e captured by Laine re : : iiding her pest and wait for the ng season. After a due time thy with the paris | go 0 ae 1 ain eyriey OF. four men pre eepnived to Ret ol on sooveniv of § at what sim} x al: things . | mtronomer Houmeau, deceased, was an article in which, while { while 10° has only two diviiors—vis, Sand 5 They counted 12 boors in the day ond aercss the sky. This system, premiling : buttons off bor new ju 4 oy If she hil pot sccomulsted silently fix sb pean BRAN OF Vili o mere Borvons mdr ooo £4 aheolute silence. Tc eg nA hae 8 niin wha i moch as that fo questions. F ne Xe : pd servant. "SH. EEE Z Almost the Tast 1 Ef tas elles in fa vor of & decimal division of time, be wl out the origa of the double set of 13 hours on our watch : reprvsanted pour The ancient inhabitants : of Mesopotamia chose the number 13 on 1 an ‘arithmetical base becanse it haw four divisors—viz, 2, 5, 4 wd 6 12 in the night, peewuring the day by the progres of tho sun and the night by the progres of the stem over all others, Tas o Shane dem to us aod #0 our watiles ihe sun served iv hy th thee mrad the stand thie ols Ball Youth's Conpsiion, Bey Awful Ordeal. : * Mary bad u dreadful expurianes on ber trip to Painesville?” “How wos that?" “Why, she got something in hor ere, and it burt her mn that hen aad A pio Jooking young man to look fur in bo was so dreadfully pease tock that ha got so closg that his big rns tickled her pow, 80 that in freipg wd $0 seven right in his fa she nin own : *{ the few very tich somen of the stagn, “lof Tvelihood Fo WINTON ‘ . Fhe ideas that are prevalent sbont | i slarive, the poniral iden of the large | light 1 Bat he fo ta i awhile, and then Ahi Ww et ee {i "Them wean int ed Be alaries | th | cases $100. But, ip IT mic, there are nit | prices range on disin to | stent the sollal alary ¢ = 1 ally the women slimes gel cortain Lleviry weak ar. | the pros may wna © | elveumutances, Ba, Camilo rhe A act eel Eons mown | The AYE Yhely ses iees sivas demand } | the tags “gave Wann more ® than any] he ofession tdall Lotte ix one of | and Taos afraid thine optimistié opinion | was aflveted mar or Jess By her own $500, 000 pr moe, [Lotta might sot look | #0 favorably apen th #tage as 8 means | fomouats paid and the prospects for se ing money that anh ocenpation affords the let paid in the sony poke of 1 are New York theatin gets only $65 a week, The women “ho wt on the top stars get aanally £15 ox $59, and in sor ‘many of thers in (be fist wbedale, The pid to wey p XS: % 08 “When they gel to be shir out ‘own secon! the ase dw dil t in saliry i pmmonnita from the Prolite * § Deut paid grt 3300 4 week i ¢ Tonequarter of th pects begin to miele pumey. ATE 3 anlar a pb i Sithe Rabe Fe x AF * into 6 conde ratio fn | 4 : the {man has ouly a stage. Se much beyond i ber time fs raz period the & ji vi to go down, thst say of 40, - frupae ny rich or &¥ of the stags. The 6 3 the Bogers — Latin, Mage oi Fanny Davenport and of Lira Thers mony be gp fog others mighty fou On long Har of won a ERE a er whi be sry IV, ding | Leuyrs, pars Rie BhATIthes ¢ of her cous rt ot a Ratfis's re: Ee “Dear et Claveiand Pla Tate > jae ull i on : vary Tromeons Impees. | SEVHR . which is Ee hy. ian p Si | EY & & certain & ia Ed fulasies Ay he ng snare an altogether mire necessity. ventive against danger. he na nan le Ane Ik 4 York and an extn $25 on | the road. Yet |} try. a all thin worsen on the stage | is doubt if here tor BO who receive anf Ame leading Inrinalin wih ekg . Ear Chronicle. : din The Fur Meat 20 an Animal. the Tring wh eramiestion Hor 18 i] and Ceres Anthita'dl Clark, sevsiary to the commision, | siy in The Foren: The male for eval. 72 *hencinuate, ‘| reaches full mito < | years, At that toe if lean ls wi donk, erably ine lov, t : & crriuly ahi 5 ana Le week, Tov waitin an bane, in the oo Str: aig x The Yale hak spend that Lis Mate Xe rg in beight 3 Ba BLE pes BW Tain # Toe snioi ith demlly lnsuit to Me i5 finging snd dancing § : ] 2 na 6 pot elonnliness in every de- | © tail coneorning laps is of the greatest | tances mot only to insure & good | * free from sioell, bot ale ax 8 pre- : ved B00) collect i —— AP r instanos, are Shiection: A nt of view. Bowl pot, howiver, entirely do away AN with a periodical boiling of the differ |! ent pasts of the lamp with stron soda, | but the regular ose of wood ash should | * snake the washing a Inet renotiven and : thing Ck 4 wlu was dose © Wedn ing poliow or be Phan gmbsgnlin Be pe b it at thea War oe wont poriiaredde 0 Banana. : ol a sisions, pat ali Tir ¥ SE 1 5, cer owed well ile WEE mA bas Tam eeml it 5 dle rerio) our. eon at y a Ebi Ft. ow York Time. ¥ —— E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers