SRO A SS RI SH AO SPA 3.5 350 eaffin, | pudd at a cout, qos, of £100 "| Ss ak ae And nen ny “4 Hy Kent pt 1 Bait tenian reel, Lahail ni i i friends ray ings fin ; tite, sep Pulp Fiber Br ound 15 Make & Very ne SE pS Sn AAS, SILK FROM THE SPRUCE. Sapper: SRR Grad Sebititats, Silk of exoeliont quality bolog i re aii made from tie sproce tree in Bu , and a movement is on foot to ¢¥tab # si Bier wont thro befor pan As wi iy the oom he | saivesity bas seen 12,000 of thers a. wh al OB6 time in the out. of the fisheripen of the state put & ? sr Gilige advises some manner of . | Killing theus by means of traps in the streates ax they go up ib the spring 0! pawn Anviitier Record Broken. : wGood evening, Mies Flitters! How | “Lalo? I expected to be ealleit out of town | od .. htoday, but viasn's, aod 2» 1 have sents Ae Le i rind A Peenlinr Dutch Chntom, A A vandiiarity song Duteh farmers hat lie af a distance from a town is i Lio bave a euffin vo resciisss for heir | | bortal. It is by po means poco to a Wow a I murdy cid patch going wm : and gravely cmemplaieg to old Lux ody when be z shuffles off this wits) coil, This char | neteristic hus also appenred in President Kruger, who lm reedutly imported o Precautionsry Mesanre. Patiimt—Isu't it a Littl dangercos to | administer anmesthirics! Must be terri ible to have une die in yor chair iter [ERC you have given him ether. 1 1 Dentist—Yes It was for that Tease | That wemioted > rule that where att | : the patient | Jn Tran: | “for the theater © thought yoo might Hike | pation, I knw, bat''— “What thine is it, Mr Drawer?” Af is 20 minutes post § oe «1 will bi ready in Lye minotes : A Times Sssuiy ption. Miss Poacbbiow~1 bad po less than pix men at ey feet last night : i Miss Canstigue—Yoor slivpers must | have coms gatied priuty alton. —New | York Journal. be given io cattle i» in dutapn os 11 is clabucd that dn of I : 8 eo, and be hav es i 5 ated that they Kill more fish that all ler. The lamprey is nbous the Wize and : ban somew hit the agpearance of an eel. feng 1s is dreadfally tats for an ivi | Aud she war —~Lhproland Faia | i The onli: way in which malt should | at uh te petun for every 5.300 der ty Lohicn — 1 § make the coplish rider 1 Cyivily how Frei thes wy op ou iw BE _alevator is dre SEH ahs, and tha ah wear 4nd tong o onsbion in avoided. The ja very simple. Ad the botio shaft ben v1} ie * towne ut the top within the pinteenth of |B inch of thu side of the elonaror, thin pate gradunily grivwing anger gutil 5 ee na distance of an inel wand » half | » a avant ¢ neqaia i bles. They will ol to their | Rysmusatics, if aE prevented. Is : thi sides of vo N are so srranpd wa tof P between the slecator and (bo shat) & Khen the elevator is dropped frota thee | 8 | poet. it posbes before iE & qeantity af ale. and, droppiog into the well, the og mir i corupressord und. escaping very j 95 slowly, silows the elevator 0 sthle ani |! ly. A? rH I 0 Wl A Queer and Shaeking | prpery are enlenlated to make dime ma way freaks gasp with sve The | Shenrdist lady’ weonld be an ordinary | mortal Besid: the enriesity goobnd here: “Lost, n dark green leather lady's pock: lag 1% so that ull can be put OF at Recent advertisements inthe daily ; Hoe den it: eas » ; ctbook.™ Think of a dark grien Teather | good, dy! In suother sdvertismont we fex learn that “gicls are wanhud to sow fe buttons en the secmnd story of the Swith | omdering whit the wecond story is a to ‘do with the buttons after the are “sewed on’' we shat Bu ‘a mle & Jones building,” and while we ane trols
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers