The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 01, 1897, Image 3

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Oa Pe Bis Bn AA ar La Sh A ast Kaew
any precantion fo keep it from
as doad. This is only one of the hoe
6 er suet cutrages against the bealth |
and life of innocent prople The big | the ot
Cheyennes i= 12
+ Abo of the Eyesight,
physician #nt, one morning, s down |
persons trying to read. The windows
{were draped with heavy lace enstals,
the uli Jelie shinies were draw
1 down to withid sbont us yd of thie hot.
Pitom of the hog SG iniioien, ant owe the
| day was cloudy the het In the po
ys 1% vers ui] Jued twilight Finally a
some, eversikiing > Ww ok os ory 4 4 8
able—10 0 to the hii mw
| wk She os spite dont sporer leon
"1 and rales the shades, Thia be st obo |
col Next morning the child [a
To the waiting rom of an up town |
onion, vig ‘Sotoe without Be id
oe) x
before the trick was dis overad 80
irk RR
¥. . d Near his
+ | aid nod torned on ae well the wisetsie Ary
Eitled sie Devil
for recently mot with Bis de
dramutic morver. bu the
“6 of un place called Hume
pear Gldesburg, two lis] © hoyw, |
cotively 8 aud 12, weve lett by
re totaketam of the |
A mre with Plorberad face and |
ten gy
in jr irae FELIGHLY entired and
ticed ti st if Lr the ¥en aud Hele |
w hig pati vies pe eet. hmm the
el PSbere co yer Lex ORT Biome
a hey husmently yx ied townrd the
| pnrwsise trek where the modest wealth |
} Lad the parents Wis essured up. | hikle, |
i hewever, the minrky jooking oprsto:
was ronsacking 15g chest, the
of the two be ps whispered tol ii
pr, “Cio word Lp I the gran arid ies
: devil a
i The papthar Jurpead at fhe ido fetes |
od the loaded weapon, erupt Ul 10 the 3
otitig Unel aud iodged the whole |
Lebarge in Lis lok. Ke felt back deid
: =lizcen deicgragh. i
Eaeatied Yor indignity,
so That's what Teall an inmit 10 the
ole ’ : | man in the chair. “Ther might be
an wrray of calves’
rsdn “Get Your Brains Hers! Chi
Sago 'Tritmns =
The bedtisae in Home Ath oy
apd other pests of de ediftirrancan
tend © losk In
; Gilman Ln peply 10 his worships psi
i quiry 4s tO whether a plese ity |
F Hight in the bak part of the room, to
{the presi betterment of the reading | EG
hig Jiely Betle ineldent in eited to | m
po fr TE electors
: “ory h. Hs cht in on hunied
akin, and charged Ww.
or pot, be woukd only coswor
admwer won's do for ae Yeu
i “That
know English well enough, 11 Ge
boand. :
Me no subige—ine to sabeel’ were
* the euly words t¢ Le drawn from othe
{ nate Ohinkey, and, no Chines jutorpres
eer being In comtt, the paapiatiat tak.
1 ng the marie? ints bis onrn hands, dis
pected the ease to be prevesded with o%§
41 the accused Lad pleaded vol pailty.
After besriung the cvidemie ot the
witnesses the seeped was Led §1 o ad
The clsk to the Lonel, Reo 3 EMA
pit of un vip, cul tent pal 161
x ete Yaa aiy hed £35 1 £4
I oN poll prope men te
Laglish spenting Chino.
set oiuE 816 Eng BORE
Prost. : |
wettliny a iat.
The gains ok Hp om
SHER 1s 1 14 gon; va Cle
ails spain hig
sox apd thay eller have rade abet,
to you. Ie bots thas i Rt the tar
that was #it hot Clotslmon was pla
in a line they would rench arcmni ibe
world, and 1 bet they wouldn't. Whe's
“You bave, my son,’ sswerad the
» wile apart and hey woald still
| be in a line, you know."
As they tarps and went ont of the’ Indeed it ya only the king's phate
room the boy who had acted as spokes.
man was sect tO hand a siaall coin over
to the other with grest reluctance, and
distinctly heard to say:
SW], I ean fick yoo anyhow.”
“Bet you a nickel ea thar, toe, hl
plied the other hoy —hioage Tribu.
esis i
nee at Bray, in Kept, which is said
§ re eh, while at Fortiz-
foe oh ve fasaons at the
faa Lf te “igiivs pe Ma aga Charts.
4 Me no mule! Me 30 taleoe Evi | slaw agin, |
Ei | Washington Heghts, Souk a si be ¥ of
fhe m Rb however, who wud
quite sx hoses to the processlios e5 WB
| the part of many Celestinle who cuts i
= | fore him, tursed to Bin and said:
The olde tron in Ev land is the yew |
I Then, rebrying %
be spied grimly @
xi . =A tania Comstitn |!
‘istorie Treen Tu Ke
Am West (hw Fag ]
a stwet wid st Ni
senarkable teen Rly were: fea tmeriy
growssis corsounding the old Joss
bri They wre Barptian express sud
Peioned of Nacoloon, sacenedeld hi gale
fumed of Sr [elena Nageueon poisented |
| thes trees to Juric, win trig thew |
Lo Ameriow on the chipper ship Buia, |
| whieh he had charicred with the hope |
tat siding Napoleon to exsipe i tise 4 ?
| snutey These wo * wing aw
& a yi, bo their HELL
Re oT ke Ther ire
ie goes Seed alae where 2ivcy wf
he said, Cand we ve ag ed fo leave itd.
It scarcely adds 10 his Appearance,
and somaewhal gives one the im
of # derby bat worm ou the b K
bead and polled down over the ears,
statore and dignified beuring thar pre- |
serve him from looking ridicules when |
be has got it upon bis beast, -—Lonsicn |
Tors ly Meeres.
te gue wearly as old ie Fite
» peony Staines, 19 it
Bim astart 9 the railroad business for |
Lf po he Bas been doing qaite well jeer ny
| einen. Lhicago Tine Herald,
4 simian, which Is now kxown a Earle ¥
have a history, Vike everything pirtain- |
ing to tie remarkable massion wad Bie §
groowds. They weve seit wk A present 1a |
Rapolcon Bonaparte tear the wultan of |
Eurpt #2» a gift of honor, bat ‘merived in |
Havre, Prauce, after tho butte of Wal
terion. Bupha Fis), win vias dw} CCU
Prone at dhe te, and» piesonal |
#03 an sndien © with the emperor the | 0
wight before bo wis pariiahett wo the is onde
Sereden, wl Cree i oeaeh time thar be
opens part Hanna al Seockiaim oF aq
for it comes down too fur over his nose, |
During the midds rect pra ela i
Dusing the yoars of Rawag. adit
Fiuinteation President Giver was 80- |
enatonvied 10 spend Iris summers ab Mont- |
Somebindy sends oe £0 Solent an
gman, as having a evviias hee 2
a ene tion 4 of Dey £