= & R Five rom " pERER 8 eacases 15 ERE | . resort tn the book to which a rc n. rates and over fifteen hun- soccemife: ect own. I in compiled castomen invariably proncance it the | ix | Dest remedy thoy can find, snd we know of no case where it has failed to | ver | give sutisfaction.” For sale at #5 and A 150 cents jus bostle by Patton Pharm: | : 7 5 =EEBESEE HEE SREEREX Fp od Ana CR * 2s »¥usnnsneslE ad fo PEC aE 2837 a RE - “zaae vi _§ 483 Baud i 8 TTL wis taken with & svere ads vit i Ent ey : roretvad upon the t with snl snd conservative rapt p tickets fur mle & for ak the angler, ways take it with me when going sway EE Word, wt of ux. to Orville, from home. For sale by Patton) pemeanet actom will have our promptand | sje Acommtation, dai ler Pharmacy, C, W. Hodgkine. Pe vrat pat om (nw deposits. | Poeeiaion fm ly From Sire to Mon. AE Parron, Ww H. Sawpromp, | i» As a family Medicine Bacon's Celery “hs ‘ahier. | Paci xproms, daily. aa King for the Nerves passes from sire to... : ii nes | DAT EE CAE ni son aa & legacy. If you have Kidney, : _ A | $5,000. i Liver or blond disorder do not delay, | a Cok, but get a fren samy of this Chews Oreek L and 1. Co. to Tony |r roy ple package wine $178. Constipation, Headache, Rheo- et ux. to John Timmon- etiam ete. tis grand specific will cure pg Yo 0. W, Hodgkins, the leading B. droggiet, is sole agent, and is dis tributing aansples free to the afflicted. al to W. W. frge packages S00 and 3c. 3 Ams: DrD ft Rothrock, of New Berlin, ad bry rah $1,492. Pa, does not hesitate to recomme 3 nou AE A Quarts ot uz. 104. J. Condon, | chamberiain's medicines. He tay “| have handle! them for a year or more hen it sostied like » Ebensburyg, $200. . T. Condon et ux. to J. A. Piper, | i my pecacy sod fod thm se 1 Lx : 7 Pen | (and reliable. My customers prales gE3sgs 39EREE heen: Pe 8 wovwRs Eawwhdiy $500. Francis Diehi et ux. to Itachel J. Hel | : wih pol, o- tboruagh, $40. mh be. big . and; W.F Harding to Nancy J. Ri etd, paper wars | HC re ux. to School Distt hat ‘had | Washington township $40. 1 2 the i” eet for Saar. {hasod from Dr J. V, Wilson, of Pak fo When she became Yim, she clung to Outoria, om fe hk Chr, he geht. T08 together with all = 33 e2c2d os GB- Aaa = HER = ESEEER HE LEE ¥ oededd * n uludSlcedee » 5 Susbusastue § ° =2 rH E = ' Pittsburg Fi Easter Time| le. 10 TAKE EFFECT APRN 18, 1897. Westward Lanve I mion Sation {Mba}. feech vel Junetbor wt 5c wo usasssnBas’. » 60D A 0 AE MR VE EREUNUREERES BB lr sfegogermo BELERES wd. Yn t Fu ™ 5d v. Ee wemunmunsn’ 2 CEEeREnssENi MERBEC SABRE a855 oh Sw Rh SRSEEnkHEE BE gis So dip £. Viag station. Com pertions-- At Union Sil ] yish heweh Creek mail KL romd: at WH : oa, aad 1 & N. 4 : a: at Wethote Hk 5. 4 i a:
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