Ho es an Sle bin of 4 this great. guar. ; wn er Oo set tn very town and village on this continent. Bamples free, Large botties 50c and 3c. | Constipation oi its worst forms, dg Ls . Risers | Following area few price es: ‘Men's Suits from coy war ae wy pi, 5 to 815; Men's Overcoats from 5 to $15; Boys’ Suits safe pill, best pill. C. W. Hodgkin, from 1'to #12; Men's Dress Shoes from 12510 84; Pha Boys! Shoes from 1to $2. 50. FRI Tek of all description can be rocuy complete live of Heavy and She jm AL kept constantly on img. It will pay you. sce them. One $1.0 Sos ssnaly ind oid for $2.00 200 "ow ang |Our 200, 37 und $5.50 Shom se stores get 75 omnts on the pair more. {pay old-time credit prices. _iyon investigate the sale is ours, sroviding von are not rot tare core TEI iced or blind to your REMARK A BLE GIRL, By i ows interest. TRESS TIMER 5.58 date shopkeeping t es doing it. Medic ocrity satisfies us not. We are right in _—————— N—— Ls the front ranks of progressive merchan- ow business i is an open book—it'll take on] | de dising. That means much to yon—more just about twenty minutes to prove us truthetellers] = &g* thus We are making a reputation. or truth-slayers. Our claim is wide sweeping— fot ite That it is a good reputation is evinced by even boastful, if you like. We say that every-§ our hosts of business friends six months thi g we do sell we sell for less than the credit ae ago unknown to us. Today our regular can sell it. The thing for you to do] isnot fo to stay in doubt, but-—go AE and find] | customers, and each succeeding day Hundreds have done it—why not t you? | : a show an increase following. Flere. That is, not nearly so mach ad they cost elsewhere. Our prices are ee i bv i Ca ALWAYS LOWER than everybody ~*1he place to hu, Als, clse’s—while quality is better. Then Ay the privelege is yours—to bring back Groceries, aad anything unsatisfactory and receive your money—and to have your purchases de- Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Uversd HREE ¥ Flour. Etc. i EM SRE et NAG