TE ATR Hg i A RARE Sl D. Miter ot wx. to 3. 8 Yoder, $9,000. A ax ot al to i anh Hite et vir fo Mary B. Warfel, Blacklick, $9. ; Simon M. Wikon et nx. 0 J. G Lincoln, Patton, F850. i Samus Noel to Rose Noel, Monster, dition. : Sarah 0. Piatt et vir to Eltarinn H. will be Industrial society of the Prestiy- | Oray, Hastings, 1,350 at. Mrs. T. McNamara on Wednasday Bmith, Johnstown $100. #8) | Administrators of Caleb A. Gray to The Barsch C. Platt, Hastings, $200. repent swhich will be need for = | Blacklick Land and Improvement sonia, bat is unable fo be out office, will soon be completed. company tb Merritt M. Shaffer ef al, bo the very cold westlur: An addition will be built to the Alins- Vintondsle, S15) Pallick. of Houtsdalti, died on house near Ebensburg this spring. It Susan Eckenrod et al. to Cambris & ning caneed is to be built of brick, and will contain | Clearfield Railroad csympany, Alle years. She + was {be mother 8 namber of sitting rooms and a chapel. | gheny, $62 3 ou Peter Cameron, of that piace. The Philadodia ciub, of this plice, | of Tniet Weaver ot ai. fo futerment took place at Welborn, ‘drove to Gellitzin on Wednesday night Edward J. Perwind, Richland, §1,500. ga poanty, on Monda To. made . Winnie George, of that place. : | Hastings, $8,000 "Mr, and Mra BH. Davie have gone Assignee of M. A. MoGonigle ot nx to housekeeping in the Bann propurty to A. W. Back, Washington, $2,075. . In the West Ward. . A.W, Buck ét ux. to John Ermire, ry “partics left this place Washington, $600. oni Satorday; one went to Carrolitown Patrick F. Kirby ot ox to A. W. wn at fn Oyen. The roads Puck, Wilmore, $1 ‘were very good to Cresson, bat the To Floris va P. RR g Caroilioun pay did not report very The midwinter exodns hes begun. oll roads ~The dmcomforts and dangers of wet , tm bis Livobepbig & noties on 2. B | wigter weather sre here, but to the Lathe pride ir sohool Crons contracts im southward, from a clomdless sky, beams En a lsrenulland void What is going to a besntéfaisun spon « blooming and, | Btritomatier: of dlettion. ASp- be done about fighting ony streets these The next Pennsylvania radirosd tour ] ustine Yost; : Junge or, D, M. Dame; _nighta? The are lights have been bet to Jacksonville, allowing two weeks in | clark, C. W, Meel. ter and sre giving satisfaction. Mr. Florida, will leave New York and Phe. aheriff test Wedgesds dasnd Cresswell is doing all he can to get his Plifladelpeia Fobroary # toot the largest business oem of plant in order to give os good Hghts Bronson tickets, incloding railway | Cleartield, Pa.—Wright brothers’ dry and | any ecancil, go slow | di nd A.M. Wright's colth- ‘Mr. Robert M. Brooks, who died at | tions | {one berth i, and meals en roots Lsnsnenivh Lilly on Tuesday night, January th, in both direction whilé traveling on ing ors-on jusgements BERTORAl 1007 wun well and favorably known in the special tein will be sold at the : ing. $18,000. hen | her ore Phenshary He was 8 civil engineer following rates: Now York, $50.00; 5 or ter hott i and was sociated with Messrs. Sider | Philadelphia, $48.00; Canmdaigas $52.85; P.O. Yeager has purchused the ine this coanty. In October he was mar portionate rates from other pointe 0 porous of his brother iti the meal pied to Miss Margaret Dunegan, of St. For tickets, itineraries, and other in- market businew in Patton and Will | Aagadtine, snd they went to howe | formation apy to tioket Basaar od. continue to condoct the business him- geeping in Lilly where he died. His arn 11 a fe leelf The dex! was made 00 Febrosry death was a great shock to this com- York, or to George W. Boyd, Assistant wil soun have lophone 1, 197. G. C. Yeager, the retiring munity. His remains were brought to General Passerigper Ajrent, Broad Street i > pl partner, has not ot Geshars upan what Ebensbury on Wednenday evening and Station, Philadelphia, ation he will follow. on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock the | Lost A dear little child who made Willism J. Bryss Bas i his Tamera services wore held in the Came home happy By its smiles And to vento Ty an vil see how ony Bhi ions eX: foun church will meet at the home of James A. Malin ot ox to J. L where they were entertained by Mim R. F. Notley to Mm Emma Notley, ‘any of them at #4 30. | transportation, Paliman sccommoda- and Martin, working on the railroads in Erie. $64.85; Pittsburg, $55.06, and pro- “he first week 1m every 4 year we take ony anpual he lt 1 sizes up. We have a Jot ; broken | sizes and lots of differe 1 lines which we are always glad to close out at bargains. We will offer you indancements which yon must take advant age of. Remember we never carry over any stock if it can be sold at a price. | Mex's Surrs — One it Men's Black and Grey All wool Suits: sizes 35 to 42, that sold at 2.00, 5.30, and to 6 30, wi ot thit are fine m Black ind Brown that 163. 1.75 200 250 chutes now at #1.25. abo Lat they are worth in | th instances : } Mex's SHOES — . One dress shoes that sold at and 1. 5: all sizes, now. the pair BOYS CAPS—1 lot Bov's Loxc Pants Su rs sold at do. 23, and #1 00 —-Ome lot Black, Brown, Grey. and Blue, that were 5.00, 5 30, 6.00, 7.00, and any of them now at #5.00. now at. 14¢. Most! y for i fellows to 8 years MEN'S S OVERCOA! y ‘About seventy - five Bov's Knee Pants Sires dress ind storm, sizes —207 in a Jot of ses 6 to 1 42 that sold from 25.0080 years that sold cheap at 2. 50, your choice now at jg off t 2.7%, 300, your choice now from the lot at 3 42.00 MEN's UNDERWEAR — Ou! price ae Boy's Coats at same f¥ | duction. Remember this is no offer tha t we don't keep. We ‘ust as we advertise and von need not ask for the Red “his i our offer and we fully carry it ont. Don’t send your money out of town for trash. Reep it at home where you help build up the town, thereby : your onvn property more valuable. If you buy from fake sales vem pet csoght— Who ever heard of Bail ling $35.00 suit for 14.007 1 don’t sek any stock faolish prices and the prope here know it, ved set come a nn St after which his romaine oo i night have hos saved Ded : . { and made his last public a as were placed in a vault in the Lioyd oo iy only kept in the house One a jectarer, It in possible that he will cemetery. Mm Brooke is wellknown ye 0 coaph eure, the infallible rem- (edly for croup. ©. W. Hodgkine, Pat its few Paces of his awn aneord in in Ebenchnrg and ste has the aniveral : tit pathy of 31 our people in hr sed ton acy. | News, ain Fhensbuey to-day. wg i Tie following i a copy of A cirrtiinr ma per hors, John B. peared by BE. P. Unanpet, » prominent ja and Lake Burgoot); school di denggist of Bethiebom, Pa: “There rectors, Prank Bargoon and John are numersts preparations fr the fir What is the tee of w swig | e; anditor, John Gutwald; jodge market for colds, oroap and whooping. dolisr when Jon tan save iL ww, Prank Addigsberger; in- cough. Among these we wish to call : Montgamery; town: your especial attention to chamber. : Hal's congh Remedy. It ia sold on ita C28 Fogel A . g . I merit, This assertion bs wareanied by Tati Soi wo bol propor of the its salen, which surpass any remvady of Ss ps 7k 1 jaro rmmed the $i 0 * i oF remndy nl Wo se pl ses wring. stock. of stationery, eto, from © simi a Nata oo cold PW eg i will he fier look | TmOUS or its cures of en Hew pan, {gina Yer ani in cetinection wilh | Ris the Or 5 reviedy that =a cortiin B. Wi rd PT J shia 4 Pp sparing, pr Yard Ting Smo. He, expucta to carry | preventive snd cure for croup, sad the wT, iden per ou shiris line of stationery besides 1 “only one that prevents all danjforoms Mena ix tures noes from whooping (ooh. cued in pte ee magaripes, a the : Conseyile Lie tr : Mr. It bn pi nt and safe for children 0 Wind Window Avalon 5 snd sgt edhe. expects, very soon to forn- | take For aie by Patton Pharmacy, wd tex writing paper 5 : Chad oe aloes und Herta oy at ah er Bir ; all the Pitluburg Sunday OW. Hodgkin. on the day Shey re pub} Rpans Tabutles: at druggists. Hi pans Tabula: one giv We tay give You as many goods Ed Sei Puss ity iy EWI par. | when ou boy goods of houoses that Duty and sell on long time. id to save a dollar thew times than itis oF Worsteso a on lost | Sootch bide ine Hi: Vie Pure Clay Worsteds, Mixed Chey. ota, $3.00, "10, $i. Overcoats. Thibet Overcoats, $6 Alb woo! Kerner rey: §.50 Finest Dress Overcosta, $5.85, a, | 1. Ja 50 Boys’ Clothes. little maney. All-wool 2 Boye Suits, $1.98. for $5 cont 18 von awaally pay $1 Who can tell the waste of money Never before so nice and good for so ; meat dark patterne ot
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers