i i Yarn Fe bust The any he commision was appointed, conxisting . Water, prac Duclos, Pasteur! thie Jon ! | dungerons THING IN LEWISTON, Et at atatagott dad Soo id fre 1s Shown Over the Yoothpliek Factory ¢ care to of : rent fortune, an i well kr wi, fron the Doe de Bourbon, vd tha Condé branch of the 30 Soh en, had ven ghot by order of “ mn Th duke raed id &- root Beir. : wien ras! 5 ther thai § La fonmnd th Su sometines patho ; uk, ad ia widely . : 1 In A far of peculiar significance ah thi suunfactare of wa is for 1 inortusting puRrpomes cna seater been subjected to inves tigation, experinient and trial for yoow han 20 years in Europe, now of the at establishments or com ui Ta ndorted it. 1b appears, how. 5 f sen much mos sucess fal in this Autry thas fu Earope, this ng #c tm od for by the introduction | | {of petroleum, which affords a cheap jou Agrivend ‘mesos of enriching it _ Formerly the ila: tallic platisem, Eitan She. water wns with rich gas obtained from peat, gr | renin ox sone other enrboniferous mate- , {rial When it was proj the Invalides in Parvin with water gan, of the three veinent chemists, Duman, . | Chevrenl and Riguacit, to investigate {the matter. They found that it contain- ed from 30 to 40 per cent of carbonic oxide and reported that it would be tu the osvupants of the in- stitution to introdBes, even in experi. of | ment, gas obtained from the devompok | friend's Wl and they becawe very Inpatient at the , | sition of water by the Kirkham process | ren odatless carbonic oxide aud hy TA Sutoal Mistake. “Two ladies stood on the doorstep of a house waiting for admission, oie 'W very add to be kept waiting ut | Mow Darley’ % "said one. "The door i. | wemally oped = promptly.” M80 it is. Pm getting very tired." ; Tl there is ateclutely no. s Of o course there are people fn We'lhi rego- ring again.’ You yang ffors , didn't yea? “Why, po. 1 theoghit yoo rag.” Utell I arus burs you rag. How ddiculous!! A “Yea, banu't H1 of them rang, duty vpread ia | J EE fw Both ty 3 By & Bright Boy Who Was There For That Purpose A Big Machine Too Ins tricate For Description, i The jsquidtive min alighted from a fhe cars in the city of Lewiston, Me, j and ston €n the 5 ation platform ip an for no was at a crion 1 woud OL Can : 4 frothpicks, nud that working in the cotlum hedird a Tittle piel ¢ and instantly the fu fou] an oes Ape tion. ¥ x than by i prefer to Baie A ton I Lac tory, sek to hited thie train, ! & 3 7 of be $ eh Chi pent fwntiry, Eve Whoa Talkin i ei 2 they’ oe # will be adnak as ft ae Jemtber, Charging thi wood with steam sities ont all the dap, and 6 then yendy for splitting. Urine His way aod gon can seo how that part of the work i done The spell boy led the visitor Wea roors dn the main building, where wis what is known as a venesr machine," | a plecs of mechanism pot unlike a lathe, which was rapadly copvertiog the wood | into pliable bunds, bardiy thoker than ordinary cardboard, The keen knives ent the 634 inch blocks so readily snd puoothly that the gegeral appearance of the wark was mineh oa 3 a roll of cream | colored ribbon was being unwound and | thrown carelessly oni the floor. Two ‘boys were gathering up the damp ma. terial and winding it ou huge spools, “They're getting it remdy for the big machine,” the guide aid sa be chewed & fragment of the wooden ribbon. "Ev. exy one of the spools holds about 100 § | fees of the veneer, ated the vest of the work is dope «0 quickly that you won't have much of a chanow 10 see the opor- | ation.’ The "big machine” wy so intricate that the inquixitive man realized that | be could pot describe it intelligently, even though be should spend many | bours stadying its construction. He saw at coe end of 8 hang, BaTTOw stroo ture, filled with wheels and knives, | were hung and charrved that men pash- sl the ends of the wooden ribbon through narrow slots, where it was | pized by little steed fingers He kpoew that somewhere inside the | machine the wate¥iicl was being out, trimmed and smoothed into Bat picks with obi ollike ends, for directly oppo gilts toy ere the vesesr was being fed ter the Don workman a loag spout abot Ttwas a perfoct cloud of tiny bits of wood, which would son have buried the machine itself but for the fact that | bays were gutheriog the harvest to} wooden boxes with wire bottutus capa | hile of balding & peck or wore, # “That's ail thre te to the making,” the guide said us the inguisitive man raised his exes, 7 Of course they ve soft | pow, as the veneer was, but these boys | will take than inte the drying room, and after they've hipl hot air forced through them by the steam blower for | 30 minutes or ball an hour they'll be pueking Sout thee huwrs, when anus on which the spools of veneer | | ont toothpicks in bewildering Bamber, stiff and teittle, #0 that you can break | {a dogen or so a day and in that wari A help a gout. "~Famen Otis | 5 A than Ralf that « bail from fy ail j iy Broan Crapty peekots, sable out ink 5 ape And 4 an a jut 8 lot of ane night of invention sad 1 bad stteactive minde from corn hod canes agent that could | of mwoeh time and li 0 foot, and Yor nyre o the Indians’ 8 writ ayiow 1 was taking leg by Mes. Abies C. Fir that thought they says: Playthings ao | Fadia youngster With Bo # Pine Be 2 ongle of strings when that children seo in JERE IY leplt ne Inetling Hg XpenNS § wy stuck in» Git ih 0 pul BLM hotikp hated be per. fdida't Pat sygpestig them | © exieting peapiiel Thera te log mv) announcing thet evory ett bo tha pi board Been poll. It woe a elite rine of prox idential lntervention, Ea iat may ron fal : it is fo rane I bidsdered én board 2 Ee RSE sole favorite ir. ¥ hrs dng the pest Li the left of oe. Tihing sivable that rel . out } SE SEER RAR ry s sprint ment and bis pew read colonel i Lily nen # Le sipanion. Light fn Photigeanhis, : M. Chaseagio discovered that "light iw, peeording fo itv eclor, able to prodioce a specific phil bead ehuinge by vietos of which each pare of the photograph i able, when hmrsersed in a bath of dyw, to absorb the dye just in thos parts of | the piotare where the corresponding tint originally fell.’” If thin is true, a red tiled roof ina landscape, when photos graphed by means of properly prepared filzx, wonid be able to so affeot the part where its image bad fullen that when the whole photograph is placed in red dye the dye stains that part of the pic ture and none of the other, In the Cline sagne photograph the tinting follows | the: in with sach precision as shows the importance of the dimoovery or the cleverness of the frand. Opinion seems to favor the fist. Beetpoere], some hall century ago, steceeded in fixing tempus yarily opon the photographie plates the colors of the spectrwmin. The question was then raired whether it is possible | that a color may, ander oartain cireoum- | stances, actaully create a pigment of its own tint out of a ‘ehemioal precipita: | tion of material taking place under ite] = own influences. ’” Until M. Chassague | may be able ti) reveal the nators of his} meret solution speculation may remain | wide of the mark. Running No Risk. A troop of La playing before a owisk betel. Af thin sud of the performance ane of the mene bers left the group, approached the lead er of the band and palled out a Itty paper box, wisich be emptied into his left hand, while the eves af the leader followed every movement He then tock a plate in his right band, passed it round, and a large sum was coliseted, every one mesnwhile wondering what be held in his left band, “Why, it's very simple,’ sid tie leader when pnestioned Sa are all subject to terptation, nud to be see 2 | the fidelity iif our collector be has WwW) | hold five Bigs iu bis loft hand, and we count these first when he returns 00 make sure of the money. —Pourson'y Weekly. E fhe Wanted a Bos. The other day a ragged pewsboy went to the postoflhm and asked the price of a box. He wis told it was so niuch a garter. “Quarter of what?’ said be planation had mi the fork of | i, verity moosicians worn : wn duly | Bittle one,’ said the vo distur 10 the Youth 5 Dishes, pipes, pon shew their - hnftative : +p toffing with abitef glass » of far covering a pinched pp I thelr keen chedrvation of ‘Daolix vary as sioch ax t 4 their surroundings : dull enc in apeiron Lt ; iy sive | tr ai sinative © the children of this pha Abn who wast skidifol fn On : dole made A pate fou mie \ bat Fy i fh fn, cad duo, _ £8 Kritiudetie sad Geography, Itisnn interesting fact that the two stuslien of aviihomene awk 2 seca tobe dia tricallyg opposed toeach other in the affections of school chils dren. Pupils whe are particularly pro Beient fo one ate apt to be backward in “the ther. A story iv told of a listle boy who was slow in arithmetie and whose ap parent stupidity in this field was a great grief to his futher, who bad bee » mathematician, One day, when the father and son were walking ont, they passed s place where a “learned pig’" wus on efhibition, and the father took y HOY 1n 18 see the prodigies that the nimal sould * Jost Took at that,” said the father. Sw there's & pig that can count apd op numbers. Don't you wish you: iy an smart aa hot" me ask him « fow questions = preindany phy. Hem Topth’ s Companion. I had three friends. | asked one day Tht they would dine with me, © But svhen they cane 1 foond (as they CC ene six feted of three. Wy] Sood wife whispered: “Wa, ab beet, Hew oan ope to dine. Sond age aw: Tdid The pest _ Reanuining: aumbered nine. HE toe, wid go,” the seed eriad. Hw loft sr anes, sod thes, Alshaail to sonnt bat aight © tried, Thare were remaining tow, Hho anil them bork!" my wile inplored “f four the thind may go And Jsaen behind, fo share our boned, Perhaps a acon of 8," The seaoul ane then stradeht srturned, As i ioht have been expeetest Bev LG othe ton, we guickly learned, Edam des Dedoorned, We sow the Sut returaing. He, With all the rest, turned round, And there, behold, were ny fricnds hive, Thutgh six they still worse found. Fur Buse of von who vol may find My ridiis ran aoa IH sap the Priomals Nad in mind Were “5 and “1 ang “X.° ~Halpls G. Taber in Bt. Nicholas, *You Yolk ery sich Boker today, invalid.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers