isch Hage SWve, sinate cough cure, the infallible rem- 4 Ww. Hodgkins, edy far croup. © w. Hodgking, Pat- Ripans Tabulen: it er stomach. s iret in the field with : A Monster Rogie. : : ishons. The March Raiirosd men will be interested in which Is sold by ail news. the folowing destription from the. : alen rps ota i showsld be Bn wwery Johwsonburg Prioss of the locos On Rome. 1g ve. unset and elegant de © Mastodar * now in ue at Kane bill to the ony young and ald, and so many The oylinders are 21 x 25 inches: the » ti» Vritinh ing whe af which thert sre ; + #Toll- eight. are 55 inihes in diseeter; the . boiler is 88 inchay in diameter, contain. Healing ; IK the | ikl Coeapuial gle exeelile in ing Bi Swo-ined Boller tohes: the fire lef for pies, tops. America. and when we know thit the bax bs 10 inebes hong! and 38 inches io ! 2 is Ape (ira wh frome original models WiGth; ihe righd wheel hase of the Sulve. L w. iby the § bust homes in arin, ate] mot engise bi ES feet § inches; total wheel ; Aine om other fisbion bese, 75 feet 5 initem the total length | shed at the low of the engine aid tender Is 55 feet 0 ifui colored High. inchws The tendur weighs 85,000 Ea it 0 L tender in 290.0 an ngioe 196 Went Ted street, by the Tollettes ‘Is 14 foot 8 inches ih, above the top = LIV ELIEST PRICES Wi HAVE ARE VERY REMARK ABLE. : Ha Pecfeciiy mw and very dressy goods. Heamation Proamily Nebered. K. Hotton, ell-known fur We have ju ust rece ived ord Pa. 3 FIFTEEN dozen Fine Lawn-Dried Col oh Shirts which we are selling at 48, {every W data of each week of afi and d Ginglams—| | prices ranging from TWO to FIVE cents per yard. 2S a specialty.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers