Eaxsnvno, Pa, Joly 19, 187. | ove mivinter. Eo Here and There by. Messrs. John M. Click and Jas. I Poward Japan—A Firm Stand, letter sant by Sherman announcing the | ) 6 tar lon, two prominent citisens of Paton, als Trensotis why this government; should the “Courier Regorter. spent a fow hours in town on Tuesday. | Taken. ; annex. Hawaii, A ‘Miss Minerva Spencer, of this place, | ment more than hints Japan will | viited friends in Hastings last weok. | THE JAPS ARE TOUCHY | > ¢ the | A baby died at Penwycke Hall last | week. We did not learn the partion No Chances to be Taken Mopaeding The test fled by Minister Hoshi immediately | lars. Hawnlian Action, after the treaty was signed snd with Mra. George L. Frederick and family, Recognizing the gravity of Japan's | much care and precision arghes each | of Liverpool, O., arrived bere cm attitude to Hawaiian annexation, whe seperate paragraph in the protest. | Thursday evening and are the guests minister 0 send | The whole tenor of this document is | has vol ier Sither, John Hughes, of Cam- | big battieshi on to Honolua! threstaning, although It is studiousty | Miss Augusta Bearer, of Spangler, ette Marion, now stat .| improwsion that Japan believe it has 3 | spent Inst week In town as the guest of | both ich need ren . The been improperly treated by the pro-|0 M. D. Bearer and wife, of Julian Philadelphia » | lulu, | posed annexation, and that the Japan- | b gmat. gon reaches ese government is prepared t) make s | will be an entertainment at|there--perhaps longer. It strong effort to obtain concessions t {Lake Rowena on Saturday, the 34th intended by the Nawy Department for | which Japan calls rights. No one be | co Inst, consisting of boat races, tub some time to snd the cruiser Balti Neves that the United States ll grat C0 of races, sack racos, ete. Everybody are more to Hawaii, but the repairs will these: or any other concessions to Beals have decided to lve the matter » invited. take longer to finish than we 4 first| Japan, and weil informed diplomats to & vote of the miners. Me. Wilson and family, of Allegheny, estimated. The probabiliti- are now | freely declare that the issue has been The poliing of the different local ° have rented the O'Neil house in this that she will not be re’ 7 for sen so clearly defined that neither the | anions will consume almost six weeks. a n, Sri pisce for the summer months. They service antil some time in tober. United States nor Japan can consist- Meanwhile the strike will i inot in any way p ud for her sup took possession last week. { But this anexpected post post _onement of ently retreat from the positions as | while from the executive board will be ; just and that was Wl she was asking | A number of persons from this place hor assignment to the island has served | sum. removed the responsibility of sccepting for. | departed Saturday morning for Johns- a good purpose in allowing the Navy | This being the case, the Administrs- any settlement. At the same time the ’ ing. the hearing no settlement town to witness the ball game played Department to send the Oregon, one of tion ix warranetd in being worried, and | miners will get the opportunity of ex- was consummated between the two between the Patton nine and one from | the most formidable ships in the service, to view with apprehension the possible pressing their own convictions in the £ and Mr. Bush was asked to that piace. | without giving Japan the opportanity | coalition of Japan with Spain. imptter. The operators will thus get bail to the amount of $300 for Capt. RB. H. McCormick, and daugh- of construing the dispatch of the PENSIONS GRANTED no chance to start up for six week ab Ap wo at ext term of court ter, Mrs. (. White, of Binefield, W. | buttleship into a display of unfriendli- To 1he OM Soller Their WI and lost. : oh ro- Va, serived here on Satarday evening news on the part of the United States. Orphans: { This move will have no effect on and are the gnest of Mr. Bolsingor's [6 has been no uncommon GOCUrence in | qu, ciowing pensior dificates | : | daughter, Mrs. Jesse Bolsinger, PREITY ne so ee : joTiY Ww | Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shoemaker enter- | the presence of a warship or an un- |, gy § ] comes tip in court, which may {tained a nomber of friends at their usaal display of naval. strongth by Original — Michael Smyser, Spring ent places and the most y cha gt the phase of the mat- pleasant home on Julian street on another nation at a port in which both Forge, York: Andrew L.#ides, Royal speakers in the bor world : Tharsdsy evening, in howor of Mr. ave a vital interest, ds an 20t 10 b0 | 1on fraaphing Ja MM. Co . Wil ; " Shoemaker's niece, Mrs Thos. Shoe viewed with concern. {amebure, Bisir Wiliam Schneider, t | maker, of Bellefonte. If Japan should send such an intima- | | Burlingame I rn coming; Wiliam N. Mig Thue Saturday. [tion to thin government, it would 5% | yee Giiiier ‘Laurel, York; Zura C. Mar "The management of the Patton base | Tet by the explanation that the Oregon 1. Johnstown; Willism K. Myers, | batt club is making preparations for s # the only veswl available for the po, n.. Andrew J. Hoover, Altoona; nt i good big time in Patton on Saturday, *Tvice. She isso far superior to the yo. Nn Evans, Deckers Poot: Indiana; Es oe club will meet the Johnstown | Japanese cruiser Naiwa, now at Hon | yyjim Deyarmin, Indiana; George J. 10 80 7 in favor of the Ath. ii J that comparison is out of they... polidaysburg; William Beich- | | ice The taifery for Patton was series. Several improvements af Me | ler, Kipple, Blair; Adolphus M. Lai = At | Toe Admiitraton in Br mane | Potts, Tyrone; ian J Bargoon La. Ha walian annexation, Minister Hoshi's ro Conrad Fotiord ang wa eT frank statement to Secretary Sherman | Johnstown; Georges W. Swarls, | J They were Ep on $00 an Fhe Dem. | that bis government protested againet | tts a tn Str work. re : dep rs i swift am” ye the Dom the annexation of Hawaii oy the Je0rge J. Bu 3 Sup wd J ; . ane up by be played an is expected that it will United Ee, becaase a Fant sing Pisani th Pigg oh i Crome ane from tart. to fini, ae | 21es OF the status quo | on, Elton, Cambria; Benjamin F. . | both clubs are evenly matched | Tanker, Schellsburg, Bedford; Presle are vous town. y the powers which have interests in the | ie yi Pacific,” has been viewed, with more Wants & Wrestling Mateh. concern by the President and Cabinet | Squimy Tuyloe. of Barnesboro, the than the other points of objection, - g for & matoh ‘with Bd Reilly, of Jopan to mcure some sort of control of | __ : Pibars. is chalionge Rly 1 . . time | to wrestle Mr. Reilly for $250 or $600 8! only side if the question of weight can be! at orily settled. Reilly is much | heavier than I, but if he will meet me | | at 133 1 will enter the ring with him at | . 130 on the terms before mentioned. Ir will wrestle him, atch weights, if be ! {agrees to throw me three times in 60 the Japanese sends other vesels to wip-| {minotes.” plement the Naiwa, the United States : : a i so I oalport omen Alurrn will respond in a vigorous manner, | On a | on Sanday, July 33th, and ream by On Tuesday afternoon while C. M | that will leave no doubt as to the de-| ~ Sg i ; Park, Letts and Jas, Bell were engaged at termined policy of the Administration work on a swinging ladder, sbout that foreign countries must keep hands Natiomal Weck of the I. A. W. twenty feet from the ground, painting | | off Hawnli. On account of the large Ann of 1 any s the new residence of Jos. H. Hubbard Indeed it js understood now that the wheelmen who are likely to attend the a rope broke and both took a sudden gun boat Bennington will soon receive | Nutional Meet of the Leagne of Ameri: | w : drop. roke sd both tack 4 sede Feder to go to Honolol. The final can Wheelmen to be held at Philadel | | and no damage was done ‘except the | determination of the Administration | phis August 47, 1897, the Beech | splattering of paint for about ten feet 0 “make Japan understand that the Creek milrosd will sell excursion the “lin every dipwtion. It was a Incky fall, United States will not be trifled with | tickets at one fare for the round trip ‘ns both might bave received severe or submit to dictation of any character from all points on its line, good going wl injuries. was reached at the Cabinet meeting | August 3rd and 4th; good to miturn to i or Friday. aod w} S 1 ang A wh, 1807. The! Co Ele oh ok silts called on the President it is believed | Langue of American Wheelmen expect | and paper hanger, has just completed that he received instructions to at once thin meeting to be the most sucoessftl | | the fine rwidence of Pat Cosgrove, one | Por, "0 effect the determination io} ever held by the orguaistian. that of Gallitzin's leading merchants. he irk the Organ ang Besmingion to sins Hawaii. SE paror Samighngt awe that Presiden Mr. Letts js 8 workman of more than ‘Evidenioss that the ¢ in bo-|Crvek ralrond & ‘coming h worried over the Japan-. Le | ordidary «bility and is as fine a job as | Sue | Will etreut at Loswite. : situation and the possible complica | will be seen alon Gal The Camtatc pcos of tha Pivabarg | or tn ie the sain Rue. -Cal tions, if the reported alliances between | diocese will take their anmial retreat st ‘Saturday night P- ERR I Se ‘Japan and Spain, is carried out are Loretto this year as usua. The at New Postmnsaiers. | daily becoming more manifest. The bai of the priests will be present the 00 all are requested to be at ¢ Frank MeApulty was Thursday ap- | condition is believed to be all the more k beginning July 19, and the | starting place at from 6 to 6:45 a. mM. pointed postmaster at Barnesboro, alarming becanse it has heen definitely | mainder the following week. re Both old and young are invited to join Cambria county, vice Edward Huber, ascertained that Hawaii has not made | retreat will be conducted by Very Rev. | 0 in taking the trip. By onder of Need, bri and ’ W. Han at Seeenam. | Han avoatares io Japen so = He b} siti] Father Snyder, a Redemptiorist, of New eo LA Ww. Com. i a vernment has no Intention York Mountaineer ; Free, Free, Fees era of ah a proposition. All Deflanee Won. | With every $25 worth ot goods por Grand Had. differences now existing betweén Ha-| The Defiance of Altocina took the chased at our store you will be pre | A grand ball will be held in the Fire- | 1.4 Japan because of the alleged first game of the series of three, from : sented with a beantiful piece of silver Ih a Fn als all cn Monat August iolation by the former of the treaty the Altoona League club, for the cham. ware, which can be seen dispinyed in a m, dn ™. ig Ri ect Band of Patton. Eve right of Japan must be settied by tbe piinship of Bair county, on Satariay. SE & Ko : bo Jory 2nd Reed I attend snd have bets] United States, and this can best be done ly a score of Bto 7. ate Minky & KUSNER. time. Good order will be maintained. after anpexation is a fact. the Coming Comig! Talk about bicycle saite and shoes— be bject for the evening, | Tickets 50 cents. Cox. | Its for this reason that Presi. Scholars, doing very good. For we have them to suit all. Seecurline. g. . dent is so anxions to have the treaty in masic lessons on 2346 Wor & THOMPSON. Elements of a Truly Noble Don't nanseate your stomach with {mmediately ratified. After the rati- S70 us piano or teas and bitter herbs, but regulate your | cation no one could question the right Por. W. P. MCBRIDE, Ripans Tables at druggists iver and sick headache by ing ‘of this country to settle Hawsll’s | ses Putton Hotel. iipnas Tabules cure NAWSGR. | troubles with Japan, but te do so be- : i i ahem ipsa Tahule, ul | fore annexation might be construed by One Minute C: Case. cures. Ripans Tadules cure tousness. | Sapan aa an unwarranted st, to which | bi a made for. : Rigans Tabulenautist digestion. » NEAR ARR CC np RRA EN
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