The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 28, 1897, Image 1

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    H ¢ e and There IY a Eckenrode hall, Carroll.
vas about 35 years by the Elk Tanning Co,
At temhanee Sanat, :
The Farmers’ Institute, whith con-
town, on Monday; was called to order
J.J Thomas, the chairman, being con- |
fined to hix room on account of sick.
(ness. Jno. MeCormick, of Wilmore,
the inclemency of the weather and im- |
‘morning tbe thermometer dropped to
| 10 degrees below zero, and the rosds
were almost blockaded with snow, but |
| there were enough farmers gathered at |
: the Institate to show the inwtroetors |
| work of the Institutes :
alam Alva Ages, of
d y remarke, when Iw. War.
tro and pov considerable time in
p. showing the farmers low they had
p been imposed upon in regard to the
| sealp or bounty on the wild est, fox,
b mink and several species of hawks
Hon F.N. Moore the pure food eon:
| passibility of the roads. On Monday
| present, but on account of heving a
Ohio, mate a few |
Held at Carrothown tive Firt of Ou Week | i
iat2p m by H. J. Krumenscker, Hon, |
1 was appointed secretary. The andienion | Nest Dmstitute to be Held at Pandebnry
wise Bok as large ss nsual on account of |
1 was very interest.
4 Children Barted to Death.
‘which destroyed a double dw
{house at Curwensville, Tuewlay after |
{of whom escaped in ately cxmops Me |
little ones. The building wis owned |
| rge tannery by fire Monday,
| Semstor Pimroses’s Secretary.
United States SBeoator-elect. Penrose |
hina selected as his private ® secitctary we
Two More Deut.
As the CoURIER goes to press if is]
ship Oraver, who lives cash of Pitton died
5. on Tuesda night of diphibera. This,
ing” was Ged oy Peo Hoes
{and Foley, J A Hoover, Prof. Me- 3 :
hs Sn ean wn, The gr Arig are Pe hekne-
: : : should " IOre can 7
ing am ode » gr Stuount off Pos | condings: pn me
a the resident teacher, A. H. |
Geprge, followed by others. Although |
| individual development and this edu-
oo . ——py begun Whea the
[Props all hat
Pour small colored children named children’s progres,’
Webb were bursed to death in a fire ‘by J.
which lost & places all confidence. Whatever a
There witt be Tisher of he Meadville «rie ep, teacher.”
Held at Beaver Dams School
SATURDAY, JAN. 33, 1807
Sulerday, February 18, 1897,
Om secount of the inclemency of the
weather not many of the teachers were
lengthy program, the session began
with the few who wers present in the | fe
morning. The citizens and scholars
being thers for interested and stieuivs |
present time. 16 in found that it 's one
of the oldest school houses in the
Ee Semi (Ra ip 10 Torty-om; Ane
- | the: prospects favor un inereans rather |
Call on the secretary, w. H Sand:
afer which there will be 0 trouble. ford, and take stock In the new siries
. Tut in
how being tsued thereby helping both
moon had any influence on EE
| petition to
I Overnrumdad comply schools" waa. aioqars 10 pay cont of pasion noiaer |
side to file a bill of costs, sui each to
pay its own witnesses. - Cresson |
| a te
inotapart of a vide grind out
| gradinates. men oid oe 12 Cole Bem oe
week, elected the following officers:
~ Fire ak Curwessvidly |
graded, overcrowded country schooki. | Ome of the Ek Tanning company’s
“Are parents
was ably opened ‘ville, canght fire at 6 o'clock Monday |
J. Mitohell, one of the most pro- morning sad was totally dimtroyed.
Joseph Messick, of Chester, president;
{5 1. Spisaiuan, Carty: ica: ronient: |
fospoualbis for theiz large Wnmeviey; loeaiod 4 Duryent yy
gressive and enthusiastic workers that Over 100 men are thrown out of em- |
we have. Mr. Mitchell maid in part: ployment.
Fraperty Sordinle.
A good hoase, barn and let on Beach
avenge, Patton, Pa House suitable
for hoarding bouse. Best lovution in|
sown. For particulars inquire of G.
W. Swank, Patton, Pa Sux
parent 16 the child’s god, after whom
he copies, imitates, and in whom be
parent dows is right, and our past ex-
perience shows us that we have artied |
much from our paresis. Parents and Cleateld E. Kebivor Disk.
teachers should be in perfect harmony, CGieorge B. Goodiander, late editor
or sympathy, acting together for the and owner of the Ciearfield Hepubli- |
improvement of the child If this! oan, died Sanday st hin. reudess with |
were pot Lhe case in a district IT would | pneqmania, in his seventiet)s year
relactantly lake the position as
GW. RB be hone Pr + Ruston,
| tatomente and all sensed tobe of the.
same opinion. “Orading teachers’
wages,” was ably bandied by Director How, Patton, Pa :
{G. W. Bowman. Hebelirves in having A torpid liver means a bad com
ne, 18. Perfect in att da
$hort, Mary Els Bw i
Powis Quine
Homerville, Kate Collin, Claire
ame ‘Willie ladings.
M Jor Scam, Te ;
Phd Primesy.
Namber of pupils enrolled, 67;
pe attendance, 8; percent, of
[isee, 81. Perfect in attendance
Anderson, Bina