The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 28, 1897, Image 2

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: Bay for eariiis
rear th Jacket of fanneletts
hs rent serviceable One dainty
] soently seen wan of pale
: wioh Sunes trimand with tabby!
derp of. The jacket was |
r loops. Phe collar wan
| of violet sick, edged with
‘of the ribbon vélver, The
made with a short poll of
whith | finbbed with
we aria: 1
poreritorn ts The dedorad variant |
tL gives tints 00 jit savers And BAN
bE: Bot if
1 hus voted meduis sod peoveoms for heroic
| wots or juries reosived in the perform
anew of duty. Maomicipaiition have their |
methods of rewarding bercdes i meen.
pensioners gm ite rolie. The etaie
The state of Now Jersey bas the oppor
Pusity pow to bot betsy ole in women. "
A Reriom, Barsest Women.
Mrs. Lucinda H. Stowe, whose iitmest
ob work in Mirhigen along soffrage, eda
enticun!, prarnsiistic snd club Hee has
won her guiden opinions is spendizg
the winter in Washington, the botiered :
guest of a forseer papdl, Mra Hiosr
whe is prominent in cial and hel
tual Tite in that city. In a Jofter to 1h
Charletde (Mich) Tribane Mrs, Si
writes iperentingly of distingraieied
sons she has recently met and wars:
“There was Mri Warren, wife of Be nw
tor Warren of Wrymsing, with whos 1
tf bad a erry interesting conversation on
the Wyotsing subject, women suffvags,
in which she is an enthosiastio believer,
| Bbe in a fins Jooking woman std very
Arne Woman,
who she bas something te
| wmy : believes in woman suffrage be P
she believes in women that they are
% the mother heart of the nation snd jst
a8 necessary fo i¢ ae the individu) heart
th| fa 40 the indiviiusl person. ”
Tie tome of the press has an.
piers change Tnstésdl of
— cr serious Sisspproval
wre now guimsted by oa
Toe women and their
ref an MP. offers, ws conn
| the trouble snd expense Decesssry to se |
{gure election. But if the spply of
Women aud Partibesent. !
There seems 0 be still » ebures for
| those few memntess of cur sex wii covet
the right to «if in parlissent It ap
pears that, in the views of some who sre
| qualified 10 form an opinion on fork
“| mutters, the wapply of parlimwndary |
candidates ia deerensing, and th dovline
#5 Likely to broume still mors miricns os
those who sre eligitie Tor sachi sorvice
oosne 1 realind mare and morc the in.
sdugnaey of the reward which the life
: i with
male candidates {ail there will be noth |
jog for it bat to fall beck spon the!
eo] emmncipmton” of our sex, who a? | wher
; 3 beiptal nwtrac thes oh 55
preparatory dress king, perisan rl
and elementary Englioh, and clases, of
¥ i wilt # Te o* trvtvrak |
Bp rain wl the window, |
Pe hdenineg 8 deen ree of dob
vou re fae ot cd prociy a i
seeily Toads by Ba) Es one wt of
prod width alr prog thy window fil This
she'd te urhclaceed ins color which
i will Barmenie with the other driperies
"Lin the wen. The front of the seal
shonid be made of bron feather, drone
Erdos ot Poe) a
rated with brass pails. On this seat; luce
several bright, soft pillows The our
TE A = ats in the artistie
oflect of the window, sre bongon bt
ared with gilt deena
With a Intis inganity socfher win
Sow sext ran be made by ootering 3M
Jarge sinnd packing box with hints on;
affnire oom
ihe ‘ Fog era € pie] P re 5
Se rads HiTiop Teltnof ths Worid
Ti in not by the sense of mothering bay
Horemers that sb taille] 1 hd oy warmly, was sited 3 ris
rey omy tivibhration, noting siwet ve erring. aod Duke wae lewing
eonfiot are privsenily etions of grog |
wn eat Raviantit lester, ins seenfal juant
“41 question of istermmtbonnl
raphy” is ber maxis
wader bor a periew,
al senators’ wives sre of thwe who
pes st compress throagh the meliom of
| ber bright disscorss.
When Li Beng Chang commented to re-
oefen Mien istimedn gus. after Nis halar,
eriidted a dete Bee to SpeRT Hee
1 ar han te interviewed, tin phever
Fotle worn sroaeed hig euriemity Ld
aflering to wil hive why mo mony Loe
jean weoasen resmaived mr rind
SW demanited his Dine
“Por cms reson,’ rel
sels, “they Eave sO ma pee
senroen. Fiot the Cn is Fo Thy
sre rarel ly wekad fo marry by oun whe
| gre their spsale in imtelligencn.
And the suri wfvosls vm the
mary sided Anserican wossan. Now ||
York World
Press Tntertintogh.
The general tepvdency io disard all
Benim, richly embavidered, or soy pret vi
| ty mosteriai that swith the fancy snd har
On Bee with tim pet of the pois.
rociiys ¢ wthuitie Women,
The work of fhe beds
| Prosklyn who hae piu
the Wormnen's a ide
i that city 18 paeid
froin the wesl © ooe od
wink eodertaben 12 100
cmmet. The wer Rehan
Shires yemra oid 104 Vp pei
modelad piomeir on TOW 0
Young Wenen's £00 0 sian &0
It is & chuhbosn
where they man 200
i | jemable modistes who have ane 10 the]
! poncns tn this matter. They roake an
| poderskirt posriy aa Jong ms the dren
skirt, employing evinolion, bedreicth, | |}
| moran, 18a, an may be preferved, for
Wiles 8 nein} fre ed ' chp in type plat ,
5 tirens cousmoercial vaio to the mem:
Yheoeying, |.
Sern On tw evenings in the was a 83
Slams of heupiial sates meris Io reoeis
iomtrection In feild a a
J ton mn es bo :
pt. | antemdizg to Geir bowshela
as Extension of fis Pr
1 ple |
. Advanced Srodies. fy ©
Connery.” "Toe |
and Menta! Evils
ws Poliow From a Closer Relation Between
& tetoancs of the Home and That of
when? ‘1 mover in my life beard such 12)
‘emid the graml i
. | when sou are to marry hina? You willl
| marry hiss when I tell you. Howewnr |
| lpertimnt
cre geome
a | Some of tie Freent Methods of |
: ue Scbools, "The Advantages That]
Naty Langton btnly gms wen
: Lord Langford, whan be osm te %
hitmen ras snd the next day | 8
the oid lady told ber she wes to many Pr
mitt intecinings du the newest gowns | |
1 T " well whers one
eta or poles nod are made of madras Sg
x Siem ate smd of the?
Riss station foam a child and bis o
and Third Sera The Hmde pire
Bis fuon If Drake sonid talk, be wold
grobetly hmve said:
“Don't be afrd, inthe oon Law,
bere, and po ome cas Barm you.
The ssowfiskes fol] spon hose too
and pondie them Just ike u Bethe spon
hay soil big snew dog i ran
| Slormaidt put his hand on the child, bat
rake sprang u¢ bins and growled vi-
chomely. Dake jo oot u bod dog Det be
was afraid menstiing might Beppe 0
Wa Etta friend Polivsssan Schmidt in
Cthooed the oliid to follow Bis 10 The
fagation Booes He talked hal 5
Krsha, But the big Newfoundiand 4d
ek trast him snd would pos minke
friends The polio 3 wis afeutd of
ole, #0 be walked abend, sod the Ii
boy follows, dragging his red
'| wits Dude close a bis beein.
This he hos oe es gud a
tation foo atost 35.
tatien, and]
Bat |
mathe, + bat basins is it of yours! ping
| whenever you hear me order six Boral
| $0 the carriage you may know that Yiu
| are going to be marzied And wo it}
1 wen”
oh eh
New Suffrage AC mocha,
The Brookiyn oman Steps aa.
| ctijoes, ns stated in . charter, is Je
promote not only the poiitical, hot the