre, Scranton, Hazleton, Dist] 4. | 2 TATIONS. | 1.3. | 5 instantly : i pie ii a ge it and worse. To my mind one of the derisive laughter, curses and stone | PBI on iis Pottsville, Harrisburg aud intermeaia ce suv - | = . . 13 | 85 care nc: : e aw Se en great pleasures of travel is in learning throwing on the part of the crowd of ill Falls Creek. 120 ° 50 1255 650 on, A a Bisdeiphin, = p. 0 0 fe m _..North "and... a. mp mip mn was necessiiy for him to confront the 4, 41,0] by myself. There are satisfac- | fed and ill conditioned boys who throng- | Reynoldsville 740 135 805 Washington, 7:15 p,m. Pullman Parlorcas | 19 |i 007 3 00 Sisusuniuilwi] 3 Jr's 0 ghost. Hence © lightning ck:nge from | : : : on | Hopkins 744 809 trom Willmspors to Philadelphia, and | 9. (11 02{ 5 02... Howardvile...| 8 38) 2 55 7 15 din ER es tion, pleasure and education in plan- [ed the quay. For downright black- | Fuller. 757 151 822 naaEengar come. § rom Rane Lo Phila. Ml 35 2 501.7 10 mortal to spirit and the resultant be- ning routes, deciphering time tables guardism nothing can beat the type of | Brookville 816 211 841 £08 M.—Train b. week days, tw Har-| g 2) 2 404 00 wilderment of tic beholders. s ey i * th h of Malaga, whose expressi | New Bethlehen 910 305 935 tisburg and intermediate Stations, arny- 15 2 25 6 50 Neither is the Corsican Brothers” | making bargains, learning by observa- | the youth of Malaga, W hose expression, | Red Bank. yoo 250 ing at Philadelphia at 4:30 a. m., New Yorb Wibcn thc ogls ploy 1 shiek Irving hag con) 02 the lay of the land. like their morals, is of as debased a type | Pittsburg. 1245 630 7:33 w. m. Pulinan Sleeping cars from Ha Te {= 205650 ey pias 1 which ring baton |“ ay have ten when a | at cond well be magise. Howls of io Ballad NEON | 10s Toran, 7431800 in ie SR 4 Hon Rant courier could save a tr veler more than | ith language greeted the appearance mrnscouncetatRed Bank with River Div Aisi rbd Rut Ta. m. 13. [i239 8 BBs Soup 5 15s gs iham 3 his srtainly that i ; JOrE, W isem- | for Pitist.. . west Penn Juncti NT Wes: | #32 P. M.—Train 4, daily for Sunbury & Har. | 1g 550! 6 : : ml : his cost. Most certainly that is not the of the Moors, who, had they disem for Pitist . es 2 un, J Smetion 0 V ” BL er ioiateatat jOmAa TIVITg at 19 {12 50 | 705115 530 Penn Div., } al 4 Sa Ad Phiiadeiphis, 6:52 a. 1.; New York, 9:33a.m. = ro rre————— of ig with the case now. On the contrary, as he gets a ‘Lyons Mail” will doubtless remem-| percentage on every purchase his party ber the most telling scene in the play. makes, which, of COnPR: comes ont of Here Dubosc, the murderer, is in an the purchaser in Increased price, and : : : as it is often for his interest to advise Ske, en to che the prepara. | the more costly route, the more costly the innocent Liesurques—whose likeness hote] er the Ln gostly SRCSITIOD, be to the real murderer has brought him i more : jan. ms wages, to such a terrible pass—an expression while saving positive y nothing. Bean of horrible glee upon his face, clapping declares that in a two weeks’ trip In his hands as he sees the apparently southern Spain, which he made side by doomed man step forward to his death. side ning couple having a courier, he But cxultation is premature. Le- | invariably reached the hotel first, got surques is 1 ieved, and the crowd better rooms and saw all the sights to as suddenly catches sight of the villainous | oo advaulags, Joi dhe Souris w as of face of the real murderer at the attic | 1° ind, au. eEpers, 0 faces that window. The door of the room is bat- | travel has become 50 general, tourist tered in, Behind it stands Dubosc. The i companies, railroads and Inudlords have wretch is dragged from his refuge, and | = w oa Stefied its needy books are 2 as they do'so Irving-Lesurques coolly | P ential, 12a : you Sons ne very Yes walks in upon the scene of turmoil. got off Re Lind or have a mishap i The door cf the attic is made to open: In ge —Hether) Wie =m ong inward, thus shutting Irving-Dubose Toad. from viet cf the auditorium. [nn a mo- | What He Played. ment he slips through a trap. His A member of a military band at a ¢sdouble’’ takes his place. to Le hustled certain barrack came to the surgeon re- unceremoniously by the crowd of “‘su- cently with a long face und a plaintive pers,” whose duty it is also to conceal story about a sore throat. the man’s face in cose the fraud sheuld «Sore throat, eh,’’ said the surgeon be discovered. Irving-Lesurques can pleasantly. ‘‘Let me sce. Oh, that’s hon como on in his new role. "not so bad. A slight irritation ; nothing But an actor has been known to play | more. You'll be all right in a day or two parts without the assistance of a!two. I think you had better take no dummy. | risk in renewing the trouble by using In a certain play it was the duty of | your throat, though, so I will recom- the hero to leap out of the window of mend you for a fortnight’s sick leave.” .yis room and to enter from a door on the Armed with the surgeon’s certificate, opposite side of the stage clad in differ- | the bandman obtained his two weeks’ ent clothes, thongh otherwise the same. | sick leave. The two weeks had just This, however, was juggling pure come to an end when he met the sur- and simple. The actor dropped into his geon on the parade ground. The band- .gecond dress in much the same way as ' man saluted. The surgeon reeognized an American fireman is reputed to the face and stopped. jump into bis uniform. The costume “How’s the throat?’’ he asked pleas- ‘consisted of but one piece with a patent antly. fastening down tke back, and as he “It’s quite well, sir,”’ was the reply leaped through the window frame he “That's good,’’ said the surgeon. leaped into Lis clothes, which, so to ‘‘You can get back to your duty with- speak, shut behind him and left him re- out fear. By the way, what instrument habilitated. do you handle in the band?"’ Neither is the part of the understudy “Phe small drum, sjr,”’ said the mu- one to be given to any ordinary ‘super’ ago News. from the mass of warriors, countrymen and the like that go to make up a stage crowd. He must be possessed of no slight amount of adaptability and smart- ness to enable his principal to go through his aeduous task without a hitch.— ian. —C sic From the top of the cathedral spire in Mexico you can see the entire city, and ihe most striking feature of the view is the absence of chimneys. There is not a chimney in all Mc xico, not a grate being torn to pieces, so great is the an- conquerors. barked, would have run a great risk of tipathy of the Spaniards to their former appealed to the police, but the two rep- resentatives of this noble body were | busily employed in stealing figs from | the cargo and paid little or no attention | to the fact that an infuriated crowd of | the worst characters of Malaga—that is | to say, che worst in the world—were | pelting tho steamer with stones and | mud. Affairs, however, reached a cli- max when ene of the Moors, who spoke Spanish, asked after the health of C n- eral Margallo, the general who ha 1 been killed before Melilla, and then the cap- | tain was obliged to order them below, though che ill conditioned crowd hooted and jeered until at sunset the steamer left.— Harris’ *‘From Batum to Bag- | dad.” { Millions of Frogs Rain Down. One of the most curious phenomena of nature is the precipitation of frogs, fish, crabs, angleworms, etc., rain from the clouds. The story is told in the annals of the French academy | and may be found in the August num- ; ber, 1804. The narrative is by one Pro- | fessor Pontus. In it he gives an account of an instance of millions of frogs which fell in a shower near Toulouse. He states that he himself saw numerous young frogs on the coats of two gentle- | men who were out in the shower. Pro- | fessor Pontus says that he ‘‘forthwith ! repaired to the spot where the storm | had burst and found the roads and fields literally alive with young frogs { and tadpoles.” “In some places,’’ says | the professor, ‘‘they were three or four | deep all over the ground, and the hoofs | of the horses and the carriage wheels killed thousands of them.” Economy and Morals. Wife—John, don’t you think you bet- ter give up trying to shave yourself and | go back to the barber? Husband—Why, of course not. See hew much I save every month. : Wife—Yes, I know that, but then Willie is always around when you ghave, and he is learning so many bad | yords.—Ohio State Journal. The greatest of all luxuries in cent¥al Africa is salt. or Ridgway | Buffalo, Roche ster and Pittsburg, for Punx- ! sutawney anc ( rif trains on the Phiwuelphia and Erie Div. P. R. The captain of the steamer | R. for Williamsport, Elmira and all points easts with | be Pearson’s Weekly. —————— nor a stove nor a turnace. All the cook- ing is done with charcoal in Dutch To say that a man eats salt with his victuals is the same as ovens. saying that he is a rich man. Mungo Da Vinci's Wheelbarrow. * el Park says, “‘The long continued use of h Leonardo da Vinci, the painter who! Bowling, billiards and card playing vegetable food creates so painful a long: painted the famous picture of the ‘‘Last | ave unlawful in Michigan, according to ” Sapper,” is said to have invented tha some dead letter statutes. i Sah Shot no words can sufficient- ua Clearfield Div. P. R. R. and «iearfield. At Driftwood with DAVID MCCARGO, Gen. Supt. Pitts. JAS. P. ANDERSON, Gen. Pas. Agt. FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH. swede Spent Two Years In Vindicating His Brotuer's Honesty. “1 practiced law once in Silverton, Colo.,’* said one of the passengers in the smoking room of the Pullman, ‘and had a case that struck me as a model exhibition of faithfulness. A Swede was mail carrier over the pass to the other side of the range. It waggnot a long trip, but it was a severe one, made on foot and with the danger in winter from heavy snows added to its diffi- culty. Andrew carried the mail for a year, then one day he failed to reach me. There were valuable letters in his sack, and the inference that he had decamped was strong. On the night he should have come into Silverton his brother, fresh from Scandinavia and unable to speak English, got off the stage. As county attorney I had to break the news to the toy and stood by while he wept. “Rewards were offered for Andrew, and I sent out parties to search the pass, but to no effect. A miner claimed to have seen him a week later in Leadville, but we got no more trace of him. The brother refused to believe that Andrew had done wrong and.spent his days tramping the canyons searching for his brother’s body. We tried to get him to go to work, but he did not yield until by his shortness of funds be was starved to it. In the spmmer, when most oO the snow was off, he searched again, but in vain. During the winter he worked, but when the second spring came he re- newed his lonely trampings up the trail. We thought him demented, but he cared not for our opinions. One day in August he walked along at the base of a cliff and saw a boot sticking out from some debris. He uncovered it, and his search was ended. That evening he came into town with the mail sack, much stained put intact, and his brother’s coat. The grave he dug, with the rough stone he afterward put at its head, is up the canyon yet. It took two years to vindi- cate his brother’s name, but he did not begrudge it. When it was done, he went back to his native land.’’—Chicago Tiwes-Herald. veel days and 10'33a. m.on Sundays; Bal- more, 6:20 a, Di,; Washinxz .7:40 a. Ma, Puilman cars and passeng°r coactes from “sie and Williamsport to “hllaueipu un and Wlliamscort to Washington. Pas engers iu sleeper for Balumore auu wash ngtcn will ve rrgpgerred into Washington jeeper Williamsport. Pace nger co~ches "rom Erie to Philadelphia ana » ort w Balti- uore. “dita WESTWAR™ 4:41 A. M.—Train 9, week 4d ys, for Mri, Ridgway, DuBois, mony «0G princigal intermediate stations. 9:43 A. dM —Lliewu 3, uauy WI rio aul 10le) mediate stations. 545P. M. -train 15, week days, +1 Kaneand intermediate stations. THROUGH TRAINS FOR DRIFTWOOI FROM THE EAST AND SOUTH. TRAIN 9 leaves New York 5:55 p. m.; Phila- delphia 8:50 p. m., Washington 7:10 p. m,, Baltimore p. m., arriving at Driftwood 4:41 a. m. we days, with Pullman sleepers and passenger coaches from Philadelphia to Erie and Baltimore to Williamsport. TRAIN 3 leaves New YO0rk at 7:55 p, m. Phil- adelphia, 11:20 p.m.; Washington,, 10:40 p.m... Baltimore, 11:50 p. m.; daily arriving at Drift wood at 9:43 a. m, Pullman sleeping cars from Philadelphia to Williamsport and through passenger coaches from Philadel wh a 10 rie, Baltimore to Williamsport, TRAIN 15 (eaves Philadelphia 8:30 a. no. washingtc 1 7:50 a. m,; Baltimore 8:50 a. m Wilkesbarie, 10:15 a. m.: week days, arriving at Driftwood at 5:45 p. m. wt Pullman parlor car from Philadelphie for Williamsport. JOHNSONBURG RAILROAD (Week days.) TRAIN 19 leaves Ridgway at 8:55 a. m, Joon: snburg at 10 08 a. m,arriving at Clermont at 10:55 8. TM. TRAIN 20 leaves Clermont at 11:00 a, m.,, ar- riving at Johnsonburg at 11:45 a. 1m, and Ridgway at 12:04 p.m. BUFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTSBURG R A ts ed On and atter Nov* 16th, 1896, willarrive and depart from cept Sunday, as follows: TRAINS DEPART, 6 50a. m. Falls Creek, assenger traine uBois daily ex 730 * Curwensvilleand Clearfield 1015 * Reynoldsville. 955 *¢ Bradford and Rochester. 1083 ¢ Punxsutawney. 12 50 p. m, Falls Creek.. 145 + Curwensvilleand Clearfield 105 * Rradford and Buffalo. 18 « Big Run and Punxsutawney. 432 * Helvetia and Punxsutawney, 505 ¢ Curwensvilleand Clearfield. 718 * KallsCreek. 745 ‘* Big Runand Punxsutawney. TRAINS ARPIVE, 6 £0 a.m, Punxsutawney. 73 ** Falls Creek. 940 * Curwensvilleand Clearfield. 955 ¢ Punxsutawney. 1033 ** Bradford. 12 50 p, m. Curwensvillennd Clearfield, 0: + Punxsutawir y. « Falls Creek und Reynoldsville « Faller ex a 1d Bradford. + Rochester. « Punxsutawney and Clearfield. # Curwensville Train No, 5 Satur ays only. All other trains daily except Sunday. F. A. BLACKWELT.. Gen’l Mg’r. BF. BLACKWELL, Gen’l. Pass. Agt A — AND HI RIBIGN Ai U.S. PATENTS “erocupeD. EUGENE W. JOHNSON. Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes, 172) Naw York Ave, Washington, D. C, OFFICE ESTABLISHED 1868. Charge Moderate, Correspondence Reguested JOB - PRINTING ALL KINDS Neatly - "Done —AT— + Falls Creek. Thousand mile ticketgood for passage between all stations at 2 cents per mile. For tickets, time tables and full information call on or address, M. Dundergan, Agent, DuBois, E. C. Lapey. Gen'l Pass, Agent. wheelbarrow. —Boston Budget. i gL TE ee THIS - OFFICE, DR. SARAH DRUNK Trained Nur i. neers—The | ‘Aspirations Interesting Philanthr get on speak When they philanthrop A Buffalo new work w est because The need fc and the wor ris, known lifetime to ] good of the For years has been ge the scientifi of the dea more hopele endeavored Woman's C| she has lo has labored ally and in ago she es famous Mo of inebriate power of wholesome ways been year of gra thing is an very interes “Thirty g&id, ‘Drun crime,’ and his idea. the cherish press, the r these power eye knocke drunkard w and he has time since to us. Iti advice has | of scientist wise to im] as it is to His disease doing—mo our own m mania, rem to the phys great temp Dr. Mon come out and she ha DF dng corresy ried on ove was a sick Man cannc the drunka After aw! was given long years Dr. Morris finding a liquor hab Strange! look for nc former, th Morris’ ne Murphy. home he t: was being immediate gated the that at las in her han With tl with a d the work women fi ness, and rience an Dr. Morri the cure of habit. SI *“instituti marks, or an instit sense of t. She is ¢ dhe matt worthless of hope f name—w! ' There is n that there educated, drifting r class the perity anc 1t is inf " under her in all he proper li there is ei tion, ther palaver a course th Dr. Morr thunderst they neec table sun In thes especially OVercrow exception sion of