with fatge to triramed on the vdges vk niink. Tho : had with thre gifs b ve Magma tloth, and . i sped woman tot initinted ib the revived art a an | ive from the time of sudsied Greeks dady tho ontents of He bottom Seay of the ceptibly 3 smd albem. Iler belt bockies, bed ghey p broush, the back i her coatelaine watch, fromm the tl tare, 'T: may bo Tikeavens of her ob bir ‘mother, bar bosband or lover, or bers, and {of the Jeadii g miliiners have pretay hee sind bresthing cold air THEY voile x wi OMALE 3 GREAT 5 AT THE BAR AYOLEG : ext 1 dition i the paart worn: (é oot Box. This bored ran rl Name, in wo! American contrivanon, ind is one of the tag of this saison peaslly ye finn their metho To wil an tha font d i mach Fes os eps Bright dispeich box, oniy nine ‘of leathir, sod 8 peat elegant alfew IW hzyn 4 tha bride's madb er in rich and in- Jed stomt triink ehaped Trans C xine | fa ppesiied in polisted eariug save Inbal 1 iver Bivgos, locke and : torments po sing is dons im a Bo0 quality «f twown FPiioch Rid, sod ‘Pike the of . : 1 ER 2 Ely Rees Prom OM Opes Fragrew In © ih Eentary of French Liteam M - hy 4 Sk Elan ied) fen Lge oR 3 or EE ain ran ohE Tita Were of New a of the mod roccomfel Fa pers in Anierion, in a °F keratin cnn on for a wisn y ngiiont the pun bil ber own in the siarp conflict of ne wrt trial when bier opponents ave pone ¢f (he Frest with of the law. She het ws eck 3 mild a8 . any et them aud | Fuk Won Mane Bo: is clever attorneys made an innovst. or baste by establishing & magnificent seit of . offices. in ome of | ow most fashionable roment buildi. x up town. Mrs Ti tne Werner is & ative of New York sity, and a grad: a of the lew sebonl : niversir( «f New York City in of caring for ber foot Would be porsiod st fret toi know just ‘what to do with the smwiing srrsy of dainty ariieles jecloned to view. L4wking to the fine i ing of the fool is & castom re. i tite of cither of those periods would be be ven more | misery snd wretchedness (0 the wien of pois } the sinevanth tls ane, to button fragilis tide on fr. MES NK Friesen : the woman's chem of ‘BL. That supe cenr she ¢otered the poem's clues and woe tie faculty prise of $100 over 110 PERO, ¢ wae the fir woman in the a Bo prise ino Tignes Inw wobool. {adn tnd ber to (ho tar in 1864 She stoned fomrth io» fist of 5% rapdidates. | She © 48 the fist wosaan £0 be sdmitied to is barof New York city, svdl whe bas wanpelled the men, in the hors time she haw Been wt practi, foace fue Ladge bey Whility wad to scospl ber ati ower worthy of respect from the able: cf the Mwyens in ths Nev York. Bar. he was also the frst woman to be adie 4d to practic before the sireit contest of spools of New York and the United States cironit court in the wate. | Hoe ie socom, nnd is ow & lecturer | fer the womsan's law clam in the New , York university 2 n. in the most entertaining wy in or shaw ter courtition wars that the women awrere wre well pd shoe drama, stiraciies booking nod saddens L thizabie fol ued compare faromdly with ) m- puwn. Woanen will wftract attention in tthe courts, amd whepever they step for. erard to the Bar They srl world's yrejedioes Thin poung woman » Justice Chaties H. Van Brunt the J man toad ive wats | i ta SEF F A Rs tre Tea va 00 dontif xo well, | erori vs brate, bat them is evidente ave Men B po sededin that peisiitivs woman sfmind bie fi w American uationality. rocity aod wak quim ready ta ahandon | Li Hong Chiang has long been 8 stench : im sel follow a mere fered icon broje | adminee of the western of pdnon with vetigration sod even with exalts | ting wines Hie Jats wife wes Anes tiem. If the woman of the iercic Age | cured by su American womens pliyeh wan in tomstant danger of ify long sla- | sud another bus often attended the (ery under sovetons snd ovat omen sat cbiideen of his gross Domes neighbors, her menfolk wens, according | oid st Tien tain. : 10 the Odyssey,” in no Teme dangrr of Hej a hardens dispensary furnishing 8 blondy meal for doga A117 | to the women misicneries of hin din Aelicsts and refioed women of sod | befor at ow time, snd bay been a grower. would Bnd the common a peter to their fond upon nanny of the dark ages apendorible The | ooomsiomn Those who know fhe swrics women of the dark ages wini not OWT | etiqe in regard to women in the | gefined, wor, for (hat matter, were thine Mongoling empire snd the narrow lives | ins the the of good Queen Baw, snd the whieh Shey ave sompefied to Jive will more metonished st these ap : | thas those who have po century as will as ta the mouledyn of that strampe civilisation. . worsen. t \ rite Ar Pam in Now Those who talk of the sabpetion of Tork Mash and Express AIA RR el A Century of Praneh i The telce se gown, ecver in shape ES “ 3 though Lot if vestraint and humsnity, anid | pasiemally wors i France, was power | thet, even 4 thers Bax de yet been vo, smiversaily aren on Well bed £06 414 : doses ane Maid 4 To tacts 30d too plain 1 1 TS tmmany Boers: An we ifishmens wm Bae Foglub wentightened sod pwond grinded. being something westad frome Freneh faney. of New have the varying ttompts oo the or bard Isurted men, the improvement the condition of wom be (Rly (oe 3% TBOmION seRme dees,” bo it in peer of that progress which benefits nil, shape of blotmens, divided skint the young, the mature, ho agile hog rg bmn ot nd - womoh and men alike. Man bas not de : CS worked out bis dwiiny. He oonid be hws Been shaped and controlled by info taste, which foe { eivors of whieh be has been {or the most everything ele ——- : part boraily igncennt-—infia mcs wiich And even when pasha Farments are purely natural, shining like the sup And a mens atthe a on the evil and she good, wd destin have received from French | a ing like rain oo the jost and the sojust— ‘a totieh or shape which has taken sway snd women, Tike moan, Bas lid ber part their severity of sutiine : in the whol Mistery of our race ER iuterestiog 5 nots thet thaugt kode ah nimi ts the bie element of 3 women who like tir deess well Peunos, a Hn ship o jocoren thet tiey may PE geen pig to modil, freshen wp sid resreange their aly elegant © ” a for TT an mom. ot 4d w 4 per p dom over he aily So moturd with; the ) =o pow fasbicioe | facing and tip fhe | belt, then front breadth % ' plain i At with flo stitches sre ripped. This saves \ | wark and bother Inter on " of remodeling it. Put 08 a com whoci comment und eriticinm, bet with ortof anatenr sorgical son mad is boven far wed for fous ipa : ability, o ne Jesats GI OH ae poor re mpersture ant to "-e ctherwim withont great BOE to rise sive 70 degrees for prope Cini god health. OF course, in the came of of jzalids, th qu is : acobrding to the diriotions 3 but the Bakit of coliling verhuatad stmospbire ‘ve bt] spat full of} powder. At pight very « ought tobe re { if the feet have bees pobit i driven oat | shape by two mis, shoes, take » bint fro ; tah t rm — bas taken the ES ced od artistic woman liy storm, for »i9 kes ly be indulged in. Herecns or ¢ y always Joved portraits, and + hi yea ofits & witer sant of exelsd : may go around like a walking phaio us, without he ventilation, | the 1 ® of the room buttons and lorguos win) o, may be et pic with a minia-| is applicable to witting rooms in dea bed plas pot 0 man | per dearest girl friend, or it may be tain the Jatt ‘at a ressonable warmth. | merely the pictate of some old beat!s We are not among those who bold s {desl and gone. As a rule, | wens it decent mach sen So lobg &f it cansot always be the girl ¥5C bedroom Sry to be unhealthy, Of course | indulged in for she ix kveping o)) with tie fashionable many reasons, but that is bo argument | procession she Tepls that she is perfectly agwinet ity wisdom. The pr all ght and thy ress doesn t attr. ing ue in the matter of ventilation and | warming down stairs ought be re Cape Are Detarsing. | meinbered when we matire to Test, and, Flaely adios poe slowly and PTD if 4 bedrooss is & cold toe, compensation | (Juctantly, but purely, returning to th | must be found in extra clothing, though ty little ony) headdrssses that Wer (hig does not secere delicate people from | r many vench 8 eects of a direct mrond of father, these respec i equally so fo bedcham- is all Mos. Weitner in foud of ber profes. cha 1 sind ner "any atreme may bo Jeft as they are, with felt, 7 i a soward mating old . wa will go wh . faabioned drow attractive, | Gerrans Goma oot Porton socipared with the eduasied. The same may be said of the Ignorant woman. | Therefore, let the young woman be | early tawght that a lite worth Living is, within her reach. Theres. are but few, with averag phy that ther may not obtain an S atioa! that will enable them 8 live ative the | bread of dependence, With the many svennes of learning open before her and | a determination th overcome enay ob- stacle, she will wsoceed beyond her ex- | our | ble latak, 2 sw yu ern tn pu} ne #0 nnifors and becoming. Mavl the expowar: inevdental to undresmiog in | , Bodily beat headdresses, mostly in Jace aul ge be kept up during sleep, fox there on xhade of petunia, whith iy gothing aon: dangerous of watumbor- | peach to plum snd is al ile than to wake feeling cold | f against gray pair 01 | bot water hottie, to, 3 not © or ven sozotines when thers in Pref. | erince is ofkca given ky country people { ntagof nun, ata mit ur nd eet: friends whem east s when there EE ; 81 bevel? for uaefainem. she will find fd, and the rwenrd of wo 1 Grivg will be a suse of}. Ji7 and gratitade to er —Unnla 5 in Boston Womiam's Jourual. semble these of our gre | ever aa they wre Progress In China. i Once of the frst oftielal sots «f tha jer Li Hong Chang spin which < the Flowery Kingdnn was : — volte health cover.
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