4 AIRY ARD ELEGANT ROOM. | air Gonersl Surgery sd She Be 4 Specialy. ATH | sulin will recel ve prompt witen ion. : ait [ON HOTEL, | shomn secon wiondum. oo 3 A MELIDY, Jain Expres, day o: orsammmn WA i Pahte wapplind Dest the nunriet aifords. Uhwies INES and LIGUORS 3 aE the rll off Pol riage RATES $1.25 PER DAY. or” rm i EE ns | MAHAFFEY HOUSE ; ¥ So A SNR a ae cr EE ea : a LAW Al egal business prompt En Sa : en in Armory Hall, In everything you wish to buy in the! cei | The finest Hine In Patton sf | C.J. FITZPATRICK'S | Restaurant on Magee wvenne, nex P. RR. depob. 3 iz 3 Rd a nHLsEansa Teud oe 8 we EB Bu BR HE “2 ES ]! pe v.23 gEREE Eesh sididddne Eutiguai® wdunidd asks 222. “ : a AR { Pittsburg & " 5 | Come to Our Sore and see the latest in Stoves. We yn ‘have just received them from the factory, and they are hand- {some enough for Parlor Ornaments. : $C eee » - Tn v “ ? dr HE NR EE A a Banff... oo. a SA FEVERS SNE AGS Is you can make no mistake in purchasing your aay dal will be onfered upon short STOVE here, for if it does not bake perfectly and otherwise — aMCRPE. | work to your satisfaction we will take the stove back and re- Oppasite Demuretel Sotek {fund the money. Could you ask for anything more fair | than this. ¢EBENERSERE SEEESSCAREE Sask A BAS EERERERRE EO JE ge * Ls = fa Get Your EMT RR ERE FRCERESaLEY sEmsnaEnEny 3006 ~ Sk =F od Ay BRBuEHLHY “ana sERBe nn panies. | | Be sure and get our price on HARDWARE, DOORS and { SASH, for as usnal we are the lowest. | |