The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 24, 1897, Image 2
Tr ind have be » and mt ee Bamplent ; of our lite, Of course the gre ut se eet of the fshied fountain of § ual youth’ ia + cntented, Daphy nifnd amind thas is ceoupied with work of that can enter with pest into the though of the best writers and hers With och a mind old age in Bot fo tu . While the heart is yoauyg (b boty can be krypt | in fair tune.’ w resched | | Beliowing the Amerionn Loss. ; 80 great an authority as the Londen | Worl decace that London meiety bs | | be me Amorioanized in tone iu the of the last quarter of the centory. pestiul snd domesticated English wumen who were content to 7, Wie Frocks For summer Wear tainly, may be called a summer, for never bidors hex the : been given #0 pronounced a Srites late] A. ation in Tie organdis, rials ee nfo dict in ‘apd china foulard and tat- the received wight, which, the way, is. not a8 Dowvy ad mar is popula . The skirt of & pretty “thay 1 Dave Jue mon haus the surve and i not over w ia of white leather with a wold The hat is made of white chif- oe orth Bend and aad Eettle yokes about thie peck send As arnle the sll round col ® not 80 becom to most fig. style, or, better cut in deep points one | r shonlder, the other two or the front and tack rospective. of the latest nn rgtied. da 3 sing or bodes to the wi © ig * : pin A HLACR WELL Lien'l ny BLACK lost nearly all their man- and literwry material, as well books and persotial belongings ‘| of every kind, in the recent destruction by fire of their home at Amberst, Muss. Such s misfortope shoglid awaken a 3 ‘ and effective interest, pot alone the personal friends of the Good- among those who have not for- Bky Parm and the exquisite of the young pots —Waoman's ROR SANE Through the carelessness of mervante a great deal of money is spent cn clear: ho Ing sinks which have become choked with grease expense which might be ol avoided if the simple precantion were 3 should be protected with or cambric, to keep through. may be avoided by g with the owner's pame plainly written “These may be procured from 8 | Sempany, = Godey's Mag at Sghiyans. : en Burr of Hartford a exll on Mr Elizabeth Miss Burr who is Bl. Times: would care to have bat Mrs Stanton 10 the general rule in to thy B % thant one. She sees no ‘why it is any worse for a wow | an to grow old than for a man, and if all | women eoulll do it as gracefully as she 48 doing it they wonld have reason to ake pride iii every added year. Bho re Ratha | a piriunial flow of good spirits taken of keeping in the sink a lump of placed beneath the fap so that the water drips on it frequently. A simple snd eficarions hair tonic consists of ¥ drams of tinetore of ran tharides, § dreams of pence of own mary and 11 ounces of elder flower Wik ter. The droguist will put op this toni, or the ingredients may be purchased and it ming tw put up at home, A window box may be a very cheap or & very expensive affair, but a cheap one, made vat of a packing bex, will grow flowers just as well as a costly one made of tilex All that is necessary in sowething that will build soil The delicate chiffon so much used Tay be cleaned and frishened by first it and then placing it lightly | bas upon & plate and standing it in the oven to dry. Twenty-eight YOUDE Women were re cently gradusted from the Vioman's Medical ellos of Pennsylvania >» * Tan Ruz we we me a 05 SE RRABA, SESS F03BANSEN"EN * Wx SRESSIRERZEIY ¢ 2 ; > sumanseeevesIEE > 3: » RH dm SIRE * BEEZ IRERSEZY xMEEREICERNEBURE scetchunes EES a | isin op GRADE DIVISION, A.V. ny. : i! » x » ie 5 ‘3 8 Buy 8 ERENES ¥SEEEN Ziadluvzsaazussunn op AE nn ws PE Pn Dis Ew> ¥ | pRRusEg » x i a oa aiooa — i ¥ ¥ i A ap AA WT ROUND. arm iH - » : % BeBRNISES GEEEESSSEEEE ae “io ARSE BRN L iia x ; : BZE ENE Rr0UNTBERVII 4 Ee s=Ees 8 a as : Bgwmstin SEERuLS MOCAROO, ¢ Dam Sept, Pua DAVIS a8. Fra pe a) Hag FETC ERWE EWR “Fw 3 Mga a SRW Z.28 335000 SHE UPL 8 <4 od ~ SEE EE >» ne 0 ih —-— % sseuex zi] mE8IELs =< wrong, MMER TIME TABLE. : 4% TATIONS (1 3 x 0 12 ns = i? Sw : Frain Nin Rares ~ : All other Traine Gully “ane oc. ERE REA | sen cand WELL, A visitor in Pam Christian, Miss, the other day beard some pistol shots aod asked s megro boy what they meant “0h, wis the reply, ‘them fellows dun be shootin {08 hate ' *‘Hbooting for huts! exclaimed the visitor, ‘what on earth do FOU Bean FS Rare, dere is nuffin srangy ‘tout dat. They's dein is ebry day most. When de train is com in, doy jus’ fires der shots when she | gets good ou to de bridge, an de men day sticks dere Beads oul to see what's | up, an de wind jes’ takes ders hats of an drops ‘em in de bay. Den dey rows aroand an picks ‘em up Bomostimes dey pots a Jos of ‘em, Other day Joeh Johnsen pet seben.”’ “What does Josh Johnson dn besides shoot for hatini™" was asked, “Oh, be fishes an does odd jobs an lives "New York Tribove, A A RE SAE Fooled the Bills. Fraccis W. Bird, the Sage of Wal- pole; onos want 0 sew Pr. 8 (i. Howe | and found him with bis feet swathed in flannels ard extended on a chain » Howe, what ix the mater?’ he ankedd of have pot the gout sabl Howe, “You have pot the gout-——such a tem ; i ‘ ' 4 1 i i 4 W # & 4 4 4 # i ob i Mo Clanrtield..... bina cama Le : ; i if ® — ge eg : BEER RES TURNS % § i wunesBEEE oe. ILERBER I ARES pF oF a 3 i ut i nw fo 1 "3: cs Sei Aen Wilsstayaris i CHE oe ER FOS i oR Od we g [E43 » | ih 4° -5 LE , Pltia, Ao Tews Ahi TY Via pe Za gE ssiin te a PEE i w ork via Tex & om ‘pEe Ed. hwy Teka, hui Ain Ey 1k Mo, Say “ht New ¥ CriER a iP temin Hiss port, willie wy Sra Columbia Ave “Piha adupitin. perance man ss you.” “Yes, Hird, my | 2 trond, At ancestors drank wine, and I have to foot the tills. ’''— Boston Transeript. In former times chapels wire com. monly built on bridges at the entrance “ towns and villages, tus the custom long since fallen into disuse, and very few of these structures niuain to- day. One of the best existing specimens Bay be sen at Rotherham. 1f stands the bridge crossing the Don and was built in 1458 Leland mentions it in ain SS TA i PATENTS EUGENE W. JOHNSON. Solicitor and Attorsey in Patest Canes, | 179 New York: Ave, Washington, Doe FFICE RSTABLISILED 1968. Charge | a : Corvespamdenee Bepunsted, | pho LE Ei i C.a ASD POREIGN. | PROCUPED. | Sell we Cre, Pus TRAINS ARRIVE. Tre Orme x So 3 sESansRey . :. ww Fla cesses EEEEEEERES SEER 3 1] i j Agnes BEBUENEEERERESRREERANS 0 A 00 Bk Sh eh Sh GE ABRPRRBRRRSS | Re SRABLEUPBLERLG | BYES ERREENE | aun anim |RESARBERGE ‘| :| . 2 DORY, ‘B E. ge Fas Ay” a. |TH IS - OF FIC.