The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 24, 1897, Image 8
1897. give sn satisfiotion.” or sole at 95 and o Semis per bottle by Patton Pharm. IRE LR lal BEBE 2837 ® annanneedB a BEANEAE hd Sie a3 853 pasEns for the year ams X # taxon of al yt. LOB ney Pam y real summer while sttendin __lovmice Iv 600D BOTLDG. |lnedb bat © Telephone Connected. WES AA Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. Pewee Pennsylvania Railroad Time ® CAPITAL PAID UP, $56,000.00. Table SURPLUS, $15,000.00. able Arconnt of Corporations, Firms, Individe | y 17, 18. in Formas coher wi aipon the ANT favors. Mais Lin nmi tickets for avin or all ei € don Shore Ex pon me Eatwar - m, Foreign Word in the ARE i days. Pos Time eftjes of the’ he W wr Alte ere will have ont prompisnd | | A hs FB» Z5de ait ourees d : ju. n Ao to nong: da secured Sev- | Ripans Tabules: o . 2ives pelle AR : Parton, Wi. H. Bawpromn, SO a ns SRS MS Be w wel an So Pee : "Wien Baby wan sick, we gave hor Camorie. : Whom she wes & Child. she cried for Cestorta. 3 . 8 *% 3 22038 us on gsskag HE HEE ; BBN i Riya? A I Bussusseing 5 © ula id uedce ¥ { E wwe : : sEnssassausns 3 suk -— a Waa More p ittsburg & Eastern Time, 3 Table. 10 TAKE EFFECT APRN. 19. Westward ¢ 3 © al we L imye Uni on Stathon | Mabafiieyi Bees: h Creek Junction. 2 + ¥ FEHUNTOERRS: Be =A 2 Ab a AA, SA RPE RR 3 bb 53 dd Sr ESnREN; w 35 * > imma gd Es Bl BE EE NE WR hos po = a a 8 8 PRaTR T 2 Ba Vo 29 ESR8¥S HERB EBERRON EEERLASAENE fLemve Fuller Ren... i Horton Ban t i Elen Campbell... i Braoeh Janction Barnside.. : Witeetl € i Mets BEE | Whisk oF Ren { re a # SMe oe SE ¥ Pood £0 ik Fametion Unban Station Muhaifiey) {Flag station i Connections t Lision tho, with Beweh Urek ruined, 1. & S : Fenmevivania meilromd, and I & 2 I i id; Re ars el Leh Ee we nit farther natice trains will | ion ive Bl ¥ £X0NP wy POE RW 0 RE REAR oe a "gl al ah op #q i