| Bil. Bef toy oe bead mod said, "Now, yon Joey Boing wwe, I'ye got you, and you're goieg alo became a at citizen of here they planted ‘ews in| account of & panctuse pst ary Whitney, the ship, and if it were fore bell would ring at rvery deep pitch, OUR BIG BUILDINGS. HI dees vo | meift, Jarge freight carrying «hip with- to die.’ Bill never batted an eye nor moved a minscle, but said, ‘Yoo would {pot shoot man down without givin | | him a show to defend his Hfs. won JOR! vou ‘Wouldn't 17 What show did yoo ination Outley np Sedfenly into was folly scoepred, {Jim Carry shook Bands, aller © {agin you and 1 don't want to there's A town foil of tin Lever give any ose, YO we on ¥ “The Dutchman was denen prov wil Tike msl, implering Jhe to put vp | Yigun and Yor him and ; hands. If they would, be would 311 tn she treat for the bouss, which preveniv. Wild Bill Bill saidi ‘Now, Jim, I pn but if you are bound to gets revo and Jotu of sesey niger solders Gn Yractioe on thems, You'll have to git more of "em to give yom req tat gi, und twill take owe : than if you buld a dis hiink vou will 1% £25 obatinae moan does not bola opin. | imate be wie PH 3 Simrad ” | Toward thon come Fi Preachman selectald a Be | oot having consulted the fines of other © { ships not quite so highly develcped. — § “The Field of Are" in Beritmer's Youth's Cruelty, ‘We have the phrase as “tender hiart- Eo yes mm . sinner and the sin. It is tmpatient and | ot | implacable. Only after one bas lived ng suffered and has known the temp | tations and trixie of life does con learn $0 deal gently with the weaknesses and Surely this broader corsprébension re and sympathy ia some ecopapenastion for | {growing old. To it may be added tie} fact not always appreciated—that se c.o grows oldor one enjoys with a enltivat- od sense many things of which youth is profoundly ignorant Thet young devour all pleasans with the indismriminating apretite of the farm laborer. The older person chavees {yearily, as an epicure selects among the tisk of » feast. Porbaps the panera of 1H is pot less Yuauntifel to the ald than the young : longer a gandy chromo, tut an ciebing. be Phd Lached Twe Toke wore ata French banquet. Insiom of th y fount wn iy panpod [the tray wear him sod po wha, hres the tray on 9 Bis neighbor, 2 "already rite ever, perenoterily declined the fly { exe Jadeidng: “Nao, thank you xy af the I wan Fh age § ‘y hina $e a : C Pear ae | Senators sud pres Ceo igh with pein wwogh, bn they found the places ep tally » able, but 80 vindieste ther manhy od in i om eves we pareon. 4 tongue ¢ sro impor- oh tant point, If it were athwartsbipe, the | ® bell wonld ring at gress heavy soll of | 0 the direetion in which the tongos can | swing Is nearly half way around be | | tween these 1 ten roe tho Re Sens inosrtains that nomen will build a good, | Sy than ge faulty of his Brother man and to throw a ; ot. ing mantle of charity and sympathy. Emly the pleture ts changed. It nod yeaa: ror lana og vapor pany it : HH 8 st Magisine like the shot of & pistol, on the euooth stots at the edge of the running water, and ich fellch women as wash pound | the dirs cas of their clothes in the same : on diunes as the Egyptians do. Ex i The Reatgy of u Cyslons. The primary cunse of the low bars | ; metric presscre which marks the storm centr and establisbes the cyclone is ox « ponilon of the air through exeess of | tem perators. The heated sir, rising in | 4 jo did Worle to aidd upper regions, bas a portion of | ita vapor condensed into clouds, and pow & new dynamic factor is added, for each particle of vapor, is occidensing, | giviw up is medicom of latent heat Bach pound of vapor thas liberates, so coriling to Professor Tyndall's estimate, enatgh beat to melts ve poomis of cast frog, #0 the smount given out where larg masses of cloud sre forming must enanmeusly add to the convection cur rents of the air, and bonoe to the storm oping power of the forming oy iv It ta doubted whether a storm | attain, mach terifie force of that met dead of winds of temperate sobes, Hw rand, without the aid of these great musmes of bale soonin Aa Gf sterminlouds, « 2, in Harper's toes 1 Sana iu Willian Seant Was Stewag. | a 3 Tyke appear Hern? Mis Van Dyke—Now, be careful what you ser, Willen, Don's think sen tan throw mn of the wehbe i som Moradd, SE vashing 10 ne is wenaily dove . by tw men gine washorman statis naked on the banks of the Nile | » and wleps the wei clothes, with » noise | har ‘ehwomen pound the dirt out with ; pli | +, often slumming the clothes np ies continue, the 3 elie % SOO det | Hisbes oe the RI of owe Yok WN ol Hl Mt ra tirsnt's * bntvoene mo Bhi ets: Wis, I aa ER I kost cn the sane: Bas all Tok tae Ives gation Incaght cal thy Lon) Wel thee Hrtio Jap tioongh the sum sis of aiuie of the addin of the puty or sm oo tier, Ban seis Vike HE Es Ee Bak OF wopLt ry JE ab ed WEE RE OREEe WesuN 8 Ew, Fut | Pale to Bee ae Pore Fie ok at. thn ES ve a fire ciuily G0 the Zener w woh Na #x > GC An Sr Jia slats tae general never Jette fRowsna apy conversation, at wipe if was explaraed to the lyse dup ws Eg was a soidler town, off wold ove sill bat and on wens the We vniing 8 litre but He nde 8 5 zai a il 4 weve to app ar a wo piss ble the swe bor and the hs of 6 wis this i Breet did nk a thdpg of the soho” -Thiaiighia : i Ee * 2 ih tht $5 Bb ps! a IAPR 5 “1 i Hx \ Bey y dnihtee} vou : wa tid, pavrous gel i i eation dl and § hone gu spoalie tos Presa Baer cies Lats. SHAE Cf sande il won io Lots gre maid to be several and abiaris vod medical wen ad Whi ven through B20, ie 1s a ame Bar ther furstre gv rood frgits oa state At to be mee Been faker tom She tuine WW Hwreolapeam ; £how LL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers