The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 12, 1897, Image 4

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    ling esi sewer shall be paid by the!
y owners adjoining or jee if
ber of ty foo lots 0 adfueent aan
Bac. 4. That the depth of the sewor
: En
‘the earth for cing, : Ww
you is
Ww. C. Hommans, Pres. Counell.
BE Wii (rEgne, Clerk.
Approved thin te Sard day of July,
“f never lived » day for thirty yesrs
| without suffering agony, auntil a box of |
DeWitt's Witch Hasel Salve cured my
nk ry Lan Son
cig Whig posit We
Sireatar tr Gee thes YRC, BB We
poe aa Knees, dbo aiRi Towels
wg ae eetire system, dispel enids,
winches. Lever, Babiana) constipation | and sell both very
Fptat OO treainy: 10, a a
| F-aruaiura o care by ol Graggese ‘before buying elsewhere.
a AR RA }
“They don’t make much fos about
ib" We are speaking of DeWitt's
a un | Wo Risers, the famous little |
but prevent it by using Ove la for somipation, bi sir
remedy | all stomach and liver trouhies They |
‘Giant Portland, Rosendale Cement and Hillsbore Plaster,
| which is the best grade of Plaster Paris made.
display advertisement in the PATTON ee
vg | COURIER, or who wish to change their Phosphate,
vad" pow running, must band their made by the Baltimore Guano Co.
' | copy m not later than Monday evening :
of each week. If handed in Inter than | a Setal ot i ask £
| Monday evening 1t will have to be Beid | I have just received a car load of
over "till the next week. Ty to wet |
both No. 1 and No. 2,
which I am selling at a very low price.
priain's colt an wa Those contemplating building or using
Remedy, and it has never failed to re- articles will do well to ial my prices |
our family with the same good result” | :
For sale hy Patton Pharmacy, cw. ;