That you bu ni: Burnett A eaknims | Tn The park mee : Westworeland county Nicholas Gur | id H a [Hok, Tateevile, Battond; THOS cog ous cosets 21x. - OPPOSITE THE BANK. | Leadbeater, Morrellvilie; Willian E. | Kine Ea 1 sss ® Bimpeon, Horatio, Jefferson. pri hte er op Increase - William Shaffer, Bust | eS 5 The first week in Srey accomnt of the open winter we " # i eras o | Sharpsbusg, Blair county; Richsird a hae 2 year we take our annual have a heavy Hine st of this a place, Tetarned on Toomey, Harrisburg: Daniel N. Cor. | JEP BS peels gv entory and see how our ok broken in lots of nur we - iti ; id ~ & illite da o her home in Puxwata ; a 7 Hy arn i Fate rh oe, re i s17€% np. that sold at 100, 1.80, 2.00, Al the different form of skin Riley, St, Augustine, Cambria; Mathias , Serpe fur : We have @ lot of broken 4.80 a set. “our choice « ¥ : t tronblen, from chapped hands to 6c Anstatte, Helixville, Bedford; Robert | vic grin worth 10 at. Tie ? sizes and lots of different ot i at % off the price { tidolent uloers cun be readily J. Tomb, Armagh, Indiana; Joseph L. | Granite and tinware at t halfprios. lines which we are always Mgex's Woor Suir rs—On cured t biy DeWite's Witch Hisel Salve, Brown, Schelisbarg, Bedford. We have a few dozen pains Ladies’ o],4 to close out at bargains. lot iid are fine in the great pile cure. ©. W. Hodgkins, Original widows, ete. — Elisabith | and Children’s shoes, value $14 ‘whith we are closing ont at 0s We will offer yon inducements Black and Brown that Patton Pharmacy. | Cary, Rochester Mills, Indians county; giarly buysrs gets the choion which you must take advant- : 63, 1735 200, 2. | Altoona has a new monthly paper. Marguret Moreland, Lilly, Cambria; Men's all-wool pants worth $3.50 1.05, 75: 50, ! ny {Tt is called the “Y. M. I. News” and is Mary E. Harman, Davis Indiana. going at - - - ms age of. Remember we never choice now at #1. 25, ake | ablishad in the interests of the Young Additional — Charles Koonts, Art We are furnishing men’s black clay Carry over any stock if it can what they are worth in Rost | Men's Tastitate, a Cathofic society. It emus, Bedford. nr and alk faced, | ‘be sold at a price. instances a Hie edited Jy dons McMahon asd I ete « Solomon 8. Metager, YO i hiek cheviot suits at $295, MEN'S Surrs — One lot MEN's Suoes — One lot right at ok who lives near’ oar] {worth double this pris. ‘Men's Black and Grey All. dress shoes that sold at 1.30 i nghes, ” Farm Notes. a - 1M cron . aol Suits, sizes 35 to 42, that and 1 75. all sizes, now rolitown, narrowly escaped death fast ow 73 weak while working in the woods. tan ous in oo production THE BAZAAR. sold at 5.00, 5.50, and to 5.50, the pur | He was caught by a falling tree, and as. pounds, ? 0.0. Brady, Prow'r, Patton, Pa any of them at #8450. = BOYS CAPS—1 lot that & consetjuence, is nursing a very lame py, jargest onion reported this year : Bov's Lose Pants Svrrs sold at so, 75, and #1.00 each a . Pie was on exhibition st Los Angles It) Fi “i—(me lot Black, Brown, now at 14¢. Mostly for littl | The Carrolitow! cOmpADY Have way 50 inches in circumference od | ¢ fo Tien Th: Grey, and Blue, that were fellows years ee ro. Te | Secon ther spat L's Like This: [sco 550 600, joo andany MEN No OVERCOATS — any park of the town with good sft. kind words for the mole. He says! of a pow at $3.00. About seventy - five com : of 6 they live apo worms which infest most | Men's all. wool Thibet Sais $5. { Boy's KNEE Pants Surrs dress and storm, sizes 36 to nt the fuck. | ‘seed land. They operate in rich, loose Men's all-wool Hair-Line suits, $8.75. __505- in a lot of sizes 6 to 15 42 that sold from aghot I becanss Worms are more : oo abisck Dress sults, pure wool, | years that sold cheap at 2.30, Iyour choice now at % bens rg, narrowly | abundant there, Unexcelied Worsted ny $12; last ~ h ; 5 Frank airy Bs | 12.75, 300, your choice now | price : ak ro te. Hor rd of the ar of tut Bootch Pi tha, Fins B Fir: 8 Vita, | from the lot at 32.00 | Boy's Coats at same re: dipped and fell into the water and ing their cows. They buy cows to re Fare Clay Worse. Mixed A Chev: : MEN'S UNDERWEAR On {duction Ta re | th the ioe, but by his piace those that are dry, not knowing | oo is anisged to get from under anything of them, and the rich und Overcoats ' Remember this is no offer that we don’t keep. We do EE pe cat we ve poor milk is ail mixed jogether. == | ’- WAL Irie just as we advertise and you need not ask for the Reduction Many diseases of on 4. —— | This is our offer and we fully ny it out. Thibet Overcoat, dampness, and a to damp Albwool apelin, $4.65, 9.50, dren, wh, nw es edit and kept we ry | ot, 013 #12. nl home ne where son hel, build 5 the town, by ai a w“ pombe. - a Boys Clothes. your own property more valuable. | ; mons profitable Lt you buy from fake sales you get caught Who ever heard of Bell “ young ones ss long sa they are healthy. | Never before so nice and. good for so | gs It is claimed by ome that any shwp little money, : $25.00 suit for $14.00? pret ber Bom foollaly prices and the - failing to regain her flesh after Ser! All-wool Boys’ Suits, $1.98. eciple lamb is sold should not be kept, as gRnfur Suita, nest dutk pasarnn, #4 et Sg Spin to nthe || ve through the next Inwbing. ; irs the snow. Try the rat enE hon Store | ground ast week an fixed tno dom LU the soll when the mow melts. | CLOTHIERS. HATTERS ages ut ol Wie Weta) property This method may svi 1abor, but ores Tl belly REN Ld and $1,700 on the Lantay property. n sions a lows of seed, as the birds pt a {inanid that Mr. Lites wi coolest oo, re some meds are destrored - awind, ns his farm prscticiiy by exposure, snd shonid the ind 4 hued \ api bw Ham umween ture will not. be uniform dis. | + tribution over the whole field, a Sud. in stab visulting. Harrow the wheat he slg fies aid sow the sed with a i Altooin, seeder and better resuits will in S1EA000 obtained, Fab gown to Ht may not in, Hike has ul to do wit tis bill Binir county will owe FURNISHERS. Neti, : Bd Rat « is hereby given that the 1 po the aodersigned viewers ape Pte by the Court 10 meses the damages to the properties of Micah : Bogen and Conrad Jacobe, for the | . : doy cane of Melion street in Paton | HHerald?? Richard porosgh, have this day filet their ro ‘One Ministe Cough’ port in Court allowing Micah Sogn gt success "tf medicine Fou Dollars damages and not : los " Owing to the scarcity of money and depression in business ther aren throug very Lo a sa will be offered to the people of 1 weasels. Ono fr om i peol Pa very tn ana Baw, La and Vicinity Viewers. ans INOS RR Ser January 18, 1997. | n the RA BI NOV ITZ Building on Fif th Avenue. These goods will be sold at unheard of low prices. They are all now in season and just what vou want. We are compelled make this clearing sale to make room for our Spring Go don't miss this rare opportunity to save money and wear Clothes.