The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 24, 1897, Image 6
v Fave yon fot me biive #0 mice pis [Ebat’s goid af this timo © ne cs Bre need : 5 these praye ive Sownd bustle pir Ew eed 1 ty band, but uot hy © ip it On dhe lille of Tibet, - rest stronghold of pure pi iam, ha Whenls wre seuully #0 : 31 gt this. may ridin ia pa eslarly inf hh: I 5 & comparatively new den to pat ; up tombstones and monuments of glass, of marble or granite, but it isa | and likely to meet with bent. from hose wba ie rated ond era of the ats | But glass romaine and will endure for centuries Jt is, therefore, proposed that | all } memorial taliets, monuments and adstones be msde of glass Any color | may be selected, pore white, of course, 8 having the frst choles. Lettering may te te put on in any Wyle, and any device or n tern way be need. It bas Joug ierstood that for marine pyr lat pins bs Use ony § prac. Sia eragen. Tha FUALE Le Cereus veacticed by 6 4s ghost aud sim. | Si ate tronght b- tribe with great sb Tonity and seated side by side, A betel | 1 ‘uet iy then cut in two by the mediciie of the tribe, and cue ball is to the bride und the other half to | They begin to chew the nat, | groom. then the oll woman, after some | if incantation, koocks their heads | and hey wre. declared man 3 wolf to ber, ; depend, I ruay my, on ly the weekly wags 1 low ws 10 shillings {i oeriain seasons ; and then, ebanpiug £ {of electric WEY oi “i to tak ont a : prove that 3 Aen wy fangs foo as high ax £7 at The hours, sx yon Brow, mre exveeding iy ong. Sanpesing a rasn Berns out at 108 mm. Hoedrives 3 a hovers, Ad finn 13% 3 of dloek | in th ; y onthe veal snetitnte, showed that beryl, ai j Ehey geysials ars ystinviners BG also are Joo dad haan bay He Lolioven that the oo ductivity of crystals in differnt iu a date erent direc: HAR de How They Wonld Be Tresisd, Professce Herkoaoer, in a recent loo tore, Sndulged in sore sunoing specu | lations ax to baw the cid masters would be treated fo Evgland today. Michael Angels would le regarded an morose wliar. He would not got Flesied and po 30 the acu idmy ax & woald decline the honor i Leonardc da Viel would ba the in. ventor of the electric light mid wonld ' man | write to The Times about himeel! sod his critics, Rubens wonld be uo M. P. sud intimate with wembers of the aris tocracy, and Heltein would be kept put of the Reval sendin on acvount of bis habits, | Muriberongh's Fortune. Muarlborongh was, acoording to bis COnMPOTaTIo, the handsowaat man of Eis day in Eure oe, : in # ho # SN A ey Se Se cr eomaataied fangs “@ mod never ented ¥hic B pits every Lina hives, Baul Jus “Well, 1 would pat the machiy a pretty good fost i 1 was erted « soe of sy 180 sais Flite, wy Yan cond —Y uke TH wi Re am AmLEwiy. WilkseooJopew said bx books have been real for 20 Jeari, Bike Ye I have noticed be always had thers bound in that color, —Erince 3 “ton Eiger. la England n no physician may legally | ‘ ging the canse of fin wach certifivats. 0 derir is pr mito 1 to Bary t the bodp 5 i nga who oy A sabmyana ib ernie Jere tir | in hiv od age. 1 we well ne the nett il | wold claim Wo much of ber action. Hy Front in Brier islmment pot nnyixed = foal A gentleman Boa pours upon the istorii of a + ie nd & house, He was donbtfal of tie i promeded to develop for one : : in grent surprise the vill gowkly, and to SpRiEe Fhe Image WE wr ine in posses ¢ he ¢ terior quite different from thet ppen twitch he hed ixposed. The plate was roan a froeb bok 2nd cond pet pomibly Bave had a previous expan, Anoths; 1 eilg Borne sent] aml tragie ending, Fou BX PNEOSNTG WAR msde ppen a iow hsv » growed, The pi | veloping thi per He onidest weiidy HR crapher, while de. ar Plate, Was per. App ari ay 2H ah anh ie fined ros Wnts sg if she TARE tothedr atteidion. A this fact prompts the wes of curioos things or 5g a F things that wt fest thought sera curl } | oak, Ahi Gi would not Sapa to soe shai, it ae dwells for a moment ibis wubject, thet there ave always rile to be sets standing around book: iin 9% these wove] offerings Their pov- €lty attiact sume atiention, and thn there are mors or less people who want the things Hero waa a naan, for instance, selling files, nothing whatever but files, of which he bad » push cart full. There were Sls of various sizes aud of ali kKiudi—fiat filix, balf round, square, uniform priceof 5 cents each or six for a quarier. Aud thers was a fair trade do dog in these ilies. The many people who boss street have manifold wants. Scoee Amotg them want ili Files ecnagnut be sold steadily by reel venders, as many other things ate~thers is a limit to the quantity that this market will absorb—-but there hk mone sade. fur Ble In tie street, am ther 1s for preity meh everything that is cfered New York Son a ———————— Night and Day. “Anyway, she retorted warmly, Bight into ay with their argies Lo UNa” Be massed, Cwomen wouldn't turn night into day. mirely regard for the ir complexions. 31 ki wh to science tad fob wall dine over Wil iy bay women where daylight Pwonadn'e do a thing to them —Detroit Jourtal a 8 Siar gs oe i Pea nad Typewss piter, Al EX} Brita ET sad fal typewiitorand an expert pena, the test the manive of Umes a phase of sight words could be repro Guved in Ey 4 ede) SF We Tans 3 Hoa f x Plod bw ER i skit { feng laingtes % ihe | Petia 4 Hsin 0 the Frevoh are kéeping as & prisoser of state will ( Jealcnn that he Chnging 0 hiv mi somes of the kind, baving | & river im the fore | three cornered and rattail-<sll at the pass in the conrse of the day along al “yen don't find women's clabs turing went thin They have too Was revsot ¥ “ty pews Er 3 fi & Nik ex. King of Ann, whem | at Algiers, ocvapies his leisure | he 1 utiog nad intends w ei owe | When Beina ‘was in Tove, he wh oo one = antl fe es . - thot rhea: Hort fren caw pers | ¥ Bin {db gise a grees 64 3 bait the | RETR Dr pnd oid: Gonke ox that aiiltetine wholly no. Higsaed onder the getwral bead of rhenvieitizg 1s proof that thors is no iain Kiowledge of ie oharseter. IG aed to be peenetated with dmoriors thine aad steinae iY merous 4, Th varieties HE seas nig yo. Would give § therita a acly and wWitly dis. Glommatastons Wiieh Wives Gute to Thole FE slaknds In the Fiftesath Centary Have a Quint Appearance Tn This A pe Tne . Poston as» Howsewiss, In the spring of 1440 Dame Agnes i Paxton wrote to Ber “right wowbip i fal and dear bushand” in baste the Wednesday next after Deas gui sreanth. bins’ {tho collect for the thing Sanday after Enstery Huving evi mended the F gracious micn of the young gentewhn an her son proposes to marry, shi svn The parvon of Stockton told me that if ye would Pay Ber w pawn ber mother goody fur; the Bown mead ba be hind, and Of eater §8 would be a goodly Lae ifr els = bright | upgaine, The Mistresn Margarct Mantebe, for ; | whe sn thie prawns Wau “pureed.” Bo 4 thet there wat a srowd, for mice thes gee Mir. Lair wad pre 5 president, Gud then me wail tha show, Bh Bo cols a Feral 5 owas hon,” says Mz Blake, bow (this to A yoo soldi) or fxn ghsd wo om yom, of verdad roconiton Thera vw expronally tupressd Mr. Blalrwas a re meatk meade Br Mr Ldptodn in a perfect | ly master of fact, noatfected tobe, loud worship of Nexto enaagh to be heard by many of the by sancers “Jadge,”” said be, CI never Knew une til the cher day bow to sell the word | ‘muintesunee.' Hers a hand inter. ropted Lim. ance, minintainasce, but I find ic is main, nin, +6, te, D-a-e4), Dance, waintepance. Wheres Brides Are Hungry. How wenld an English bride care to fast vu her wedding diy until after the sacred cororony, and this after andar ing the Lardships of a furewsll party given thw day before? Yeu this is what a Rosia girl is supposed todo. As the marciage, to be fashionable, should nos i peor nntil evening, it may vawily be | imagined iu what an exhausted state she is to commence ber sow period of ite. Bescon bridesmaids ther are brides men, these letter being ol lige th pre. bridesmaids with swontmenta, A persnage follows the procession bear- ing an wiegiotly mounted picture of Uhrig dn gold and siiver, which is sta- sop mips the Bitar, prideie 0 pot all dress alike, apd their umber ja ashimited Loudon An Pe np A SE STA Srl Not Vanity That Cones High. Most of to photographs Ussplayed a the windows of Buy hs reapsest if vin Briginaix and af these sawn expense plete % é toy puting 4 cutie ih & window Mad 45 for a onde Ladies A Br a Ee et Expiriments wind Gives perently ont Licey was : pus Er. by ti seg ap Sn ar ' ; bin x most pleasing poetry hana, ep i Me. Lin | Gas bavis carried opin oot i constantly Rivetayted though i owas Hew do you do, colensell” or "My brave | , meat Lika ' cr some otLiar phrase | a * 5o ofilelel stave, le What | od the sail therect for collams though Af be deaver thab the otser, fur 1 wonld “[ always thonglt it was mead, made, tala, tals, apo, | The brides. bs ps tegraphens Om, Loudon | Lae Insti vate of | uid se id wife sf Jobn Pastor, ad Arig pearly (BB years, in Bloat fasion of a Le ters wit op 3 1 ie a verey snl hm Wie Ese Bo aa i ig Pk ine, Ik eae vi Hi seb off va Pipes Lane : LENNIE ty: 3 Fi wal weg fan Bil fer dinette te Bes, Gan ist ve on Pawteon Yoght fine vera, which ie mb hak etd Ho dist Be mech haer than hus ye shon/d buy me after Tar Bo shillings, ties By me a quarter ig make my doublet sh worsted for the Beametimes » Dit of fainine vanity is ween, as when Lady Paston writes her husband : ‘I pray yon that ye wenid do your dost on me against Whiteuntide that [ nay bave sumething formy peck. When the queen was here, | borrowed my conmin Eligsxberh Clare's devices, for IT dured pet for shame go with my beads wmong #0 many fresh gentlewomen an were here at that Geos,” And Bir John's RT im the next Jeter his shat a "vanchufs to rember So Jur wey a thing for my peek and to do make my girdle,” sud in still another, 1 1 thank you that 3» vouchsafe to remem. my girdle It shows » pleasant eenfidenca and the msarsnce of ber sbsens husband's interest in every side of her life that whe writes him minutely of ber plans in making her gowns, saying: “I pray you that yo would vouchsafe to bay a piece of black buckram for %o line with a gown for me. 1 should bay me & mur prey gown to go in this sonomer and lay tn the ecllar the satin that yo gave me for a bood, sud | van get pepe good baekenm in this wn wo Hoe 1 with” The letter of her son Willlam, write ten tn 1459 gives ua un idea of the oud fit for oa boy ay Ban “1 beseech son send me @ bose ¢loth, une for the boly dave of some color asd wee for the working dass Chew pone goever it Be maketh po waster) ainda fomaehir aud two shirts and & pir of Hippers. This masculine stomacher seen from other scans mention thereof in ourly writings to have been a sort of skeleton inner waisicont, perhaps not mach mor than the chest praetor of today. There 1x po ers vivid appreciation of existing conditions of society than that which springs from their compari son with life relutively of the same des free in unother age and environment, As 8 saggesion of sich fraitfal ot fol Swe After abe rejected Bim | this of be, 1a a letter 20 8 frvend, said, She is oer, uly a redheaded drab anyhow.” | Mi “