to File | tid irony In ord ler to reduce onr stock we ave plnced oft chair nehips goto the witin, An Cfeatnre of he Sie 3 WEEE par a BATE PETE he naa erin Svar, Bt CA Wi oewivee 13 very caer. peas our floor a bargain counter and on’ such Ph Heme, Patton, $1 ably pretty, ang oan bo plays on : Ar 5 3 “ty from cvaer, Philadelp) igre 0 al ip Philip | Burtishiner fo Sarih Borg. plano or organ Price 40 cents per : good a8 it co ntiains yOu can save 2 ; ik ei . W e ome, que. shiner. Wilmore, 81. i as wy pander of the Parma : : 20 to 25 per cent. by pur- & Barna; _sorporstions, Sete, Philadel. Ligh Coser 8 vir 0 Uluivles Para C yea will pewive a bopy by sending : ar Hammond, West. bangh, Spangler, $100. LO8 seks dn dbp or ptage stants to ; chasing now. C om e and fecti or e Washing. Constitation in ite worst fornns - un Phy be nian Mined Music Oo, HE Hixth : 2 i : £ it ne, renel; Lon stipation i ite worst fonns, dys. oe | | see the goods, It ih ; pepala, Mok Beebe, Satiicy ennn and. Avenne, Now York, : wl ; | Pe : Kivnicie, Disnphins ' judiciary derangement 5 the fiver ite rapidly | 4 torgid Tied oesse a bed come Va will pay Delaware; Hho nd. in| | plaxion, bad bienth, indigestion and. fh | : Thess ply never r grips. Bimal oi frequent Boeatbuohes. To avoid soch | : you. a; Cuafe pill. best pil ©. W. Hodglins, | companions take DeWitt's Little Barty : ‘Patton Pharmacy. L Risers, the famons Hite pills, ©. W, Ripaas Tables furs Alezin He | Hodpking, Patton Pharmacy. : Bolles, Philadelphia: : : oi Pel i - EE RB in 5 Gel TER ) wo apne the scion hore wwe il ERCPENCT vp RE STE THAI Ener oy 3 1 a o tn , $0 try to pet well nnlese vou kill the kind passing to adopled children atl Bed H aifphycal siiietis-—imptre {po atic to dhe oliteral igheris: HEALTH 15 BEAUTY ~Our dopupe fins. 9 rated Bick wells you whai'vihe matter, snd how | tours yonrse en tr Top well at our forge Millinery store for all kinds times Millinery Goods, | : \ delphia _ Is now on and the prices are so , low that you will be propos fo give frou. 10 those who will | You cannot make a mistake if vou call at our store to surprised when you make us a visit. SA jake a fistie offary W so, great that it see goods. We have everything kept in an up-to-date i a > Th A special invitation is extended t to Cambria County Ladies. THING and GENTS FURNISHING ft . STORE. ty forany amber of ambitions | Land women. The wha be | See us for your SHOES and RU BBERS. It will soon be * premium Vist, which an be ob 810 PPY weather and you will need a pair of rubbers. Our Store Open Every EB vening. from way agent for “The prices on all goods now are nearly fe seem almost like as i you were jetting your i goods for a You are invited to call in and see how we do business WOLF & THOMPSON, A Aten, Its a wide-awake, roadguage, up-to- date shopkeeping that's doing it. Medic ocrity satisfies us not. We are right in the front ranks of progressive merchan- dising. That means much to you—more tans. We are making a reputation. That it is a good reputation is evinced by our hosts of business friends six months ago unknown to us. Today our regula customers, and each succeeding day | i = are going tc have too many goods on our show an increase following. ’ in order to get our inaney out »f theos we are going to 30 dein a grand disconnt on af of he oliowsng ques % on Men’ s, Women's and Children's Wool Under- : WERT ven ied per cent. | * Removal sale only Tasts « all Plaid. Fancy and Novelty Dress Goods. & about ten days. i. “ % Woolen Hosery 15 : oe #8 Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s | Hoods... —35 ton Here. That is, not nearly somuchas su 4 Fascinators.. thew cost: clsewd Our srices ame “ “ Plannels they cost eisewiere. ir prices are Mittens and Gloves (Ladies Kid excepted) py ALWAYS LOWER than everybody Ladies’ Wool Skirts. . ag else’s—while quality is better. Then 2 Shawls. inden ann BE AY : ‘the privelege is yours—to bring back Men's Wool Grersiins. er anything nnsatisfactory and receive your Haps, Wool and Cotton Blankets... —_— pol livered EREE. We also have Six (6: Broad Cloth Dress Pattirns which: we will close out nen Bred ak: {5 yurds to the pasters| 13 inches 5 Wide} shink of 72 : i Ea eat Ly «Td pay you 0 hay . Respectfully, y and make you money nine times cut of ten if you ieee 1 from us.