yell throgghout thess Tava To are of Nery varying Shapes and dimensions, 51 Some sre mere covert ways, With an reh of stone thrown over them. Others “1 are juymense chsmbers some yards fram ; the surface, another kind is sunk qoits | deeply and tony be in a series of cham- Ts unite 4. Go # oorvidor that pens at while another kind seems A her # comes and the snow melts. the reloaded. froen, whe wire Boiling th they Lani ae i Je be hn Tha Contry William Hogh Rob- Bax no article entitled “Napoleon's © the Bartle of New Orleann ten by General Jackson to Me. wan a viry hoavy fox on the that morning, and the British had ft The disposition of the riflemen was s ne simple. They were told off in Now, Nea 1 wae to fird first, then and let No Aboot 600 yards fron the rifle men thers was a grost drainage canal land 2 ep back . | ramming back from the Mississippi river to the witump in the rear of the tilled Sand on ie hich we wenn cperaling, Along this canal the Britieh formed, under th pear encod to them fo get Lheir range But the Oeffee, win line. which was to be firs sttecked: “BY win, We Bave got them] They neo | onrel’ 1° Lf a : 4s ing slong {The Beiiiah » 1% pe pion od in men, il | sloped tip, aud about two compmitied | | The British, thos formed, moved on at A guick step, withiut firing a shot, 10) within U0 yas the kneeling rifive | wir firs il ies of Heir | pened cated with 1 on ol or parrintes throogh into the uid | stat 4 forage chambers beneath and is there | Je in | in this eas that the foe hw bein mada i 1 peappealed by the prevailing onli fre Tr hed were th Sd NI IN PAUL 5 ROCKS. 4 Bat sane Mosntatn Ts the Bilis of ; the Atinniie Ovesn. wort at the vory penter of the Av coean-unly a trifle north of 1 ow 1c it half way hetwein a be go : . , How Be Cain fo | Kept oR ae The 2 i Waning, on, wan damp Tien powder maight nok Churn wedi, God Bip eel!’ EK motored, watehisg the rapialy sdvincing line | Bewenty, 60, 50, Anuily 40 yards, wers thoy fram the silent knesiing riflomwn. NEN them. They cbeynd their crders well Not & shot was fired outil the redooats were within 40 yards I hiawd Colfen’s voice a he roared oot: 1 Nowe, men, ais for the center of the cross bela! Fire!” | A meoond after the order x orsckiing, mgt Bash ran ail along our linn The | 0 smoke hung so besvily bs the minty air that I wuld pet se what had happened. I cidied Tom Overton y {and Alier Duncan of my well, and we ap ted unk of a sna Haig in gallop toward Cotfes’s lian In a frw seconde after the first five thers ewig another sharp, ringing volley, As | | {came within 20 yards of Colles the stoke Jifted spoagh for mw io make out {what was happening. The British wore falling beck in sonfosid, disorderly mass, fod toe on p (tive fist ramks of their columns were s. (blown away, For Tehe grinod was coviral with n mom af 0 was oi parade. Just betory be gut within the British jive wan prefs p00 yards in our fron writhing, weonded, dead aud dying vd 1soate By rhe tie the riflis wires wiped | wl, and en {it cme again. Thin time they wire led {pe Cmeral Pakeolam in perea. gai: jantly i ounted snd riding ae thgh be range of Goffee’s lite 1 beard a single trifle slot [rows a groop of country carts we had been uring, stout [75 yards dis s tant, and 4 moment therefier I saw | Pakephum reel and pitch vos of hie sad- idle 1 bave always belioved be fall from the boliet of a freeman of rolor who {was a famous rifle thot avd came from that | fiewt fo ite ending In fre volleys the 1,800 or more riflemen killed and wounded 3,117 British soldier, two- thirds of them killed Cead or mortally s | wounded. 1 did not know where Gen- {eral Pakenham wan lying. or I should Ia- | have mot to him of gobe in person to not E Jesuits a8 an “enemy of * They fell under bis them | fied by the predietion on vations cecations, “gy foresee anoth : ir 3" ¢ : His Chanes. 1 Timmins—I have a potion to wri: Lape of these Scotch dialect staries Simmons—But you doo't know any. thing aboot Seoteh dinlect. Timmine—] know as moch about it | as the people who buy the stories. ~1p- dianapelis Journal Mussted. He (telling a hairhreadth adventure) —And in the bright moonlight we could , | soe the dark muzrsies of the wolves | Bhe (breathlessly }—Oh, how giad you | must have en that *Weekiy: the mos. - = offer any service in my power to render. { was told he lived two hours after d {be waa hit. His wound waa directly through the liver and towsle Geoersl Keene, I bear, wan killed. They weot | is flag Ww me, ssking rave we gather {ap their wounded and bory their dead, which, of course, [ granted. I wis told by & wonnded officer that the rank and fle ateolotely refused to make a fairy sharge. "We have no chavics with suc i an thes Americans do," Ybor Ap extracrdinary hostage of heredi tary tendency to sulcite Was toll Ly Professcr Brogardel mn Paris lately. A ifarpger pear Eitatnpes banged bimsell without apparent cause, Raving « lame ly of seven sou and funr deaghters Ten if the |] setscguentiy fillkowesl the i father w exatuple, buat uot gntil they hat | parr iod and begution children, all of Loply soryviver is a son, who is now GU years ol age and bas pewed safely be youd the family hanging AR SR AA sg In mavy parts of Central and Sooth Amsitica sensitive plants are #0 noroer- pus that the coarse of » man of asimal throsigh the pndergrowth awiay for an hoor be traced by the wilted appestabon of ths foliage. Ab arin da pais | taser between Ghasboury ag Fore ». acted # hitherto unpublished tor w ames Monroe. A portion o the letter ; : James £ mur. and from ander the worn coat | sees a small bundle wrapped in a bit | were moviog before 1 kew 4 shoot while ha fire of the few artiiliay pies | had | cunt 1 sw then 1 suid tr dm | directed fo livery to dios is forward, and, ¥idds g § Fin tn speak i All of tny men that 1 conid wee wae their Jong rifles restéd on the jose before {the Atakappas region of Louisiana. The | Ioecond advance was preciesly lke the whore likewise bangod thenueives, The There sre 3,027 anot of ctean dis | Sali mis ai GEE Xoo yon 10 pardon me.” a 8 olen w eonfosed het to illnem and : Wearing #nd then: The sentence divnin inarticulate tor: of faded oilelcth, ae is hard to park with them, even ow,’ of dielter and sopeithing warm. folly preserved *Imitatio Christi.” them texerently on the dele The pian of the desk viowy the Brerkn Lecldly and done she plea for aid. Not "that ho ix sonseioosly nnkind, bot expe: plones with vagabonds has pade hin | suspicions, and Be hferprots the pathos [aX Rn pew mpesture, Lo Nave morning, an hour after soorie, n pedestrian Sndi an need man, with a Ph Tike thst of the poet Breant, lying | "in the shelter of a express hedge by the | | ponduidle. The tired heart ie still Rost most bave coma shout the thue the son. Lghine touched the valley. Beside the : sleeper, ns theoph it had fallen from be peuth his cont, a well thumbed Shakes pears, vhaped in fis gaunt hands a care. fully preserved “a Kempia™ The {a Kenipin'’ has a sprig of ceprvss for | bookmark, on one of the pages between | cwhicl it rostu this pasege: y | “0 Father, always fo be honored, the Be Cay fs coma wich front all where EA int iy. FE un Hh Teitinle Up to the start for Wert Paint, Grane ind torn Hirany Ulveses, or Hl. Ulysses | Creat The yooug traveler required a prank, aod Thomas Walker, a looal caning,’ was the man to make it. He YEU. G7 James Marahiall, Ulysees' trank bona Jooked at the big, | glaring letters, “T won't have that #0,” | “It spells ‘hug’ The boys | Be said. ‘wonld me about it.” And be pevanis Ulysses FL Grany, snd so be went forth info the world, He ropistercd at Roe's hotel, West Point, on the 30th of May, se “UH Gratit,” snd the same day reported the adintant, George GO Wagganun, | deposited $48 snd signed his Dana Eigmees icon Grant. His name a ro ported fran Washington, however, wad Tr. 8. Grant, aud the ervar arose hs (1b weay: The Hoo, Thomas Hamer poe ved the Totter of Jomws Cirant only the day | Before the close of his term, and, being migeh Bueried, sat down at ones aml | wrote ty Seorctary of War Poison, ask. | fog for the apporammentof bis neighbor’ aon, He kuvew the bay's pame fo bp | {Tiveses, and, inferring that hia mi ddl sharin win Simpeon, 0 Giled ia the ag alization, wet thos i stood w hen Elywsin | faced the pd jatant. He asked to have it changed, bot was rslil i was Bmpesibile without the con sont of the moretary of war. “Very well,” be wnid. [ came het Loy enter the millivary academy, aod ene ter I shall. An initisl more or lesa does srpmment therealfier as UB Grasp Balin Giucinnd in Mt Clare’ » di NNR Prisce at Peoant. Prives Christian of Deomark, bad be been ouly a king imstead of a prison, wonld certainly outrival the story of Alfred of oid wed the cakes One day he bad to review some troops st Bierve, a country town of small dimensions, Riding ome, tired and thirsty, he stop: ped st » farmhouse to beg a drink. The enter As she was at the moment pw. onke viaking, she asked him if be wouls like some. “Very much, indeed,” 18 plicd the prioce, and soon be was sou. fer: ibiy seattd, enjoying bis humble Laie at the kitehen table Having finished bis mvs, be asked the old dame how moch be owed her “Nothing st uli’ wos the answer. Cn bia persintiog that be woold prefer pay. ing, she pasted his shonider affection. ately, saviug: Yoo wee a soldier, ny i son, andl soldiers ave wiw; yi “hed up’ 1 never take anythiog Craw them.” lie ! i up" as the generadity of them. “Ob, 1 know better!” apd with a knowiig wink and & vod she turned to bor pan cake making “Iv te quite froe, good mother.” said the prinve, laughing heartily, “for, you me, my gracdfather Buppens to be the king." © What?" eried hie astonished bostess, dropping ber {whisk and peprly upsetting the frying | pais in ber fright. A second or two sbe gamed at him speectiessiy, then remark- od saively, “I shosld Bave asked you ito the paricr, shoaldn's 12 Soman re te ppta Car Searchers. “Thers is u claw of people,” sym a milroad man, “wio are always last to Jeave the eari—~for a purpose, This 1s especially buticed on suborban traivs. They go from one eid of the wain to She sther, looking in seats on both sides of the ear. It is impossible for our wen be slways on the watch, and presamubly there are losses that can never be many : fmataianed, New York Pribane. It pains me to mem * baggy, sort | o i amy near the ead of the road, and’ A wall thumbed Bhekesponre, & onres Lan did so, and, fo finish it off, he troeed on thes cover in big brass tacks the initials cousin, went to help him carry the new | thereupon shifted bis middle name and pot mater. He was known to the gov old farmer's wife bade him weleome avid { suggested Be was not quite sa hard | steely removing the oileloth, |* “hut if there J8 some one hora who cares | for rare editions of good books they may | be thopght fair exchange for the prise The aid man Jocks at them tenderly | ns . as they ars exposed tn view and places | { The shops doa. Are Ey mtn: . for the department whom gonde are dis. played in thems, A good showing will | often winderfuily increas tks mile of ‘the stork ae well ae attiact customers (oF the stare who are pw fo it Frequently tho basil wd vertising man i the general antager of the store. Whether this in the case oF not, Be ie x penorsl mporvis. or of tin establishment, witha complete. mowledge of Hx weer changing detail. Every day be inilde copsaltavions with heads of departinents to find out what partioninr lives of articlos they want boomed, and writes siinving statements for the shop pig poblic to read, sometines srrang- | ing for iliustrations with them. The amos money spent for adver. | Ving be appalling whens Seabed aptn a ate expaner, One greatators in Philadel. ghia spends on sn average $1,000 every Lida in Hive Fiat, 49d 4 fe Sunny spend. 5a day ee oly BiG Eg £ the 1 £1 ies} Hi Hise wn aE #9us : gun fas be AE Asi 3 hit Tian fhe work daily regains 3 partment tends Bo clio Wb Give, aa the stom Franihem ond © mecst parts of the country, ang § fare will wo detihit. se an evil § development in the efforts to wove - pustomies Su the small towns ae0 Vik eoantry plac taal Hopkios Ad SI in Serfbun®s restric Halivond Statintion : Bleowic railviape in burope sored the sutgect of some futer. SUR stubintics : the United Staten governoscis by Vice Conwal J. F. Monaghan, ay Chem, Germany. According to thede, tie uam- bor of such imilwars vas incr aed during the year i800 Lom 7010 lil, while the tical tough was raed fro | boat 433 ro IED miles, thi number of arn Troms 1,288 10 1,040, anil the horse. | power from » Little over 15,000 0 8 Hts tle over 35.000, Of ali ihe Earopean soundrien, ieraniny, soooidiog to Me. Monagheu's figures, stead at the bead, with shout 350 nile so her credit, sud #0 eaipnent of B57 cam and 7.108 Lomepewer. The other countries fol fuwed in the cider given below: Mion Bomepewer Bar. a Fravew Eagan... | aaariy A aneery . lta wl. ee | Plans. frelund. 4. Cada FEES ERRIY AWE g Ee a8 I 138 §. a Va 3d 4m i» La anes wr s Bervie : 3 | Norway andl Swales.. "Bonita me ¥% Bovmypia a a Halland Sidi Portugal oo 2 With lin sbiow ing it is opmentive 0. compile the position of toe United Spates, in whieh, sccorditg to the latest ‘avsilable figures, thers wears 13, jas _miles of rod, with a ronal of 34.973 [oars Jt in not withont resson evidently that the United Srates wn considered the bine of the slectrio raiiroad. Cans aca ¢htes next in onder, with 450 miles of rosd sud 1.150 cars. ——Cumint's Mage BAG, 3 B xvanckEssRsRED Ad BWR | They Love Dumbo. =F A imagnifioent agper chawb r of the pulses (the Palazso Veschio) iu Floregoe i set apart in memory of the great post Dante. To i euch of the 60 provinces sad all of she larger cities apa towns of onited Iialy bave son. tributed a banger is his honor. There. gee ator 800 off thee banners iu ali, aod Drie lopors, iE eager emulation, have , Fond vo make ‘sach offering wore beau L1.0a] than the others. The bunts aos if thie differing colors of the provisoos and lear thelf arms in exquistic coi broigery or in paintings by the first av ing artists ; The fervor of the bunage paid here io the immortal {talian poet stirs the boars of even the paming strsuger. Whatevor the Jomlousies or estrangement of tho im, beside bis tein thay are unit, —feuth's Comnpanion. Beamon. Look at that foolish Mr. Beker, ou on a day like this without sa wiabe ihe I= he crnsy?” “1m alrwid be in Let's buoy on © son't want to meet his. » “Why not’ © “He may recsomir: this smb Ha Ishin "=P k La Up Some English geuvalecists pretend shay there ia a family Live of unum oun Secting Queer Victoria witu Altrea win about those articles be {pecentiy rmbodied Bu pont st fo ol
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers