¥ who sre ani nts of information will be at advan They huve been ised by the 7 prewt authoritative so tori of fishionable a Tory wenn Chrysanthemioms are being worn by | ther sands of women who hive Bn susp jon of thin piper nwithod. The only approved styie is fo wonr a single hi bioesom, and i may be an large as the : Jeaees, directly undel the chin, - finally, there is s ne th of violets. This taney is already w mac $ ed —Philadel hin Times. Jiftres national sone ity meetings of Uh Rational Vesnen held in Bost: - on sil the dem roshing down ward the poldnsm with © in Newport, 2 oecupled the Ki o ootiagh, pow 22 vesrs 014, how 8 profosion Bis | fair hair. vogatar fiataros and » perfect |, poraniexion, In fired contra to the farses her besuty bus crested in Paris wan the | | phaited in tightly. The | | belt of the velvet fanenivg pidisioh : dering the same nt 10 5 2 BE saband, elfen, o bund of domo the front of vont, ind were bande of it a little Sasi the edge s well Enoww of the volves on either side. The jacket «fleet wis ompha either mide of the back of the ‘Wher the valves oe Jie “The "Bat worn with ‘thin gown wan of led a wey veerived Droiwn velvet to match that oo the drew. for i vith he It was large piotare bat, | with: black : hese work © aie buckle, poor § Ee tin tof f Jooiety. plumes ths lat win bent p Be< They Mae was Death the wide rim wersernshod a num sayw 5 ber of pale yellow Sowers — Kew York selves pvor the pocsssion of wonid bring them up bimuelf. votedly attached to him. He ¥ never goarrel athong tim Toys or . other Bistters, as sows children, sor do they giles any tronble fo the hotel peo ple, bul, on the contrary, becotis prime gp Time &, : EN. ; Fhe Crs or Que al “owed 4 ie clip - olde : 1 nd on in rile enn Ty. coe fin Now (rieavs town PY ¥ be ined 4 coin » Tair cotstiviie 8 fo en : Bandie wp owe if for the oxen! con Ceticational, meluct a large, sonny ray, subi af the ton of the boos, open Hie the windows, at ofl She bas aud : ae _anongh to make other limdery at Jeast ken pune and the pura wo think 8 i over the ladies” bonnet | sd any cn oad rink, ] dors not strike er too direct es hak to | boned ts seure this resslr, and even on this ie doow the end of the point roll slightly, and for this reason b gution is suggested. Take of flat clasts, iy one sud hey then, slightly stretching he oa really in fie hus hit gooen of Pavorifin with all with whom tier : Portajgal has orderid the wonien of the jn os court to rome their Crests, we may in th “Jock amt for a freak pmsorboent of plivaal) a Neither does the tranvition . viele of Fifa por the change of their health or disposition, Byles in gowns will chang, boise the They tlizics in any phase —Bowton Her: fted frovk as wo Wear it folay iw not ald | plomring without stiys Tutors in physical ealtore will ine tensity grontly. sicos, with Jon gxpeoted | of dries moire wil wider the clothing. Modes with thom i FownR And the 1 do nok know how shoe infinency or bags 8 woof fashion right Gddly envigh, Mo Schmsbi in an Epglish womans born snd bred, bee permanent residence in Frioce having only been during the Tans : yoard fasten the other vod five ov the lan, ri higher. | : {enrve, and when the bodice js worn the ty rolled op spd w | ten pareeptibie on pointed bodies alter | being worn 8 few times. rn ER A SR ay Fowiah Tames Speaking of the part Jewish women world's propiee, the Now | | York od swmercial Advertiser ways Tbe first woman resident in a groeial how | a me York was a J wes, Dr. | osephine Walter. The fir woman dentist of Germsiny was & Jowess, De. : Fanny Sternfelit. The 80h training "school for movies establisicd in this _teuntry wan foanded by a Jowess, Mra | Alma Hendricks of New York The Ingest scholarship ever bestowed on an art student wis given by a Jewess, Mra ‘J. HB Laszsres of New York. May ad ctwioe uring a C Abram bas bec the fost woman face dyed ut ilk the — A wuyor sod ‘1% also chosen | it oriental sttitnds wes which is one of as nig features in Ameri life. The wild rose of Engin ¥ pot s whit Joss z i est blooms The we pile of the Jowa jitate Normal : garden. wohool, at Cour Pals, have adopted a dress reform nuiforn, cuisisting of a os 4 5 borden vie pale mehools in £0 eopnt ine. Krol rill we vwomen of ommook nly a Hed erasure To on a8 FUE. skirt six inches from the ground, a short | (Jakes, leggings and a Pan hat or cap. | ¢ and, Wiglitim and | i The Daughters of Syvin, a new soci. air. But what ' “ety. open to all Srrivs women who can : ction. she lowes in ead and wri, bur been jorganiisd in 5 love. She does not purposes, as well ae for dy. that ber clear, calm eyes semen sr of un soul oe dorm | A Business Womas's lab has bees sopnded. She does not organized tu Boffale for the porpose of epson of richness, in providing the memebers with cleh oon ieally, Eh bas not ver iuces——such 28 med Mor-—in the | : bum a8 part of ee city. Her qualities are | ou, matter of fact “The Bt. J Suebure Wea ans elgh of wont hae plod sam the publio : of thy town mt = 4 