The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 24, 1897, Image 7
wonid Bare toe dd Shot wetderfal | “man been 8 mountaineer. Owe day be: gal “hy he "ol was making sn argoseent before a fury | Pere some Fen an jx Ea f8 8 common jaw case anil was drawing | inh indi derently, igh Te 4 » parallel between the purty fo the soit | Wis meaning 0 arn the bang : iim Kells eaters] 08 the orposite side und dpe of Dickens’ | He liked Britons and their wig 1 vin). Deere, hat. had great advan. immortal miscreants Always empha | 8 “i | tage over hor western sb In that hee] 1° 108 slwats wrunpad 4p in Wis cit | 1 edgeation ink enrlinr olen cae, be was more thas memaily and her ro « o sch #5 on thisoerarion. 180 happend that Mim Ha a's in — rl »d eps thas 1 tw forget the name of the character out Le Linnie wis fern at Ida Grove, Ia, ot chen i rap a 3 die 34 i dis 1 and, Hike Holen, was & perfectly nonal Iawryer, foe Akad tn a voles of thunder, ohild up 10 her #4 At}, 2 that time the vas stricken with & sph Snas wae thi nxme of Ghat =i heey? nal disease, andl when she recovered Hi 0 oo fron the bar and Soom the ad | in ditorinm. ven he Judy maflet when | 96 be be commanded order. 4g wan found that she had lost the seme | of wight and hearing totally. 4 But Linvie's parents were not rick EEE a | ore deed, they did not know a something like this: “Your honor, | fre. { that ¢ their child Suid bs Yeumed from ase strong Tengampe—sirooger | quently ‘ thas | ought ts employ — but your hon Jew will acquit me of profanity. Wien i invoke an expletive, I doit 58 a matter of emphasis only, never bn the sree of | { irreverence or Blasphemy. I Lmuy bel per pardoned for the immodisty of fonnect- nt | ing myself in the slightest particniar | 4 with Lord Chancellor Thurlow, | wonld | ag ieite your hover to the oncnslion when, in denying » petition of x ccammittes of dissenting clergymen, be id, "Get | your — religion established and I} ul be for it.’ He did not men to be | { sont Et uxt nmin spelogy. Fl 1 ® i’ hor gc under. | Ele painted { stands me.” The judge smiled and took | tw Bit at bis werd. 7 Lond Teter; pony eve the seo. { ond resolution st » meeting in losor of Edward Jepver, mid that be would, in g prvi an, indeed, the iter toa ne te senelty. The Tight Sleeves : Ko one can dispute the fact that the } | pew tight Stting sieevs iv nntecoming 1 to women who have jong, thin srs, sven when f2i108 tacks apd other doco rations are resorted 1010 rons eal the de. fects. Bleeves shirred from wrist th some fnebes hove the elbow, with aly om the shemljers sad a £1) Jace col 1 shaped with ivhe Jeni Wo rte cover the ty jer the efit of § 5 Acton & ¥ °° Has any s1vie now pep St Yetn, ged im thie ; cone nature's at ina bv ry watt fay Ianuer. Thin woreg, bmeves, uve tat iittle of the | great change 1 sleeves ‘than their hoav. fer misters, {cr whie Lay deplore he departure of ful! pulls snd volsriinons sleeves Moin generally, very sioat wo hole | en whose hooe srs wire coved and 5) concenled by these draperies have sn good reason to regret the inva »- y { ston of the tight, outlining coal model. weExchange. Make Progromive Women. “ince women's clubs have become | a» a well known obeerver universal, RAYS A | of the trend of affair, “it is & notice | able fact that women are doing more solid reading than they have ever done : wat public libraries show inter- ing satietic in regard to thin, snd | 1 presented with a bean : upen Bo on Sand Lerriter, her dearest . thn awinl solitade in which he lived | $1 anti] she wa nearly 34 yeurs old. | What has bora srvomplishend with bey in that short ee ia BEE ji Not Jemg wie Miss 1 titel by and the rtley a. chrvepen int Herald, why 3 ix : 5% The we § Sus £2 y Wtier thin “Xs Egey muy aid wheres aed fia There i” wet singh in the come uiieatic TR At 14 she wus talien wih mvlioal for the blind at Visten, fa, and he though st that age she was 308 ponbie | to walk she was in portions braith. Miss | Plessis grin Jetters on 8 Tpawrer. to read readily bey school paper and her Bible and | to write siowipcn the tablets which ars | provided fur the blind By ber delivate sense of tomch she is vous | able to recognize bor friends and even to reracanber on second meting those when she bas noticed before. Hbe is 4 50 | able to recognize at the first touch thom whom ee knows well She is passionately fond of Sowers, of dross and jewelry, and, pext to ber type ber by the ladies of Sioux Falls % Skin Soothers. One bist ely to look throngh the Hat] toilet Tuxuries to §°% of the mow of find that rightfully cucamber propars | tions hold a wiry important and expen When she entated the Meyiom, the Wie : a thought possession fe x gold! ring with a besotiful setfing, presented : Journal the Set place, ocrrect a mistake into which he had insdversiatly fallen in bis address to the Brifieh sewicistion He had tata in erver that swing to the riod from 18145 to 1986.7 cinated. In 1884.7 there weld sven Ind ax these voourred spony a lovee of 344,000 meen, and as the figure oof other | i rei British sssociation and show thst aod! after 1NI4, when revacinntion of re | ernits was rendered compnlacry, there | bed biuin = remarkable and sapid do- | clive in the sumber of deaths free | areay; that even | daring the Frases. Prussian wils, wis u | the the rest vier, in some (f whom the per i smallpnt in the f ge: Wan tection aforded by vascinstion mug t weil Be supposed in some cases 0 Bate wenn irielf out, wire colle out, though | there wis an inevesse in the iretality trons sualipox, i was slight. almast in Higpificant compare with the rev. 2ges the disemse committed in the French army, in which rev snrinat ion ey. ~~ British Medal SOR Micrabes In the Food. then, ave pot to be desired, necond lag wa Topas by Profosor W. A of University college, Livir- oe, | E resnccinating of eoraits ts amalipo was sakoown in the huge 1 Gérman arr. A groat parade Had been | + | msde of correcting thie statement. If he | ‘or had said thet fatal ssoalipox was wee | tikpown in the German army it would | have been the liters] roth Tui the po » {he only “| death from mwalizox peng Leeraan | # Lgoldiers was that of & man Hho was {abiown not to Bave bom propairly ses | of wmallpox, in 1885-8 four coves, | years were similar, 3 night Be said | which wilt Pn Hise ei The king appoints judges to Leandidates fer offen. The pointed may be 3 Tor 13. The sin for exsavination is locked wp n'a : for three days withont books. The wh jpers seunlly miected for ecxumination ire from spelent poetry and elms follows: 1. Long word poetry of sive wonde 2 Shen word poetry of Rix ] o ey Sines what ind of pl tpn Cs he eos cn that though be had fallen into ervor it 1 YAR BOL & weriang arto. : 4 ae nasifus some 2 { . Micnibe froe oysters, wren if we could | of oa * baad of itary ngunisstion 4 i ay. stud in curious contrat 6 this enabling let of sade snd ox srainstions sud iuiicate a depth of hale b a pretense and hypocrisy wiih is {gaply pyalong. ~Preloagr EB 8 Ritu $18 Fovsiar dh lasee Mowtaiy. fn MSHA ERRATA Hane Well Fl ahows wat { daar a git ge wa snes wopees, afbeg ery oe | Ban Boe me ves ig orem ae door 1 ow ER pool. mr milk, our bremd mul the our has smadwickes andl other kinda of food xv Woeming with gers, most of thers harmless ao far as we know, but Csr er, snl kag sorte take Loan eth cisely FY | sive place, and just now is the time for} | the wise homsekenper to preserve their cooling aod baling qualities, mot only | for ber own and children’s wee, bat for tn people of weslth sud po- uch sa is her more talented and consequently when some man comes along she is ready to th his in a simple, y, littl the gi day by day, the rostle of 17 ilks and the courtly manners of re bosband and sons will not be (give up her salary, however ¥ may ¢ be to earn it, for the yu on, eile old and lines atont her mouth. igs mi fen — : “He's a fine young man,” remarked : Colonel Stillwell, a very fine young , | man.’ } “But jsn’t he digposed to be risther » Joquired the girl to whom bei was As th that, I o'ly conldn’t gay. 1 "| mevah had the pleasure of playing poker with hin. “e-Liouisville Courier-Jour- nal. in “Brg Boy. : 5 What's your ceoupation, bob?’ ask. {ad a visitor at the capitcl of a bright boy whom he met in the corridor. The ‘boy happened fo be a page in the White | House. *'1'm misuing for congress, sir,’ he eplied. «Christian Intelligencer. HAA AS SRS a | Not Needed, 1 have hero a neat and pretty Little hogan t ful readers, y They have learned the value of pebhic libraries, with their collections of the works of the Lost writers: of free kinder | gartens for the children; of free shol- | arshipe for voueg women. Everywhere thes clabivowen are becoming thoughts | rafal thinkers and belp- | fol and practical interpreters of the just and hghmt thought. * "eo Ji decorations for dinner and | To hte not 8 goed “The fal horse chestnut blossoms, min 1 with delicate ferns, wenn the desir. | frie and gonial table decoration while! they were in their prime, sharing their | Hie i inrity with the delicate lily of the + wed the fragrant white lilac. At the valley luncheon thie dain. ts wore beautifully seranged dn cisvr dish in the center od the | ile on pofs of green billowy silk, | ith feats F # eof green ribbon starting from it lie a May pode. The ribbons were Bnishod with a bouquet of lilies of the valley for cach gost The dishes were designed with a view of carrying out the green and white coloring — New York fan. An Sew Lesson. Miss Bolle Norman received a arp vote for member of the board of clog tion in St. Louis on May 18, bgt fall of election. It was the first tivae th i) woman had een a ecandidade for the school board in that conservative Miss Norman had the ernest suppont of a multitude of Bt. Louis wonsen, bath rich aud poor, who used their *"isdisee? influence’ for her to the nizacat in view of her persciial fithess and of the good work dope by women on school boards fn other cities it is a pity she was defeated. But it 1s an olject losson for Misscori women on the need of the ballot. If they could bave added their own votes to the yotes they secured by their intinence, Miss Norman wim ld have been elected. —8t Louis Corre- | wouidence taki off and the comfort off the pater alec. To pik cnramber erears, which wot only clears and cleans the romplexion, but is alan very healieg, procved as fol- Jows: Remove the soft part from two or thres corumbers, warms and balf a teaonplnl of this add a teaspoon. fal of glyeerin and five drops of sulicyl-| jo ack. Both the latter are jrog rvs tives. and if glycerin dius pot agree with the skin the avid akee will be guflicient. Add os To erfupne kel, od the ointment this gefiost, ssa, Ri to , Bandi through a Bair as To uw dregs of any) i foe 1 87 ow persos with eho tonal that esa be in shetifieh, Tf wo wes to ineiat om breathing Birnd wiz ane cat: fog makizz but sterile food, washed | Feation or 8 worse. While Jeprecating extreme | measure by emul tury efor, howey. | er, Pred pectin of sheilish growsds, to jusure their '“wctical fresdipu from srwage He wid also have oysters kige alive fn ring water for a abort twee, a8 exr uente show that the Jvng agake Bea Water deRng Rte rid of any Fhe FE add The Fovpeant ys Spon. oH x Lf $e dg Adye | er Ligh Tha Fossle Lock Beseelel, ter. “Only rs area Biring these {8 particular cumbination foaming 8 pri vate code can the EK be openvd, and, as the figuns roar make RN ome: pamber of vmbinations, the “open se same’ fs well nigh hnpossiblc of attain ment exorpt ie the owner y this deview Di that the bracelet coin weet to chain & Beyeh the rails while the rides 85 in a Be or store, ua @ Dastoning 0 bag and for zeany other pirposeds af tiv sort. Most people wo ald be ups to suffer | qualms of anxiety in leaving I a8 a tock to a bicyole but for the maker's as poranes that these Sraecliels made in un variety of desapp, aro so strong as to render the length «f tine required for Bling thew through a rise which the Bioyvle thief would pot veu tore to incor, while it is impossible Wo break the luck or to open it in any otha way shun by the mysterions code. —Bar Francieo Argonaut : earth 1 which are Sik oda Sie hove ele Sa oy me ruil ing wey vipead ib he Bad sag alte, and Ok the rediicar of hiv ros parative fxilure be replied, Beg vir pardon, Wir, bor the Almighty doesu’t make the B¥en the shape fog oroer ems on Her Plan. Hebe vom nieve in long cogage re 7 i rayne’ asad leaky wai § re Lome gin go: asl, om bong She~-It ail de fT ky i "% Mien I be i fwolinesd ment be thw fom Boges al aE ¥ Bes givivip. the ©) Phalachidpaia 1s Addit fold in town w with bp Dowaglir of Warwick, but she id al the conrtiog amid wate hn unis tronbis in that regard 5 Amos the revRRiE SooossivEs 10 the British Museum [ilirary isa series of | | lisurgiue of She Chueh of Sevthend. ——— er —— % some of them may be just as bad on say down with hthmptio dArinios, we should : probabil dae of 5 r Herdwman rencianends | of maciney amd EAE tf be pases af sry arid gach things I alwys make Bis regime Very short — ountees | BITTON, Ele iri vaeELY 8 £1 GEN wavEA ABN per sand tel a ed damehbae er ae otf wiz thas battery by wize. Me Dime ba boas 0 meseiinee 1 Bie ale ho That Ibe calls su eailistor, that proedeies | thems waves aud progocis the % ito tie | strpcapbens just Gs Setare dwn With i htm on ilo ror 6 halt Burveedod TR mGR | lng een y cadenlstion SutBeway 9 4 | message Without a wi i Be } of the sul) WHEE era CN iagare and Dor ran the (0iey « HE Lonpes ppg i : fad and Bi th Lie al cap LET RIERA og rE a SPER wee 1g $ $y fai but be wis aN mons lg my pressing bi for | Pips Peg Susie a of Bossom play he His LEE AE tH the Lp apd caype wiE fora 5 ! Sly in spring Xe Ya | mreial a Cin She Waa Careful. ; oid madd Mis Yin + euvelal and methodic A eT Ra is the my arding metros 1 ever Bad © WHR X28, 1 fan Signe wibang piit want ia youl 1 | abe ges x Beaven ale w Famer tive bo dar Away Ber Wings smn phor balls, Fi trsbnrg Nowa af paetiprun fond | ings for which whe EATER compararively smnll GAR ein agg woud we he ; Soaked va 8 | bares by Laapisver alone Bw aver B40, # g ]