In ey dh "the erocible of the Todisn in told ri al gold ty means of the | "the doctor finally ) ob ber. In 15 practical nse : jou gin. + “frost a 1 | i that can pat to aleop | Teach me, > oh, doctor? eHow te A Berlin Custom, In Berlin there are irom posts or : stunchious fixed on the curb at conven- ent distances, marked “halting place,” ; ar cninibios of tramonr. ‘At these places the pusengers wait, and the drivers are | ek dbiowdd wo pul up nt any other J spot Winn an ompibos ‘approaches one : of these pois, the eonductor calls out, | Maung pce!’ mod if a passenger Wiuth to get out or if apy passengers Ath watiting to get iu the driver pulls af mor, he pis ORLA. Bea to The following are id by a Ewiss ) taptey to lave been found near the not il do engie he recently discovered in the Allow: A hare, 27 chamois’ feet, 4 pi ma’ feet, GO pheasants’ feet, 11 beads Is, 18 wads of grouse and the re- £ » pnmber of rabbits, marmots chstone. We may say, bowever, that | un, they Bb ve not yet mcoveded in giv- te pretal thas obtained the chem. 1 properties of gold. Ou this point santey than in the other, and the prob lem seems to 08 Bot to be near sohation, The metal obtained can; in fact, be de. : into its constitoent elements Nevertheless, it may be interesting to present to public notice the Indian al- ists and to describe thelr metho + , z an, 11 | to rejoin the cittars—divine atari it | of the early sges of India, who, socord- ing to Hindoo with Stee A 8 tradition, a o 1 1t had gome down deep, and the badligr { rest in the shade after ‘perience, When splash! minh iri roms ateel paid Corset and the a du . ering Body wis wiomphantly lifted on} a by the esnltant balliff, shew. ng fish as beautifol ss was ever ladd- exactly ioutes fren the moment | : box till Bo lay on the banks and be weighed 2% pounds by my pock- et onion : The “thunder and Hghening™ thy wan carefully extracted froma his gulles, for | smiled in appreciation of the remarks '| on his good judgmens of water, weath er and flies which I felt in duty bound | to make. I had time for only « short my exciting ex- invited me to the sport tit liprts man's Magazine, Chimess Sweets The Obinese are said to posses se. erets in the preparation of sweets that sstonish our most accomplished gonfeo- tioners, They know how to remdve the pulp from aranges and substitute vari ous jellies. The closest examination fails to reveal any opening or incision in the skin of the frit They perform the same fest with eggn. The shells are appar ‘ntly as intact af when the oR » newly laid, but wpon breaking ard fps ing them the contents consist of Hats aud sve nests. —X, sw York Sen : Thnes Vmproving. A think that you can raise iy sala ¥P asked thi bend rls 1%, 3 ve hase 2 maikity hard fin raising it fate iy," rpiled the employer, t but d rthiek i 1 ony have it ready for yon FR fry 5 py ee. Bere + a Dis strot Free {they are not more advanced in the one | m- ad md of Cs poi. This : ets. Dress Sef he tne when chee right force | devi ee choor was loved by grest Tho 8, ordained fo be loved Thorens, grand, fhe wonders (f his 1 are % thews, the tall olin a altar candles ol 4 optinny. By our bulovad rire of hoe POC SKETS. Thirty of Them de In a Pair of Breschus of the Year 1611, : Perhaps th of the Jupavess in civilisation is to be {found in their use of pockets. The peo- ule of that eonntry Bave amlly ss or ends sight pockets vai ingly inserted in the cuffs of thelr wid: aleeves. Thess pock- nh divine inspiration in order to eure {1i- A a enrions mis ‘Ascomz a as the twine in the email squares of + or i ai " |e mS of a hE : bon wa The 2 with a dag 4 G 1 with curions gold 1.1 silk threads, coats of am : ‘irpe «{ Llcory VIII yerote: From my ghdle be phacked my pouch: By your loaves be He rover a penny. | Leeched, Rowers bot ponhene at A | en-"7 date. In an old play written abont {6:1 it In mentioned that a man had his, § brooches plsited as if they bad 89 pock- without eyes, the skin Maving » Thus earthworms, User maggots of flies and. ayeliss contipeds Sud their way tures which have eyes Ia a recent Ger. an work on the samwitiveness to light of weless snimala, Dr. Nagel, who made his olservatisns chiefly an mols Tusk, found that the eveless bivalves nd snails be experimented with showed % high degree of sezsitivences to light | He found that sore species maoted es pecially to dimication, others to in. creases of light. sud that this difference was correlated witly other characters, — Philadeiphin Press Old Newspaper File, The San Fraveiao publie library re joices In the possesion of about twe years” files of the first pewspaper pubs lished on the Pails const itdeing the Oregon Spectator, which was begun ot F Oregon City, Or, Thursday, Feb 3 1548. The fest Qullfremian palilicaticn Wie The Californian, which appearsd ” CTeY Ang fa Ab i 2 ix $3 sus dy S790 Cin sn averspy neh’ Foy gitshne writes 40 letwms avear, smh Neotel man 30 and each Irishman 16. The average Taliay only posts 6 acd the F Anseriean $1. bb SS spiders that spin webs sometimes 80 feet in diameter, mw dark stv eb hui velig cus sentences. A dramatist o - did nob sttain their Tete sar 0 And # hes well shoe in Cairo, be sone the wor miof t fellah chin poss 1 refooted avd the mse of the Litem v sarsslippers. Egypt Tt is rood fond and without pn tip oo generation. bu Lad cu ope that juis tao modcls to shame. 18 1s acion ay tion of its Evropean pricciype, her 10 heel oF dle pi Tre slipper i a cifferept thing. it» Jowiit state it is bright eolorad. ina thing of the soil and seems a of the foot that bas *| oalled an aulmc. Too acim. fies | pakes the bus of the rainbow. door wear are gold, white lippers yellow Tosettes und domens of 3 harema, o that their wives may aot RUSSIAN HUNTING DOGS. Many of the Jower animnis sw known anything else mal. high degree of senmitiveness to light. | about pearly ss readily as similar even: & SEE ils filter through the ground and might him pane Shrew away the bag of empty peanut , him. — Philadelphia North Amerdonn, Juonth, bot that be would charge any In Australia there are bird entrappiog | E has mo yuriaie close of 8 size to cont | for suvihiug. The xnoe, when ong dis | # covers it, in too broad { 1 the foot of &| | 1 Europ: 0 Vermin on seme’! | pict ably, bot certainly uot croamontal | To ye has ehuflled along in it} iy for centuries Thee cheaptir slippers worn Sv by the women of Cairo ste a vivid red | or | OF yellow. They are very Joose, but ave | { too flexible to be sltogetimr awkward. § | They have soles aimont an thin as paper | nee and po eels. To walk in them in wn art} © that can't be learned in one generntion, | but perils 10 be developed through be- eu etd down ab the beck, and it takes tos > a ; : ; : j cluvar un. Snvgusa te bolts them in 30u- { YER Tote we avealio~ ikea pill tn cases wh of mental of phy ‘al distress. Another | casential seldom iwiving is S upiaber of ae . These ave | AG Gen of a splay footed | The silk cloaks that are universal for out- | couvenlently short to} 0 Soan display Mack slippers omdiroidered with | © 0S WAS FOS 3 beaded with blue, | ¢ red silk slippers kas with blak beading. In Matariel, He. | "5 "7 where many of the paslias keep theirs YOUR ¥ | ciation of the ingenuity of women ~ [#5 | Hew York Tribuoe . 1 Pps og bis chair watching bis op- ponents. The "gallery," which is the . name weed for the spectators who onu- fy cited than the players. The center of _ | the table was piled with biils. Tiwi dogs are joss | shors of two feet higher.” Avsificial Petrolonm. Aen the schievements of selene in seed oil by distillation under presura Two thecries have been held as to the | origin of petroleum. One is that in js of vegetable, the other of animal arigin It is not unlikely that it nay be 8 om: Bipaten of both. Animal sod vegutable by changes in the chemicul laboratory | pe rm of natume produce this sabetanes. At all evesits, the fact ix significant and | frteresting, edpecinlly as several petro. eum hydrocarbons have resulted fropy the experiments s» noted —New York Ledger. a —— Bankowd. The eliphant trumpeted loudly. “What's the rouble?! “own body's worked the sbell game on me,’ replied the puchyderm as he sheils which had just bien handed to The Meal Fatale Man's Pet Story, . Opdiky kissing their new flag )— The rea) estate agent sid that my wife aud § vould have the flat for $i a one eles fag Fatherpill—-That was the offer be | made me and my wife when we thought | of taking it. —Brooklyn Engle production of petrolvum from lin | Fares, Is sverus like » shame, " exvining ag % Scavele ‘bot I'm going to rate yoo &.- 500, John,” and suiting the avin a po : BI, ohms 5d iting He ain bills and threw is in the mideie. The man with the put strap bt pased without besitating, sud the next with three aces concinded that kis bed : wan't worth $5000 more, so be, wo, out “How abeut splitting the pot, Jini" waked Morvissey. “Never, replied Scovel, "bus Vil jet you take your lust raise out. ' “Make it $1,000." smd Morrisey, “and I'll go you.’ “AH nhs said Scovel you have? “A kilapa-looss,” siavired big John, and: rt ami his band to Seowvel There was & jack of hearts and a deuce, tray, four and five of diamonds Soovel turwed Lis baud over and showed the jack of dimmonds, queen of hearts, jack and seven of cloba, and ace of “spades; ke bad a solitary pair of jacks, Talk about consternation. The rian who bad passed on three aces made the air bine, and the pat straighs fellow fell unconscious Seuvel treated the house and took & cab to Albany. ‘121 bad only thought you was bluffing. ™ said Morrissey, “I'd have sat you to Philadelphia on o freight train.’ There was $5,071 in the pot, which Scovel won with a pair of jocks — Troy Observe The great wali of China in 1,500 SN bit d Pmfles loug apd traverses high moun. rand, deep vallevs and, by means of wide rivers The foundstions i evvsers wre of granite, but the prin- 3 sure is of Lloe bricks, The last @feial account of the populstien of 4 gives a tofal of upward of; Tri AF fo ghaie ! Viel waste land of the Us ited King ine iuditg mountains, Breath and? ers, th oestimated at 40 por cent :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers