z | At Ebensburg on Monday, ho March 29, at 1 p. m. | Ye be Mad Nay 1 anvention ER #5 Menduy, May 3. Me report of the’ Committee sp | pointed ander resolution of the County | Convention of Febroary, 1996, 10 re. : wine the rales of the Republican party | e iis the county, was made. This Com- | 0. 3, County Convention for scion. : sect mehnlheirfin %) cote | thst the thanks of the Comty Com- |r vin. A meting of sos mit 4 man Gree 3. the retiring | His | thalrean — George M. Werts for the {able manner in which ho conducted the ly | Cif pledge hime £0 support ths pom- ® meen of the next Republican county ht pt of membus of the County Commities, the | the names of all persons Whi have Ying burg, : mii om im te pet ; Wes a oo sa ; : Ln om same. form 2 home and. st 8 ; y were fled. right of 5 name shail i the vober's choloe. pace stil po oft for voters to insert names of thelr © : choice for delegates to the coanty con : man, ¥ on Sova Joarm en and sacamaihes or Wh — ee wil bn amber marked thereon Ee he waa born who has b ‘man of the County bismaet, In writing. to abide by remain inp anion of the onunities-: 100.000 Sons : primary election and pun wna by him sealed wl deiivered 10000 oon of cont The q Convention, twenty (20) days before i; the chulrman of the counly COB: ug from April]. The. the time fixed for holding the primary pices, and, unless calivd for oy We ip company (tis ae election, and has advertised himwell 38 vention, destroyed by Uap Gielr- gpeanped with the Valley Wave mys that a candidate in at least three (3) Ree i without the seal belay bivien tevin the aliove contract aflernoon De. F. (i poblican papers for that length of COUNTY. CONVENTION. | : C