ur friend, with an ur of die , ever meets & blind man. : j a do bu?” rtm the un who Cort reas. alt to think o and holy {hings, who sets kis An umbrella dealer cautions again s on thi ‘above ami strives the double vee for sun and rain of » : will | rain umbrella RE OR ot Ju se Brwan’y Ancestor, wer ancestor, Peter Browne, the « Hx Jannary, 1891, 4. heariog the lone roar and al- CF peeing. a back wo the rande. tuslow terms the fort on Boral sil “faint with travel : |= to Springfield (Munn. ) Republican. Umbretine. the ail, hemes its harm. A folding wn. H nich satehel ~New York Post. Tu Britain, of SORT, members ot perliament veecive no salary, buy in x, g | Now Zealand they receive snnually 8b Japan, $300; d | 81, t | 200; Queensland, $4.00 nn 0; Beami, Sonth Australia, 00; Victoria, $1,500; France, $1. Mein, > poo; #8, 000; | want ot wietnils and almost famished | wor with enki ’' Had they never come in| * Kansus nright now be a slave state, bat | it ‘was otherwise ordersd. — Boston Let: | In is to Sound 8% some of He § & which will in am erdicary tog or Ne { Bellar, he deflared that Jen | to beggars. Mes. Sellyr was ap adept in ‘ | “mystifications,” an Bs | popular in Sopteh sociiity since Sir Wal fer Seott's tires. She disguised herself a8 a poor highland woman and waylsid | her husband ind Jowitt at A crowed Ge Canadas, $2, . ; that John Brown of Ose | on 4 a narrow escape of not be- iis +. for Winglow tells bow hie! » with Jobn Goodinan, wan [|W i off in the Plymouth woods one || and lok their | th thasing a deer and were cut all | eno. their fect. Ploally, “it | poldier wl froma high hill they dis. | ye 5 Seaquieh and Clark's jaland In} i Silk wears, be says, a4 | not 3 Joven | long as its oil lasts, then it splits and | | eymeks and is gone, The won dries cu} Onpe when ream Souris whe vise pupil, Professor | his frimd and beuging tmpiortanately amd “Whit ese the hardens work you er did for a Hving?' asked the ben lent old Indy uf the weary pilgeim. : i ; “Srealin, ran Sins Free Press, | tale of woe m) piteonaly shat tread 2 ¥ i | ug} She wems very | A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers