not mm | able vending fen paver, Hines, among the | hard to mit thst Big genio was at} th ii were lariier supposed | faslt, bat be did 2 with 8 good grace | 2 ee the potency of medicinal | and without resereRtion : iy a Herb the bibaiiiy in which grown and “letre-l suppose yin ew that com- Bey Ahi mwereripe attending their enliection edy of mine?" be wasinying to a friend. : ; of thi grostest doaporianee, The! “Yes Imawit’™ i ath nlie second of the tnteadaction | “In Jouking over the hove: I was) a4 1 plants into enitivated | foreed \n the sotciashon that a great | my phat $4 grand dates pn farther tok | peany peopl were faniime it, and 1 was than the sone of the elder Pliny, 25.79 | afraid yoo mieht by oie of them, AD, who writes of ile ga den of Awe “¥en 1 ataid Bll the very end’ p in the toning Caster, at Roma fn wiovly were! “It wasn't 8 very hilarious cocasion, : Jorge nombir of medicinal | was a : : step may have iden tuncn “Not very, 1 wort ndmit. Itmay bel 0 ¥ treks Chinese orl the T didn’t eatoh the spirit of the| | aver. tiving. I hear so much abont the density | pid ioting yoonks of north. | of avliences that | emipeet i was doe aly great sftention to (he | fo my ra lack of appreciation thet 1 ers to embrace on crmsdinl Barbe and devoted | conldn’t jet enthugiastin. But mome of | The an mportint proportion of the monas- | it wae mecaiiedly ome fanit. Yom Ar to this patposs. This prac- misled." 2 oueied beyond the Alps, | hl 13 Ey § tal wir “Yon told me it uy #oing to be a) DEULUE in 3 2 FTWO0 neh tery of St Gail, fanny play.’ TY i | etry cap land, # cHimtant from Lake “That' y what I gat tor tering fo be a | Waenin % mbol Constance, hinh contuined 14 plots oc- | prophet. 1 was sure it bad all the symp | vai sed by tnedicinal plants. A garden | toms when I startnd ia with Tre} 4 wtacter was foanded in 1800 at garded it ne 8 masterpiece of effarves another | i Vepicn in 1530, cont hilarity.” Rails B : is In ‘Ahi Be wonks founded | You worn wrong That was tho grest f- met the. wan 4 fn iberty and 2 longer arate; eo “Civitas Hippoorat- | diffdnity with the pisce—it was 60 | hips. Bat 1 snl ow y Cassino, in Campania, | sotater. You most pardon my frank: | Gaptoe si te 4 Bees DOE (hal performance was positive | © . it pot the first Iv: ony” fae aril established in Co Aly oi, vio dent speak advhedily i it a “physics garden.’ | Your content pag te w pntifed by your 2 Sete Meminly. pit ot view, bist it town's eower the | OMNRON BORE RAILROAD grime Dusty axeeptinanday.| : gp rd ahve of fas Bat ests in the | NAIR 19 sees HIGEWRY #8 ©) ng - . : en asbiarg SUF a mL Arriving os & ious products. | The Bovhommn Rihard wae an un Bee. are aeky ship. Paul Jone himesil on tak “Eat yin shoul { ture Teen with me, | aves Cherm ; oe nal with. ech, ; com of her sl Lorient, Pranee, | vn on the stage % ban von teahd waited Ya — —t : Hlatal otter about bee | © 10 wodtieigen, Py he we vod ; Le a and hue forecartle aaabubel,” | i ey te bay EXURIT BUND ¥ on different Jahgoages are spo- The Senge df {he Navajors. han : Fan in wy forveastin,'' said Jones, dis- ith ihe phonograph wa may pote | SOUTHWARD. I mayed af the uppenratice cf Tis motley | doen whist fr exactly the mosioal we b.2 5 ict i BEE Grenet an origina svpige. Ta "The Land | : wo dats out at so the Boghommoe of Seneiine” is wi article entitled | Richard was fouled by ber consort, the | “Songs af ti Natnjoen.’! and there are Hinges, Hind hind ber jib boom and fore- | notes of (he mosic, an pecordad on the | ad away. Jones then pot | phanographic evhinders, sovarately seor- petfictly convinced of ed. Mr John Comfort Fillmore writes: ] ip. Botthrough From the standpoint of the scientific LR A % :} i : mr le Ease 8 » ssLxase om BEE BS. En = ne — aL SmpaspeatinEn grragRazhs" | ts SEUDE . ent be fou A 114 American | student of folk song. sil these Navajo | | seamen who Jo hind just Leen released from songs which 1 huve had the opportanity | English firisonx by ¢ seungt Amang | to study sre extremely interesting. This | Richard whom Jones at | interest, 100, ix of several different Tata The kinda, The Navayoes, like all other mak. = “ RETR ow om ot i i mb medio of postie wn tie wg e | ) 1. a. W00D, sion, and it is very interesting to note a A : Cont Pa. Aut quality of meioly they employ for Be EAGLE VALLEY X , One may note the range | Ba Nov. 1, 108, ioe amd tho geatiy of tone | ~ Week Pays. ~~ Northwaed a EE ’ the traditions of woble deeds, the memo- iris of good sud bad fortunes received | ut the huods of the gods, all are record. {ed sud banded down in the sooge of | the Tarim scicin Ee A Pertimesit Query. : Dencels Do yo’ fink yo' kood sapport mab danghuiz ef bid mar- ried her! Jim Tackson—Satiing'y x Deacon Johnsove—Fao yo' cher seen | eye. | her ent? Jim Fnckson—Satingly. w! Deacon Johnson. ~iiab yo! ebber men with bet sat then nalaiiy was watchin her? | Pramia Yan had, incloding the pres sat King, who is als) German emperor, | « sywen kings. The The royal hones of Hoben- |and the yotiern was ostablivhed by Frederick ’ » William ot Braudsoburg in 170% jr. . A DuBose ns Some rion seotie are told of the sw ways of (be neweomr to Bouth Africa | 1" p. | It ix mid that RentoUly 8 Froth Stet d Be TEA br ‘was imported for an of the Neth- Sher hb, bed | Beslametes : | erlands (Transvaal) railway. The geo: ra rea day, (madre | Sn Joaver Karthams 1 |= tleroan in auaetion was born in Hol-|" : __inwp mead ames Rn Iaaves [arias bt jand, znd took thence an alarmaing 2 NORTH. ew — SOUTH. TRAINSLEAYE KEATING. | ra Durtog the uapack- | “AF K3 Ms nd RS is. | Famwnct. Weert. fon ing of ote of his largest box-—an per - He { : Faia fk $0 Tis: LAS 0 Bu | ation wliich was watched with interest K m Tratn 12 Traits 15, 4 5 Po 180 | to by several of the callow Youth's col i 1 Trad 320 for Rn wad, | leagues--& bright, nirw steel spade came 2 Gen. M 2 Gin, Pus Ai | et a rr | Eo rm i" Ts that for?’ “1 thought,” re : OT. MARYS AND MOUTH W y- | plied, in. all innocence, the youth, "I seb S Hoel TIME Tanve | thought 1 might do a little gold dig- bw . : ake ct itr Ang. 17, Tee, pe | ging in my leisure hours. ''—Westmin- smh | (7a. 1 fi un | ster Gasetta q | Hew Severe Are Propsgaied. qk ge : ig 2 ’ Sd : STATIONS. There are a great many thiugs which | 17 3 Ht the scientists of today are not able to ; explain, and a great many others over | | which they have friqoent discussions, | am 3 owing 1 a differencn of opinion. The method by which sponges ary propagated | when left to themselves is ove of these mooted scientific questions. Some de clare that they aro reproduced from trope gs others are equally positive | that they are propagated from bude — | Bt. Louis Hepublic. Only mes. “Do you mean to say.’’ said the soul ful young woman, “hat you havepever | - yet met the woman Whose presence and an] touch thrilled vour whale being in an ns utterly indescribable manner: oF Supe “*Omly once,’ ill the Yeaty young | nin 50 makes bushel | man. “It was shen | was in the bands | Caton Georg ae uoky aud of a vOnau dentist, '-London A % VOIR & Fw ag La op : ami oe 4 A Re i SesRcaBsEEARERERECHRED| iy Fl eommommmmnmmornintat [16 Bl rr {i111}
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers