| come one of its many readers. Its the largest and best county newsps published in North Cambria, gory the least momey--only $1.00 a year | This foe inakes a specialty of doing fine job work such as note heads, enve- Jopes, bill heads, letter heads, dodgers, {cardd, etc. vte, Prices are reasonable. oh See Be oo Thre Is a time for everything; and We want to make the time to attend to A cold is when it in our store and SO econor — Don’t wait til you have ton. | to trade here that yori wil but prevent }t by ssing One to go anywhere else. We Farge pais 4 Ll : : A 3 to teach you and uf ihront 4nd hing trosbien Cl i may have confidence in us.| The best possible way to ands not t Gy to persue to buy what we want [to sell, Tr ove codon Fewien dn! | We want to sell ever) ything, | Sex and vermifugs, 36 conte per phck- | one as much as another * Yours for everthing that a first-class Grocery ang AA A ATR eST 0 000 Bh NN NS He a Koverstuaty Bagh ie Pr 4 £ nies tin to iti re. es pests Rligurn, fiver amd bows ih SL AO at, oF io ke denen Tienes buy sel try tek cE ER prs TE 2 EER Bed je ar aniend v1 dure by ali Hrurgists. Pes + Prisern ol weal Samake Tour Fale howe Tu quit toteren saxily snd forever tam metic. fail of Lie, nervy vigor, take the wander worker, DE a | Sa — *® See a fow of our Prioss: LL] ME ty J ? i . | Giant Portland, Rosendale Cement and Hillsbore Plaster, ristios of DeWitt’s | parior matches, a the famous little He AL Stiol iChat er a y Attention i called to our novelties in ‘which is the best grade of Plaster Paris made. Fnimeied Wash Tnsina.. eB Eee GO r ALSO Phosphate, Farmers’ Dissolved Bone, which is redtack Co 6 AAIREeadel AVM TC made by the Baltimore Guano Co. BOX iiss mii he 8 ” le. : “ WX A SN Ee aT D> Work Bh tn, wi wrong... di ; se tin ti ! 1 have just received a car load of oh aw] Sot mbox NE ER a 3 3 wl rom et Aw B Organdies, Lawns, Dimities i eh Tissues, and Percales ee 4 Or indies and Lawns aslow . | | both No. 1 and No. 2, | a which 1 am selling at a very low price. Those contemplating building or using any of the above a will do well to get my prices before HR SH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers