The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 18, 1897, Image 4

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    free sump bottle of this great roar.
Ha success be simply
To goto call at our
Yon cannot mike a mistake if you call at our store to Is siow on and the prices are so that you dis
goods. We have everything Sept fen an S Eptade surprised when you make us a sit.
See us for your SHOES and RUBBERS. It will soon be .
sppy weather 2nd yon will need a pair of rmbbers, Our Store Open
om all goods now are nearly
lieation. That i is they are so o low that 3
Baleey Flodtda. you were getting your goods for hing
orth ls st ita worst Plor- ~~ You are invited to call in and see how we
‘It's a wide-awake, broadgm: ge, up-to
date shopheeping that's doing it. Medic
oerity satisfies us not. We are right in
the front ranks of progressive merchan-
dising. That means much to you—more
tous. We are making a reputation
That it is 4 good reputation is evinced by
our hosts of business friends six months
ago unknown to us. Today our regular
winter customers, and each succeeding day
CE Ten ra bo | show an increacs following.
Wool Under-
“all rear. Fancy and Novelty icy Goods...
“ ¥ Woolen Hosery
“ «1 adies’, Misses rand Children’s Hoods. Here. That is, not nearly so much :
“ * Fascinators
“Plannels.... ......... they cost elsewhere. Our prices ‘are
fittens and Cloves (Ladies Kid e excepted)... o ALWAYS LOWER than everybody |
Tater Wool Skirts. i ibn use wn AY» ¢lse’s—while quality is better. Then
“w the privelege is yours—to bring back
anything unsatisfactory and receive your
money—and to have your purchases de-
i EE.
» 2