- En HOWTO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common gins with _Arine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates an anbealthy condition of the kidneys When prine stains linen it is positive evidence of kidney trouble. Too fre quent desire to arinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO Dy, There is comfort in the knowledge ao often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-root, the great kidney remedy falfils every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidnevs, liver, bladder and every part of the urihary passages. It corrects inability to hold arine and , scalding pain in passing it, or bad ef- "fects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant pecessity of being compelied to get ap many times during the night to urinate. The mild and extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It glands the highest for its wonderful cares of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may havé a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention THE Parrox Covrigr and send your ad- dress to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham. ton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. age ia Fu « Be vi ry of Twnivogs, Tat NYE au angel colds, Favor. Babin snatipntion fvpenum pM A say ani try a box ot 1 LLC wna 10, 95, 00 cena. Bokd sod | fos va Wr Cure by ali druggists. W SINESS DIRECTORY. DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Good Bailding, Room No. 3. A General Surgury and the Eye a Specialty Al alin will receive proanpt attention J. VAN WILSON, Surgeon Dentist. Grwdunte PRiladeiphis Dental College Rewwdat attention given of the metaral teeth spweinlly. Crowd Bupiiting, Patton, Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSIC IAN & SURGEON. Offlin Ariiagton hiiek, next to Postofes Fins Fi. All night calls respe avoid provaplly. Dias of thee mr, pos aid theveal given several attention GFFLHE HOURS: 7 te MILLINERY, And 6 hereunto fon Shes for wamen Anyining spawn! will Ye dade ro. A pon shart CpwARie Prives moderate it Bay fe The porvsmerva Lion Artiftedn! teil a I. td ne Ral pm ann 2p g 5 Eas ve FOE A ARIOBORT, lode! . Patton TORACCO and CIGARS The Boers Hoe in Patton af G. J. FITZPATRICK'S Restaurant on Magee avenue, near P. RR denot, MEALS AT ALL HOURS CENTRAL - HOTEL, JOHN R. CORDELL, Prop'r. Accommodations the best. First-class Bar in connection. 5 RATES $1.25 PER DAY. PATTON HOTEL, WM. A. MELLON . PRO¥ R, Firstclaes acrommodations. with the best the market affords Clindce WINES snd LIQUORS at T¥a Chppestle Comore Ltd Hair Cutting and Shaving Pa riers, (xsl Batlding, at Main. Entraoce, AIRY AND ELEGANT ROOM. ve hin a onli Your Watch may need Regulating. let uslook at it. Noe for examination. If 1 needs attention tell you, and If vou wonld Rave ax put itis shape we'll do it well at a regular charge that you won't object be TARE The Patton Jeweler, ‘Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, ae ParToN, Pa. Office in the Good Building. MAHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. Ascoinmodations first-class. Bet of Liguors and Wines at the bar. Stabdtug attached. GRORGE FERGUSON, Prop'r. WA | DAVIS, - Attorney and Counselor at Law, EBENsBURG, Pa. All legal! business promptly sttended to, Office in Barker Bullding. Get Your FIRE INSURANCE wpe FPO ties James Mellon, J. P. ~Good and. rehable panies Office corner of Fifth and Magee Aves. Patton, Pa. CoOnl- To THE CIRCUS. Barnam & Ralley Exe: rrsdons to be Ran on all Ratiroands, The great Barnum & Bailey circus is to exhibit in Johnstown September 30, and for the notable occasion all rail roads will make a special low round trip ticket, so all who desire to witness the “Greatest Show on Earth’ can do so at small expense. The Barnom & Bailey circus this year, while always the best and biggest in the past, is now conceded to be the most incomparable axhibition in the entire world. Noth. ing has ever, or will ever approach it, for the genuine merit of its circus per- formance, the size and completeness of its menagerie and the wonderful dis play of ite gorgeous equipment. The shows require sixty big railroad cars for ite transportation, employs 700 people and possesses over #00 horses and half a hundred cages of rare ani. mals. Its daily expenses are over $5,000, and it annually instracts and entertains several million of patrons It is the big show of the universe and one of the largest enterprises in the entire world. It will be a great day for this vicinity, and doubtless a large crowd will avail themselves of the low rate and attend the performance from this place. A Gromt Medicine Given (!. W. Hodgkins is now giving free to all a trial package of the great herbal remedy, Bacon's Celery King. If ladies suffering from nervons dis orders and constipation will use this remedy they will soon be free from the headaches and backaches that have caused them so moch suffering. It is a perfect reguiator. It quickly cures billionsness, indigestion, eruptions of Away. the skin and all blood diseases. Large sizes 25 and 50 cents. For constipation take Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great blood purifier, C headache, nervonsness, eruptions on the face, an d makes the head as clear as a bell. Sold QL I at Corner Drug Store, Our trade during t close prices has and pleasant that. till every family y ty that appr aciate been mn sir, 3 It eset edy | have fami peri¢ men They theip to gi they Dang of in Cham any take our o pop who Reme of the Rema winte dozen that have | did n« ig bottle Hiwdgl Pe ms —— Hereafter all patrons who display advertisement in the PATron COURIER, or who wish to change their * pow running, must hand their in not later than Monday evening of each week. If handed in ater than Monday evening it will have to he over ‘till the next week. Try to get copy in early. PaTrox PUR. co wish Yad copy held Notioe. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refand the money on two 25 cent bottles of Baxter's Mandrake Bit- term, if it fails to eure comstipation, billonsness. sick headache, or any of the diseasss for which it is recom- mended. We alo guarantee one hattle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. For ale WW. Hodg kins, Patton Pharmacy. hy O ast ten days of satisfac td ry Wi iii ! conti: 31 u 1 “tn he l SG i we e 1! Patton an ad Yi Wear, Comfor1, Style, Quality and Closest Passible Prices IS We arg * rs. in Ww e thank confidence. our best efforts to tinue it. what w advertise. for this i 1! sh ¢ you ‘and wi ise CO MILLER'S WHITE SHOE STORE. Pr gre an wa Talde supplied : the Bar. - weil | The Kind You Have | Asc repuraicnior As | io te Smacs a owes d Bowels of "| ness and Rest Contains neither « Upmam Morphine not Mineral. | Nor NARCOTIC. t Heme eR Dr SOMUELPITTISR 4 | Foard St ot Vomedy for Constipa- rs Soma h.Diarrhoea, covilsions Fevenish- 10 3% OF SLEEP. ature of PF Ck ales YOR i. A ts 1 Always Bought, Bears the TFac-simile Signature OF — ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE. mem THE KIND YOU HAVE ALWAYS BOUGHT. BERR Di ees ETH ha moat inn ax. both sur Be i ¥ remarkable medicines and ta offects prise and delight you. For and 50 hottie Pharmacy, U Hodgk Senos, will agile at canna by Patton v per WwW. ite Ske wnfons Foesnd On Saturday morning the Coroner of Blair county was called on io gate a sensational discovery The skeletans of Two invest; Litawsnn singed infants had been foand the nigh in the iittie double house, Nok 1.006 and pied by constable J loys Mr. William Winskey, respec The one wax found 1 bef ee frame 1.002 Fleventh avenue, ood. I Kreider and Liv #4 5 in an old chamier other in a table oll ciolh anid same Fier db 3 i ” rad» 1 hey presented a Lh EYE A and said that ho (Fy at sight physician examined th ehildren fiily developed and COVErY Was Grdigs pants sf the h in the rwf dently bean murdered they had besn in LHe VOArs. 1 Dey may nave t The Haat farsi Hamd salve, alw WW kii de instanton SRiovelmt ys Hinr names for £TH00m Him Dries, wil affow tions Vaditors Nidiey ae Bereby riven Pred $8 AY phan’s {aur int rita : IL. of eo. RB their Aru and Anal the At Feared a2 at House in the Borough Toesday, Ovtaior for duties of and where all persons FOr ne Ys i am the 4 yg g we &* gd i Pe sami] xpIn attend or be forever coming in on said fund RO RaMERVIL =07. 433 Lindi ie September 27, 1 Certainly you don’t want to stuffer with dyepevsia, constipation, sick headache, sallow skin and You have never tried DeWitt s- Little Farly Risers for these complaints or you would have been cured. They are small pills but great regulators. CW Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy loss of appetite. is A Famons fierpus Doctia™s Wa known to be tie Crermaun {Consumption curable if taken i® OW in ame remedy known as Otte's Care, having oertain Bross almost Aastha, been found to be an cure the diseass, chitin, eroup, coughs, colds, preamaonia Are Lament Hampie of HOR Kiven away by Eo Lar TRE for ed ime uses (Mia's hotties inng Dr and ail throat gulekly cured German Remedy. Otto's Cure amv our agent, Rises 2 and by WwW 5 and HI ceils, Shiloh's where others cough eure. and withont it. Pleasant right to the spot. Said at Corner Urag Stars, ansumption . eres fail. It is the leading home should be to take and goes are ey Free, Free, Free With every $25 worth chased at our store v sented with a beautiful piece of «liver Ware, in wudn pure pre. yi Re ou wil be which can be seen displayed § our show window ef Minx KUSNER Moments and are Aare LLM GWay, if rifled dangerous wasted if in th ey ase wheres tne bring Hodgkins, Pat wnsttmed by delay Minnte cough cur mediate reilef ton Pharmacy w word FE W What Ir A KE Salles vais Buffalo, N. Y. 0 personal Knowledge, ing awe affect of Ve cases of advanced prepared to sav it able remedy td ENTS. From my ined in abisery “hitoh's wion, | tye 11 { §3 40s try ta 11 iii COTIRIMI am im tin hat has ever been It Sons most remark brought {OQ attention, saved many from at Corner Drug Store. my has certainly pricn, Raid Bird seed at Beck's Grocery. SH ob os Ts welts TON, Was HL SANDFORD, President Cashier QO Pee Month Tuition $1 Wakes a LAWYER. Methods new and satisfectwme praraateed parthrulars address WASHINGTON EE LAW BCROCL. i490 NY Ave Washimgtea, IF C DRUNKENNESSH CAN 88 eC URED YOUR FORTUNE Ir J Frisr #18 Four sltnigLl & . ead i Throat ciems and bait anon wid peal gg wd Rete FRY HY read ae ean CUS M AN . adh eran) Fy Sm «RL Es COT. Da, TARRERN Bears Anibi a £1 4 ad SOR e FRO ECA Hy iis " BY Fever and tr RY ¥ ONT y ot Sw ANN, ot Prngpgieta pend for 48 a ar Bowk aw Woaskhel, ets INURE, IRE i he Eww wit mgd, oH cwive. Rand LEME NLS PETE ODN, - 3 ¥' i Ci LMT AND EssY fag W2 pwr mth RE sapere ORT teecatien of pre : Exbircrom id Ux is or chia | 2 eva Sox ter “ey cr | Biss pape Domtinuital ¥ Surwerie Woe a relive. VERO am AL ER ie the w A im er That Ed Cid Seder CBtnTTh Ai ¥ | AGENTS Will wash Cleaner, Quicker, Othin ny ease and loos ine clothes than ony nouchine o in Ube COser 7 Ska) atk hk giving mtisdaction. 4%! Can : PRICE Ve Al aspiinn Hl, Chain wii 4% 310 West Vari 5, N Table. TAKE EFFECT APRIL 19 West ward 1 ast 1 Tey 1887 Malmiten A Toisk Motos iN Madan ten 3 HIvisE £N.W NE yew # : ph wiil ra 8 3 mins Saha fhe Champion +. Washer. | wa Bde vis X ‘ NW 13 i 12 five eoxospl Man. vreran dt Munsges Mabatiey, Pi 94 wtiroad. Less ble Hesd down Foaup Mat) Na#® Nos A In Fi iv 48 ie 55 Y 15 ny or + » 52 Te &: » i 5 vim Phil 1131878 wim Nia aE pila on wilt » LES hus rage crs wt 0d Cenneetione At Wilismspor? sith Phila 3 elatihe and Hemding raiinnd: at Jerwy Sham with the Fall RBrowk at Mi] Hadi Central Hafiroand Pronsyivania at with Promyivania mined and Ad Hilipmburry Connevrting miined: at be rfioid with the BofMila Haehestler and Pits atsiiry aliway, at Msbhaffey and Patter mrehrdn asd Semrfent dteisten hor Yvmrrin Mallronsd at Mahafley w A *alrner, superintendent, i* ¥ KE Heretenan ison Tass Agent, Hadeipnbia, "a vama Railroad Ta ble May 17, 1897 . wn a Pennsyl Time »- i Main Line rave Crvsnon Fast wund Magy MEE pyr FX pres lweskin Rowan Muin | Xitemrea Ai 1 Reims Ere BON paren IER TE mm bingy ry ¥ xp 5 Bmaiv } vented week de cambria and Clearfield. Sith we re! ha Eg ts ak 55 3 Hastings Sos Fame Hone ha 4 pir & La ing by Nosed byw el Patton FETEN site rs viom 4 Treeson for Ms lines Wg iaek Ks sy ior Hd Brodie Palton BAD Gereusy foe Haste REE Hastings far Mou be IT Ear Mahaffey: [1 Westover |} 5 Mabattey 1015 ig ul § A ernewers train {reagan Finials aie darely bank £3 1 afer pele Food vas FEE Elser g PEL temress ar bakewads mee ALN Watt me. a Fe remedy a teers Mgr pe ite I i. Wiownl, Es ras Aut ¥ re NE Eh Ly BR X P Time Table. $vas khosks, atta, inn he sitet Line let @ven Ram Te TEE ated wails a Pisa Hawa ford ab Falls, Haglon fey oad Ridgway Nt (3d wiisemie yr pagar fer Nov 0 LES pexssenger Drs ps Willi arive and depmrt rons Falis Creek Stption, dally excep! Sunday, as follows Ee a, ra Hutlalo and Roehester mad! Prowl wnyyiile, Ridgway, Jodiseon borg, Jowett, Rmafond, Salamone, Haff, {Rene Dromitior necting al Johnaosnbarg PAK min 3 for Wika, Kane, Corry, andl Ente ET a mo RXpeeee roam Hidgway, Hnwk fientigfe afiitbones, i win (FTE Re poe Me and with Warren, Hradbhiad, Johnson. vy iiie, and filer atved Pun ges. regs, Bogs ins Acevamimostation «For Thabhiods, Myvi cm, Hig Hue, and Pun ssutawhey Sr p.m Hrmdford Acovanmnodation For Peeve, Mine wavy tlhe, Pllinont, CRreaon, Hidgwa, Pasprsnn borg. Mr Jewett, and Mend fh ERE pipes lawned | ated Wishetam HE ATHY FOO non Bh warle W ise Prasitond asd intern 1, Adena sneha an Frpaetas from Pin ceulsees rors UM and Row fester & M Ihvision, FALLS CREEX AND CLEARFIELD 4 ¥ tipo Boar | hes Boks Hig Hon Welston fre ans tamil Truin Het Eaguvme wallinte stalls ia fron Pun ssa wey 2 FR oon, nasil an Tel Phyl radii rR aw Rion Aakers NV iad? Ww - tehis Cenrtl 3 Marker 5 Hew hy 8 rvel tH je? i 3 ’ $F (Ekaily Nir, 73 way dint flim Roe hntee r BROCE Narada aorta at Dallods tho. nba, Hodied Bia TY pith Hpbi. Lane £0 Phi laaled wrt NR Phi tas ¥ Forney v3 ~ fw Yinrk Thonsan foanile {on ade Fatwarsd ¢ KFA feel raf fied Pwd whew ads sii 4 as Ant. iwhester, N.Y visas Live TXFTES CRArge ote iars stations Lan pw ¥ yd TRY 4» Hi ae Phase BEers are : » fie tee} Uy pin froass i als iY is tad 4 RTs Ge eaitel ¢ af oe Boe ia R. ; Notley, Dealer in: : Wines, Li Iquors, Be er, Etc. sud Pier HN Porter for 13 il atid exoeliod, Omir Bottled TINY Use Caio are reasonable. FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. er HASTI NGS, P A. Ripans Tabules cure (ndigestion Fags SOEs =