The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 13, 1897, Image 6
4 Dent pha % Ar ig I if {pshicn | preventives i in them, & ent cil is 1 : 3 od ha ns 1 wo} moans within their Pench,’ hangs. Shoutd fare Hat ® ee ATOwe, Fern is Mus Mir onde Mo pech at the Actows’ fed | lonmance in New Yuk this © he toc. J8 is reprinted fan Ul ; the many clnb ha sehen, 0 os | will pernse fe with profits pd “y Jedd propared G0 Bide i foe sion and hid Jooked fores pret thie op iy ability ” ar shit Hbed to niake MY atoll tes confine Juyself to the vey | Are bere te to peak puri derstand that life §% Wor HE 5 ©] a Jong as thors peut of 40 BB & {17 amd oppars vite 10 Le : * as atari Aerlize C100 Clabs, ; he wo claim het td for the sting rea Ler grepinful eink woece lh —hecsune seth Leraliip ba thea be fi isd u For, ber noes , hey Bi to the pangs for We T 3 by thier he ar eoreh > i grt hE Haas worki i gin) re seg someiining of Hp ty «ff its practical endl 3 ber point of view and éxperience his db ved A An edoratesd woman, whose orig fnal intelli) ven hos boon dove Joped cu different Huis and uhder different con ditiens, knows a whole let of things as | to which thi wording girl's notions are | yery wRRUO, Ske bas, too, a different paint of wiew, spd neally different ‘opinions. Ho when working gpizls and "| edueated women from a Gifferent sphere of life pet together apd converie & great deal of information apd pany vainabie dens chang heads, to the mutual ad Santage of Ibe parties concerned. It is a disadvantage 10 BUY ye to be restricted fy one variety of sequaint | anees or to the sol iety of persons in a ‘wingle condition of life. Prople caphit to | be piined up far more than thiy are peciple who are rich sssoviate only with rich people their afffuence—in that 1o- sult of ite=is a great detriment to them, just as the poverty of the poor is a det- | vixpent whin it restricts them to the so- gicty of thy very poor. The tendency to 1 eluscificntion on a financial bags is very | strong, nt the tie of bumun kinship 1 ought to he strong © enough to restrain it. These working girls’ clubs bring people tops ther who cought tO moet, Herper's # Weekly. ha et aie “ule Womim's Degrees at Cambridge. Woman's equality with ] 3 hall fiean advanced a step in Eog- » report recently made to the ¢ of Cambridge by the syndi- inted last year to consider the bode of : | material 101 in two phecrs—jacket and shire ekict a Every person earns * {first coversd with 3 min in eda | © rerore is nant : 0 the form of degree IEonte admits that women be removed; it ads cenionces of coedy- rat. x 5 HRD Prose 14 aud it taken tha | tht : get BY gnen Te ‘N Fv 1 3¢ of £3 Sg Siena shapesilor ot th = wprivers ty, propose pleat ity GPR af Bashedor of arts, piaeier of ak Tre gy Wasa ths it neEn pans. Thin weald oo Die on ROM all By pegs. terion tie eculerreldl ty the gress ave toe of wed wren iif the aniversity and of sharing 19 jen Revers ment. Iwo id give thom Fh satetancs a that Hey & £ fay, the stamp off the uni VOTE LY ‘on wart awk tae i ton his pine 6X07 erin font i nyvees th soo iil Bor jean to Comet Tue pyidionte antes Goon by the buuly of the pradaateses may be re) i by the t rods. stantially > | by a cominiitos Buy f bere whon appointed were br emed 10 BUY comeeRsione must carry weight, It ix eeidout 1 0 the “sweet girl pralonte’’ will moon le a reaiity af the Epgiish Cavetaidge. New York & un The Wherinoman wf L801. What . fet ir vo) veling? ia he ery of every Ziv) who ride a else] Oi courin she wishes to lock will, and ost what to get fe of more hugortalice Haw to Wor i ws ie ; ROWE, ; wre a pumber of tenpraveme te nis year's ceiling costes, In (h place, Bloemers of fhe dress poe An wh 8 bei ton hes pee becmers Bre wet, © AY PRE grest, black tami : th leggings of the dvs materiel . They stretch ton much =o d gly. High shoes that seath to the be peed, in ten i7 the: gown is ny hate of brown, in Bleik of Bie any other color, Mize thoid ia the earious shades of laown is the best fio tir gow lL It dx pede by experience thas fre vents out mach paGIe quickly «| than ibe packet, and the wise girls ged mo ¢ (x ra material for on walking 1 akirt. Bhe will then have & cycling suit y costume with me Jnckeet etn both, , ow ham i emoctar re A Flesal Firepheed, For a reecot wedding the draw ing room where the ceremdany had its one fireplace host tastefaily decorated with flower A framework stood within the tikes, whieh had been moss, ‘whieh wae en firely concenled by the muss of gowden rod pinned over it and white wedding. so the colors werd cot hero Ly 8 copter of the screen of pale yellow lk on which was fastened Say ba half a with white thistle fast table bad an oval yond sri note 2 | wrpiece, in which tiny golch wae swimming. There was ns. & ie in the middle of this, whic] faki aloof » large flat bonguet, £0 apd lenily arranged, epthide. ALL abort the trder por | were toatheay sprays of - { goldento.— New York World New” Women, talk there bas been seithin won In all the the last few years aboug the pew an, there how paver bev, #0 fur ae Kaien, single Woman who has elaimerd the Hie for berwel!, gd spar beely ipl eerident OED are the pest voriforons in their che 8 tn the ters dod to Me application to themselves in suy way. ~—New Yak Tits. a Mine Peden M ‘Staphis has boot a BEE of the Maza a } For Li ti Meso Lo M ce apse bales hive bein twits to BOT the ap f OWYRTEE WE BT cperintend. cx bas ht lasr preowned Reh 1r at the eapositing sia 0 open fe dst of digigns an goof the i, treated on Arie give an oriental ilelwek repeioth a 1h very open heme whit embrol- ta ais rm glsic hi oft 1 B of white & 0 1 w stitohing pil a srl of A is ——— <a Be Wendell Puillips advocated womin suffrage 0a tho groanid that it wonhl [ into the cancus.’’ gk purify polities Ly “emptying the parior a x he only differimce of ago iv | he mendaticn « i ETE CRITORT oO OF pation | dey She has ¢ { ombridpe labor amter dis | % an ¥t fs curried | gronvd fire the Pioe | Arie and hwet er of gebore and i venom passing | fe Pompei 1 her gifted woogion, { fhe wrote Ben. Hae,” and the { satordinate Jann is mor oF jon © i- | world. took place | This was a gold | a gle basket BI flied | Among the w good Samar 4 Warner com thats Miw Neve Jo ahi given Ler lif: to pe i work of aiding the Abey y hays dae, : anfortanate, and devotes herself o8 | pecially to help Bosetees girls whe ti dherenragnd and HE have Ya Saw yaty feannnt sours add FN fmbly Loy heme ab B32 rrividin them with ard tise Po Vail. Tr Pi if aon, Rev Géensr M. Paste, 3 A Fopdtin ter. BH: Lop OB Clieney. Cli Floral Fane pire fig inine fancies ld ye. pasted Ye fadiemat th dul nents af Fie § gee fo iy ent fenveng, which den be gerewy id voper. sad over Fhe foci jewelers have law nt od gold aud silver AN ren fravics +! which me siply reps to the flarists to pave saftable Licepeie attacind to thers. Whew n find senda Bis or bor | photograph to whether. 8 1a the correct | thing 10 slip it into A floral frame, pweet and fends giant as paade of viciets, roselods op Jilies, and the demnind for them iw very great, of floral servietta rivgs at dinner par- | tiex, When a Indy seats herself, she } slips this ring off, ‘and passing it over ber band weuss ft esa bracelet. The gentleman whe hae taken her in pre sents bey with this ring ad she puts © on the oiler wriet. These trifles pros mole on ves sntic n end compliments. A Superior Snepmaihen. The utepmother of Genera] Lew Wal lace wan a woman of waperior mind and inteliert and a A tiful traits which ft an fmpress Bpon fer it is related tht | jt wean she that be kept in mind wisn ! fenutiful § eharretor of Bes: iors mother wis none ather than Riven nother, athe rr tries where the position of ER broil This i a weil known fact and oun be cruced sil through the history of the It in then quite safe to predict | that the highest type of manhood wiil | gover be ro hed exept UY clos pasoci- ation with tee highest ype of woman. hood. io ia rhe , Fires Yoto. Mee 5M. Lasstes, wife of Hem. Prack Larctie, prosident of the Fan Watinnsl book ef Melwegor, Ta. cost the first vob ever cast by a woman in Clayten Ci held recently in that sity for the pore} pese of bondin | pity for water- works The (on Ppohc tent of the Towa Woman's Hino dard save, Foor women only were «lms to vote, aml in cone sequeics © ¢ their being silowed to eat fhe jeinct was thrown ont” thelr ballots the wntin: vote of that pre. By wha! an thority of on what growls is not quite plain, tows women Lavisg Wong expressly givin tha right vet On those questing seid a EAA Ropdine face In Favor. seaking ef lace reminds nie that I pase. the finen in ores lag, op with bide or soaricd threads inwov: on and the sik Jace iu the sain heavy fai, Tlie moet yadion: | desipus, any mere 8 favor than vve? thon sen, that show Ing » bit of svier ? peivs mn touch to shiv Ww: arn or stmple taffeta Eas Hu ¢) 4 tanh Joni Yi ta ch jute favey and wad ved | ty paariy ol the pan ALTRE STERION RWRE This fod a givers w bre pnd bsooxnin far 4 EE » gat sue =h a he £5 Eunticios om the Queena Liles The tripe Leandra haikse 3 i xpectatid in of 8 brill pection with the for tion af tlie gusen # J Cae ha msnlees ; se gatnat Cogroll 1 he | Inky 2 The misin PEON g play mans oi Eons that they are Letier 3G aptod fox work at which they am erapleyed, Other reasons are that they are mae reliable, more sagily convo lel, cheaper, more tern pr abe. yore ens s procrakle, neater, more rap dd, more indusirions, Tass liable to strike, learn mors rapldly, ete. i p+ Git op ths hse regis 18 BERGA COR I SPEEA HI AE. sain dn He ‘the marning, | Another novelty is the introduction | : | franchise. is {one of ive most witree qr pad to give a distinctive | weed with face Das i ap irs ne t pied thology Ble 4 mem tar ohare. Mra Mieke) + : tof is bib wine 33 fing weiestonirs 1 teach pe heel soil working for aed ary col. and juve yA Ra Or cpppalpat in frmperino HE Wl 1} aa 39 dn pile fem poraee aro Lit ganiz wed tir $e goeiity io Idaho, He pied sud vi tied in Eo alii cw jeaving their mother free 0 oany ob het Wori aw an BY be Shit and fate ar ganizer for the W T, 1. in 158d, Myre. Michail as £ id gar rinte pds ent of liglative work for toe gate, envi the yiassige of the bill which raised the age of consent from (0 to 14 Hex She | years, Two ydars ago sho was instro } mental in seoliring an ameniiment of the constitution, which wes adopted at the last election, granting suflrage 0 women and sccaring a forthey protecs Yion to the girls of the state by geting the ape of consent raised to 18 years Mra Mitchell's cloction to ber present position almost susnimons, and she xan Deen treated with givat respect gin she en- tered upon thet duties of her office.” Mrs. einer Color. Blue ia the favorite color of thn first lady in the land, and Whenewy this of 4t the White Housn it is always gatis- factory to the mistress of that mansion, When the pusicale of Mim Ells Ros sell war given at the oxecutive mansion recently, if wasnt the waggestion of Mra AM Kinley that the andienoes gathered in the blue > rl, and this apattibent was k Hh rubly adapted to vocal wil RAGA weal music. During the adn iaienat] in of President Harrison the piistrens ¢f the White Hones chose the green prior as the muse room of the cxcentivie manvion and Juad the deer ovations of tha recom wrranged socord- this apertmsnt ax n zansic rod, and it is generally voted the prettiest parlor} } ent won} id hoes pa 15 QE, 3 as chaplain of the sehate Wasi foot can be arranged in the decorations ingly. Mrs Cleveland continoed to use : _enity. Pippina is then in the Whit Foose, Washington Let. ise Soctoty and Polling Busoth. The action of the Sew Faglasd His forie Genewlogical soc memberships wan wine favorite argument of the & man mErage--101 wit, that women onght pot fo vote hecauss their place is at home——appiies with equal force against admitting them to this sooty. Men bership wonld keep more ordinarily than Bat pointless and powerless case, Many will right. The in either Pecans it in user see In puall mttaer ones. Boston) Advertiser. The Faney Wak In spite of Te aaertie wnounts from the most official siovoes dd of endiom 5 fakbion writer, fancy wabie make its elegant and fon elpating Bppearance among the things in spring and sumvier gowning. ft will pes down, | Thin seme and for the very jood forms of dress over devised for general uses as well an for the most ornate and charming finishing touch fan elaboraty toilet, and the Rempting: begutifal creations in thew jens: that tiwey ar #till of beight of favor both hers and a Fringed Bair There was a great deal of talks Hittle out of fashion. But of hairdressing liaving jonable the fringe seen hitherto done. that thure sre some style of 'hairivewing to than any other, women have grown far more sensible | of fate. and wim they nd | a style of | hair to suit tham they stick to in, de spite the fact that it is Boke ultra smart, perhaps, ax a Ipiaw style tah 3% the favimite whim of the MOE New York UC ‘omanercial. hoes ore beroining and also because Mr Richurdves's Appointment. Mrs. Richanisan of Princeton, ane of the busiest women of this [ilinuis Feder: ation of Women's Cluls, is un member of the board of flrostees of the Juvenile: Offendirs’ home at Ciionpen, She Wa appointed in Plas of Miz Healt of th Chivago Woman's club, sigmed. Th appointment in rar Lit he rly pressing since ib brings Mis | rid a member of tet : toe of the Ilene felt with ‘the philanthrejie wate mfg ange sg spr i pli wig x he sid £. aries in tach oer k of tien Saggestin Wearan's right , ty shard in ceeding to ; Pistatnquis Eiimepve substantial J Se bremst, pastry, I Lief Crops ball, Neri sreeh Voters, 15 cunts pon wine, ou” Lo wemaeir~— 10 sinis si ih AAA I i MEN TASNES. BE Aan, ar ished inthe sanhee the 5) ¥ EEE TL ios Sve A apa pred. i Elan ileng, whe ia private 31 fr vd Afphaintan, App ineing a how Jeg pha has gsecenty d patie savy The Mic pivages All an avery spring, ine ation ope diith of the srildre Haseiiton has heen doputaal 10 oops {ko a general vropination BOrvIcH 15 A wmalines xl Hpeord, ; Kills opengl to full} mites of wo | them from hows i than would the elective This thei so called argument] Bo adownt the Tae ith hi word snd altel, vite fo lot the women | » benptifel seuamer jute the sodiety whi woald fiet vote to} ° ot Jef them iste the polling booth merely | to follow comnun Andis thin in great | sunta frog the tailors and dressmakery, | thes ubiquitous | fo the lovely | witty at tie special elertion By noted pores ar potent o while sgn ations the fringe having gene despite other strlen iW become so usd | likely to ne yebre main AUN BE Ae many years a8 it haw pe. This tewirn for this isl” that this rue {natin t au CAs in man per of clases a he patna. | ¥ LHR EEE ey 3 wm REEL ARES Ryut of of the Bung af vacciosiion, Digi wre panadly tera EHC oo citts, fy Gersamy duimal trainer Teas recently ins trodisesd sae glover tricks in which Both cine and dog ploy a part fn cue of the acts Miss Mimise, 8 eat, gris i a ball pnd takes her place i fod A eT. fie coarse. Falletie, the fit oi, and ith ney bows und sities fh Wer Fo dunes # poll Miss Mi tein bashfnily nnd takes Mr Follett *s or, avd they dames off ro- getlier acre tha step on their ind Tops. DE course avery cin cheers Ane ney send bea trigmph in animal pradnnife A big Euglish dog named Cer. Bert ju chained on the eft side of the state, while Pippina, the cat, takes her plate on a chair fo the right. The train- kitten A PHIEXDLY WALTE er in seated at a well covered fable at the senter, ready 0 eat his supper. He hus mothing to drink, and an there is no one to walt on him be is obliged to Jo for it himself. After he has gone Cer beiron slips bis collar off, climbs 2p on the table and cate the entire meal. As fs is swallowing the last | al & thotight comes to him of the nent that must follow, and 1 Poke to bis friend to help him out of his diff : then taken by the col Jor and wet on he table when Sis bl hig oF rotibet crow. And hp ebibern’den ind the OR Annet promod. Wim EVOL them, y tolls me, hin Brave little man “ positive, | HHL © reamin That iE Lorie itructivy and gracefol Amdt ] was wn young hal been very kind © = who bad visited the | e forges 4 ving » an arm i plies of matory 10 ered hor & grees {hie battle was over wie returned to her weith a peony aod diyected ber fo the pearest settlement whore ahs wool be wade Child's Paper. pen The Plays or Animale A Corman Karl Groos, has written a tek on the plays’ of ant iF nad, in whivh he nudertakes 10 to indulge in play war ng: the Tener creatures. the tendency to play in gropger In yonng animals Professor Cirens davies anieg 1 ports info 8 BUI Among them are: Play prey ix sone that the desize hussting, in wivich the Eimea such oe Ch animus naturally chases, and somuiimes “wake bes Bove: play fghting buildiog play, pursing play. pags of buitation others Ng ————— Brain Food. Horo is a pew game: This sentencn iy to given ous to the assembled sompuny. The game is tis spell i correclly throughout, Whos aver does this fipit wits 8 prize, while the speller wi 08 1iits the monk yidios alious blandem W isd a boby pris: wt fe agreeable ta witness the unpar allsled of tw harassed peditlers endearing Wo EANES y tho synanelry of wo period pears 2 Now, try this sentence and son how many of you ean wpull all the words = Brockiyn Eagle. When the Earth LS Hien a correspondent “Ome 10-year aftor Brtening 10 an poor AE HOR BEY ald ick Mian | Ped Bil © li what an earthguke: was, saidebeg w= Sins, Boston Transcript sneaned.