The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 10, 1897, Image 2

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    ty © oy le i high oe |
: Seam by the Whites who knew them
. : are MARY 2 LUE BROWS. piece
‘eonside var wives pte oom. from childioe Mary Ellen wa it) il
ince mantels of noglazed, orns- uoated st ‘he loved schools in this} diuted har |
cx e Intest for city, graduatic: wn col | nv BAtEer aftes a Ra pho
pular for the he The Iarge od that fall cic of the teachers in the New York fun. |
Stted with andirous for whoo! whese d gradosted, wh
| position she 1.14 for seven years, but Gort Covers.
Le resigned to gc ept ¥ move lucrative ote The fancy work of the moment of
Bt sx tesber a another school in this modish young woman is not with wools
green. EE a sehome to ecrvty, Alter leaving the Georgetown OF # silks or any of the embridery mnte.
rejuvenate soil] porch chairs of last gt | she tzoght two years in this rials. On ber light work buoet in pled
sommer and make them look like tin oes ty mad one your in Shelby connty, | a tempting ArIaY of sheer r ;
nbent style. this «tite, AS 8 pupil she was industri. | bolts of taby ribbon and pieces of cow
5 Fret work or grille, with pendc: cutis, #4 8 teacher painstaking. She re. | Balt jock wide lace edging. The organ.
#itl, | curtaine over the doorway, or in wi aeived her appointment and commission | are delicate abades, wit)
: > to arch, adds very mach to the Jocks of » Ae notary plabilic and qanlified in ou few small, indistinet figures, md they
. : — dress: room, Agra, denim or siberian linen Cove theraiifter, She bas siready had | a Hue, pik Soemm, §IAE oF J
: this purpose. 2 au eeeking pensions or increases of | Tbbe ;
ry Jutest way 10 bung cortaing pensions, sod cxpects to get most of it
ve a double rod mid have each freon her yee in thet line and from |
bai acrom the other to about six inch: thi se who gow draw pensions in takiog |
the netessary proofs secure each pay-|
“about. two-thirds of the way up ment. Ax her picture indicates, tho lea] me
ghor than formerly. jut) of Ber race. Cincinnati Com- |
ind when selecting yony reinl Tribove.
p giohe that. sellow fs ab |
« by and consequently looks
: y lighter with a light behind it, 0. 4
y Select 4 god, dex shade. Blos, on the | 14.
1 rein wach dirker and in- {510 : : =
right. ik: Ld in this country, with some 100 or |
| 800 members It is & department club, |
hs ing for ite different lies at werk or be rir : we dorsitne sp
3 om, Be, oF in, art ; wh i 4 ol # :
ri Mis Clara B. “Martin, tse first lady! | rey and rhiloscphy and | the garment to draw
they | admitted t the tar in Connda, has de- | pe, These departments do mich ;
0! cided open making x spreialty of the oy rid work along their individu | 1 | 4
o IAW ad telaues fo women. 1¢ Je pote 412 Hox An Men od this may ba given in| © oars Ne 1 On,
| years since ndertouk i the wink of the department of philan. | 90 TET foci
diffioult struggle to gain a) BA Sort thropy, which, Just year gave relief to. Son a So EEE LEE |
; ulation of admi many people, the number going into the CL Sewn Cox Corin dide’t mean
Appeal | goseandn, ous givens fod Supymer ec ark tor m a ae RY rr
| eefved the individoal attention Che | gigi NE
the | embers cif the department. There inal fk
regular menting of the entire relubevery | wiki 4 i
| week und (epartssent meetings fn addi- | 5 $108 hige ¥
| thon. Aug the honorary members of To To ren 7
fh the tab ae many prominent women amen stmcen (LL he
Mim Harri Timmer, Mra. Potter Pain | jute. 14 Lect “aon bs suticl oy, sndust
er gwd cop Chicago woman of whom | form th fonndaticn, $9 which jel Dis
| ET fastensod a roof of Japasies mating |
1 fom of the members of the club} The tack na sides =e [dn ois -.
Are in faver of woman suffrage.
Dr. Mabel Spamenr.
Dr. Mabel Spencer of Riley comaty |
Eri in the | 10
| United Staten. ay
am, the county mat
n fies once. Chains of rola) Jonks Sn Er eg, si
1 stones. Tearing Et the your
rad re used at all times and fann, ete. and makes quarterly reports | spine o i a i} at
A French tirchom fo the secretary of state. In Manhattan | 0 Deerfield, Mase, thers bas bien ve | ¥
Mis Spencer Ia saluted by her medical tablished the Desrfeld Seely o« Dos Tale
Gitle. It is “Good moming, doctor,” | gn White Nesdlework, This seieny’s
Good eviming, doctor.” She signs her shiert ie tuoteld. Iv is pot only gn .
Woy nage without the prefix, but adds the | yyy ory crieal, Tie Bret daiire is ‘
guet of MD Mis Spencer, M. D., dn x den | oo vitiage industry, the second tore | Heh
: 3 a trating branch of diataonde. Bruce- | der little swcimen, with a pleastog voice | ooo and adapt (5 maidern dees the |
Jets mre not so much worn, necklets and | and a deep rooted love for ber profes-| fig oF Phin mos practic ced by our de |
chains mre the favorites, and they are | sion. The office be bolda is an appoint | i EL - Soa
mostly arranged I5 some Yastastic man. fve one, sud the bas Billed infor 18 wei ating alte
fier of worked 43 in nexpecia] Jasts of ‘od of | months — Woman's Journal. hhian cepren of mess Hoth In i
costume, Jeweled § ts, i ee {4 Fem idiot rales Poniyiol 1
Jeweled pure, jeweled fans, ete, aro Putpeurtt uf Fruit, Jo eo da he of: |
: ft) : all being kel. : How | in the yisss fe begin Jose pot. ray :
: ; SR pourri jar of preseyv Ha gal’ NT ht ow
Sikes a ro i pt Werner's Muse Litupsture. 1 forge stone jar, the size you think will; © 7 CF medic work tint
ali The committee on Hirratore of the | bold all you wat Take as many boxes! = iets han pid orn)
a point some ix inches Woman's depwrtmosut of the Mamie of straw byaries as you wish, say twoor| ‘0 “0 0 isbn : ns 1 - -. -
sist torn back in revers, Teachers’ National association desires; three, and cover thers with alcohol and, ake Bn 2 Ip Enisg : on wi 10. fottiers when al wales
u, and often covyred with the names of women who sre or have adding their weight in sogar, simply | © tor the a i ln caly we, 596 Kieu),
a ¢ been ub any time actively engaged in place the stone Lid oa the Jar, leaving « as Entartad ; whi she
Ww fe slip is again to be used by literary work pertaining in any way to] them to preserve in the unsealed jar. Te the ald rousittes GF kind th
or all such purposes. this sea. Ta8sic, With a brief biog: splijcal sketch | The next frait that comes tuto tha sour- | © 5 roman aki
ne ro tht I have seu bad of each and typical specimens of work. | ket place in the jar with encugh sore | y «1 mill IRETY 3 iYeaiad 3 ad
fai tabs that form. | Bend such esnmunicationge to the chair. | alcohol to cover it, with sugar W taste, | : prides the # Silities
tabs were pot only | pian of the commits (nn literatore, | and so - placicg every Trait in the jar; x tg prople Wav toring | 1 am ai? onl hd HE, you iy
fvory tinted sat. | Woman's dopertinont of the M. T. N. | when it ba perfectly fresh, The wdvamcy pte by growing ope evely day,
* mo ink # kN >
ve fc 549 Gresye avese, Broo kiyn. : ot Winter you er kavo a very & n 3 BF the fact that at a oo Phu Prt fo = ay 4 Bt
tin off on bolero of | Miss Eugenia Sellers has bud the de 3 AitEIROOn Lous : dome by g ick’ of tise vane hig | Amie gs sep hash, :
J in soft, Jule tone RTE uf Lis b. te wh wel un bax by i Soa ve BUG fxd woman B fold cpu ig EA 1 A on aren rine b. a —
I Bt Amdrews pmivansity in recognition ; : iio in an : kid sheer ler veld nad weasdan Niles,
t of ber translation of “IPliny’s Letters Leas peat shit he Joe use asd: grees: Shon ie
Con Art.” She gained her repitation an TC LB 1 i ard jd In : paint sual sr Skies G2 We.
ism, for only | & lecturer cn arch Was and art, 4 EE A tis fsevitnils o ; is x dbbmer of] Whew Pale, TR burn tomo,
Ly cal stand a my Now York von naked earn vga | HE char 5 |
Ribhiodis eye conspienets and delights | Go akan batons off LODE oF ‘wom
{ful featores of woman's smamer ward- 0 TE en: sake | SH Ne
a Sif : | yotie, Ome husddly sees o frock withouta | 00 © Wi
fe for their cxtracr. | kpot or band, strenmer cr belt of ribbon. |
x plaliorute mae | Even tailor made gowns have flat ap | .
Fs winde wie ‘the | plicati ons here and fiero vo 4 it ; i besapil Bath :
ars to be worn | Pae— ; to pote fie hat regsen
shape and masks wp : The Women® s Hest Toor association, | : hy
iy 3 resvnbio the | with beadguarters in Boston and suem- | Mire. Sages Celehration, it’ Boris :
¥ vench : bership of 800, bas estulyished a travel. Mrs. Rusasell Sage will volvbrute the sified oc 00 irs pak lipd hee © is is a pleasant @ Bedlthy Luhion
bi ue fund, tin money to women fiftieth wapivessary of ber graduation | « bots fo en ELE Wewtod apd! The Saputiens re fhe move EXpeTE top
| frons thet Enasa Willend sEGinary in | vio wath ow pall B p01 plage 1 i ist perfectly
2h | Trox, NX, on June 10. Mes Sage ina, 8) 3 hon, shirk : pars $5. 5 Lend 3 the
ring the . fresh: | wiki addres the graduating eless. ARD co) Cased
2 blouse of chiffon or | [ihe request of the faculty aml the give] Of ea might Yess a :
# fabric iy to put it away in | she will take ber diplonm with ber and ki GED UE LUA CIR 3 i erage splmie BE, Wl
I Pa wach a milliners tie i have it rand. Tt beurs her maiden name, { 1 is5: ts 7 mfen shine Meg — :
g Linea en : | darsk 1 en Home Joarsa! learned tn nui B
En a RE aa aia AEA
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