The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 04, 1897, Image 4

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    Ripans Tables cure coniiiipation.
Hipans Tabules care Hyer troubles
Hipans Tahnles curs torjid liver.
i Scptiing or burne,_seaide chupyet] ni tn op THR £ BAS on] To go wcll a at our large Millinery store for og
: uoten sd Bj relief for piles stops. = 7 #4 TR BATES By Crk Eo lof Millinery Goods,
“pain at noe. These ave the virtoms of RTH OF awe Py Captain |
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, CW. © ira Ba a
, HB ing, Patton Pharmiey. E Ba ig 01 He :
! odgking, # real ene Bb otp it |
ipans Tabaier Lr ; SA Pia so TUEVEE Br Ofiwer Welens ¢
Zpane Table Poss HE fave {wg wen Con ATA Ee David Cheretle PF
Ripans Tabuies aanint dijention, Ey 2h nm a8 Ww ly LK k
All the different forms of skin ET .
troubles, from chapped hands to ec woo © 0 nena ro 120 Is now on and the prices are so low that you will be
Lmema and indolent loons an be readily £7 FioR EES os Tana surprised when you make us 4 visit,
fa ered by DeWitt's Witch Hapel Salve, ia | TP y
now CT the great pile care. GC W Hodgkins, = =~ i Sl |
General Pass: p00 Priarmacy. LE a Smee A special invitation is extended to Cambria County Ladies.
Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. | ;
Ripans Tabules cure bilbousness
From Sire 65 wo,
As a family Medicine Bacon's Celery
Barly King for the Nerves passes from sire to,
Yo. W. son an a legacy. If you dave Kidney, To quit the business at
Liver or blond disorder do not delay,
but get a fren sample package of this
0 remedy st ore. IT you have Indiges- Mou ntain
tion, Constipation, Headache, Rhon- |
mutism ote thin grand spocific will core |
ow Hodgkins, the lending
Store Open Every Evening,
Gi cho SRY AA
Now is your time to got bargains.
All oor stock is new-no oid trash,
"Sale will only mst a short time.
Prices we are asking for fret-clams |
Shoes will certainly make them 8
Don’t delay. but come at one and get of all description can be. pt
your share of the bargains befors complete live of Heavy and Shelf Hardware 2
vw quite a saving, 2, 5 and 78 on |
pair of Shoes that was marked and |
“wold for less than Sani rest vale in |
the first place.
das AR RA Se LOR
and a general fine of BUTI
*IPERT AL kept constantly on hand. See us first t
ing. It will pay you.
taken thre Magee Ave.
de vonrmed sbsciotey by :
ue Court. Waurgn Weakiua,
oon bop. 1 by On " i been for thirty years the Beacon of Sove fv
Stes Eg >! solferors o Blood and nerve disorders; for weak and
cure. cw Hodgins, I Women; worn ont fen, und sickly child
oy: snl Fg uated as a blood purifier and ge :
A Rewtnder of Arey Lite. 5 Td BM ener. Begin its use
=e PRICE St.00 poe UR? bu BOTILE. |
: rersdale, Pu, says: a
i army life, bas been more efoctually
controlled by chamberisin's colle,
It's & . wideawake, broadguage, upto 5
date shopkeeping that's doing it. Medi
ncrity sutisfies us not. We are right in
the front ranks of progressive merchan-
Property il oe . $i dising. That means much to you—more
Az bar mt on Beck . Ta Pe fo ar tous. We are making a reputation.
| for boarding howe. Best location in’ c.f. +} That it is a good reputation is evinced by
For r particulars ks re | ay Tc : our hosts of business friends six months
yy ] dad ago unknown to us. To-day our regular
Have you got your ios house at ; a and each aneeding day,
u re ry show an increase following.
ody ie sal that Shetr Mtl hoy bad |
bad sold sal 4 they had med ap
ee it
s, Women's and Children's Wool Under-
‘Wear. 25 per cent.
“all Plaid. Fancy and 1 Novelty Dres $s Goods 15 i
% Woolen Hosery... et
“ Ladies’, Misses’ and ‘Children’ s Hoods...
“ Fascinators..
m ~~
Here. That is, not nearly so much as
they cost elsewhere. Our prices are
ALWAYS LOWER than everybody
¢lse's—while quality is better. Then
oo the privelege is yours—to bring back
Men's Wool Overshirts anything unsatisfactory and receive your
‘Cloakings ........... Fa money---and to have your purchases de
Haps, Wool and Cotton Blankets... 25 livered EREE.
i Re $3
‘ Flannels
Mittens and Gloves (Ladies Kid excepted).
* Ladies’ Wool Skirts... 00 3
“ Shawls...
0wP NN
Onn 5
: ot a 5a have Six (4) Broad Cloth Dress Patterns which wil come out
Dottie this great guar. 8 discount (5 yards pattern: 72 inches wide; thin 72
a Bea Cioth at 80 chi. Why it would to bay it at 3.0 a
dy? Ja success is my ee Um sec hh Jee al” pay you ‘ta: buy ih.t thas Respectfully,
‘We can save you money and make you money nine Himes out of ten if you 1
ve will buy your Dry Goods Aad Groceries from v.