i meting, snd nso oe Tore iwho is acting ns recording secretary. | His exvellensy the governor general near | broaght greetizg from Lady Aberdeen. t Weis, spent and then went {vidual who il construct Rr al of oupital foe the treatinent wd oure of SIBpHion and all throat and lung A woman in Kansas has spplieed the {arguments of the temperance people to ithe wesring of corsets and has written | to the governor mking him to recom drosk. Creamy laces dpught here i | there with ety jeweled Taecpine: Heth | valves bolern Jacke singed and | mend in his message a bw forbidding (i their we, sale od mansfacture. | tere, with gintle commie miling: prety | tures of 3 bende and {mada in | i} or mane a 2 re, €F I will soothe EO — outs of amy w bo sight ed we : , and an