{ha to 12 Mas ns wenldn'b ask it if it . wasn’ 't for the Waitréas nn! tbe lunch won,” 1 The tenchre ros even moe impressed {with “the waitress’ and the “lanch- son’ than she bad been \rith “mani | ux the little oni skipped ghiefully past the others to gat ber wraps the teacher | heard ome of the other chiilien say: “1 ony, Mamie, wiat did Je niean by poi tin ap that axiol bial Much mamnin ard waite and. riche 1 Ot course I hnven't got AE | Mamie, “bot L've bined that rich iitts ¢ [gir] that Yives wroand the torner taik 8 . [heap shout en, apd I jost thought ia try it loa New York bab Jona nid be rr [oo The Keen Mewsbny. A banker who connts Hip wealth we wn igre op the srres Sa i vat uf bis offer ] the pebi g jin kis peck a {be Ad Bie : anotine, Fl ply ge ar as, 1 hays £ a TR the arslia % id 8 Faien al hg Aig f hoi : attics ir somal He os ive me quirtes, he aid. de 0 the ho : Son gh wl your You're president re 1 OE ET tis and ut suid 9 Te) nie be : kept tight on call of the a basi th wil Japernom iat by wand fgg kr In his tail, 1% po Hew, ard with it be | wich musical fostival, sb received a 1bill from a tradesman with whom she dealt, sddresmpd Mrs. L. Barney. Mis | takes in artists’ names sre, however, by * | po means unoimeson. The veteran con 1 ductor Arditi—the story i not in bis reminiscences —onoe teovived & letter addressed “Signor R. Ditey.” And only | last season a gentiomain fu the stalls st Cunert Gargen R ely futormet a lady: aw : When fa told her thak } the young » Iman whose #oit she had rejected the 7 previous eveuing hud hanged hisassi? to : vat directly he left ber, the ie her shoulders. “It isn’t iy anit,” she said coldly. l specifically told him be mustn't think of hasging around here any mare, —Dett pit pit Tribe A Tommy~-Here! Don’t you hit me with that old shoe! Dop't yom know orb swinl bad luck to hit Mnybody with 14 raya we I must wll maw that | | FOOR a8 § ot home. —Cipeiunati En home anti] 4 son"ve goal” iF rtd survey of the boy and de- | When Mme. Albani was at the Nor {over yiiar bond like any other eighbor ond woman sod carried back six eggs | you borrowed of ber yesterday.” Shinn le “And hw todd yon that Jobuny bad le manips and Mes Jones’ Jitamy hed { the measien and lent Fou = pattern of Low Aleve’ a Basch a “Siw wlio todd yom that # Senith didn’ i give op going ont nights and stay bene { with he sed the ahiidren, she'd pack ap and go howe to ber mother “Om, you listened, did yom, John | i Procks®” “1 baesn’t oft this chaly sine yom Yaneiety onlé rtlowtind oily ex (whet ate of atelier would be that of etvitined panied | withint paper and the seqret of Ha sean wiwctore! iperensing diveniity of sew to which paper and gaper pip Eaves boss pit in the fant decide ive made 8 eeostimry | for mamntwrorers go oat abot for thors | effective slemeninry sbeisnoes. Biota, meme, boats, Ene pipes, impermesble easics, toys, bottles, pipes, floors, Gooes, | _eeilings, arehitectursl ornaments, woof. ing, ehimiiys and even caspiete fre. proof bosses ars now made of phper | any inom that #1 will eventinlly mp | pinot wood, for it will peithey track i mor warp Itoosn be trismrated, pat nn der great pressure and a For many years thi rag meq | JADat all demands of the paper indaitey. The © {they Je stl they tian to “wo Nines 10 five di vent sols Bee been Houndid in the United : [went out. You brought the bowl IRGC | tein oicmices treatment and will thew | Jou | you took over the eg in back with you tern it when you meade yours.” “Before I'd spy on 8 got wing | did, is there any Bu take » high polish and will resist the of ma," po abo grimted the request. But go of cnili swnos and prow md $0 TE gg of fire bettir than any ¢ “Natit. I only wanted fo save ron the troohie of rep said to Mee Senith and what she maid $ Wht scandai?’ “The one Mrs. Braith whined wd ovllary and oufls and blankets An in | iventor bas fevied he you snd fold you sever fo Tireatibe to mr fa “John wm ssid reader the “f don’t mood to be whats you ad gp. enrer to uve a clown shirt trons | rit Mr. Smith sre comoernnd. I know the #0 often ae Br drmiren. It is ony 8 mate | x ‘ lob! Yes Mary." what you gue A rar oirs meg will bs | to ume it for the manufactare of onl iid 4 you You haven't mentioned 8 open which in not by any Dieans 8 Ah jute 3 possiidlivy, Paper bas hogely tale © Lug the piace of linen. We have paper _ whirt bosoms, which ews be Men pages from a calendar, thas ser of time before cloths, dresving grrwne wd entire wits of Shotts ili id Made ! : “Tow tell me one thing Slow La yon know abot the Ras “Hogrd vou tell the dairyean when | foo ba called thin morning that you wanted cocoge . rowel efit Aad abet the wonmial® cope ” Hy fo rack Mra SogikT Enemies John Bameka 3 g veoxt om. ANG Mya SHY Gn to : pwede om fod, Danse we i efayeit Fre NOT EASILY MOVED, Trae Kory v7 19 is Waa § & : Whi oem Br Bias, 3 Agpretty ol Hing in afootad Waroan be Bsn, bal he them. Far fx An shi | oolong ia = a al 4 ibs ie bo Mat in the par 8 £5 3 erty picl'e Ha 5 Tiewais eon Sire i falls snd then dumped all she oil foo the far M+. Blank 4 white be poked the 5 one de osmid good iy dren to the. citer of he b pmliere Bowls PEE mune stitches fro: | wight and he without ux © 28 Tak P : La iain sav preity ged HE, tet ia ; : , Blank would never show Hg agua es flike une x Ls and gave Hirth brother half a dosin bear frm, whieh 12 3 BoE Om at the "e frit of the ancient hugs ss a reward for bosoing Bins Ba { ‘was ten days later Mr Blsek supposed again as if nothing bad happened, thin | $1i% beat. ) stories which ers sold to It wan an swisl bor wighe But J » fur an ivatance to the brother wis of doy Jom LR Ssome, time in even io drove wills a xhi's Pres sud has Jost iow avid chestuot than fram wa, id to Geta. Ser 2 York. isis of 25 Yen, 310 Wh, yok i Ss fort in diarerer, Tho Branclies ave pai “others More pulp ean be gol Tron wil Lath six ext ra to return some Fou LE paper. Neatly seery sperion of wont oan | ‘ pend Rome kinds yield moon han at. Different woods give earioay gnaitied | white par 1 eit la os latter wed bi wae Brat fen In tierman yr. © phim Bl oo Yon hevs . | Yim wisi bd Baws! and effect dh wiil ee * i {form of pinnie oT guben, povRE ex Catling oo C8 feet Tor 8 imeinis Cpa le ' century the warid's afactor 5 re wo deying feces a pint whats he veiw of papdr bas Ape nist, white wegen ave dou. Ti A wh plants are pot so “im thix coBatey. i Ue TE te vain Tar oH Ramet yey fox REA TA 3 a % pe mgresyine ne Tory depend 00 0 Sor. In the Unie Atte Sh Ta Tey , Uy ios home Lo erility oF n) le paper enlied 3b tien : ; 4 o «ie Ati Thy and wm Recws ‘aoe me the miniey brad. trem” Btw found oi Abpwinia, eo Vianr, JE de OE 7 ‘thick ge o do Wi | ir in £3 32 ta this slice of Liming ohisiun Want duo teen apd benr an edible fruit, The inv i mnder tie inten of thal Bat bulore the 7 evening WHE eT, Mr. Blank ded pot Loe Had ban beg Fas es ccs pep ANNE Sr RR ‘iy anil’ Yi ug pred polio Lg 110 8 trong motion of the claws a bashed, 8 of ry § FimEK Sra pocinosr Hos which Supt in i his case ary band thos of the hen ary £15 iv mech roader, The heaviest crabs ar tee Post, and Light, they are watery. ks cauditicn, te Jonte of the ews sre stilt and the body bas an sgretabic smell firmly set. When they have a desd ap ale. — New York Fo *E Boserve Bade. Every ope has poi how, wha 8 large braseh of a ree ont off, sald brapches will stoct git sound the somp These branches ave roa (oe re sree bods, of which «ll Uses have a iad namiar of every peotion of their sor aoe. Under ordinary cipvotistanced the tree is wonmbed sor 00 Dr lcews ono come ind 3 play wand Few tie folk } cgntal 11:8 0 ; pr board oe rustat Sui the Tonspert-. (i pr many be guided by » Lobegers pave wd bers Fay taken will re wit tra vowesare of the finger on their et wre the best. Theoook fob! RA 2 avietelly stnalier, has the + fear, the Bend in Armor, and ita | = vontly ben up crrsioed, bo cv inst of pmibar clinrnctenstios in : ster The male wy be known by a perrsw, rether saporing tail, apd the mmditks of the two By Them | ead sui, while | F sills, snd the tail | thos of & weidiom sim pxsetess. sms iw perfont The evo, W006, should Jom bight and pearance and soem louse, the erud Is these never come 10 Jalardy, but w hen | wooms of ine brawohes ti vow Dade at grees 7 nr bark of this tree is very Sohrous It Cis umed for resking sEperior WIAPDEY fa pers, whieh bare greut senaciny When the ner bark le stripred from the tree, a fresh growth striae thal fakes away, end Someone of wv ars This tree cop onh eepdicions The burk ¢ 24% ours by feu yout sien adition fo the papet in deny a liary pote poe waseh His clieitoed £3 D0 Rest cf : bern known that ete freqdentiy spread tet -— Areowann by mes of tha grr snmmimate the papey. i An Eagiiel am fos prodocid & Leper whieh bn tn vpnated with ah 2nbeprie substasion which kills sii PEA TSR EENY CORDS in contact with fle paper. It thie paper proves to be what the pri pre sors clon, It a ceTinindy & ery a invention and will become gos rally ped £y hospi 5d during the tgs ol future epidemim, oes and Japavess papers Bare lei 2 been poted for they qua fivy. 1s ban weer, that seem Sur ErMirs aT prodend in Eom. Lit Enaianl sn SHEL 5 I Korean pac? xovie Lsx pende tp lina snd Joga” mannfaetero dW antiovly by meavnel Bion Xe mackizo oy whatewrs 1 smplipd For the beyser praces the bark of the Bronssonet i pupytifera is od This is gathered va the speiog of the year It te placed in water, mixed with wood ssh | e% and is then beaten until i reduced to thick pulp, which is dipped oat good sised kandbex and spresd out in thin shevts upon bamboo frames. A difBivent grade of paper is made from fragmwats of Bark, which sre trodden under fool in a manner similar to that employsl in the grape premes in some couniries This prooess of making the palp is very | medices, but it the great merit of preserving the fibers intinet and not prenking them, a is done when ma chimery is used. The pulp ia then insta. { morphosed nto paper, and the sheets are stacked up in piles six feet high and cut int pivcan Then the piles of paper are compressed by the stampiog of feet. The roots and seeds of a plant galled Saakpatl aro sided 0 the TIS wien 4 8 premessL ihe ue i . id 1 The IaMet Peownt sets Was ie be Be 3060 mwtrie tons The Eastpoun ¥ se ng in the Shesmary of # he go Re west] tored ponte ow SS Sh Ff H- Fat sot al ware lzlener these. a that me 8 ror tor § thet Fa FE of wo -. he pay is sine 2 ns oe W pier mn toe ae ne. thy; hen hoe ¥ gi vi bred ie rinieily bonvdned «— New an Hr ; BM, od Brod 3 AOR hie ain # at & fen pronlinrition. It 0 ge wd Doser a Fortosage i, Eo wit of hy ig ad Loon bad of ay en, oa A: ins our Tight hyods 5 resol #0 the stones we Lib cally os Esch thew posted bin stone 4 kw ing, who did filowise W changed stotes, awl ead. a onl sone in Ex riches band 0 dag a sural] baie ta Ue wil © gitrring words of sanped ink port. In Ubese Boies we Quail the stoped ud eoverid them with sund We then prasped hands sed asaast -einch other that we were the best Coens possible 4 Nothing Ritherso was dver aerated, ant aside; bot all were it coly a with ered leaf, works together with a'l borne forward on the Bottees Tose, Bhums. Jims food of ation amd lives thoomsh i metanworpboses The whvgad jonf in not dead and Lut; thers ww Dives Br it and around it. though werkiow iu inverse order, els. how ooeld @ pert of makes paper or the litwe trom » 5% the earth Miskvg corn, 2 EET PE Ae sijecn are a windows, Tho tie phibosophine eye locks inte wile wii Healt. Thome Carlyle The Werldts Future Popaintion. It is pow olnimed Br sane taller olams that the wordt will be vertu atthe end of Fi8 pears, THD sean ‘the vous WIE, wien hi coo teins af the present pate of Lota wd Be ¥ ais — Pa 2ibod vr Ta Aster Chisnler in “Through a mtx = s tuoi % Hh SR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers