The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 24, 1897, Image 4

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the world, In almost every com-
munity there is some one whose Hfe
has bean saved by this remedy. Buch
persons seldom Jet an opportanity pass
| to recommend it. That is what makes |
it the most popular medicine in use for
bowel complaiots. Mr. I. E. Shumaker,
of Deanville, Pa, is a large gener
| merchant and farmer and one of the |
“most prominent men in Armstrong
county, He says: chumberiala’s colle,
‘cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy saved
{my life. Ihave nsed it several years
for cramps colie and it has alwayy
Fa ¥e reventy ore wor,
5 fa mist ease
cs | ’ 4 WE a op wh Toe th 4 ir cee pe ati
- the sop ring all xpenses of 4 Sua week's ielp: | rt pai 104% on Kidnevs, Hr sad bowels,
oli PATHE rw online NY se dispel voids, | t d ow b
SW inaciecs Fics by aw vs be in our store and s economical
Ee Toa So ene, Lam to trade here that you will slot want
| guarantond lo cure by oll druggists. to go anywhere else, We want your
| Don't thin your blood with sassafras own experiece to teach you that you
or poison it with bloe-mass; bot ald may have confidence i in us.
Natar by using DeWitt's Little Barly
ee . Two ten-day ¢ rg, | pation, Siliousness and stomach and | he best possible way to
hrongh the slams Larey Coven Nara! Bride, Vir- live troubles. They are purely vege te
per, the of ginia, Hot Springs, Richmond and fable. ¢. W. Hodgking Patton
whington, September 28 snd Oo Pharmumey.
He sar gf Baek Tour Lite Rung, of
To one ti bareo saelly and forever, Le mii
retic. Till of 1.00, nerve aod vigor, ake No Te
| Pse, thikwendor wore, ThA makes wen me
game made | Tenmsie Acommer—T isa terri: | rong. AIL deueiota, Motil, Cure Suir)
in 3
"od pormanently red. with De WiLL i
ETE Is to have what he wants.
a i to bey wy
We want to sell everything,
one as much as another,
Yours for everthing that is kept in
a first-class Grocery and General
: Mo day evening It will have to be held
he Pation team. over “4lil the next week. Try to gob
: ne Patron Pra. co.
ge Cure Constten thon Farevir,
Take Ouscavers Cand y Cuttanic Joe or Te
(WEE ours, Sragiints pefund foo
CAI oo GE rts YAN LSS is a
| them highly.” NT ewho a treinien | Jppeoutie Comumrsinl Bk 5 | . :
wih rocunation wan me Shember| “ot = and sell both very cheap. Get my prices
quick which it ih before buying elsewhere.
SRA ASA os Si 0 Eri sR
What Dr. A. K. Salter Says.
Giant Portland, Rosendale Cement and Hillsbore Plaster,
' which is the best grade of Plaster Paris made.
. ALSO Phosphate, Farmers’ Dissolved Bone, which is
made by the Baltimore Guano Co.
we have them to suit all
1 have just received a car load of