The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 29, 1897, Image 3

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    : fore, ho
* more, roy dear boy
WP | all rigor.
frblinling oth
At the ile thirrienl enter
He owas sometinges |
ago a curious sit well
5 of Irelin} 7
6F | Dickens was the siphs and the orexn young ley rh EE ar aniy's
of the proceeding
old, iw « BoA open yet.
Bet: | oiior, adapter, condenser, miisheat di. | bare
pertor, manager, prompter, and
2 ie carats md Wher f
: showed it py in a
perfectly ‘white,
with » blaish tnt. The phosgieevgeence | LH
ep ta Germany,
Smoking in Germany snot atime:
| duced.
i hers was nich ing: of the pedagogte 3 on
abont bie
| : An A Xoym which: aver m
Dickens, 6subtiene remembering his
own Bente seasitive ose as mebild, cond
not wittingly wend
He made fun with, aot of, nx
“2iy Roger de every’ being intro
an awkward Loy und torned bis blush:
ings |
No par 10
7 ever came ofl Af Pickens” without |
nd even | leopard:
stags carpenter. He overflowed with =
Dickens shouted with lasghter | AUR
a some novice get badly mixed op inf ®
1 “all hands down the middie.” OF hel
dnrted after the lod sheep—penerally
grew: by and by int
creature, iw of he jurgest
oa to miles By seving, What a deer | wen
this Toy will ake When he's tackled al
Fitts mere roast Bed? or. len't Tom: | fo]
my A nice yotog Yann tor a small por with
7 rulger attempt to pose
a8 the bridisot Box
a big boy. ard be came dow
ev ef hia faame fo poet his fellows om
| their arcinary platiorm—to be
{them in their own dimple way for .
HmpmHarper'y Resmd Table. :
mi ln i a spr
Teaatment of Pata
In dimnaeiig hi subject Dr. Gold: |
of Parlin thinks that narcotios,
beige of § v morphine, should te}
. vided, atidailarly in chronie dis |
wa Prosi iden du pot waflice of thepe |
: ; ow tn allay pin, Bot are very uselal |
wl wn pain ie due fo inoreised excita §
ago in The Bemsiny bdicals on his
Hp was simply | :
be ied:
The anh TH Hved oe shout 1H 1 years] 4
did paneh Jnmented by sll whe} «
His story wens to prove}
old and
that the \ iidness of such spimaliis on
ly slight!
# 2
jnberited, and that their bet- | + Bok vy
ter patur may neslly be bronpht out Top,
by proper treatments — Our Animal ‘aed he
t7 of the merrous system: the per. Friends, nto
peRraie bie
subject hae bees widely quoted. It]
soem thal tea Prossdun plisstrians, MN
Oldéogge ail M_ Jurman, made x sires
t of careful saperisconts with the hydio- |
bromide of seopolanive and found that
the drag possessd a true valos a8 af
' hy patio i fe feratment of tho mame
reid hypodermionlly, in doses
| varying from 6.008 10 0.015 of a grain, |
was ple sive which wok enly pailed
ba quick;
they found that it induced in the ma | *
ty | Joris of subjects ai sleep which lasted | 18 Bi
anh on awaken
MInES | from three th tem homies, 4
wal in the: cass of ipo
was mot so marked ihe pd
; Iypemania. fu chronic fusanity the hyp |
patie actitn was aio nenifest tou deo
o. Ju delirivm tremens, however, the
teadency of the dirmg wis caly to we: Lr
én the paticiit ane these Wag na Bye
{iis am art and an wrt that has groupul
Si 3 3 i
\ Lg ;
such ave oli tothe nea tara
{bani of charitable | wnstig
obese ps
Gnotins i Nie. Som pe philoonks
Matthew, with other works. "The palit
laf his allotment of time to different |
studies during his configeraent is very 1
me feet nga
The sum ried by the pee of Han
; a
fren the
of the is daaions is
Revypans SE wading Eotbors
£ papers of intervst 10
« Tip iiiseopenad dn two
vik evnferancs office |
3 the an gre +4 | Setters
of Hatt 6g |
4 ature
known wef |
Ed ins after some Months’ experi-
an Lande on in the seean belive his,
1x imp be went Into the shan and
ro shi east gide for a tnd for no
“Longe ah possible from that mtificial |
Cxistencd in wine he wis sullel upon
to play adi werwilisg ki Joy’ # pay
; i Covad Poa.
Cooled fad should Be rates pedor.
ately wit
Taw SARE wm
iF an RR el
Pi fad
that London society |
disgusted Nips. Now thas|
be Bas given hostages to fortuny by | “
umiug 1 cares of a hurband and afn F
or veation than fo got! as complete a)
a ¢ li bint of thei
jee, aed ba ime
$A a i
viet the v
| the pi fhe a
bres ermine Lal
{also soonutastad | Tn dow
ia ohligitory. dow Yer. Peat
AS bei orl
the well knows es
CMe Theres was
Bay mE vie 7 be ats in