BE TU =i Ee vspo Lamhe one 1 they i from 300 piaes fein wind and wood storm : he why eh are Santon for the saud found ‘at the hed | ers z= of Kew Mexia and which i bat bathil 1s of Ibe same tron a tint ot © darle- | i tion of 4 Hy mrod or pik It i : det any mean bay me gin wi 1d inte a. substance hich | ti : an imprigosted with soda, Lithia wel ¥ariouy “Thin peat riod and put thremgh a fitie hers By oF wo Rem we She sifioaten od ged ‘ roperied that -e 0 a thrag tore torr oa drink 1 made un my wind | “0h, Miatts soa sippreie? tr ) ; i Feip fan ¢ vie OF weed te chores js Boal Ns of tones pet It wit In 4 drag 2 store ** S00, de tell ws 611 alent it Him big £ wan walking alos 2 the : Sh at I won not po bn 8 drag store ami i Fightn a 4% & ioraan hie buy the rinks : Bol edd I wondd go if they wonld let sae pay for ie. “Viv brave girl" ‘“Pliey teratnd jt an a jelee at fret. | The very ial Bot I oid iy hey SErend, ak of Chay tat y aristonstie: yong x Hien sed #8 ha whims ad a bine pod. and Fr obese Sg EE queer TRADE. they hed bein : Sutrade i raps, nd Sentvion pr {dis by vealed that tos Baran! 4 wits bogiaming i Biker ia her lomet, i i | Woellaskioy and of hie explorations im the | Fieh wines of Hapukeit and of hey inves. gations of th Matutume sud he oor Phan be told het whoa hin robley tired een shh or he :“Fenoograpnieal | say In Paris A envious tribu id to tha saperior quaditien of 3 woman, | t Con which sh will hardly » np UI ob] Ove. of ie Gimact ant rete | oa | goes to the mother; if more than one, | hay s18 equally divided, unhies one of 14 regarded as nafit to train ro grime ny they are all given to the other. After they have lived 5 Wie & crank on the sabject of fize, and | pupils as to what they wosid do in casi | the building shold catoh fire. The teacher was acquainsed with his hobby, 30 she prompted her scholars as “$0 the answer they sbogid give when he arose to jropouand his nochstomed in | and sre still in quizy. n | Bpars for three years clined to remais parted thi injured particular ‘frosts, perhaps from » de taral sire to emuniate Lis associates in their rose nnd sid: rs Bice attention tn Mr. Jones’ remarks, I “They my, " paid a citizen, rhe the: pouitryman knows at wight jot on | course io knows a Philadelphis chicken | when he sees it, but they tail me that of | poultry, wonder what you would do if I ware to i make you au Little speech?’ "ick ax thought 100 voles pited in| nnison | gtaink "eldetrols Free Prem IS Bee SR ro Cai , Yes 1 believe 1 do remem) ber o Pec aptathblenn like that. : Well Jone words Hore some tron. He's movi sett door to me and Bas | taken =p the ectitet. *— Yonkers States | When the board called, however, this | addresses, "You boys and girls bave ped such | “Form a line apd wich down | {1°11 nell him a Bill of goods if 1 have to Bang cu to him a week. ""-~Degruit Free | | Bacon—Do you ressensber you proph- Prom. sg ewied that yoong Blowman wonld be , | beard from when be got 8 little cider? be £0 er Lyd ee an rot eer mae be is ; Ene Cand ait vir oh omnes swore] LE pReeR ind the on GIF wid Ris betinf tn hie 4 sich negantinie and Tie muuil ties gor infin tir the system, in order Ramitien that the mechaniem off the beady may bo sles mt onrried on satisfactorily. Befors the Age Tarr nse took covery of antivph surgery the risk Ww prodacivg | which was rou whetowsr & raw surface to he air was oor bot wity treatment the danger a . duced toa minimom, Jodotorm bas al: dopey iors Narco Bu j Gurteekt A to eatabliss # 3 gen ased ie ws wn fron Tasuel snd theben it | But dada rablery bags o | noah required The ns se ceil Bho tallied vivacionsly of or dure wt yes Lita . $ ot Ek he oot of the oxyiem, Re hach, i# a | comes ft shout 2g ponies for 34 who don't anderstand « | Joke, tes whom 3 foe oi i is - . delusion cellent a nt sues "i sre more iv her particular Hae than snythiog which savory of fon article 1 omiled fancy. . EEL the chest 2 “Heo really doses wane to by fw | mona?’ “That's what he says." “Do you believe it? with him.” “1 don’s believe I quite follow you," | “Well, you I know him protty well, | aod [ kmow it's» matter of oiamciencs “Why. be wouldn't like tw feel that 4 be was even indirectly responsible for all the lien that mre sure 10 be tid about | & famosa man after his death," —Chi- 1g | cago Post Hopetul, rr The dry goods merchant a spinise yearn ’t Bern suysof Seaight hot many elwsdeal srholar, “I can never recollect him except asdrunk or brutal, aod gen erally both" Konis ivan ou & spree once. be had juss smployed. "Your predecessor.” he mid “has gotten his business all taogind up. snd if you take his pluce yoo will have s difiealt tank get ng vrder out of Shire. don't know who Chios i" cheer. | fully replied the drummer, “tat 1 bet te psp Hei ed io Mt we ween to choose the most appro- priate symbol of the fleoting, the ever | Bemcent, the perishable, the deesying. i the here today and goeoe fuorow, pers Bape it word bie a paar of boy's boota A PR HR J Tan's oly is sani Sg Waki ~ Tbs pressure of sitmorchere oD 0B smb # tht lasted siz eam | : “8 Aristophaes, Euripides, Alowas, Boo rates amd Tisso of the old Hmers and Goethe, Sehiiler, Addison, Pit, Fox, Blackstone, Fielding, Sterne and Steele wary all hard drinkers at interval — : j Pithury Dispatch, diols Bite He Mental Burdens. SW hers do we gb touighs, flemyr ident know, Agnes 1 ; thing awfol on my ive anehew yarey or the i nd a amin :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers