ED ih the late Hoa. Jota odtion Ga wa he wits ames 300 th OM Kiingorwmith ind C. L. Berndt. have placed the place from his Inte residence al 3 I for : _exshange in Patton gi i ed the Central The following un the report of the a township, for boro and Patton. Mrs. Hand ‘was at one : Namber time & resident of Patton, awl is a rela- ducted by F. C. Yeager at the oid place is ube of the greatest ‘total, tive of Mrs. EB. P. McCormick and Mr. of business. All acounts will be set- world’s history. ir Charles John Gibson. to Ashville, Pa, on Monday where in- knowing a 5; rs 15; | Wilkes-Barre; second vice president, | {R, Mckee, of Freep president, W, C. Krebbe, of Green {Unatle; ssoratacy und treasurer, R. H. | Thomas, of Mech AT WS Stofor, or Mout Jy; ex! ecutive committee — Lacios Rogers, : | Pomeroy, Chambre; Hart, : | ory Brolth sddresssd a inrge and deep | : {18 dmarestad Audienes i the De ob i a ey sop ses of Btate, fe the O14 Soldiers, Their Wide and | ail | Were granted singe the date of Jan op mary 18th, 1907: man Tannelliton, Landaa Proderick and Emory Smith. : : : Thess officers were elocted 88 the an- | {lay of the Sale Bditorial assoc fution: | | President, R. T. Wiley, of Elimbeth; first vice-president, J. 8 Batnders, | to the “Courier.” McKINLEY'S CABINET. Another Treaty With Great Priiain Has Been Runt to hd Senate, Washington, Feb. 1, 1897, «The Sen assistant rg: of Me {50 baving marched ap the hill has started to march down. After t; third vice | dr, of it arbitration treaty wan to be hung up if not actually rejected, the Senate Com- Kane; P. C. Boyle, Oil City; A, Nevin Theodore mittee on Poreign Relations has tot A. Stephenson, He. K. McClare and Char'es Em Gol. A. ie ee. | indie time the treuty will be Patified, . snd there is no resson to that 8 on the mb. | endments. Although members ‘of the (lommittee have publicly said that they would not be harried by pub on the treaty, which has been Orphans The following pension certificates for Senators to talk about few of them ever do. From a Special Correspondent | a favorable report on the treaty a! amended it to meet the objections, and | England will raise any objections to | night. Hie clamor, there inn’t the slightest! 8. { donb that they have been hurried by | Decer , the great pressare of public opinion in | days se favor of prompt and favorable action $M. | brought |» to bear poli them, Tt Is all very well on public opinion, but as & matter of fact, 8 Ralph Leach, 8M Coron, T Culp, I. P. Jones and B. IF. Wiss. | The minntes of meetings held Wed- nenday night, December 3), and Friday | night Janaary 29, were read snd duly at approved. On motion It was carried that n oom} mittee be appointed to seeiE. C. Fraws; | Nor 37 bo paid aver’ ty next meeting On motion and sanded It wasoar-| ried tha the following bila be aecopted { Original-Daniel ¥. Sraith, Cribbs, | Speaker Reel is still inexorable on Westmareiqad eatnty; Dueid Irvin, Fo Su Clearfield. Repews! and increase William All 3: Ha , ma out be honored who cannot sand the test of party fealty, do Dot hesitate to any that the selection of Mr. Gage was bad politics on the | part of Major McKinley. They do not j deny Mr. Unis Stouts from a strictly Shans wha believe tn [Everything vie in tariff matters. Te 00k oe who bope to ‘sce the ancial x Guestion bundied conservatively by the coming wsiministeation, regard the selection of Mr. Gage with some sus- picion, and some of them do not hewi- | hoe (Reread One Sim Sema) PS, 24 8 8 Gage Mr. Brown was the third oldest mem- ber of the Huntingdon Bar. In 1808 Wall street is as close an that of any TON. Rago bh Ee ws the public building question, and the [men who want the publie building | for month of Speaker in the Hoam, are apparently w afrs panty rebel. To an rest n $1.05; W. T. Robinson, a —_ Tr : Hobinson, $1.06; Wm. Gill, 91.30; A. T. ed | next regular meeting night, Wednes- | lives in Chicago, his convection with Wilt Greene, 535, fon dlr durvices Bu conte; 5.95; Wm. Tas 875; 6. “Council then: adjourned to tneet ot | gave RE Bower; response, Gi. w. Bowman; P® geography, C. J. Myers; Mr. Delaney; grammatical modifications of the Eng. stitute; teaching as » profess women, Mary E. Beaty, Zoe 8 Howe, {iden beim English composition, ‘Keller. W. i. Tromel, L. J. Lather; | ideals and hobbies, Leura Bowman, J. 1, Comeiton, 3 years BC. Brown 3 BE Brown, J. J. Mitchell; music, insti years. i : _ tute; the teacher in the community, School Directors Wm. H. Sandford + Maggie Kemer, R. C. Van Scoyoe; atid John Hunter. mathematics, E. P. Haddon, Ii Cyrus Tax Collentor James Mellon. before Tudor; question box, institute; ——_e, | immtitate. Eo ee eroptane’ | Nora, & lovely child of § yeas Court for the week endling Thursday, | dunghter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos M. Januvery 98, 1807: | Cenyer, who Hun shou Shree Aaron Vieroy, West Taylor town- | of Patton, « ship, snd Mary B. Shaniey, Lower lth, 1807, : : ried 5 Sh. Angeatine the fallaw- Noon, ing Ssturdiy. On Tuesday, M ; Yoder township. Irs B. Bricker and Laora A Mr. Brown was elected to the lower branch of the State : Ho leaves a wife and the hilowing children: Lawrence, of Hastings, Pa; aries, of Huntingdon, who was a partner with hit in the law business; | Cy 91 Pation; Rabat of Philadel. Mem Frederick Snare, of Phila. New York banker. Johnstown. The most popular member of Me, gpw J Noel, Hastings, and Annie 'Kinley's cabinet yet named, is Gen. | Grove Gallitain township. Russell A. Alger, of Michigan, who is Joseph Corba and Annie Tamas, 10 be Secretary of War. When Sena 14. coun tor Sherman was elected as Secretary Jone ( . Long, Altoona, and Essie of Statw, it wan. supposed that Gon. Heiman, Galiitsn borongh. 8° | ith, the family were bereaved of more daughters, Ageline, a bright He get of nearly 3 year, died of laryngitl about 3 o'clock po m that day. Mary, the eldest and an (nteiligent and lovable ‘young lady, and a grest favorite among her amity and many friundn, 5 died a few minutes after X as a cabinet possibility because it wan known that the two men had not been on friendly terms since the publication ‘of Sherman's book, but it seems that they have agreed to let bygones be by- took | BUDeS, apd to be friends. At any abs o'clock 1HEY are to serve in the cabinet lo Saturday afternoon, and was sttended Bether. Gen. Alger is personally one by many relatives and a large number ‘of the most genial and approachable | tizens from Hunti | men to be found in u day's search, and | J o . den and a his experience ought to make him a : good executive officer. Also, three brothers, Benja- wi i. of MoV. eytown, Pa, James A, of Philadelphia, and Bobert B., Mead. ville, Pa, and one sister, Mrs J. BR Simpson, of Huntingdon. The funeral of the deceased Pied 2 at Bureabore. t Mary, wife of Hogh Hand, died at! Nother ol] IMancdution. ber home at Barpesboro of consamp- | Notice is horeby riven to the pabiic "tion on Satanxiay morning after a that the partuership heretofore extating | "lingering illness of several months. between Gi. Cand F. C. Yeagerin the The deceased leaves a busband and bateher and meat market business in three children to mourn her joss, be- Patton borough, has been dissolved by | sides a host of friends both at Barnes- mutual consent, Gi. ©. Yeager retiring, ‘and the business wil hereafter be con- Her remains were taken tied by F. C Y ager. Al parties thems ves pdebted to said rment was made in the Catholic cem- fim are requested to on iand settle. FL 0.0 Yaak has the distinction Ida Shapper, Scalp Level. the same day of inflammatory rheumar : Paul Ssewesk and Louiss Dosat, tim, aged about 11 years. Mary and Johnstown, Angeline were very mach attached to Arthar Appleyard, Ehrenfinid, and eich other and were laid side by side Jane Law, Dunia. its one grave by their sister Nora, who Neimore Maiheron, Ciallitzin, and M. preceded them to their sternal home : Adaline, Good, Barpeshoro. only a few days. The funeral services | were beid in the Catholic churel ut Se Purshusgd 8 Graphophons. Angustine at 10 o'clock Th p W. Hodgkins, while in Philadel piorping by Rev. Father Ludden, after ph week purchawd on of Bdi- gpich interment was made in the son's wonderful new inventions, the .emetory ab that place. Ther graphophone, which is decided Im- | yore followed to the Ist resting place provement over the phouogriph. He py 4 large concourse of relatives, has it placed in bis store room where poiundy and acquaintances. Ths subs all ean sen and hear it. He has a large pop, of these lines died very suddenly number of cylinders and a new selec {amd within a period of 13 days, neither 5 tion can be heard avery day. Lod them being bediust exvept Mary, machine is the must perfect of the kind who was confined to her bed but two. the writer bas ever hud the piensure of clays, during which time she was com- = seeing or hearing. Don’t mie iam iy paralyzed, being abe to speak inventions In the peo fuw words at » time. The pare ums and family of the departs love the heartfeit ‘syrapathy the tntire. op:amanity in ther very | Pareavement, : Ae r opera as ating HM Gooderham, master of the | Concord Grange in Curroll township, istinetion 1h8 Youy ;.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers