The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 17, 1897, Image 8

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    hich ite lives ‘“at home" rthat
lo General 2's the soandalons
ly full, breathing pre
for the most violent |
dol ton Attactied to every elubhouss is a
ai | Jaren hall wilh an earthen floor. This
is covered with matting, sand here that
| big bally and general gathering at the
Dasthatl Teri,
3 1 mentioned tha other day us u base
hall term that had fallen iuto decay,”
said Mr. Bifterly, “thi ‘goose egg’
| This teri, 3 9 | daored aml once com.
ly em wd, is now po long
eard, Two of Er terms, once fl
| nr and almost us emummonly used, but
now put nway on the sume shelf with
} the goose egg, we he “redhot grounder’
| and the *daizy cnttpe.”
“Pho duiries grid sow just as they
did then, for wlieli Jot us be daly grate
ful, but the baseball is a daisy cutter
no longer. The tills are heated now
1] Botter—but such a ball is no Jonger de
wibed by the 4b irase, anoe familiar, 2
Srexdhot grounder. The extreme warmth
of the sphere is now referred to in soioe
‘other manner,
Co Phe hot in that in baseball, as in
fall things cise, fashions change,
| phrases that today sean to glow with
| descriptive’ fervor may tomorrow see
dull aod rpirithoes indeed. New York
| Bun,
Dyearfy have Juen known to live to
the age of 50, and tio the patriarchal age
of 09 years, whites giants nsually die
while comparativoly yong, Bat, as a
“ { general rule, tall people are the longer
1 The s0 ell of Anuly soraped horserad.
| ish is said to be an effectual care fa
: dressing
| the house, for sach a thing as a resi
playnd in the eool of the morniog od
afternoon. Sometimes
| other variety of club Sourishes in Indias
at big stations and js devoted to women |
| Anglo-Indian swelldom. Its member.
1 the sold when it comes to the Baoday
bei dinners and small dances. The wives |
ir of the cavalry officers and those who
Then | the upper crust shun thes Morghie
d- members as they would the plagoe it- |
| melt, One who enters 7 cowie of ss
»m van doy —Kunsas City Star.
that sbe has something in her. A draw.
ing room and room complete
dential elab for women is still unheard
of in India. A brown, bespectacled na-
tive sits on duty at a tables on the ve-
anda. His fonction is to keep the se
counts and to send round the sabecrip-
tion hock every month, when collrctions
The labwomen all go in for athlet-
most excitiog gwms, badmioton, ie
tournaments are
# when it is 8 Hghoed
are admitted
thongh on 8 Stet on 4 tolls
| days, |
[them plainly that they are Are not |
This is the smart women's clab. An-
who ure pot guite at the top noteh of
ship consists of thos who attend the
wat house, bat sre left out is
Khanas, as they are calied, and their
| thinge—n new after dinner story or vol-
unteers 10 do some work, stich ss deco-
| eating the church, for example.
Selweriptions to women's clots is [oe
the station and + satation of the club.
8 {gee on Alt i 15 climbed up on the
pooky hill, Lot at night the bay drove
them hans
| Why do ¥:
| out of the Held,” stswered the boy.
_ {Then the hare, too
Ot ary?’ eked the fox.
- becanee he: cannot get the gonta out ;
| ma ne hare crise. | 1
{Bement gt goin the
#8 phi- oven 477 anit re coving |
4“ a To ser thar ® women has |
{read the last is nt | ;
turns ont that ho is after me of two
dia vary from 7 ropees up, according 0
(hie night when ie wen
10 meet tim the frisky things leaped
nto a turnip fleld and he could pot get
them cut. Then the boy sat tlown on 5
the hillvidd «. 8d cried, be
As ha si’ there a bare came along. ]
+7 usked the hare,
“Tory bio Ican't get the goats}
API doit,” said the hive Bo hela
tried, but the goats would Bot come, | the
, sat down and cried. pr
Why hed you
“Iam erying because the boy cries, ri
mid the hare, ‘and the boy is oryh
Along came 8 tox.
“111 do it,” said the fox. oh
_ Bo the id, beh ihe gous woud
the boy cries, and the boy cries
: “1 am orying becsase the fox orien, Ly
snd the fox cries because the hate cries, | 5°
and the hare cries becanse the boy orien, |
and the boy cries becsnse he can't got
the ont of the tarnip field." 1
“1° do it." said the bes. Then the |
big soimals snd the boy all stopped |
crying a moment, to laugh at the tiny |
bee. Sie 4 16, indeed. when they cond |
not! But the tiny hes flew away into |
the turnip field asd 1% apon one of the
goats and vad: q i
Bann rar” Mather Earth, snd I don't
And tut ran the goats, every One, i.
Transicted From the Norwegian of Bas. |
flie Pos isa.
A Little Mistake.
ey women foe a et. om i i
oo md i ge
all t him close. ;
1 Jay. bine he :
i the Ee Mile Y chp.
want out to the havel to Jonk eer
Algroty In Demand.
‘A New York exchange says
The women's elute which | have been from the influences of thee wild,
of ou coprey BOL Jegends pecan iar to the bask hod
polis wear 1 Miramichi, expocially those
Fibrte, here resived gma do S| o's Tavmioma, monster mown known
what will they say to this arraignment candle, bowser, 30d SEITEN
from The Millinery Trade § Roview: ] artend fy Bis team, Wen
"The person who remarknd that * P71 go the camp be foutd thus
womanly woman went. 20 about wi! a4 ene ie ha wat — a my ¢
or wigrets, - they are called,” “pou. fant r'e co of mind, ‘Bak he
mo mtu ur os eet
are yearly | theron -. Lo en so
asks ber sn mseslnkin seek, the deiighe ok <x re wal the g
{of a woman's heart, or the kids wi ow r at
| wikiom whe wears upon her shapely ba hon —
or the shankakin, fashiceably cd] ;
mArsen, she wears a8 » bos or ov ar
stone her pak, the calfukin that « v-
eve ber dainty feet or the parts of cb. |
cer Animals she wears about her perase
*Chismistency, thon srt a jewel’
efforions of the Andabens and the Civ
i tan, we wenld nll go withoot slotbes. 00, a
| Algrots are iy greater demutid than ever, ou (ip Foot:
ged will continue soontil fashion cries, ;
| Enough.’ sr ae : :
Deserwd the Cortifiente. Yin
The Kanshs City Journal fella Sow] King - WoL 'S Domai
Miss Erhel Hosktneon the other day’ mons
stiorted frome Corning to Seneca tr mika King Thoobaw’s palace at
ther examination for teachers Reaching bas bern farmed} 10 3 VT ap Be ak
a dtream which hed bean swollan by | wah. Abe Loleuew chambee, with
this foods, ber horses aud bnapy wire | golden thre ¢ in it has been §
washed away. © ¢ kopt her bead, how | tot for Jud roombere ALL the we
ever, and ths Bors mapiaged (0 swim gold tated, and poiden pillars sy
out em the other wide, afrer foativig the ronal. Yeu near the door is
| quills a distances down the stream, thoog pn | Weird mark of former days that 1
all the tio the bagay won wo fay hee meost Of oe wonld prefer the Joes
low the sarizen that the water onmn pp Wifleent mrroondings of oor ows
0 her srionite. Opes on the hank, she Without envy. It is the rod mak of
Hdtove ho riedly into Senven, borrowwi : mavdered woman's asd
§ « | mame dry clothes from sn acqaaintance, | Onoe the king, iu the davy of i
fF iran aver to the comrtheuse, took the wx | prima, took s faney to a benntifal yo
mupipati on, aud rriempbant!y bors off a | Mongelian and insisted oun Singing ber
Best gra ic eortificate. a an attendant to ti court. Hin wife
{ fn yhew
ped $a oS ;
taki ait 2
ent hati when, mach to his Seenay, :
The bush pot op azul ran sway, :
= ¥omth's Companion. *
Farmers sad Mechanion
This ix ny quiet kind of game. Theres
=a trade to be disce vored, and Every.
thing is lodicsted Souigus. Thos when
the ous who Jit the roc tector, ir
; temper of fai rat stubbed the 4
White tomato are rive and plentital tonate girl in the sadivies he
they re exoellont to remove frecklm foee the aneeons loud SOR
wuddiness from the skin, A woman par hand, covered with bi
ir» peachitke bloom on der win de gba wll, and * ane ros
718 v5
€ sees she has used nothing vl besiclen po one: has oiliv sated the mar
on redhiod a8 ever —-if anything, a higle |
Thexv is an sdmission fee and members |
are alested by ballot. It iv suid that the
temptation to drov in a Black ball as o
form of revenge for some former sighs,
real or fancivd, often overcomes a mem
ber, bot wos to her if she in discuvered,
for het mister members masks © hot for
ber. New York Ban.
Pavement Grey.
Pave or pavement gray is the very
newest of the new tints of this popular
color. It da not ue becoming wa it ix
fashionable, for there Is peither a hint
of rose, cream ner fawn io the shade
severally © :
Heve gowns 1uade whiliy of pavement
gray. for 1 is a metstlie die mere ex:
acting than nuy Won the days ¢ uf
gine grav, that ‘galation eolor
for brides” i ig Crstimes and #
ghasde that would ditract oeatiy from
the good lune of Venus horse. There
15 no neoesaty, however, for selecting
this particular color other than from
the reason that it beads the 18 of grays
approved by fashion, for the stores are
this season filed with beautifnl fawns
and grays-—grays that combine exgu-
sitely with pink accessories or ypake op
elegantly with mauve or violet, Other
shades melt Into sage and delicate olive
tones that admit of touches of bilge on
she bodice; and other familiar grays are
shown that make stylish oetomes re
Heved with white or yellow. —New
York Post
tad la i
tho trage chawen aw that of » faniner,
one will be meujing is a fine crop of
nothing with papa’s stick, with anoth.
er, perhaps, gleaning after blm. Ove .
taking hid of the Jogeof ou dining roo 4 [00
chair, will form 0 nic a servic ple
plow. In ome corner a Boy will Boone
gaged in traning With bis si.ler's |
parasol, snd In erethor the sistir will |
be busily sogaged in 1 ag bulier in
an invisible churs.
MH they we mesbanie
mend Hheis siaeen in &3
at the % Yeully os
they mar |
COL Gr sew i
i 5 Srsser | ;
TE Tose |
fo, or di any
to moll
Ry form a
tion of their rade, When be vho we
ont goektos 18, another faa his plies,
and another trade Is chown ~ Esehangs.
iar, #0 thad |
HES se ;
ment wh -
Muliia's Compiafut,
SLR $1 i y ;
“Deiog nothing,” said Mollie, pout-
ing. “I've Leen don’ung most of the i
time, Me Harnir's Barer
0,7 sand th girl's
eh ing wil |
§4 wl id bite
bat Fa Y%
Johnnie's Bway.
“You kuow I told Jolisnie I wanted |
Mm to meke his pext essay a hummer?’ |
Yea? i
“What dees the little gaseal do but |
write bail a page sbogt th
Detroit Free Presa
: plexes 4
; haf he Le 41)
{ basing any
: i althe tah perhaps not the
i of thir gus
Fponmiderad the raost lovable,
voagifrony bor girlhood. A thorough rab.
thoy of the skin ove or twice daily
wikile the 5 oson laste with a ripetomaty
with) vw cars, awl if thie 8 Fang
to bb 6 thing GF estan one
posl yaw be gad cp
inal the winter Thoes
x arbi rn. bre Bose, as
wt vooied and are nere
Lime raw State, !
The Frnachine,
spneiaaly says tow
i ib ¥ ce Mapes an Bh oho E
oF enfrane hid
by ¢
i casbuoally
| Shes #3
Moanicng |
sien won id
Full, it oft
a thal roars than
Ha J if £2154
i Fl
fo Bann ia
thied ge
| aud Wekne ns
: 5 uf
TORE Bn 0 ti i shold
5 Ps 1&3 21 5
{pe Aven. sizail Im if
Li post ot tha
pritor the stale siyndaphe a
Hen, John bh Long,
f= NE
§ Mies Vieturta's Farerite Thizhter.
Friocesw Henry of Battenberg, who
| attains d the are of £40 8 short time ae
neh bry t
wdamghters had ever beun
During :
last quarter «Oa oevitdry ber toval big
mes hs a8 tren the Queen's content oo id
most devoted companion, and the con.
meats porrow of widowhood has Bronglis
buzz saw!’ | thasn, if possible, more closely together won't sdmit that be knows more
thi they were tafore. ~Lonidin Figwra,
York Yom: rt ik
A Story af a XE oss wow 2
A storey ta hl of
author whe bad 0 ey
Ey u wi
on public
the liver
print. Figally ha ' wept}
ting ha® an, :
wend neither pot
gRaraiten Hom a diy uf
repaired mo | 5 ed 3
wr a thront Ake
pieniicisd p
Ir after bay
the Hsien
ail mighe 1)
followsog bot i ;
“1 didn's Kio ww the tales Bi bie
Por heaven's sake, come down sal pay
my Bue avd Bade the seaaserioy ge es
The wlitor Was uhaioeed by
Pras and renibed brody:
“We canne: ati the rules of ong
office. We will pay your fine when we
publish your story, We wish von weil?
~Atinnta Constitatio
Another Stroggiv Toward Trath,
Well, attor sil, what is 8 passione ?™
“He is » man whose naturally sunny
disposition has been insbitbered Ly vane
ning up against so many peoply who
$n rine
BEOPs Suakaiineas 4 Ll
¢ of = h13e 3 Bis ey
Bou a
oh 5
frie Ea i pk ¥
etter, in wi
Fen, wl
(his ag
, Sho do.” — Detroit Pres Pros.
Sb fas ais