AD with, Haan at amd blo mous i s famline oo sie. The spread foil over the {aides nearly fooeking the floor, the bor | ther ruflle being off the pwnseline over | the wilh In this cone there were square |, i of ; down pillows, insued of a roll cachilin- |, hat tumors f, dorieg ft Lihed wit & wilde rafe. Marie An | Jeet for run Ttolnetts Lace saved over & color ame qo or Mpaasd i the ironor ertiping i 8 | grptaons, ail when possible, window | oF 0 di enrisine shotid mated A combivation |. Slate { Somat net th hose be Jef it | of senabssien lace and Marie Antoinette | ox ET 8t Is reptcsnend from 8 pl her five I a eres i Sr es amorg or | xi y¥! Sook by 4 in wan, tor neg ptcgrae | make her more go; if mit merited I epeead. rd poled bed sete have been | th Hise "For Politial Stody, the] 00% Gig ever Sade, will twos ber fi Become wes, it bs ; Nem will notice Bat Priricess wears § H the fosters say way tegtilar well os Tora: me 40 I Frenchy hook: Cansiri clob, the Woonnn's Legal Edw | - a Sin, th Vaart Srp san wey dive in Bolten, Powe anid Bf vows my ad a ehild the hadr : § fae Nats curl, it rear be tind up Dia pretty Yotnek oo bot it hang in cow plait dows the : “ol Lemg and heave bade nnd 0B } of § $ “I broshiing and $0 hang in two pusite th HH % roy. | GOWN the back og a Aree of | Naver, ro panttor how treing the femre. Mew Zoalind, Taamania wd the Baha | Bead. aliow » bang to bo woes. Arrange - the hair locsnly alvat the face fnstosd, : mas, while limited Suffiige 5x Iona in and with tacolnl trsiniag it may be LC tmadn to gracefully conceal the ingber- fe | fectiom. y The hair shemld be earvlally lraghod eo v} for NY minotes Leth night and morming, {but never with a» ofiff brash. Shasapoo with tar soup ones 8 aomth ; 1 The formdation for a comming cron OIE] of glory in laid in erly girDhod, and rac | BY Sign of poorly nourished hair shondd | a { be carctally locked into. Tt bk bot coord | 0 id for during sleeping hoses by being boos ily brnided. — New York Joursal, wis forge Jewelry Worn Frofuasely. g ela Just now the faskion » eg or plait of gold. g the wrist snd hanging fromm th {to settle io thet posession sud who ir a pact! at oon pear shaped drop, acarved gom or pink topes, round as a pa. Or, ; Hand the forehend poe then br ofl means ited have a pout throngds the pails. This | | Junie ft topeh always adds a rhiatra tom | { bi sare to fashic on pretty cation for the If the hair fs short and ‘oclined to | | " iat the nape of the peck Should i be | 3 thin. then brash it most carts ily rad ; There are fashions in jewelry ain Wothe 7 favored spread is one | fof hints or prot. im colors to match | the doereations. i: thom fabrics for thie cre ogres apeciaity of nphed- story wetions nd range freem 4% counts to #1 per yd. U1 se spreads should be Heovd wad finial nad the mali edge with sheavy on cord They may hang over the «ides foided with a | fringe or tock in secording to fancy. Very dainty you fal bed covers sre oA Eik «or ti erarensd with made ap grew. of Daes hertion and pulling Swen is covernd with ohe of | Sey cy arrangements and finished at | ; emis with wide frills of lace and be heer Satin coverlide in delle | cuits #ike, hand embroidered, are also | fasliicaable lnxaries SE pr LB Eo AN SPAS. Tis Amvwing Side, There is mn amusing side to the sory goverment prosotied the Bll in we Jeardonre with electoral pledges and | sup; ced if with every show of enthasi- mam in the mmembly. But they did not {want it to pies and relied upon the ap ; por ko “oe to throw it out. The majority werpabors ary in the sear and yel- tof Bide n Jow 1-.f. soees of thean having ast since the colony obtained self government, 8 {and Lave to be trupdied down tothe w {house in beth chairs whem ooomsion arises Unfeetunstely the female sof- frage Lill came oni af an hour when the of | yoter: 4 on whom ministers relied for i vejoctizg it had hobbled off to bed. Be ; . Inch fo oe #0 pars ery selected yourg man who promises choosen a wife fives mong the young women in her charitable institotions she will present thems with £100. Mr. Rhoden will undertake to find employ: | poomt for the hustend. Ths Miron is the youngest looking of all the aged In | oy | dies who still appear in genersl London Es pn the in Coe re = Hi evolotion of women Mr ¥ | White approaches the matter from oa wrtistic standpoint. There am, be re | several distinct mepects of besu- of form, beanty «8 olor, | pe) S—vemnty of f teanty of pathos. But | the ideals embodying thes have not | been evolved in the above, mr in any C | onder, nor has adiy Goo preserved its on- for long. The nintchiess : a Aphrodite stil appears ulmolute. i higher physical develop. | 17 satisfying to ; when 200 it translated tn color, ae Ee) is vequited 7 the Fad, EE often re-emabodied it, then | is something lost. At the best Mr. White | considers the Creek and Roman types are upemotionasl and do pot awaken mors than asthetic raptare, for in those days ¢ven portraitare simed to elevate re in ath the individaal to» type Bt pluie weil ang Ee zo hack. to Raa: a high regard for the | i olds in order to find the highest type | : of the modern ideal, Bir Joshoa's por- Mo. It fn uo tomer con | & LT LE wihinn Gordon camght | the pathos of the Madonna ideal with i the intelligence that has bevonie the { woman's share. In the Botticelll vir- i gins, or the Eaphacl a swet forgive 4 fa see p10 be in poss is absilite In the types of Revn- Sire spun, me ring, | 018 and Gainsborough, 0 this chars | ‘am th is added a sensi of Justice and a distines on bl ai substratum of wit and vivasity. In the short, “the lady" has been evolved, not Short saint or the chatelaine, the minis | tering angel or the bloestocking, bat the true worms who can be ail these A The newest fai in “autograph 1 bikes is one of cooking recipes. Each formula | written in the Seok 1 has the sighs of congeption of the ideal wom- | re the highest type | a pew block of flats io the west end id and refinement and | of London displays the annonnoiasent, ell trained muscles, “To Let, Por Lady Bachelors Only.” irati el Neckpicoes ule enti iy of pink or made entire e srg only the place of | Sowers, finished with lace snds, are Vim! i ues uafikie] ox the much worn with evening gowns AAAS Glace id gloves are supersedling the v i: wacde ones, ns they have been found to . ho most fashionable hat 10% is the rope sondust- | sme that does net rewcustlc sey eh A small number same pay, and a very tiny fraction of a number received more monay than men |, Q io sipailar positions ; society. She ise straight as a rush and | pecalls the grace and charms of the net | | elegrant ludics to bo met with in any country. Of her three private seoretarios two sre ladies. Proverbially kind heart- {od ax is the baronies, she has not 8 tate for “peta. ”’ Perhaps they would take up too much of har time. Her Gi to Scions. Before hor death, which ocenrred in New Yeak city im 1878, Mm MK. Beachley, the widow of a former lieu- tenant governor of Massachosetta, willed ber body to the Woman's Medical ool | loge. According tio the providens of this queer will the body of Mrs Bemchiey was to be carefully dissected and her! skelotem huing in the college museum. As far aa vie have been able to learn, this ix the only instance on record where | so educated woman bas deliberately sent ber body t6 the dissecting room and her bots to the showrooms of & masenm. We can cite seversd instances where the progressive class of women thinkers have given orders that their todies shuld be cremated, but this iv | the only instance on record where s fal quied woman bat made such a gift to The Conte of Beaconsfield. of his wife shortly after ber death, the late Lord Beaconstield said to a friend, Bhs wns un excellent woman, | but she did not know who was fire, the Greeks or the Romans Benjamin Dis reli has only boven dead 13 years, Dnt men no Misger consider historioal or othe | er igpmoranves the test of woman's exexl- ley Ab the same time, men would probally not be abtracted by the late Ooantess of Beaconudield, in spite of ber well knoven goodness of heart, for she peither sacrificed to the graces ner to | the masa. There i a happy medinm, | and the voters whe were so systematic. ally silent on fachion ad doves have ap parenitiy not t ho y abide to hit an it Ww a Wages. Out of 4539 evdlege women recently interrogated 180 of them are teachers, 88 stemograpbers, 47 librarians, 23 pureed, 19 journalists and 19 sre clerks, around in varioos unclassified positions The majority of a given number of women, asked in to the matter, anid they received less pay for the same | kind of work in which men are engaged. | wete found to gut the of how the female suffrage MI cane to pach the Now Zealand parliament. The a he troflooryoy bypmeped miver of the plaik of Cecil Rhodes in hin effets to develop Rhodesia. For ev | while thw remainder are distributed | oation wwviity, the Genwisoginal ali Biogriphical society, the Patria cub, | the Woman '® Pras club; the Felkiors | {woeiety, the Ladies’ Christian union, the I New York Lactios” ¢lab, Soposis wad the] Anwrionn Coprright buges This al © foernidadde areay, bat Mrs Satie does) Pmt attempt to attend all the meting: of these cinta Ofherwise they woald| occapy ail ber time, andl she wonld Rave none oft for her lone what," whith, she wirs, interest her more than | ; any of the others RE AAAI CAR I SN The X Ruy Shire Watt. Of sil the devices yet invented by! woman for the envaaring and dost tion of man's eal the X ray shin waist fs the mest dabtolioally éfeacins 1) eal] thew X ray shirt wembetin, said a cor. | pespetiions of the Br Lomis Murtor, be Lente § have Arne dant thw aifout of the: Boentapen photograph, in these they | disclones poet bounteotly the fonminine framework thea a weirs and wool | mei eriaEe ve. They are the puoet solic | tons things. The slooven ans but sibetan- tia) lurve for fhe eve to the ivory sm | Thorough thes sleeves one (an note even | a varcination park so plainly as 0 feel | to » very distingt hatred for fhe leaving #t there as 3 sign manual off scientific priv. lege. You can pote the dimples und the! kia : Jittle slavatives that by their parficalar | tev deviatives emphasise the general ronnd- | pews of the arm. Fasten ¢losely sroand # the wrist with a little band, the expan | sion of thw ballooning sleeve fv nparted | to the wrist and makes tho effect of its] plampoess nor insistent. Sms i i Woman sed Legiistion. Charles Seiby Oukley, an Englishman, | #0reting © writing in The Nineteesth Comtury def "0° bitterly opposed to admitting women | © 10 their grvsence would be *dangeroos to] 10 Td a at Ia Drom giving as 8 Penson woman's gree infin Bm Api Son stim thet woman's woo} a. ENON COVEY TAR. The correct bride cake nr How 00 per will be & simple Jou, spiond and fraited, | o Wd of Dlowoms, and only Tang enough to ex ¥ actly sapply the bridal purty. Of conre | the ring. spoon and thimble will be et, Baked into the loaf and the center of re the table ocenplod by the gorgedus plas | day. ter and nengat edifice meant for Gana mentation, -not fr food. Then, for! guests st the reception, the confwur, E | sends only bridal loaves, Every cow iss ministers cake in itself, appeopriately | aplend, cut square, In & tirele or hoary & torre, ioed, wresthed with srtideial or | Ti ange Blossinss and bearing in high sagar | | pelbed the comple’s initials in th center. Every coe of thess toy cakes is fo 62 of Wi the costly wedding in a box of watered | Wit white silk, having 8 hisgid top and fas | | . tend with white ‘wax, stazaped with the bride's mal —New York Tulegram. i ANA Fr OTRO RE BRIS Sr The Woman Referees. The presace of a woman rofirve at 8 recvnt auction sale baw opened the oye of sume old lawyers to the dsnger of further inroads by the sex upon time hallowed privileges and perquisites. If a warnan ean boldly mount the rostrum | ¢ and coolly watch the asdience bidding, | frantically for a tencment house, why can ie not act as commmbmicner ta open. Li strocts md parks, and even ascend the o bere h and reach the cord of appeals? In of fo fact, if the sucosragensent of wn woman, p, lawyer is going to bo thi fad ft would | be well for all firms of lawyers to mid a woman to the partoersihin, snd thes 3 women fo the bar bas phussed, and they past how to the inevitable, just as did: the car drivers a fow yoats ago ‘when the cable was salatituted for slow horses. — | AW. CT. TU. Mospitah. The Woman's Christian Teraperatos snion intends to eect a national tem perance hospital in Chicsgo. {me of ita PIRLOETS. SUTR, Aad lm as th 128 sors who think ¢ shune cases the administering of ol is an absointé pecemsity to save ao patimt’s life that | they are utterly mistaloen, nod before our work in the pew field is a your old | we can present facts in the shape of cured patients which will change the | mind of many 8 phyicias, my matter how hidebound be ray be in his preju- dices. States te Cosginer. Twenty-five states have given the edu- | op cational ballot to women. There are still 30 states to conquee. The world % Jr ganic phiesdry | vith or. eho coi 38 the sail ix a little bract. It | $0 the limb until all of the Lond ainighing comes is falls ts the surface of the mow, to be driven RY Bang & se One with the lores Searing down apon ut & Sant trek Real ng, just a 5 ho i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers