The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 24, 1897, Image 5
A AE ARO BA Sunday. E a having his new house a tains the little 16. avenue treated to a coAt Of | yoqrgld dmaghter of Mr. and Mrs. T. : : : M. Sheehan, of near Bt. Angusiine, ie tok of 1,8 Sel. pox othing, fats, Caps, Etc.. in all near y $10,000, to be Gn as soon as possible. Men's all-wool suits. 50d for $ 500 now at $ 50 " H Bi 10 00 6 50 injured her lot limb below the knee, casing the death of the b ne, which Lewis, trovelin salesman pinyin 2 Patton on | Murray, in which he removed the bone | (and st the present time she in able to Ripans Tabules cure nauses. Ripans Tabules: at at aruggitts, Dents Littte The tases Bi eR ‘be cured by DeWitt's Witeh Hazel es utocms and oil athe skin tronlies hu be instantly relieved by the same WW. Hodgline, Patton | a A Michaels et ux. to Elizabeth Reese, Fbensburg, $125. ; Neal McKay to George McKay, Cam- HJ Brown to Elizabeth J Wentz, | Portage township, $175. HT. Sutton ot ux. to Jonn Button, | ot al., Clearfield, $35. : | John Ashoroft et al. to Jot Hogue, , $180. Emma R. Karlinsey et vir. to Frank Clark and §. 1 Sawyer, two of Long Barr, $60. hustling young busi. | Gouge States | to Emancel Relghard, y to Patton on | Bast Taylor, $548. Enoch ‘Hand ot ax, to Thomas oH : Patrick Bolland ot ux. to John Stew. (and, Bammit, $1. Gd Myers ot ho to ille, $100. Tories Olysaple Show. Tattie's Big 20 20.Cent Olympic Show will exhibit here on Thursiay night, at Won Thiet istreet, New York, at the remarksble | low rate of $1.00 for a year's subserip- | tion, or 15 ofnts per copy. Of sll fam- ot W. Warrel, sited wor. v. 4 Big Stock of Men's and Boys’ OVEI Not only plles of the worst kind can , Boys. long pants suits...’ ” 3.80 “. 200 ¥ “ a“ w od € 5 00 i“ “ Knee pasts s saits... ti i 1 00 " i“ i ia nar : 2 00 Men's 30 cent dress shirts simian HOWE v offered at 38 cents i 9s “/ ee 50 cents “ $1.00 dress shirts... i " 65 cents Men's $1.50 underwear, now at 88 cents a Suit. ‘Men's $4 50 dress pants... nen ## 330 yf 100 work Bin Overalls, so and 75 cent kid Men's $1 50 work shoes... dlbnuns a 200 * BE ——— Ladies’, A Misses’, Boys’ and Children s Shoes in all late styles "and colors at same reduction. Remember the sale opens Thursday, June 24, and continues 'til every thing is sold. You can buy half the stock or worth. There will be no restrictions. Terms If you want Clothing it will pay you to come 100 miles to attend these sales. ‘ious 4th will soon be here and ou can dress up in style at half the usual cost. COME ONE. SALE OPENS THURSDAY MORNING AT 7 ocL Respectfully Yours, Opposite First National Bank. FA OBS AA SARS, HRY SN di ai oho end Frances Watkins to E. 8. Orumling, ci ea hatte Ey Ee proms So many solicitous patrons—friends RR hi “Are you doing well in your 5 store?” that we are induced to head our ~ with the above reply, so that “he who nr ‘may read.” . The reason they don’t build mills on: Mississippi river 1s because RY AN A BRR SR TRAN SAR RA FRSA Spe Also a RI CA SA CH rn Cull and keep track of our bargains. | endo re many spe domestic needs and ean be recom. mended for its cheapnem, usefulness fly magazines it is the great caterer to | | beauty freshness and otility. they can’t. Neither can they stop the of the vast amount of Groceries, Etc, which we handle. We am to please all and will do so if possible. Our goods are of the freshest and best quah- ty. All are respectfully invited to our store to see our fine line.