ep drinking | a. pan for 1uen, with gripe trovghs py om Ld ang o nes. tana Epa clan at | ( “enry fmpertor in Loudon and the [atest [pro jected moveinent in New York to | empower trained norss to become ine | spectory of tenement dintriots hax been started Ly a Jowens.! What he Women Did. Rev. Phebe Hanaford says, “The Pibtiesd test, ‘And I will wipe Jeruse Jos a% 8 rast wicesh a dish, wiping i¢ Be nil terning Ht upside down,’ pla mele that in those days men were en Pganed in menial work." She may ov ‘may not be right in this particniar ine | stance, tas listen to an ‘extrace from the iquuint deseription of the ‘given by William Waterman in “The | Fardle of Faciona,’” puulished over three {centurion age. “Their women ia old Figs had all the trade of osapying, and [brokage abrodn, and reuelled at the | Yauverwe, and Joipte lustis chiere: sud [the mein satte at home spinmyng Hw wrkyng of Lace, apd rache other [thynges as women are woote” The medi woman ig very ancient. Thus Privesss of Scublise invented the j pnp wow callad after her, while the Pris sont of Couple gave bar Dame to 8 fyartidgliar paki of serving a breast of ‘pasiiome The Duchess of Mailly, vying it b her, ifnvenred an special way of grcesing au log of the same suimsl { Lewise do 1a Vialliere vas au adept In Lh Ty ie ® Sulfuasy wt, ml Mme de Maes, thru ne This will case an opward © g | defect will right itself and prevent the M0 % {he 3 tu i» Mums. Sara Menod. | amen: “ber of & well known Calvhisistic family at Guneva. Their p _ in Hmited i £ Lo compan § i | paily, the Jey Wotton 10 scan | witnossens to Al} legal dorm suis ad the protection of the . Mev Wek Day Wear. A bright, iyi woman, who hos toi go ter every duy in alll Withers taal tend 1a daily business, has desigued ber own rainy day costume ahd wean il wiih any smoant of comfort Aud pleas ie, skirt being box pluited sod the wale made a full bina. J ki reaches 10 the tops of the =b a FRE a | gAtters are Hvaye wary with it “The ough t slip sguer db coping up the skirt of the imal strees gown aud wenring pedir the other Grand, Glosuy sai Feeuliar, The new boots sdopsed hy the Brooks © Iyn Women's Health Colors club am “grand, gloomy sad peculinr, * svord: ing to some of the acovints of them: Bot ol oy are setinible and comfortable, st say rate, with low, fiat hewls, thick soles and toes that are like neither rusors por elobs. The boots reach almost on quite to the knees and are laced snugly, They are really soplish lotking, and a & protection from the rain and the mud they are a lasting success — New York Tribvun 1 Tasurases For Women Mr 8 Gurney Laphan) of Syracuse, who lectared recently at the boma of | ® Rowell Sage, tn Mew York oni Lie Insoranee For Woniin,™ sary thay BI a week duvestad in way endowment pubis ssanros to § woman net nly err or those 1# tewtion 10 cade of her dinth § GopeimdEnt on Bop, Buk il Bit Liven tha _ guanantavd return at a sp aded rate of wii the xucoey paid and Compe aud the awcont df which will a substantial Bop in declining iy Tes made of Sooels owed: the | When the bale tates w | Phe ih Rus hidden away Tedily rover meant to do ft, bat when be recjaivad of Spar! Tons threw ou snowball what eonld be i i hats abift. do but spuecae Gp soother awed tow i¢ in back? | Aud Bote eoubt be now that wuughily opon the the wildow pry Min Procills ry same it fa willisiey shop? Bot there was the bro. gla noattered or =p to ju ray caries. ee “Hap, [ fired that snowball” said Tedily bravely. “Sol ought to pay for i, nt Jo yon know." ian Tintin, “Bat you sre dreadful ed pis of Of aod of Fors Madisns, In, a bird day, wile Fo Tay re sm oh af peg paid on E. hronsh, reporting ! in the ping aod studying thom hat a The most effective cigaretts crusade EEE earried on Tio : recently wecariig & aot an ria Prom, | ° Yiee Little Girt That Grow Up. : a waHiE Epi. In 4 SOMA hing " Phewe vensn’ En snurt in bar abinkeg hair; hors YHEEE'S naps au her dainty dees Aad Ber vouy Toes was G0 of diaivess When I drew near to his raaiden fir, Bhi sud duly reso pied ber shining bale; od do ppprag dows Vin 8 heap on tise floor Lpitftad ber vale in 8 antl most sore. CHNaw, wat 18 the visitor. my peelty maki “Tm all grown up sive dodeluily seid “had Rm Jnatu-ge Joma ae Heese : Far Bampry Dumapty snd Rilo me ren “There's Little Buy Blve, TE Tader bur ay stack ant full aaiowd, : Be on’ my friod dite mother dear | “Bad wm)’ wer Bate ln thie TWIST e0 glwer: ee fiw dog aid the Sddle, they ult me, Woo, with the Apes, And the cove Bas atubd af the hack of She aeoum. Tus He odd ‘woman who swept the sky Imcamhsin Bier aobwebs high aad dry, ABE Th ani bis beanstalk Tontbot Gad Eines. | began fo tnrve niy mind, #f wiartdn'y be saree not w single mite ti agate © dinndd nieek wight. The man 10 be pid to see Hut Twig "HE wary never—onme bark me =“ walkin in the gveden Tant night at dark A Daivp Saver ta ded Gat-darkl to wither in euiflmgdon’s you onet wig Inction don "ait ontued sd in. sa don
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