The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 09, 1897, Image 1
WOL. IV.—NO. 40. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA. Successor to THE PATTON COURIER. , THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER g, 1897. © $100 PER YEAR. COOK, SALMOND & COWDEN, | VISIT LW. COOK, ALTOONA, PENN'A. LABOR DAY SPORTS. No ~~ We offer Bargains In Drugs. Visitors who came to Patton Mor | base ball game, and a big picnic an noon and evening. Of Coal From This Region Over the Beech Creek R. R. The different bituminous collieries of | of Bakers Mines, and was called at Patton and the one located on the o'clock p. m., which resulted in Cambria County railrood near Spang- victory for our boys by a score of ler shipped 3,500 cars of coal over the tg 2, Beech Creek railroad during the month | I a, | want of amusement as in the afternoon the “Courier Rep orter. there was an interesting foot ball game, LOCAL AD GENERAL NEWS 585% oo TO THE SCHOOL TEACHERS N= Gleaned Here and There a Labor Day, did not go away for County Superintendent Gib- son Offers Suggestions. d SHIPPED 3:500 CARS dance in the Firemen’s Park both after- OF VITAL INTEREST The foot ball game was between the | To the Success of Our Public Schools and the Patton Blues and the White Caps, Shouid be Adhered to. 1| Superintendent T. L. Gibson recently a (issued the following ‘Suggestions to 1| Teachers’ which are well worth pond- ering over and profiting thereby, taken The game was an exceedingly inter- | from observations during his visits to a matter that must receive more care- ful attention on the part of some of the teachers. Keep a careful record of all books and supplies given out. Inspect books frequently to see that pupils are taking reasonably good care of them. See that supplies are not wasted. Go into the school room with the consciousness that the children are sent to you by parents anxious for the welfare of their children; that you are expected not only to teach them what is contained in the text book, but that you are to teach them cleanliness, of August, which were handled in| esting one, notwithstanding that is was | the schools of Cambria county: and during that part of the year when ! the schools are not in session. This is INGES N 6]. VINCENT'S Many Different Faces in the Monastery Chairs. CHANGE AT HASTINGS As Well as at Patton—P. Leonard Goes to Carrolltown. Important changes have just been made at St. Vincent's Monastery, Greensburg. The Rev. Father Vin- cent, who for the last five years was director of the college, has been re- We don’t “‘cut” price or sell “at cost.” W thing we sell. If w business. any ome else. gist who sells at cost i losing That’s not our way o doing business. | didn’t we couldn’t stay in Neither could prospects are for a much larger tr A drug- | during the month of September. money, or he makes an unfair profit on S | the Beech The above num- | gether, e | Der of cars would aggregate over page h | 70,000 tons of coal shipped from the igdicti | Patton region in one month. &he game was played at th on of the Association rules. Th The | time of playing was one hour. Th s| This is strong evidence that the | game is looked for soon. | freight traffic over the Beech Creek | are the names of th | railroad, counting all other points from | team: | any of importance during the month | son, James McGivin, | of August. The Beech Creek people | Thomas Ferguson. | are adepts when it comes to handling| Bakers Mines—Patrick McG Robt. Ferguson Creek yards at Patton | the first of the season and the first € | under the supervision of Yardmaster | game our boys have ever played to- make a profit on every-| Wm. Cramer. all park and was under the jur- { the Superintendent promptly. affic| hoys from Bakers Mines proved them- | and correcting it outside of school is |selves to be gentlemen and another | not a good one. . | which it is fed, is of considerable mag-| Patton Blues—Harry Crompton, cap- | many instances papers so corrected are | destruction of the N many things to even Up | nitude and notwithstanding the heavy | tain; Wm. McFarline, on what he loses on one. | traffic over a single track, very few ac- | Thos. Littl f | cidents have happened, in fact, not| Morgan, James Stocks, John Patter- | their errors. John Green, given back without the teacher’s hav- e, Thomas Hunt, Robert ing called the attention of the pupils to | weighs 1,600 pounds: He is having it It is important that all report blanks | and morality. sent to the teachers be filled out care- e | fully and completely, and forwarded to | children | to them. e| The practice on the part of teachers | e | of collecting written recitation work | and ought to be an Over 100 Years old. - possessor of a histeri¢ relic in the shape It takes time that a | of a cannon suppposed to be 100 years Following | teacher should have for rest, and uses {old, which was captured from the e players of each | energy that is needed for preparation | British when they evacuated Washing- |of the following day's work, and in | ington, D. C., in 1814, after the partial ation’s capitol. It is rather an ancient looking gun and So far as possible, writ- | mounted for the purpose of placing it , | ten work should be corrected before { on a lawn near his residence in Clear- the class, and the attention of the class | field, Pa. The short history of the ann, cap- called to the errors, teachers and pupils | discovery of the cannon is as follows: (. W. Hodgkins, a large business. |tain; James Lee, Joseph Langsford, making corrections. | Chas. Lansford, Charles Wekland, Wm. | McMullen, James McKillep, Thomas | Megiven, Pat Nugent, Alex. Harvey, Charles Bender. A Pleasant Time. As per invitations issued the mem- bers of Patton Lodge, No. 1089, Inde- pupils will always be employed in pendent Order of Odd Fellows, held | Patton Pharmacy. Headquarters for | Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals | Stationery, Confectionery, Cigars #2 Tobacco. Do You Drink? Ha | SODA WATER FOUNTAIN. Man works from Sun to Sun; Woman’s work has long been done, boon, She finishes her wash before it’s noon. cr Buy one of J. BE. KIRK HARDWARE CO. Wringers......... $1.40 & 2.75 Lb .55 & 1.00 70 & 2.50 Wash Boards, Clothes Bask- ets, Lines and Pins. Ain Cans, Doors, Fruit Jars, Sash, Jelly Glasses, Paints, Preserving Oils, Kettles, Agate, Ice Cream Tin, Freezers, Wooden, Churns, Willow, Miners’ Earthen and Supplies, Hardware. Stoves, | Ranges and Furnaces. Anything Everything | If you do call and get who had the pleasure of listening to i : im. er interesting addresses were | assisted by Drs. Weida, of B: S your thirst quenced at our | him. Other interesting addresses were | assisted by Drs. Weid 1, of Barnesboro An American Washer has been her | PRICE - $3.05. |of the causes leading to the strike at tember 2, at 11:30 a. m., after a lingering | low the marking to take up your | storms and signs says that some strange The base ball game was called abou 2:30 and the contesting clubs were Pat | ton and Carrolitown. Only seven in nings were played resulted in a score of 9 to 3 in favor o Patton. their Second Annual Banquet at the | spacious Commercial hotel on Satur- | day evening. At about 8:30 p. m. 90 people were seated in the large dining room, which was handsomely decorated for the occasion, and partook of a | bounteous and well-prepared supper of the chocest delicacies of the season. | Reuel Somerville, Esq., acted as toast- master and the first person called upon was Hon. A. A. Barker, of Ebensburg, | who spoke for nearly forty minutes on | the interests of the order. His talk was very befitting and ably rendered, land was much appreciated by those } and Gray. The special the game were by Pitcher Gray features o of D. of reaching home Reilly. through. plate by The game was very tame al A Severe Operation. Dr. H. Somerville, of Chest Springs | made by Geo. H. Curfman and Rev. N. land Murray, of Patton, removed a! | 0. Patterson, which were much en- metal ball from James Riley, of Clear- After supper the assemblage | field township, on Thursday of last | was entertained in the hotel parlors by | some instrumental music rendered by | canister, and weighed 325 grains, almost It was the Mandolin Club, and others, when a located in the pelvic cavity back of the i Mr. Riley was a member of | joyed. week. | Prof. Wm. P. McBride, F. E. Wentz! the weight of a silver dollar. arge number repaired to the lodge bowels. [ room in the Good building where a ball | Co. A, 55th Pennsylvania Volunteers, | was held. Severin’s Imperial Orchestra | and was wounded at the battle of Pope- | furnished the music for the dancing. |taligo, N. C., October 22, 1862. Mr. {Al who attended the banquet report Riley, at the time he was wounded, | having enjoyed a very | evening. Publishes a Statement, | | of Hastings, published a statement in | | his resignation as superintendent was | again. | not desired by Duncan & Spangler be- | - | cause he had not been faithful in the | Dich at Hones, | performance of his duties or because | James F. Wilson, formerly of Patton, | he had done anything unknown to the | but of late has been residing at Houtz- | firm, but to shield the real instigators | dale,died at that place on Thursday,Sep- | Sterling Mine No. 8, at Hastings, and | illness of over a year. He was aged 36 for the purpose of saving the firm | years. He was at one time a member | from the publicity and notoriety which | of the Patton base ball club and has would have resulted trom the suits many friends here who will regret to | brought against them by the miners. |learn of his death. Mr. Wilson was { munity who knows anything about the | Pythias. His remains were laid to rest matter knows very well that the firm |i the cemetery at Brisbin. Mrs. Alex- of Duncan & Spangler were thoroughly | ander Monteith, of this place, who is a familiar with the manner in which their | Sister of the deceased, attended the business was’ being conducted by him, | funeral. ~~ She returned home on and that the published statements in | Monday. relation to the settlement of the strike | injure his character and reputation. | Carrolitown Fair. The dates of the Carrolltown Fair are September 21, 22, 23 and 24. The display of live stock will be larger than ever, while the races will be first-class. Pattonites always attend the Carroll- | town Fair, and this year they will be there in full force, for they know that Want to sell a farm. la day at the Carrolltown Fair gives Want to sell a house, | them more amusement and fun than Want to rent a house. | any other place in the county. Want to exchange anything. Want to sell plants or grain. Want to sell groceries or drugs. Want to sell or trade anything. —It You.— Want money. Want a cook. Want boarders. Want a partner. Want a servant girl. Surveying for the Beech Creek. | Within the past week Beech Creek | railroad surveyors have been working | in the vicinity of Wilmore. Last week | in above lines | | I can supply you with, J. BE. KIRK HARDWARE CO. Sold to J. E. Kirk Hardware Co. i Tribune. One day last week Harry Sweeney | Tailor-Made Clothing. disposed of his furniture business to | Dinsmore Brothers, of Punxsutaw- the J. E. Kirk Hardware company, and | ney, have now opened a first-class the furniture, ete., was removed to | tailoring establishment in the Young their room on the south side of Magee | building, next-to postoffice, and are avenue, which was enlarged for that | now prepared to show you a fine line purpose. Mr. Sweeney expects to de- | of samples of imported and American vote all of his time to the undertaking | woolen goods. Perfect fit guaranteed. and the game The ball is known as grape and | pleasant | weighed 195 pounds, but his terrible [suffering has reduced him until at { present he weighs less than 100 pounds. | dl . i | The COURIER is pleased to state to his | the books to which the daily attention One day last week J. L. Nicholson, | many friends and comrades that he is | Of Our teachers will be given. the Al, a hich I th | doing as well as could be expected, and), od anvihine nested { the Altoona Times which he says that |, , go days will be able to be about | > anything EO some work that has a true educational t end. - If for any reason recess should be - | omitted, always give pupils some form | of calisthenic drill that will relax the f nervous and physical tension. Good The battery for Patton was | ventilation is of supreme importance Baker and Hile, for Carrolltown Gray | and shonld under no circumstances be f| neglected. During the recess, or the the striking out period of physical exercise, the air in Dale and | the room should be completely changed. Baker, and the new fang dangled way The practice of memorizing gems of Baldy | literature, and selections of classical 1 language for their language value can- not be too strongly emphasized. Teachers should give daily drill in this | exercise, keeping in mind that this should supplement the regular work so far as possible. In order to be | | thorough in this work a list of selec- | tions should be formulated for the dif- | | ferent grades. Flash Lights in Ameri- {can History and Patriotic Reader will | | be found excellent books: from which | | to make selections. y Teachers should be thoroughly ac- | | quainted with the best methods, and | | then make original application of them. |Several of the teachers are not well | | enough acquainted with the Course of | | Study. | without having a copy of the Course at | hand. In fact, a few have taught | { It is expected that this is one of | | school Be frank | with patrons and members of board in stating exact condition of your school. | | Report promptly to your Not long since the Virginia Beef Ex- Plan your work in advance by study- | tract company, of which Hon. James | ing conditions and ends, so that your | Kerr is president, purchased a tract of land in Alexandria, Va., on which to | erect a large building for the purpose order, obedience, courtesy, kindness | moved to St. Bede College, Peru, Ill. Remember “that the | He occupied the chair of Dogmatic The- teacher is a daily example to the |ology for 10 years previous to his ap- ideal | pointment as director. Father Daniel, professor of the highest commercial class, will go with Vincent, as will Hon. James Kerr, of Clearfield, is the | Father James, perfect of senior class. | Father Raphael has been appointsd | director of St. Vincent’s. Father Lewis, recently from St. Bede, will be director of the scholisticate and professor of the highest commercial course. Father Cyprian will have charge of the Eng- [lish branches and will be editor of the college journal. Father Hilery takes the office of students’ chaplain in the place of P. Leo. The latter has been promoted to pastor of the Ridge. P. Edwin, late of Hastings, Pa., goes to Baltimore. P. Innocent, of St. Marys, goes to (Hastings. ~~ P. Leonard, recently or- | dained, is appointed assistant pastor at | Carrolltown. | relic to his home at Clearfield, as they {of manufacturing their product, and| AS Was stated in the COURIER last on this land an old delapitated brick | Week Father Isadore is appointed for building stood, which, of course, was Patton. P. Beuno is made pastor of removed, and in so doing the men en- Jeanette in place of P. Pancratins. All gaged in excavating for the founda- | the college perfects have been changed, tion unearthed the piece of artilery. | excepting Fathers Mark and Alysuis. The older residents of Alexandria, who | P+ Baldwin has been appointed to the are in a position to know, say that | Fesponsible position of Vioster of Noy. when the cannon was captured from ices, and Father Alcuin, besides his the British army it was buried in the Dresent eharge Sfpasior of the conges cellar of the old brick house. The |8ation, will take the professorship of citizens of that old historic town be- | Batural philosophy. came very indignant when they learned that Mr. Kerr had removed the old | Miss Clara Boone Killed. A runaway accident occurred at Al- toona Monday evening about 7 o’clock, thought that it should remain in their | oy Ninth street, Fairview, which re- town. {sulted in the death of Miss Clara Ankle Broken. | Boone, aged 20 years, of Frankstown, James Monteith, who hasbeen acting | Blair county. Miss Boone and her in the capacityy of engineer at the | father were returning from a visit to Patton Water company’s pump station, | relatives in Mountaindale. They occu- met with a painful accident on Thurs- | pied a two-horse wagon. At Twenty- | day of last week by receiving a com- | third avenue the animals took fright pound fracture of his left ankle. Mr. |and dashed down Ninth street. Mr. Monteith was assiting in raising Boone endeavord to stop them and a smoke stack when one of the | would have succeeded, had it not been guy ropes broke, and in trying for a strap, which was left unbuckled, to make his escape from being hurt he | allowed the bridal to drop loose from | tripped and fell to the ground and a |one of the horses. At Twenty-second large gin pole fell across his ankle. | avenue the wagon ran into a ditch and He also received other injuries about | the occupants were thrown to the his body, but of not a serious nature. ground. Mr. Boone, who was only He was taken to his home at once and | slightly bruised, picked up his daughter Dr. S. W. Worrell summoned who | and carried her to a residence nearby, dressed and placed the injured member | where a physician was summoned. in a comfortable position when he was | She had sustained a deep cut on top of taken to the Philipsburg hospital the | the head and was injured internally. same day. At last reports Mr. Mon- |All was done for her that was possible. Want to find customers for anything. [they were working along Blacklick using a little originality. The room | Herald. Want tosell or buy horses, mules, cattle, | Creek and Hinckston Run, in Jackson should be kept clean and well dusted. | Take Notice! Ete., Advertise {and Blacklick townships. People in The stove should always be polished | Furniture added to our Hardware In THE PATTON COURIER. | that vicinity believe that a railroad will | and blackboards cleaned frequently. | Store—small investment and big re- It’s a sure winner. be built in the near future.—Johnstown Wash basin, comb, mirror and a | turns. Here’s the opportunity. Cham- | Remember they are the Actors in Sohool works interested | teith is getting along quite comfortably. ? s Se <. | ® If cards are used on which credit is | given for daily recitations, do not al-! Strange Things Will Happen. A prominent weather prophet on | attention to the loss of interest in the | phenomena will occur in the heavens teaching exercise. | in September and several awe inspiring Do not repeat a pupil’s answer, ex- sunrise and sunset scenes. A very | cept for a purpose. | pretty sight will be that of Venus and | Visit good schools freqeuently, and | the moon within two degrees of each that may be made in your own manner | day, the 23rd instant. There will be or method. | several fine meteoric displays and the Find out how far pupils have gone in | falling of one large meteor to earth. | their work during the preceding year, | Strange phenomenal electrical displays, | then lay out a definite amount of work caused by the magnetic current, will | to be done in each grade in a certain | cause consternation in some localities. | time, and do that work carefully aud | On the 22d the sun enters sign Libra | | thoroughly. and autumn then begins. | Teachers should frequently examine | themselves as to whether they re| John Dever, one of the victims of making their work thorough and inter- {the outrage by robbers in Munster | esting, whether they are following the | township a few weeks ago, was in ; j ago, best methods, and a8 to whether their { Ebensburg Monday for the first time disposition is becoming more even and 3 ; | since the affair. His wounds are heal- agreeable toward their pupils. ling slowly and are not yet by any Attention should be glyen to the means well. His brother, the invalid school room decoration. Pictures re-| whom the burglars maltreated, still lating to art, literature and history may | suffers greatly from the shock of the be selected and placed on the walls. assault, Neither of the mes cari veeall Such may be purchased at a very | anything that would lead to the identi- (small cost, and simple, yet tasteful, | 52 tione of their assailans.—Cambria (frames may be made by the teacher’s | Dever Brothers Slowly Recovering. | : : 3.08 towel should always be in the school | ber suits, parlor suits, dining room sets, { She lingered until about 6:30 o’clock { Tuesday morning when death resulted. | Besides her parents, deceased is sur- | vived by these brothers and sisters: | Robert S., Mrs. Annie Myers, and Wil- liam, Mountaindale; George, Jr., at [ home, Mrs. Susan Crook, Patton. In- terment will take place to-day (Thurs- |day), at Frankstown, and Rev. N. O. : : 3 | Patterson, of this place will conduct | He says that every person in that com- | 2180 a member of the Knights of| observe carefully any improvement | other in the early morning on Thurs- | 2 b | the services. The deceased was a member of the Patton Baptist church. A Success. Patton Fire company’s dance and picnic at their park east of town on Labor Day was a grand success in every particular. A large number was pres- ent. The orchestra, which was led by Prof. Howard Maitland, of Gallitzin, was, beyond a doubt, the finest that has ever made music in this part of the county. The fire boys have gained the reputation of showing their guests a good time, and still keep it up. The Royal Tailors! The largest custom tailoring estab- lishment on earth. Four hundred samples to select from. Faultless finish. Every piece made to measure and guar- anteed a perfect fit. You are invited to call and see the grandest and most beautiful display of fall and winter de- signs ever produced. Represented by T. W. Letts at store room of C. M. Letts, Magee avenue.-40tf Ladies Invited. All the ladies of Patten and vicinity room and used when needed. A bucket | rocking chairs a specialty. Call and 1 ted J: see.-40tf J. E. Kirx Hpw. Co. for drinking water should be prov ided | = Sy : with a closed cover, and when pupils | Attention G. A, R.! are not using it the bucket should be| All members of Lieut. Peter Kaylor carefully covered, thus protecting the | Post, No. 633 are earnestly requested water from dust and accumulated mat- | to meet in headquarters on Saturday ter in the air. | night without fail as important busi- Closets should be daily inspected by ness will be transacted. are respectfully invited to call at the store of Mirkin & Kusner, next to Bank, and examine their fine line of fall and winter capes and coats. They are dandies at prices ranging from $3 to $25.-1t Educate Your Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. business in Patton and Hastings. 40tf 10¢,25¢. It C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. teachers, and locked in the evenings | W. H, H, BELL, Adjutant. wg 1