The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 11, 1897, Image 1

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    Iplce at the merino of Mrs AJ
pes Willinm 1. Thompson, of the fom
. of Wolf & 1
emg A 1 Jackson. The offic sting Is the Neat Thing in Order The Frommers
Taekson moa 2 for Lote.
| Wedneaday evening, Febroary 2d, a
very protly, but quiet wedding, took | From a Special
to the “Courier.”
¢ Thomipaon, and the ‘bride A NEW STATE CAPITOL
“Jackson, danghie: of
on Palmer avenue, The groom |
Correspondent :
| minister was Rev, Chas W. Wasson,
pastor of the Mathodist Episoopnl L
being, Ye awful fire, by which the old
The groom i one of our soon esto]
: bosines men, & onng man of teed
well qualified for
w relation. The
“e date of Feb.
o on Kerr avenue early Friday moming,
Febroary 5, 1897, aged 13 years, 11
at | months and 15 days. This Is the sec.
oud time within three months that
oo pips organs
he fmm dt be ba one
th the Savior who said, "Buffer
Ponera ovareed Sunday sflenoon sh. matics of ation, mo nly So th ory Rov. Jobe Laden, Suph |
o'clock, the services being conducted wiople st bs tui but to the afc | Grmons and J. 2. Doanaboe.
Chas. W. Wassas, of the
2 horeh
toga firm of Evans & Loch, of
been tendumd the
have secepien.
tw the new Sk. John's
stholic church in Johnstown. It will
wy the Members and Senators are begin. |
Tet He ation or anew],
j Pepa Thers in friondly iflerence ob
garding just what sb id | the
10 480: he made
Harrisburg, Feb 6.--For the time
| State Capitol was redused (oa mass of
ruina bus beait the main subject of in
terest among the Legislators and the Lo
State officials. Now that the shock of |
the great disaster has partly worn off, |
be done " the matter; whether it 4
revies hi Spinions’ on | the object.
The passing of the concurrent reso.
Jation authorizing an iavestigation
the offices of the State
Sian Logue. The a —
State demanding such an vestigation,
the case fn nutshell. He pada
the intimation that Speaker Boyer
. would not appoint an impartial com-
mittee t5 nuake the investigation. Mr.
McClain sald, among other things:
“With the proper and high regard
which | have, and which every memibor |
- oon and Alwyn
will be ae long as i have & Volos in | this
“Contrast the attitude of : pate — Cavs of cout ga
they pave assumed previous. y he i in
nu this resolution. vs
i, contig a the Stake, Mr. cre may
Which produoss the greatest happi- |
Stady vo Pain J "Mitchell, Roth 8
| The commen Som Sener, Mart n ;
en Hatwestnone so €
Compra County raitrosd
Reeder, J. J. Forrest and Kate Ivory.
ated for their service ? Job Marts, |
Agatha Wharton, KE P. Hadden and
Martin Thomas.
Cloning addvess by Sapt. 7. L Gib. B®
be & grand affair and will be placed In of this Haose should bave, for the son.
; in shout six months, |
Architect Ceo. T. Bmith, of Johns
own, was in Ebensburg in conmitation
: with the Poor Board on Tuesday and
will draw ap the plans aud specifica.
tions for the proposed new annex lo
r- toe County Home.
EC Brows 2 years; school di
Wm. H Sasdford, John |
ax collector, Jus. Mellon;
0. Hartstorn; inspector,
; Judge of lection, Bamuel
1 Lab +x
aghaman, the gentiemen
ltunber interests ensl of |
Dini! Dasa WL
Ya thee will of Dundes Dum, late of
Carroll township, a provision bs made
| feaving $1,000 for imeses for the repose
‘of his soul. The remainder being about
$5,000, is left to ihe poorest Catholic
chore in Cambria county. Daniel
| Buck is the executor of the will and iv
ia bis duty to decide whioctfehuarel in
the colnty a the poorest. As to the
| standurid of being poor, Mr Buck will
‘Bpeaker of this honorable body, I pro- |
test against and resent the attempt to
impeach in advance his integrity in the
appointment of the commities provided
for in this resolution. 1 denominate it
diseourtesy of the rankest kind, and a
personal reflection apon the honesty of
every member of this body, for the
gentlemen to impute dishonesty of
purpose to & committes of this House
which has not yet been appointed. 1
am surprised, nay, more, I aos smused |
to pee ab least some of the gentlemen
in opposition bold ap their bands and
procisina: ‘1 am reore holy than thou.’
Has honesty Sed to other places, wid
tas it come to pass that there in pow
no public virtoe left in Pennsylvania
save that possessed by the opposition?
taking advantage of the have to decide himsell The property 1 think there is; and I think a majority
g and have a Jargy = worpe’
consists entirely of money.
Wil Basgut al Portas,
The Masouic lodge of Ebensburg will
of the metabers of this body will em-
_pbasise the same thought when they
come to vote npon this resolution. If
y for shipment | hold ite annual banquet at the Paltner 1 wm mistaken in my surmise, then
santy in the house in Patton on Tuesday evening, BAY eu well say with fervor smd sit
By XN rates o Rafiing.
@ or says large
to oe
| February 16th. A large number ls ex-
: pected to be present and the affair will
be very floe. The banquet held one
‘year ago was at Hbensbarg and two
[Tan ago at Cresson.
Seto] Report. .
Report of Beech Grove school for
art month ending February A 3
cority: flied save ithe Comman-
Fadiianaily Embittered Men.
“Certain thoughtiess men and fhe
tional newspapers have made insinua-
tions that have created doubt in the
minds of the people ht to whether or
This company
How can we improve owt institutes ?
General discussion.
The exercises will be be interspersed
with queries, sougs, and recitations
All friends of education wre rordially |
favited to attend and take pan inthe
Right You Avot
The Signal does not dimming to get
foto sny unpleasantoess with post
Haat, but in justice lo glirstives amd
woribers, wa are going lio look after
bone Signal’s interest. Pustmasters in
general seem to reat aH right,
‘ there are two or threes wihioss conduct
we will moon be compellsd to sport to
Washington if they persist in liryiog to
injure our basiness. - - Lilly Higral. The
Cornien is beejiag an ele on two or
then who are also trying fo jure its
bosiness to a certain degive. Some
thing will deop soon.
Hae sx Uamady Lak
Hood's Comedy company will bold
the boards at the Firemin's ball on
Friday night, February Dib, 1897
comes well recom
mended and the people of this vicinity
will no doubt be treated to a good |
evening's eNtertanment.
| that tn the: not far distant fatore
| espicity of the fleld about Patton into
be largely increased. Another thing
wo learped on our trip was that the
pwstors who. are: oot able to pat in
to frat th lower cost of prod a
the introduction of machines bring
abit wherever they are need, and
#23! bo the miners that they need sot be
surprised that if within the vear INT
they find very decided changed made
Lin hee Methods of mining cond a Sis.
wes thom. :
Exchange Establish.
ise Magtgie Asherolt Las been on
ployed to look after the office work of
thi Clanten) District and Printing Teles
griph company in Patton. She will
Eaown as what is genersily twemed the
“Hullo gir,” and will be amisted by
Miss Muy Cowher, The ex
- which Bs ap-stairs in the Good bail
will be open for the transaction of
business from 790 2 mo HE Sp Wm
Quite a number of Pattonites sre Baws
“imp phones. placed in their piace of
* Domine or Tesidiences.